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The Storm Has Arrived


Jan 1, 2000
"The world works in mysterious ways."

(Cut to file footage of an independent wrestling event in Seattle, held by the IWF. In the ring, KERRY KUROYAMA goes toe to toe with another local favorite, "Sub Pop" Scott Douglas. The Emerald City wrestling fans fervently cheer them on.)

"Back in February, I was in my hometown of Seattle, holding onto a one-way ticket to Japan and looking forward to a guaranteed contract with OJPW when I arrived. I thought I was looking forward to the opportunity of a lifetime, having the chance to gain experience and fame in the land where two generations of Kuroyama before me defined my family's legacy in professional wrestling."

(A lasting image of Kuroyama waving farewell to his hometown fans following the match follows up the action.)

"But before I made the trip, an old friend gave me a ring... told me I was looking in the wrong direction, and that I actually needed to go to Philadelphia."

(Cut to file footage from UWA's recent BLACKOUT event. In the ring, Kuroyama has MOSSBERG wrangled into a headlock before taking him down to the mat.)

"So I went to the City of Brotherly Love, not sure of what to expect once I got there, but determined to make a name for myself under any circumstances. Not long after that, I was in the UWA, wrestling in front of a new audience, and competing against a new breed of athletes. Some of the guys I locked horns with spent YEARS of their career working toward one big break..."

(Cut to an image of Kuroyama at Reloaded 18, standing victorious in the ring with his arm raised after the UWA Blacklist Showcase scramble match.)

"But it only took me nine months to get my own."

(Leaving the flashback footage behind, we go to a live shot of Kerry Kuroyama, sitting by himself on a bench in the locker room of the Wells Fargo Center after Reloaded 18.)

"To think... I could be in Tokyo right now, grinding away in an indie federation. But a last minute decision brought "the Pacific Blitzkrieg" across an entire nation to the Atlantic Coast... which led me right here to Reloaded 18, facing a REAL opportunity of a lifetime. In the weeks leading up to this night, I promised I would make the most of that opportunity, and I'll be damned if I didn't live up to my words."

"But one opportunity only begets another. Tonight, I managed to keep my focus and overcome four other men intent on brawling each other into oblivion. That's earned me a place in New Frontier, for at least a year. Now, it's up to me to make sure I keep a place here for years to come."

"I don't expect it to be an easy task, but things seldom are that way in this sport. It certainly wasn't easy to get to this point... and I have no doubt it will only get harder from here on out. Especially now that I've graduated from the likes of Mossberg and Devon Epoch for the big leagues of New Frontier. But once I get to that bridge, I'll be ready to cross it. Whatever may come my way over the next twelve months, I'll be ready to evolve and improve once the situation calls for it."

"Next, I'm headed south to Amarillo, Texas, to make my Brawl debut. I don't yet know who it will be standing across from me in the ring when I step in there for the first time as an official New Frontier wrestler, but it makes little difference to me at this point. After tonight, I feel I could take on the entire world, and win... and now that I know I have the chance to make a name for myself in one of the greatest professional wrestling promotions on the planet, I have no intention to slow down."

"So prepare yourselves, NFW... because the storm has finally arrived."

(He rises up to his feet, toting a nearby gym back full of his ring gear. He turns to the camera a final time.)

"One more thing before I go..."


"I regret knowing that you and I never had the chance to resolve our issues, but that's how this business works. You said for weeks you were going to blow my head off. Tonight, you had your shot... but you missed."

"That's the problem with shotguns. They pack a big punch, but they're not all that accurate."

"Like I always told you... poise and patience are needed before you pull the trigger. That's exactly what I showed you in that ring, keeping my mind on the prize while you got lost in the violence."

"So farewell and adieu to you and the rest of the UWA... because right now, I've got my mind on other prizes."

(As he exits the locker room, the shot fades to black.)

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