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Team V.I.A.G.R.A. - "If We Last Longer Than Four Hours, That's a Long Fucking Show"

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UTA Hall of Famer and All-Around Nice Guy
Staff member
Jan 6, 2005
Los Angeles, CA, formerly PA
Team V.I.A.G.R.A. - "If We Last Longer Than Four Hours, That's a Long Fucking Show"

You guys have too many cool people handling here for me to not to show up! I can't say I'll make every show, but I should be good enough to make most.

Handler Information

Name: Thomas Ford
Email Address: fordianslip@gmail.com
Preferred Method of Handling: Feds that decide things with coin tosses. Or ones who have “sandwich” bitches. I will get people sandwiches for months if I can eventually yell “GET ME A SANDWICH BITCH!” at our newest recruit. I miss that.
Best Way to Contact You: forum pm, e-mail or facebook. But with ALL services, just cause I’m ONLINE doesn’t mean I’m actually THERE. But I will do what I can to get back to you. Fri is primarily my free writing day, best to catch me then. Although if you’re up way early that’s a good way to get me too since I work nights on the west coast. I do use AIM too, but not much lately.
eWrestling Experience: Shit-ton everywhere. Thefwo.com, internetwrestling.org (owned it, bitches [TM JESSE PINKMAN]), Jolt, NFW, EPW, CSWA, PRIME, the Asylum
How did you find Defiance?
Uh, you guys are on my radio show? On my home boards?

Writing Sample
I wrote ¾ of this : http://nfw.e-wrestling.org/content.php?p=results&id=171

And this is the last thing I wrote:

Last VIAGRA Thing I wrote:
High Flyer vs. Tony Davis

One of my personal favorite rps:

My favorite Segment I’ve ever done:

Wrestler(s) Information

Ring Name: “The Lunatic” Jack Harmen
formerly known as “the Time Traveling, Snow Selling Friendly Neighborhood Lunatic” High Flyer
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 224 lbs. (Actually 206 lbs. – billed larger)

Hailing From: Los Angeles, CA
Alignment: Face (Note: Harmen will not hesitate to do a heelish thing if presented with the opportunity and it will be selfishly beneficial for him or those he cares about. That being said, I don’t plan to put him into that situation in the foreseeable future)

Gimmick: Crafty ring veteran who is either playful and colorful, or vengeful and crazy.

The key to Jack Harmen? As written by someone from the FWO, probably Pants.
“It's unclear whether he (Jack Harmen) is a sane man playing at insanity, or a deranged man (pretending to be) sane.”

Theme Song: “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne

Wrestling Style: Jack Harmen is an agile wrestler. He used to be the fastest man in the game, but at age 37, he’s lost a few steps and needs to rely on his agility. Primarily, Harmen’s philosophy revolves around throwing his opponents off their game, taking away whatever advantage his opponent has over him in some way, and generally doing whatever seems like “fun.” Sometimes that means flying off the titan tron with a lucha dive. Other times it involves Harmen sitting in the middle of the ring refusing to fight. It all depends on the circumstances. Generally, Harmen will focus on the skull of his opponent, as his knock out move is the Locomotive, but he won’t hesitate to work the legs on someone with a chronic leg injury and try to lock in his old submission maneuver.

For the most part, Harmen’s wrestling style is about making his opponent go, “Damnit, that guy’s a DICK, why can’t I pin him?”

Began as a luchador wrestler in Mexico. Came to the states and did hardcore for a year. Then focused on flippy mainstream suicidal diving. Then got hurt, so he focused on technical ability. Then tried submission work but found it “boring.” Now he’s a general mix of a technical luchador, with a base knowledge in all fields.

Three Weaknesses:
Over-confidence / emotions – His ego gets him into trouble. Very easily. Look! There’s a picture of me on a billboard. SPLAT. His falls from grace usually come quickly and violently due to his own hubris. He will also let his emotions get the better to him. Think of him as an impulsive yet successful toddler.

Strength – Harmen is on the smaller side, therefore a few of his “bigger impact” grapple moves can’t be done on larger opponents. Harmen’s strikes are not about STRENGTH, they are about QUICKNESS and STUNNING an opponent. He is easily tossed around. Think Rey Mysterio being held by Kevin Nash thrown into production trucks every day easy to throw around.

Injuries – Harmen had a minor tear in his left ACL in 2000, and reaggravated the injury in 2001. He’s had numerous broken bones and a single concussion. Plus, numerous small scars and past burns. Harmen is a beaten battered man, who keeps getting up asking for more.

Three Strengths:
Quickness / Agility: A great center of gravity, able to run the top ring ropes for three to five steps before flying (like taker), and has a tendency to land on his feet like a cat. This can be a BAD thing when someone works the knees.

Tenacity / Durability: Harmen will sell like a KING, being KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT, but it takes a LOT for Harmen to eat the three, especially during big matches. Don’t get me wrong, Harmen will lose, and he loses MORE than he wins, AND he has NO problems tapping, but during big matches or heated feuds, it’s like he has an extra tank of gas and he’s lit that shit on fire.

Experience: 20 years in the sport, at age 37, gives him an edge over quite a lot of other competitors. More times than not, Harmen is in the right place at the right time. He can also be VERY creative with the rules of professional wrestling.


Taunts: Single or double hand devil horn / metal head taunt
Falling to the mat and making “snow angels.”

Ten regular moveset moves:

1) Corkscrew Suplex
2) Traveling Through Time (Top Rope Cartwheel’d elbow drop, can be done standing but less impressive)
3) Sliced Bread # 3 (Same as 2)
4) ***** ½ Frogsplash (Just a cool frogsplash that Harmen can land on his feet if his opponent moves too early)
5) FlyerDriver (Michanoku Driver) [Rarely Used – due to head spike]
6) Dragon SLEEP! (Inverted Dragon sleeper, usually only done to masked wrestlers – so he can unmask them while the hold is in [usually heel only])
7) Legsweep inverted ddt
8) Springboard Shooting Star Press to Outside
9) neckbreaker
10) Duck a clothesline into a German Suplex (sometimes w/ a bridge)

2-5 trademark moves:

1)Cold Snow (Dual Palmed Neck Hook Implant DDT – good transition / comeback / outta nowhere move that isn’t a finisher – but theoretically could be)
2)Hypothermia (Double Underhook Brainbuster – Good move to use when Harmen controls a match in the late middle while trying to put away opponent)
3) Springboard Lou Thesz Press to inside w/ Punches (Very Regular Usage – should try to work it into every match if you can)

1 Finishing Move: Locomotive (Running Yakuza Kick)
Alt Submission Finisher: Peaceful Slumber (Elevated Boston Crab) [Hardly Used]

1 "MDK" (murderdeathkill) Finishing Move Flying Moon Shot (Picture Perfect Top Rope Moonsault) 
 [Should only be used once a year, if then – bad knees.]

Wrestler(s) Information

Ring Name: Tony Davis
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 278 lbs

Hailing From: Mt Laurel, NJ

Alignment: Goofy Loveable Face

Theme Song (solo): "The Real (Infinity Guitars" lyrics by Childish Gambino, music by Sleigh Bells

Gimmick: Former collegiate wrestler (attire: Rick Steiner lite).

When Davis suffers a concussion – he will have a Flintstones like reaction. One shot to the head turns him docile and gentle and aluft (usual personality), a second shot will cause him to go into a murderous PRETZEL YOU UP psychopath)
Has a tendency to interject random non sequiturs. Tells a lot of bad jokes. Likes to mention he fucks Harmen’s sister (his wife) on the reg. Big portable gamer who will routinely have a new 3DS every week (When he goes heel, he starts playing Vita).

He also put out an ill-received rap record in the mid 90's that Brian Austin Green wouldn't have published where he went by the name "Two-Tone Tony"

Wrestling Style: Strong traditional mat-wrestler. Very strong powerhouse.

Three Weaknesses: 1.) easily distracted by shiny objects or randomness 2.) chronic left shoulder injury 3.) easily manipulated 4.) Routinely forgets he’s actively wrestling

Three Strengths: Strength. Loyalty. Experience.


Ten regular moveset moves:

1) Short Arm Clothesline
2) Powerbomb
3) Powerslam
4) T-Bone Suplex
5) DDT
6) The Big Swing / Airplane Swing too
7) Feigning disinterest
8) Playing with his Nintendo 3DS
9) Eating Ice Cream Sandwiches from the cooler inside of his trunks
10) Basically, any sort of regular suplex / throws / bombs – he’s the powerhouse of the team.

2-5 trademark moves:

1) "Shhhhh..." (Sleeper hold, crowd shouts "shhhh" before a rear sitout sleeper drop)
2) "Oooooh" - traditional British bulldog delayed vertical duplex (With crowd "Oooooh!" noise to accompany it).
3) Eireachdail (Top Rope Inverted Suplex)

1 Finishing Move: Equalizer (Double under hook tiger bomb)

1 "MDK" (murderdeathkill) Finishing Move (Optional) n/a
Wrestler(s) Information

Ring Name: Mary-Lynn “MayFly” Mayweather
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 128 lbs

Hailing From: McCandless, PA

Theme Song: "Burn it Down" by Ice Cream Fire (Featuring Joey Kirk)

Alignment: Friendly affluable Face

Gimmick: Child genius who passed the bar at age 24, but found the law game boring. She still practices on the side. She is the Public Relations / Twitter Operator / spokeswoman for the group. Too kind to be a professional wrestler.

Wrestling Style: Somewhat inexperienced but very proficiently skilled. If she messes up a maneuver (which will happen more with her than other wrestlers), it’s because she’s not used to wrestling in front of a large group of people. She spent the majority of her career as a manager, and maybe has had 30 professional matches on a large stage in her career. As such, she’s not as confident as she should be, considering her years of training.

Trained by Harmen, Lindsey Troy and Sonny Silver, she’s crafted a unique ring style focused on quick strikes, agility, and sound solid technical wrestling.

She will not be able to lift the majority of her opponents off their feet, however.

Three Weaknesses: 1.) Youth / Inexperience 2.) Size / Power 3.) Will not cheat whatsoever – Even in Hardcore matches if she can avoid it (Which puts her at odds with Harmen a lot)

Three Strengths: Loyalty, intelligence, and compassion


Ten regular moveset moves:

1) Sliced Bread # 4 (Same as 2 / 3)
2) *** ¾ Frogsplash (Cannot land on feet if missed)
3) Arm Drag
4) School boy / flash pins
5) monkeyflip
6) Forearm Sleeper (w/ drop)
7) Corkscrew Suplex (200 lbs & less)
8) Swanton Bomb
9) Springboard moves (missle dropkicks, arm drags, double knee press to fallen / standing opponent)
10) High leg clotheline (w/ cartwheels / headspins / flips used at times)

2-5 trademark moves:

The Great Sonny(Twisting Uranage Spinning lift into double knee rib breaker)
Breathtaker(Fireman's carry into double knee gutbuster)
Final Verdict(Double Underhook Front-Face Plant)
Sleepy Time(Modified Peaceful Slumber – Jericho’s WCW Crab)
M-Kicked(Charging Yakuza Kick)

Finishing Move: Mississippi River Explosion (Top Rope Corkscrew Palm Strike to the chest or head) / Locked in Legalese (STF w/ overhead cravate headhook)

1 "MDK" (murderdeathkill) Finishing Move (Optional) n/a

Music : “Happy Go Sucky Fucky" by Die Antwoord (Strobe lights necessary)

What do the initials stand for? “Violent Intellectual Athletes Gaining Rapid Attention.”

Back in 1999, Tony Davis was a young entrepreneur attempting to sell "Nads" to the general public. "Nads," of course, is the ill-named product that was conceived as an alternative for women to shave their legs with.

Later in the year, while looking for a hobby, Flyer stumbled upon a supernatural snow machine, that would allow him to sell snow from the sky. In early 2000, he went around trying to sell snow to people, drawing the ire from Tony Davis.

In May of 2000, High Flyer and Tony Davis appeared out of a time machine from three months in the future, each holding the IWO Tag Team Championship straps, before clocking the winning opponents of the Main Event. One month later, the two reconciled, realized they had a lot in common, and became tag team champions. They would go on to hold the belts a record tying six months, before losing them to Team Tampax. Tony Davis would then lose his career attempting to win the IWO Heavyweight Title, before Flyer was severely injured in early 2001.

Fast forward three months, a mysterious Trenchcoated individual had begun to harass the IWO and it's employees. Eventually, this "Trenchcoat Man," or "Trenchie" had begun to receive threatening and ominous letters/signs. The tormentor of IWO called out his own tormentor, only to reveal the recovered and returning from injury High Flyer. During the match, Flyer exposed Trenchie's hood, revealing Tony Davis, and the two would start a war that would last months. Revolving around Tony's jealously of Flyer's spot in the company, Tony's consuming romance with Tammy Cradle, whom he had no idea with Flyer's divorced sister, and Flyer's inability to forgive Davis for what he did. They battled it out to a bloody climax, where the two finally broke down and forgave one another for all the atrocities they'd committed to one another.

Team VIAGRA then set their sights on various other independent leagues, specially jOlt where they would win the tag team championships 2 times. Eventually, Flyer got the call to join the FWO, and Davis would remain on the sidelines, watching. In January of 2004, Tony Davis came to Flyer's rescue as a recently signed member of the roster. However, Flyer had already made new allies that he considered family, the Legion of Dairy. Flyer sided against Davis and wrestled the Dairy's old allies, the LoD2k3 in a trios match. In it, Flyer botched a move, injuring Tony Davis' shoulder, and putting him on the shelf for years.

The next time Tony Davis would step into a ring was in January of 2008. Rehabilitated, Team VIAGRA reformed and headed over to PRIME, where they would eventually win the tag team titles three times. They would also be joined by their freebird partner, Mary-Lynn Mayweather, Flyer's prized student and manager. Viagra would also go on to win the Squared Circle's tag team championships three times during this time period. When the FWO was resurrected in 2009, all three members of VIAGRA received employment. Mary-Lynn Mayweather became a stand out in the cruiserweight division and tag division with Team VIAGRA 2.0 partner David Noble, while Tony Davis floundered in comedy gimmicks and segments. Since the FWO's closure in 2010 and PRIME's disassembling of the tag team division, Davis has only been used as a background character in NFW and EPW promos, until Team VIAGRA's reformation, in 2011.

In EPW, Viagra challenged for the tag titles (w/o Mayweather backing them) a few times, but were unsuccessful. Eventually fired, they fought through the King of the Cage Tournament to be rehired during the final days of the promotion. They were not scheduled to be at Wrestleverse. Harmen meanwhile, has focused on New Frontier, as it’s World Champ. Davis and MLM have been running the Dungeon training school, preparing the next generation of athletes to embark on the sport of wrestling.

**NOTE: Viagra was originally a Freebird Trio team with Rob Kestler in 2000, before Kestler's handler retired and the character turned on Viagra. From 2001 to 2008, Viagra did not have a third.**

TAG TEAM FINISHER: Natural High(Tony Davis does a backflip or twisting rock bottom(depending on size of opponent) from the top turnbuckle to the center of the ring. With great timing, Davis rolls out of the way just as Harmen nails the *****½ Star Frogsplash into a cover.)
[Done by Davis & Harmen, mostly. MLM and Davis can do this as well, but it’s less likely, and more likely for MLM to crash on both the opponent and Davis]

Trios Finish w/ all 3:
Triple Penetration – Davis lifts opponent for powerbomb. As he drops, MLM hits a frogsplash and Harmen drops a headbutt. (NOTE: Harmen and MLM can accidently hit each other during this move – should you wish the match to continue)

Other Trademark / Potential Double Team Match Finishes:
the Viagra-Bomb(Davis will shout, "Hey! Lemme Have This Pin!" Davis lifts opponent in a rock bottom and lands him in a sit down powerbomb position. Meanwhile, Harmen codebreaker's the back of the guys head across his knees as Davis drops him. Davis then stays on top for the pin.)
[Can be utilized by Harmen / Davis, Davis / MLM, or all three. Will not usually be done by Harmen/MLM)

Locomotive - Now In Stereo! (Charging Yakuza Kick, performed by both MLM & Harmen at the same time)

IWO World Tag Team Championship x2(2000, 2002)
jOlt Tag Team Championship x2(2001)
PRIME Tag Team Championship x3(2008, 2009)
tSC Tag Team Championship x3 (2008, 2009)

Hall of Fame: PRIME Inductee [All 3 Members] (2012)
Last edited:


League Member
Apr 22, 2014
Re: Team V.I.A.G.R.A. - "If We Last Longer Than Four Hours, That's a Long Fucking Sho

Yes from me.


Apr 6, 2012
Re: Team V.I.A.G.R.A. - "If We Last Longer Than Four Hours, That's a Long Fucking Sho

I'm sorry, there's actually a voting process for this one?



Active member
Staff member
Feb 4, 2005
Re: Team V.I.A.G.R.A. - "If We Last Longer Than Four Hours, That's a Long Fucking Sho

Hire him yesterday. (Yes on the record for me)


Jan 11, 2013
The Land of Cheese
Re: Team V.I.A.G.R.A. - "If We Last Longer Than Four Hours, That's a Long Fucking Sho

This needs to be a thing that was happening last week.


Teem Vyagrah verz AYE CEE EXX plz?!


Jan 11, 2013
The Land of Cheese
Re: Team V.I.A.G.R.A. - "If We Last Longer Than Four Hours, That's a Long Fucking Sho

That's five, you only need four.

Talk to Justin and/or Jeff about your backstage access so they can set you up with a user/pass.

Talk to Brunk about getting access to the booking forum.

Welcome aboard.


Jan 1, 2000
Re: Team V.I.A.G.R.A. - "If We Last Longer Than Four Hours, That's a Long Fucking Sho

It's amazing what a little nudge on Twitter will do, hm?

Glad to see you, Ford. ;)
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