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Tag Team Title Match: Unholy Alliance vs. Martial Law


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
The ratiocination of rationale reasonings...

(As our camera fades in on the Rico Suave Show, we find him pacing… In the background a video of the up and coming first edition of “WIRED” is running… And as it fades out, we focus back on Rico who is grinning from ear to ear; he comes closer to the camera, winks and begins to speak…)

RS: Welcome back to the ONE and ONLY best wrestling show on the planet… The Rico Suave show!!! (Laughs) Yea, yea, I know; you’re all just so damn happy to see me… After having to endure Tony Ross’ boring azz interviews with the likes of Maelstrom and Nemesis, I AM the refreshing breath of fresh air in your otherwise dull and mundane lives…. He should be happy that Malec decided to hire Jake Shades, now at least he can ride on Jake’s coat tail to fame… But I’m not here speak about Ross, nor am I here to speak about Shades either… Nah folks, tonight as usual I am going to speak about the Unholy Alliance, the GLCW’s flagship; the team that has time and again proven that they ARE the number one team to date… (Pauses and ponders on what he just said; he smirks, shakes his and looks into the camera again…) I guess you folks must be wondering, just what the hell is the matter with me… Here I am basically selling the UA to you, but yet in the back of your feeble little minds, you remember when I was bad mouthing them, of course they’re arrogant, they’re rude, and they’re atrocious and much worst… But they put your butts in those seats don’t they!? They have you programming the VCR’s and ordering those PPVs don’t they!? It’s all about dollars and cents, but mostly dollars; that and the fact that so far, no team has been able to dethrone the UA… And that’s what many of you come to say, the night in which the UA will finally get dethroned… Malec is going to be one rich dude, before the UA finally get dethroned… Manson, the Jobber, they finally lost their titles, does that mean that the UA is next!? HARDLY!!! Sure anything is possible, take the case of probability and possibility; and they are vast… Anything is possible, but is it probable!? I was able to catch up to the UA the other day and believe it or not I was able to get a few answers to my questions… Let’s roll the ta….

(Rico is cut off by Kraven who along with Flatliner show up behind Rico who turns to greet them with a half shocked, half nervous expression…)

KRAVEN: So this is what it looks like inside the Rico Suave show… Doesn’t look like much for the money JC is paying…

RS: Hey guys, what’s up!? JC doesn’t pay for this he has nothing to do with my show…

(Kraven smirks and grabs Rico by the back of his neck Flatliner just glares at him…)

KRAVEN: What’s up with all the azz kissing Rico!?

RS: Hey, I was just speaking the truth and I was about to show the interview, you guys allowed me to tape… You’re hurting my neck Kraven; can you let go now….

KRAVEN: Sure… But you aren’t going to show that interview, that’s old news now, that’s why we’re here… We came to give you an up to the minute news flash…

(Stares into camera, Flatliner just stares at Rico, who tries not to look at him, but the camera catches him staring from the corner of his eyes, his face shows that he is nervous as he begins to smirk nervously…)

RS: And what would that me!?

KRAVEN: THAT, my unscrupulous little friend is that WE, the Unholy Alliance have decided to make Malec’s and every single tag team lives he sends our way a living hell… We are going to tighten the thumb screws tighter each and every time… Now take this Martial Law team we are to face at the first ever “WIRED”… Do they stand a chance!? Is there a possibility that they can emerge the tag team champs!? There are always possibilities there’s always a chance but not today, not even tomorrow… Maybe when we decide to fade off into the sunset; and that’s no time soon… Why am I so confident that Martial Law will face defeat!? It’s nothing personal guys, we’re in the business of staying on top, the view is great, the air much fresher and the woman much finer and yes, we can’t forget the main reason… The MONEY!!!
You add that to the fact that the big man and myself just don’t give a rat’s azz about any rules that the GLCW wants to impose, they don’t apply to use, we make our own rules guys… So how do you prepare!? How do you train!? Don’t know the answer!? It’s real simple, you DON’T!!! You CAN’T!!! So the best things you can do is pray, and practice how to play dead… (Smirks) If you think it’ll help… Don’t get me wrong we do not underestimate anyone, and you two are no exception… We have watched you from afar, studied your moves looking for the chink in the armor and we have…

RS: Is that what you owe your success to, your prowess!?

KRAVEN: What the hell are you talking about!? It has nothing to do with prowess, but a lot to do with basic instincts…

(Flatliner crowds Rico who looks for comfort in Kraven… All Kraven does is smirk and pat Rico on the back…)

KRAVEN: I wouldn’t piss him off if I were you…

RS: I’m not trying to I don’t think he likes me…

KRAVEN: Flats, doesn’t like anyone, and you’re no exception… And come to think about it, I don’t like you either…
(Turns and points into camera) And that includes you also Martial Law, think about it, you’re walking into a hornet’s nest… And you’re not going to walk out being the same ever again…

(Camera begins to fade out as we see the UA turn and walk away… Rico just rubs his sore neck… Fade out…)


RE: The ratiocination of rationale reasonings...

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-03 AT 09:09 PM (EST)](Camera fades into the Flint, Michigan Courtyard Marriott hotel, where a limo pulls up out front, Ryan Youngblood and Steve Slayer get out. A few fans are waiting for autographs and they happily oblige)

Ryan Youngblood: So where you guys from?

Fan #1: We're all from Lansing.

RYB: Good, I hate this godforsaken town.. You know how long we had to wait for a cab just because we lost to Gridlock? People supposedly had money on that match.

Steve Slayer: Tell me about it, ever since we lost our first two matches, people have been treating us like sh...

RYB: Watch your mouth, we got kids here.

SS: Oh yeah, sorry. See ya later guys.

(Slayer and Youngblood walk into the hotel and the fans are stopped by hotel security as Martial Law head up to the VIP Lounge. Youngblood sticks his Keycard into the Lounge door..)

RYB: Being one of Marriott's best customers definately has it's perks.

SS: As we were saying?

RYB: haha, yeah, first two matches.. Down the tubes... so to speak. Was they both bad matches though? No, the outcomes? maybe. But, the matches were well-fought. Even though we didn't win, we learned from our experiences.

SS: Definately.

RYB: You don't need to win to get your point across. Slayer, if Id've let you beat the hell out of Gridlock with that chair, it would've proven nothing. It would have said that we're sore losers and think that losing a match is the end of the world. There is no doubt in my mind, if we were given the chance for a rematch, we definately could beat Gridlock.

SS: Well said. But, why don't we get to the matter at hand? The title match against the Unholy Alliance at Wired..

RYB: Title Match? Hah. Titles are of no consequence to me.

SS: What do you mean? You heard Kraven, he said it was good money, good air all kinds of good stuff!

RYB: I think Kraven needs a reality check. You see, we're at an advantage. You may be on top of the proverbial mountain, but we're still at an advantage. While you, with the Gold, stand high and mighty atop the GLCW "mountain" we need only look up to see who we need to be worried about. But you, you guys are champions! You can't look the same way for 2 seconds! You always have to be alert, because you never know who else wants a piece of you. We got lucky to be granted a title shot so early in our existence here in GLCW, but, we won't make the bookers regret it.

SS: We're 0-2, what makes you think we can just waltz into this match and win?

RYB: I'm surprised at you, you've been pretty unsure of Martial Law. I think that's been our downfall. A team is built on confidence, if you think we don't have a chance, then thats exactly right. If you think we don't have a chance, then you're better off staying backstage and letting me take on the Unholy Alliance.

SS: Was just a question, I don't think we'll lose either. We've got experience now, we were just a little rusty. We almost won our last match. I don't see why we won't dominate.

RYB: We have the potential. We just needed some in-ring experience. With that having been achieved i see no reason why we can't be the most dominant tag team in the GLCW. I have the strength, you have the agility. It's a deadly combination.

SS: But what about wired? This is the first ever broadcast.

RYB: Yeah, pretty cool idea. I think everyone should tune into this event. Theres going to be many surprises, I'm sure. It will be well worth your time. Especially our tag team match.

(Fade out)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
Amongst the hungry wolves....

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-03 AT 10:11 AM (EST)](Fade to the GLCW logo and as it fades off, we see previews of the up and coming, first ever “WIRED”, one match stays longer on the screen, “ The Great Lakes Tag Team Title Match…. Champions: Kraven and Flatliner vs. Martial Law”… That fades off into a collage of the UA; it starts off with showing Flatliner as he rose among the ranks, fading off to Kraven’s climb also; from there it starts to show them as a tag team from beginning to present… It then fades off to Flatliner, laying on the hood and windshield of a black Humvee; wearing his usual black attire, the NEH/UA emblem is evident on the front of his tee shirt… His solemn appearance coming closer into view…)

FLATLINER: I know what you’re thinking… I know of the animosities that dwell deep inside your wretched souls, you hate us with a passion; you despise us for being what you cannot… (Smirks) All that smack you talk about us falls on deaf ears, for we neither care nor do we put any value to your words of wisdom… The hard fact here is that no matter how hard you try, no matter what you do, we’re always a few steps ahead of you… The Movement, Xanatos, Kurtel, Maelstrom, Golem and even Jean Rabesque, just to name a few have come to realize that, but there are still a few of you out there that think otherwise… You all think that you have found the chink in our armor, so you prod it, you poke it… Your smack, your trash talking, your opinions, even your personal attacks towards us, just prove even more what I’m saying; You can’t beat us physically, so you try the verbal approach; And as you realize that even THAT does not work, you look for different ways to confront us…. Stubbornness is not a virtue, it’s a curse; just like history, you failed to comprehend that, so you are doomed to repeat it… And repeat it each and every single time you go for the brass ring, you will fare no different than those who came before you… You may have a plan, you may even think that you have all the pieces to the puzzle, it don’t matter… Doesn’t mean a damn thing what you have, what you possess or even how you think… It’s all irrelevant and it all falls on deaf ears… So tell me Martial Law, what part of what I have said don’t you understand!? Which sentence do you want me to ram down your throats first!? And which one of you wants to be first!?

(Camera begins to fade off into yet another “WIRED” commercial and from there to several other commercials before we come into view of Kraven… Standing in front of the brick wall we have seen them at before… His appearance also is solemn, his eyes beamed in on the lens of the camera… We notice that while he wears black and red attire, his tee-shirt shows a flaming skull with two snakes slithering out of its eye sockets… The camera goes for a face shot…)

KRAVEN: Many times I ask myself just what will it take to make you realize that there’s not a damn thing you or anyone else can do to bring about change… How many times must we beat you to the ground before it sinks in your skulls that no matter what, you will always come up short!!! Say what you will, do what you must, but afterwards don’t start making excuses as to why, you were found lacking… Just face facts and be big enough to know when you were bested, there’s no shame in losing to us; (Smirks cynically) after all we are the very best that the GLCW has, time and again we have proven that… But like Flats says, you just hate to admit that you just don’t have what it takes, no way, no how, any of you will beat us… Do I sound like some egotistical, self -embellishing braggart!? Well that’s your opinion and you’re welcome to it; I’m just speaking what I know, what I have seen and most important what I have proven… Like Caesar, “we came, we saw and we conquered”… But unlike him, we’re here to stay!!! To stay on TOP and no one can change that!!! Many will say they came close, but in this business coming close don’t cut it, almost winning is the same as losing… Try not to kid yourselves Martial Law; wishful thinking isn’t going to help make your dreams come true… And your silence up until now doesn’t faze us one way or the other; The Movement tried the walls of silence and you saw what it got them… NOTHING, nothing but a whole lot of disappointments!!! So you think that me and the big man are at a disadvantage, eh Youngblood!? You really think that you have the edge over us simply because we are the hunted!? (Smirks cynically) Do you really think that makes us less dangerous!? I think the one that needs the reality check is you Youngblood, you need to realize that we are on the top of the food chain, while you are crawling your way up to the proverbial mountaintop… And just when you think you have reached the mountain’s peak, we’ll be there to kick you back down; just like we’ve done since day one to all those who THINK they have reached the top… You will be no different… You think simply because you have had two matches that you have the experience to take us on!? Think again Martial Law; that’s nothing more than wishful thinking, you’re 0 and 2 now and after the smoke clears at wired, you WILL be 0 and 3… You think that Malec has tossed you a bone, by giving you this title match!? No such luck my friend, all he has done is thrown you to the wolves… US!!! You see guys, we ARE the most dominant team in the GLCW, we are like you said on top of the proverbial mountain and we intend on staying there for a very, very long time… The fact that you feel that you have “potentials” and think that you can be a dominating factor here in the GLCW, is your right, but it doesn’t mean squat to us… Time is drawing near Martial Law, very near….

(Camera slowly begins to fade into a GLCW promo…. It then fades to black….)



(Camera fades into Ryan Youngblood and Steve Slayer in a familiar setting, the VIP lounge in the Courtyard Marriott, the hotel they're staying at. There, they are sitting with 2 different sets of tag team titles, draped over each shoulder. They both have an never seen look of intensity in their eyes. They just sit in their chairs, staring at the camera.)

Ryan Youngblood: <laughing> You can list all of the people that you have "laid waste to" throughout your whole career, but, it doesn't make a difference. You see, Kraven, Flatliner, I'm not Maelstrom, I'm not Golem, I'm not Jean Rabesque.

Steve Slayer: We're not the Movement, We're not Gridlock.. We're Martial Law.

RYB: It's quite obvious that you're underestimating us, and that's fine. You're letting your pride get to you. That's going to be your downfall. You don't know us. You may think you do, but what you've seen from us and what you're going to see are two entirely different entities, my friends. The Martial Law of yesterday is gone, The Martial Law of today is something to fear. And whether you're at the top of the mountain, or you're 20 feet below sea level- rest assured, you're time will come. The time has come for you, Unholy Alliance.

SS: I guess you're sitting there, wondering, 'What the hell are those belts on their shoulders, this isn't some other organization, it's the GLCW!' Yeah, well, I think we gave off the wrong impression. It seems like the Unholy Alliance is making the mistake of thinking that we're rookies, losing two matches so far in our whole career. Ryan and I have been a dominating team for about 5 years now, and these two belts are just a taste of the gold we've attained.

RYB: Kraven, I like you. It's no secret, I've always thought of myself as a "top-dog" here in GLCW. It's a matter of pride, and I know that I am a great wrestler, I just need to settle in a little bit. However, Kraven, there's a fork in the road between you and me. You have made the mistake of thinking that you're a team at the top of your career, and there is not a damn thing anyone can do to knock you off of that plateau. Well, maybe you were right---until now. You see, me and Slayer, we're known for being the underdogs in big matches. But, we don't sweat the big stuff. Thats a strength of ours. Most teams would feel pretty nervous going into a match like this. Or, as Kraven put it "Being thrown to the wolves". Well, I'm sure Mr. Malec had something on his mind when he booked this one.... Ratings! Nobody wants to watch the Unholy Alliance either. The people at home are going to tune in for one reason and one reason only. To see me, to see slayer, to see MARTIAL LAW beat the Unholy Alliance within an inch of their pathetic existence.

SS: You see these belts? <he throws them on the ground> They don't mean s*** to us. They're the past. Those days are behind us. We've been in many organizations and when we left we made sure all other competition were totally wasted. These belts aren't an achievement for us, these belts are a DUE. Flatliner, Kraven, make no mistake about it. Wired, this match, it will something that most fans will never forget. It will be one for the ages. Why? Well because you're going to see relatively unknowns in this area, Martial Law, bring a very painful end to the Unholy Alliance.

RYB: You claims make no difference to me. You two don't scare me, you never will. You're at the top of the mountain, for now. But you just never know when that avalanche is going to come, you're going to lose concentration for JUST ONE MINUTE, and then, pals, and then Martial Law will relinquish that coveted "top spot". Maybe Malec has no real justification in making this match. Maybe he just wants us to get our asses kicked. Well, if that's the case, then we've got a surprise for Malec too. He's going to see a different Martial Law. A more focused, a more intense Martial Law. Don't think of us as "Another easy victory" because we're far from it. I don't think there is any way you can beat us. But, if Lady Luck is on your side, or you somehow use a weapon without the ref seeing it, which wouldn't surprise me, if that happens, you can rest assured that we did give it our all, and we WILL put up one hell of a fight. But, don't think you're going to get as fortunate as the last team that fought us, because, quite simply put, we're ready for you. We know your strengths, we know your weaknesses, we've watched films of you, we know what you're going to be up to. Don't lose concentration for one second, because I'll be waiting for it, Slayer, Slayer will be waiting for it too. We're ready for this, we're focused. This match isn't going to be a walk in the park for you. And it will end with us not only taking your spot at the top of the mountain, it will end with us kicking you off the mountain entirely.

SS: You two better be ready. Because the clock is ticking.

(Fade out)

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