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There is A Better Way


League Member
Jun 5, 2007
So they ask me why?

Why did I join forces with Castor Strife?

Why did I decide to actually follow the cause of SOMEONE ELSE when I've declared quite vehemently I was following my own path for so long?

The problem is with you 'fans' I've warned you time and time again of the bigger picture and so has Castor, you chose to ignore us because we were the 'alternative', the ones that got told would never make it anywhere.

Look at us now. World and PURE champions instead of people like Dan Ryan and Stalker, those that have had their chance to be top of the mountain many times during their career..

The Guild has come together however to remind everyone in NFW one thing: You do not have to just stick with worrying about whether to stand with the Clan or be corrupted by The Fallen.

Castor and I say: There's Enlightenment through The Guild.

Soon, ALL of you will either be enlightened and receive what you have lost through JJ's power trip or stay stuck in choosing between life and suffering just as Madame De Stael said all those years ago.

Welcome to a new age..

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