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Tez is Here!!!


League Member
Apr 1, 2008
As “No more words” plays and Tez’s logo appear on screen. A ladder is standing there and Tez shows up and puts his elbow on one of the steps of the ladder

You see that I just signed my contact to his company!!!
My name is Tez and l will show the whole roster why l want to be called the king if the ladder

Oh Yeah!!!

The most extreme risk taker there is!!!!

First thing First, The world champion!!! Don’t worry l am not asking for a title shot or a match for a chance to be in the main spot.
No, No, No

Don’t want to make a tag team and become the best team on this show. No

Just want one match with the top dog, See l am the new bleed or Newbie if you still that word. I don’t know who is the best or unbeatable here but l want a match.


Who ever that is??

Tez starts to the climb the ladder and sits on top as he looks down on the camera angel

Now, for the people that are going to say, shut up or no because l beat guys like you in second.

I am not going anywhere, if you don’t reply with someone. Then l will show up at the show and start taking out superstars that simply can’t give me an answer!!

The boss or who runs this place has not come to me and welcome because he know l am the next big thing coming and blood and tears will fall by my hands or this ladder.

I want a ladder match for my first match and there got to be a star on this roster that can step up. It does easy, just say its me, tez, you will face me in that ladder match. T-drop is my own move and will become fans favour move of the year.

I will become rookie of the year!!
No belt, l am saying that l don’t a title shot just the holder to step and take the Tez ladder match to hel1!!!!

Like l said l will show up if l don’t get a reply or just show up anywhere and get an answer

The screen fade away as Tez does his pose!!

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