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The Jobber vs. Cameron Cruise


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
(Cue up "Take it As it Comes" by the Doors.)

(Fade in to the Jobber's Whitelandia estate. Cut to the Jobber in the back yard, see it would have said "compound" if he were inside... but he's not.)

The Jobber: Here we are. After facing one no talent greenhorn hack GLCW ups the ante. This time I get to face a no talent newbie bottom feeder. Scotty Sanders fell before me, and now so must Cameron Cruise. One no talent, and now another.

GLCW doesn't seem to take me seriously anymore. I held the Television title longer than anyone else, fought off all their flavors of the month and non legends of the past and all I get are greenhorns? Rookies? Ah well. I've shown them what I'm all about now and they just pit me with more of the same.

It seems they don't want me harming the fragile stars of GLCW. The big men with the big belts can't handle pain, they can't handle punishment. I can understand their worries, having a fleet of crippled superstars does no one any good.

What would the fans think seeing the people GLCW shoves down their throats each week beaten and broken? What could they do seeing Jean Rabesque, Maelstrom, Michael Manson all maimed before them? Perhaps this new fire does have some drawbacks... perhaps injuring Scotty Sanders, as satisfying as it was, perhaps it wasn't the best idea.

Of course, if I continue to do this to the bottom of the barrel, eventually I'm going to simply have brushed them all aside as I did once before, just this time they won't be returing... And since they won't be returning it would see I'd have to be given an opponent of some caliber? It's only logical.

Cruise, you are the second in a long line it seems. Hopefully not too long of a line, because there is a chance that maybe someone who's something of a name will step up to the plate. GLCW won't want their chosen few to be hurt but I'm sure that somewhere out there my words are hitting home. That somewhere someone wants to face an opponent with the fire, osmeone they know can hurt them... someone they might fear.

(Fade out)

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