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The FMLL is online!


The Phenom
Jan 1, 2000
Salt Lake City, UT
'Ey-yo. So a lot of you know about my somewhat rabid appreciation of lucha libre. I've also talked with some of you about potentially doing some kind of concept league here on FW Central. So with that said, I'd like to extend an invitation to all of you to check out my attempt to hit both these birds with one stone, Federación Mundial de Lucha Libre -- FW Central's first lucha-centric fed!

I've already spoken to some of you about getting in on the action (wow, what a cliche "Join my e-fed! w00t!" kind of statement,) but for those of you who are hearing about this for the first time and think you might be interested in participating in such an endeavor, I encourage you to get at me or reply to this note. I don't expect any hard or long-term commitments; if this thing takes off, you may come and go as you please, but if you're curious about Mexican wrestling, or perhaps just looking for another place to RP, you should definitely give FMLL a try.

The main objective of FMLL will to be provide the FW scene with an authentic, respectful and accurate representation of both traditional and modern lucha libre. I realize that some of you are unfamiliar with everything that entails (outside of the somewhat misleading picture that was painted by WCW's cruiserweight division in the 90's), so in the coming days, I'll be posting some info that should give you a better idea of what to expect. But for now, I'll start with this thread and gague interest. So if your curiosity has been piqued or if you have any questions, GET TO IT - Hit me on AIM or reply here.


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Jan 1, 2000
I am so into this idea!

What are your thoughts on Chikara? It's my favorite promotion in the world right now. It's pretty lucha-ish.


The Phenom
Jan 1, 2000
Salt Lake City, UT
I like it alot actually.. It's a nice blend of puroresu and lucha libre, which have traditionally meshed well and influenced each other. My only exposure to it has been the off youtube clip, but I like what I see. As far as lucha libre goes, I've become an AAA guy just because they have a better roster than anyone in Mexico right now, but I favor the more traditional rule set/style employed in CMLL.
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League Member
May 21, 2008
Inland Empire, Southern California
I've become an AAA guy just because they have a better roster than anyone in Mexico right now, but I favor the more traditional rule set/style employed in CMLL.

In my opinion, CMLL comes off cleaner looking on television. AAA looks like they are taping the show out of a smokey coke bottle. I do agree that AAA has the better talent but I like CMLL's arenas, entrances and the use of video screens as a ring apron. But, AAA getting Marco Corleone and Dr. Wagner Jr. away from CMLL was awesome. It would be like TNA getting Edge and John Cena from WWE. (I would've said Triple H but AAA already has Mesias and/or Cibernetico. haha)

Man, I miss Abismo Negro. He was my favorite luchador. I totally enjoyed the way he turned face. Easily my favorite angle of 2008.

Scotty's Top 10 Favorite Luchadores!

1- Dr. Wagner Jr.
2- Jack Evans
3- El Elegido
4- Zorro
5- Alex Kozlov
6- Ozz
7- Superfly
8- Aerostar
9- Rey Bucanero
10- Rey Cometa

Three other names step out to me as well...

1- Faby F'n Apache!!-- She is easily the best female luchador. Sexy Star is good. But, Faby is hot. I wonder if I can get Una Caida.

2- Pimpinela Escarlata-- While I'm not fond of the transvestite gimmick. He makes it work for her... She makes it work for him... anyway. I think that was the first AAA match I saw on tv. Pimpi vs Polvo De Estrellas.

3- Guapito!-- The greatest manager that AAA has. Perfect that he is a mini. Even though I hate the team he manages.


The Phenom
Jan 1, 2000
Salt Lake City, UT
In my opinion, CMLL comes off cleaner looking on television. AAA looks like they are taping the show out of a smokey coke bottle. I do agree that AAA has the better talent but I like CMLL's arenas, entrances and the use of video screens as a ring apron. But, AAA getting Marco Corleone and Dr. Wagner Jr. away from CMLL was awesome. It would be like TNA getting Edge and John Cena from WWE. (I would've said Triple H but AAA already has Mesias and/or Cibernetico. haha)

Man, I miss Abismo Negro. He was my favorite luchador. I totally enjoyed the way he turned face. Easily my favorite angle of 2008.

Scotty's Top 10 Favorite Luchadores!

1- Dr. Wagner Jr.
2- Jack Evans
3- El Elegido
4- Zorro
5- Alex Kozlov
6- Ozz
7- Superfly
8- Aerostar
9- Rey Bucanero
10- Rey Cometa

Three other names step out to me as well...

1- Faby F'n Apache!!-- She is easily the best female luchador. Sexy Star is good. But, Faby is hot. I wonder if I can get Una Caida.

2- Pimpinela Escarlata-- While I'm not fond of the transvestite gimmick. He makes it work for her... She makes it work for him... anyway. I think that was the first AAA match I saw on tv. Pimpi vs Polvo De Estrellas.

3- Guapito!-- The greatest manager that AAA has. Perfect that he is a mini. Even though I hate the team he manages.

And here I thought I was alone! LOL, I've also always been a CMLL guy and Wagner is easily my favorite luchador. I appeciate Evans' athleticism, though sometimes his crazy flips/tumbling seem better suited for a dance floor than a wrestling ring. LOL, stupid side-note - when the AAA cruiserweight tourney started and Evans and Teddy Hart had to face one another, Hart cut this incredibly homo-erotic promo excaliming, "Jack Evans.... you're my man." , "You're my best friend." , "I won't kick you in the face." etc etc. So now, nary a day will pass without somebody in my household proclaiming "(INSERT NAME HERE)... you're my man! Don't kick me in the face!" Heh.... ...............heh........ ....yeah...............


Jan 1, 2000
I don't follow lucha as much anymore. I used to get Galavision back in college and would watch a ton then. That was right when Rey, Psichosis and Juvi were making their way into America. AAA was *AWESOME* then. But then I lost Galavision and couldn't keep up.

I do have When World's Collide, though. I think my favorite match of all-time is Los Gringos Locos vs. El Hijo de Santo/Octagon.

I've got a few ideas for guys. I'll get them in ASAP.


The Phenom
Jan 1, 2000
Salt Lake City, UT
Alright. Pleased as punch that a few of you have sauntered over. I think what I'll do is wait a couple more days, then do a card that sort of showcases the luchadores we have so far. Hopefully, this will bring a couple more over and then we can really get going.

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