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The Chris Gethard Show


Jan 1, 2000
Hey everyone! Some of you may remember my brother Chris from way back in the day in these parts. Anyways, he's a professional stand-up comedian type person these days and getting to be pretty well known.

But his bread-and-butter is The Chris Gethard Show, which is a cable access show he hosts live in Manhattan every Wednesday night at 11 p.m.

The topic this week was professional wrestling. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing and was great. He implored me to call in and forced me to admit publicly to my long running participation in e-feds.

Colt Cabana (a frequent TCGS guest) also called in.

You should check it out at www.thechrisgethardshow.com


The Phenom
Jan 1, 2000
Salt Lake City, UT
Just checked it out—amazing. Anything with a Human Fish and a Bananaman is the work of a mad genius. Kudos for your confession; it's more than I would have the balls to do. Haha. I'm always curious to see people react to the fact that this hobby even exists. The situation you described is so typical of e-feds and pretty silly in a real world context. Loved to hear the Prodigy boards mentioned. Those were the days. At any rate, it was a cool, weird show. I'll have to keep tabs on it.

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