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Thanks For All The FIST... Get It?


Apr 6, 2012
I’ve been in DEFIANCE for 6 years now. I’ve seen plenty of people come and go and I never wanted to add to that tally. But I guess I kinda am right now.

DEFIANCE has been totally awesome and I'm so pleased to have been a part of it all.

I’m proud of the fact that since I started I’ve not featured in some capacity on so few shows you could count them on one hand, and that includes when we did the Masters of Wrestling tournament and I was on both Heritage and Evolution.

I’m proud of the fact that I’ve held the trios titles, the SoHer title and the FIST and unified it with the World title.

But I’m most proud of the fact that I was allowed to hold the FIST for 2 full years.

For that I’d like to thank Evan, Brunk, Lee, Chris, Jeff, Renee, Blue, Jon, James, Lindz and, most of all, Justin. During those 2 years I worked with everyone there to craft, what I hope was, one hell of a story that saw an underdog victory and title run, a heel turn that not even I thought I’d be able to pull off, and hopefully one of the most anticipated title changes in DEFIANCE history.

But, as much as it may sound it, this isn’t me saying goodbye.

In fact I don’t even know if Eugene Dewey is saying goodbye at this point.

What I do know is that I’m burned out so incredibly right now and I need time away from efedding to recharge. If that’s gonna be a 6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days or 6 hours I’m not sure right now. I can confidently say that I will come back to efedding and, when I do, I won't want to come back to any place other than DEFIANCE, because I love this place and I love you guys.
Warning, here comes my sob story, so anyone that doesn’t care can hop off the bus now.

I joined DEFIANCE during a pretty rough time in my life. I did something I’ll always be completely ashamed of, and no, I’m not going to tell you all what that was. All I’ll say is that so many friendships were ruined by what happened and I wanted some way to escape being me for just the smallest amount of time.

That’s where Eugene came from. He was the person I wished I was, just turned up to eleven. I loved writing him because he was my outlet. He was the nerdy gamer who had never done anything wrong in his life.

I’ve dealt with my issues now. Eugene has helped with that considerably, but just getting on with my life, realising that what I did may have screwed things up before, but it’ll only continue to screw things up in the future if I let it helped even more. And meeting my girlfriend, who I’m pretty damn sure I’m going to make the luckiest woman in the world one day, helped the most. And because I’ve dealt with those issues there’s a part of me that thinks I don’t need Eugene anymore.

He was created by somebody that I’m not anymore, and I’m not sure I identify with him the way I used to. His story has been one of development, change and redemption, and now that’s done, he’s fulfilled his purpose.

So can I find a new purpose for Eugene?

Do I want to?

I don’t know the answer to those questions to be quite honest. I love the way Eugene’s story has come to a close right now, and I think maybe I want to leave things as they are and have Eugene ride off into the sunset, but whether I’ll feel that way in a couple of months time is anyone’s guess.
Here endeth the existential crisis in case you wanted to skip over that tale.

Just so you all know, I’m not sitting here stroking my e-peen and hoping all of you will reply to me and tell me I’ll be missed and that I’m welcome back any time. I know I’ve not been playing the game well for the last year or more, and for that I apologize wholeheartedly to everyone new and old, but especially to Brunk, Lindz, Evan and Justin. I flaked big time for the last leg of my title run and I flaked even more after it. Brunk didn’t need that to deal with, and nobody should have had to pick up my slack because of my personal issues around that time.

I don’t know how to sign off because quite frankly I’m not planning on going anywhere. I’m not saying goodbye, I’m just saying “I’m not gonna write for the shows for a while but if you’ll have me back when I get the itch I’d love it”.

Keep doing what you guys do best.


Jan 1, 2000
I had a blast writing with you, Damien, and I'm proof enough that people who leave the game find their way back more often than not. I'm already looking forward to seeing what you'll do when you return.

Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas



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