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The Dogs of War vs. The Movement


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
The Movement, relived

(Our cameras open on a GLCW backdrop. In from the sides of the screen comes Rocky Wellington and Shane Rockwell, the Movement -- and as always, accompanied by Britni.)

SHANE ROCKWELL: You know, things sure have come full circle for us. (Pats Wellington on the shoulder) If you remember we started it all against the High Plains Drifters. (Wellington nods in agreement) You remember fighting for the tag team straps against the Unholy Alliance? Do you remember that Rocky? We put out a great showing. But one thing eluded us. The GLCW tag team straps. (He takes a deep breath) But we've got a chance Rock, albeit a difficult one. You see, we're facing the Dogs of War -- two of the hungriest and brutal wrestlers from the independant scene. These two guys are grizzled veterans. (He puts his hand around Britni's waist) But we've been doing some of our own preparations for this match. You see, we've been over in Japan for the past three months, honing our skills and getting better each and every match. The same tag team you saw get decimated by the Unholy Alliance isn't the same team we are today. (Wellington nods in agreement again)

ROCKY WELLINGTON: (In a thin British accent) I remember that beating we took at the hands of the Unholy Alliance Shane. (Wellington holds his neck) I remember what they did to me. (Wellingon bows his head for a moment and then looks back up to the camera with a fiery determination in his eyes) But this time it will be different. This time will be different.

SHANE ROCKWELL: Exactly Rocky. We've done too much and come too far to fall short again. Dogs of War, we know you've been together for quite sometime, but when you step into the ring with the Movement, there is something that you can't underestimate -- and that's us.

ROCKY WELLINGTON: Dogs of War -- lace up your boots real tight... and when your music hits, know that once you step through the curtain your asses belong to us.

SHANE ROCKWELL: Dogs of War, we've come up short twice for those tag straps and there won't be a third failure. Quote me on that.

Jason Payne

New member
Jan 1, 2000
Great Mills, Maryland
Having a movement...

:: FADE-IN to the run down ring at the Basham-Schultz Wrestling Academy, the haunt of the Dogs of War. In the ring, Jason Payne, and Chris McMillan are seen doing some chain wrestling. PAYNE applies a hammerlock to MCMILLAN who immediately reverses by stepping back, putting PAYNE in a hammerlock of his own. Before PAYNE can counter, MCMILLAN spins around in front of him, taking PAYNE in a side headlock. MCMILLAN doesn't relent as he drops to the canvas, pulling PAYNE over in a headlock takedown. PAYNE kicks the mat as MCMILLAN sinches in the hold. PAYNE rolls over onto his stomach and slowly both men get to thier feet. PAYNE grabs MCMILLAN's shirt and pulls him into the ropes, and using the momentum, shoot MCMILLAN into the ropes. As MCMILLAN bounds off the opposite side of the ring, PAYNE goes for a clothesline. MCMILLAN ducks and springs off the other side of the ring. PAYNE turns just in time to catch a spinning heel kick from MCMILLAN. PAYNE falls to the mat and looks over at MCMILLAN as he lands from the move. PAYNE rubs his jaw and gives his tag partner a dirty look. ::

PAYNE: "Ah you bastard. I think you sprained my jaw."

:: PAYNE continues to rub his jaw as MCMILLAN rolls to his knees, and sits cross legged in the middle of the ring. ::

MCMILLAN: "It's all about ring psychology Jay. Being able to outpsyche your opponent. Once you get into his head, you can have your way with him. That was one of the things I learned over in Japan. Wrestling is about 90 percent mental. I got inside your head by not allowing you a chance to counter that hammerlock. Once you got frustrated, you lost control and you were never able to recover. Even after you threw me to the ropes."

:: PAYNE nods at MCMILLAN. ::

PAYNE: "Speaking of ring psychology, the Krimson Dragons turned out to be a much tougher team than we thought. I have to give them credit. They brought their A game. We may not have gotten the win, but I think we still showed everyone that we have what it takes to be on top of GLCW."

MCMILLAN: "Yeah they were plenty tough. Though I still wasn't too impressed with them. Word has it they left right after our match because they couldn't beat us. Oh well. I could care less. We have another match to worry about and that's our focus now."

PAYNE: "That's right. Seems like the tag straps are vacant now. I don't know all the details behind that. But all I know is that we are finally getting our title shot. And its against The Movement. I've been watching these guys at the shows over the past few weeks Chris. They are looking pretty hungry."

MCMILLAN: "Yeah they look like they want those titles. Thing is, we want them too. They seem to realize what is they are getting into. Listening to what they had to say, they at least sound like they are ready, and for that I give them props."

PAYNE: "The one thing that got to me was when they said that we shoudn't underestimate them. Now me and you have been tagging a few years now. I can't remember a match we went into where we underestimated our opponents. We have always come out of the gate charging straight ahead, no matter what the obsticles were. Does The Movement think that we are somehow looking past them?"

MCMILLAN: "Probably. It doesn't matter. What The Movement needs to realize that no matter how much they try to psych us out, the more foolish they look."

:: MCMILLAN and PAYNE face the camera. ::

MCMILLAN: "Rockwell, Wellington. Listen up. I know that you have watched us come out here week after wek and talk about how we are the Dogs of War. How our currency is our flesh and bone. And believe us when we tell you, that it isn't some phony professional wrestling gimmick. We are what we say we are and nothing less."

PAYNE: "That's right. Me and Chris have travelled up and down this long road together now for some time. We have always been up front and never hiding behind anything. Believe it when we tell you that we are coming into this match with the sole purpose of not only beating your bodies to within an inch of your life, but to walk out of there with the Tag Team Titles as well."

MCMILLAN: "Like I said earlier, we;ve been watching you guys for awhile now. It's not like we are coming into this match unprepared. We know what were up against. The question is, do you? You have experianced failure on several occasions when trying to get the tag straps. As far as the Dogs of War are concerned, you had better get used to failure, because you are going to come up short one more time."

PAYNE: "That's right. Movement, prepare yourselves for the fight of your life. I have no doubts, just as Chris, that this is going to be a war. When the dusts settles, and the bell rings, take no shame in knowing that you were beaten by the Dogs of War. It was your destiny. Just like our destiny is to wear those Tag Straps."

MCMILLAN: "Count on it..."

:: MCMILLAN and PAYNE stare fiercly at the camera as we FADE TO BLACK. ::

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