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"The Hateful Historian" Hedge Bentley


League Member
Sep 24, 2008

Name: Matt Krawczyk
Email Address: matthew.krawczyk@gmail.com
AIM/Yahoo Messenger: KrawczAtog and/or ViolentJesus


Wrestler Name: "The Hateful Historian" Hedge Bentley

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 233lbs.

Hailing From:
Yonkers, NY

Handedness: Right (unless going for the eyes)

: Heel

Gimmick: Hedge is a compulsive, pathological liar. Absolutely nothing he says can be taken at face value. He's also a conspiracy theorist, a trust-fund baby, a shameless coward, and a raging douchebag. He's the kind of person that would make you want to stab them in the face with a soldering iron, if you had one handy. It is also not uncommon for him to make his servant dress as a giant poodle, as while Hedge believes them a sign of true nobility he is in fact allergic. Hedge believes that most science-fiction movies and television shows are in fact real, and that thy are secret documentaries created by the Illuminati to educate mankind.

Ring Attire: His ring attire is from the fall '85 line of the 'Classic Heel' collection: black brief-style trunks with "HB" embroidered in gold, gold knee pads, black boots that also bare a gold "HB", and white tape around the wrists. On his way to the ring he will wear long black robes adorned in gold and silver trim (think William Regal circa right f'n now). He also carries with him a history book with the word "LIES!" written on the cover in bright red ink.

Looks: Hedge is athletic, but not terribly muscular. He is always clean shaven and keeps his hair, which is a very light brown with a soft natural curl, at chin length.

Ring Entrance:

Cue it up, *****es. This is where it gets funky. It's Godhead, it's "Trapped In Your Lies", and given the situation it's probably too metal. The lights? They've been dimmed. The white and yellow laser lights? They're burning through your corneas and ruining your eyesight. From behind the curtain steps one of the biggest morons you'll ever see in your life. He's "The Hateful Historian" Hedge Bentley, and he's kind of a douchebag. This fact is not lost on the crowd, as those in range happily take the opportunity to hurl beverages, trash, insults, and unwanted children in his direction. Because he's that kind of a prick, Hedge shrugs this off and takes his sweet ass time to the ring. Placing his history book under the corner buckle, Hedge removes his robes and begins stretching while he waits for the bell.

Theme Music:
"Trapped In Your Lies", Godhead

Tactics/Style: Hedge is technically sound, but will cheat like a bastard to gain the upperhand. Of course, because he is also a shameless coward he will also scream like a girl and run away. He'been known to hide under the ring, under the announcers' station, or even use fans as human shields.

5 Specialty Moves:
* The foot stomp (he stomps on his opponent's foot)
* The back rake
* Eye gouge
* Illegal choke on the ropes
* The "duck and cover"

The rest of the moves:
* Scrapbuster slam
* Running shoulderbreaker
* Second turnbuckle dropkick
* Bridged German suplex
* Flapjack

Finisher & Set-Up Moves:

* The Hedge-O-Matic -- (Special) Legdrop from the second turnbuckle.

* Hedgecating The Youth of America -- (Special) Inverted headlock backbreaker.

* Falsified Footsteps of Our Forefathers (AKA: The F4) -- (Special/Alt-finisher) With his opponent dazed, hedge delivers a running yakuza kick to the back of his opponent's head. Will use this as a finisher on opponents larger than him, that he can not otherwise execute his normal finish on.

* THEY FILMED IT ON A SOUNDSTAGE! -- (Finisher) Fallaway slam into a snap DVD. Only to be used on opponents 250lbs or less.


* Imaginative. Will find new and unusual ways out of unfavorable situations.

* Technically sound. Can hold his own if he really has to.

* Incredibly wealthy. Will try to buy his way out of anything he can't talk his way out of.


* Paranoid. Believes the world is out to get him.

* Shameless coward.

* Cocky-to-the-point-of-douchebaggery.

In 100 words or less, please give a biographical profile of your character:

Hedge Bentley was raised in Yonkers, New York by his father Reginald and his trophy wife Jacqueline. At a young age Hedge developed a deep paranoia when he found a toy ray gun in the backyard. His father, joking with his son, told him it was from outer space but. A young Hedge, unable to grasp the concept of "sarcasm" bought into this. When Mr. and Mrs. Bentley passed away young Hedge believed that it was the result of an alien conspiracy. He has since used his massive wealth to try and spread the word of what he believes is the truth of the world. He believes that as a wrestler he will have the ability to reach (and convert) large groups of people easily, and without having to blow through as much cash.


League Member
Sep 24, 2008
I should probably preemptively say that this is NOT a joke application, even though the character may look half-retarded.



League Member
Sep 24, 2008
WOOYEAH! I'll move it over. I thought up another move or two, so I'll edit those in when I do a little C&P.


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