Lord Raab
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- Feb 22, 2015
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OOC: It's 2974 without this note and the RP banner I always put in all of my RP's. Had no time to proof read this RP due to another RP I had to do elsewhere so this will do for now my apologies for this RP being so late.
Throwing people over the top rope training. Las Vegas, Nevada. Thursday 12[SUP]th [/SUP]March.
Inside of a dark large German coloured filled gym is a few people in the ring with a man who's wearing a German coloured mask who's focusing on throwing people out of the ring. The man who's known as Lord Raab. There's also a man who's known for being Lord Raab's muscle servant who wants to become a professional wrestler in the future Samuel McPherson.There's a lot of noise in the Raab headquarters where the trainers are getting thrown like crazy and they keep coming back in for more damage for Raab to do.
It's been a while since Raab has to do any international wrestling tournaments as it's the first one all year round he's been invited to do since he's pretty well known for representing World Elite Wrestling. He's still teaching Samuel a few tricks on coping with pain as the other trainers in Raab's gym headquarters have given up with Raab throwing them out every five minutes as there's only Samuel and Raab left in the ring.
While they beat each other up, Raab's anger shrink Henry Losak walks in the gym and turns the lights on, seeing Raab and Samuel wrestling in the dark which Raab looks at Henry, shaking his head because of the lights being on and he begins to speak.
Lord Raab: “Fucking hell Henry, did you have to turn the lights on?”
Henry Losak: “Yes because it's not safe to wrestle in the dark.”
Lord Raab: “Who cares about not being safe on wrestling in a battle royal in the dark? I said that because wrestling has never been about safety, it's about throwing twenty seven unknown idiots out of the ring, giving them a beating from hell. Now if you excuse me, I and Samuel are continuing wrestling so you wait for us to finish before we talk.”
Henry stands at ringside like he's already apart of the action between Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson, being very aggressive and wanting to hurt each other like hell, even involving weapons surrounding the ring Raab got out earlier as Raab rarely ever wrestles without using weapons and he picks up a kendo stick to smash it very hard, making a rash on Samuel's back from where the kendo stick landed.
Although Raab knew it's a battle royal challenge, he wants to hurt people first before throwing them out of the ring. He does a few punches towards Samuel's stomach as he makes him lean on the ropes before smashing the steel chair over his head as Samuel falls to the outside which Raab wins by being the last man standing. He got every bit of his anger out,wanting to show the world what he can do again in international competition as he steps over the ring ropes, walking towards his seat and picks up his bottle of both his blood and urine mixed in as he twists the cap open and gulps it down.
Henry Losak: “You realise there's twenty nine other people in the match don't you?”
Lord Raab: “Oh, of course you don't realise that there's two people I already know from the past or funny enough, the opponent I've faced recently. There's Reya Serra who I've seen around in the biggest piece of trash company I've ever been apart of, Phoenix Wrestling where I can never wrestle ever again and then there's this girl who's so vicious that she's more capable of wreaking havoc in the ring and someone who this other Raab took to her limits, Alexis Morrison. Everyone else however, I don't know that much of them, but it doesn't matter because I'm sure they are talented, everyone can't handle me.”
Henry Losak: “I didn't know this about you. Mind bottling on the history you have within this business.”
Lord Raab: “Indeed Henry and Alexis doesn't even have a clue what I can really do. She saw Stefan, the guy who's so pathetic that his title reign is gonna end soon, but this Raab is stronger and different. He hurts people viciously, but enough of the past and look towards the future of opponents I'll bust open and throw their asses viciously, crushing their mother fucking skulls to the ground.”
Raab explains the other Raab is somebody else, but remembers his matches between that Raab and Alexis, but he also remembers the wins he's gotten lately over Nathaniel Havok, Chris Shipman, Old Skool and Joshua Acquin in 4CW and SCW as Henry sees an dramatic improvement in Raab's wrestling ability. He drinks his urine and blood in the bottle and sniffs it before he speaks again.
Lord Raab: “Do you want to taste my urine and blood in my bottle?”
Henry Losak: “Eww, that's sick. No thank you.”
Samuel McPherson:“Naarrp.”
Lord Raab: “That's been one of my strengths throughout the entire time I've been winning my matches Henry and Samuel. After all, I have to be different don't I?”
Samuel and Henry nod as they didn't like anything Raab's doing to himself. First it's drinking blood and now his urine? It made Samuel and Henry heave very badly, especially they could smell from where they were sitting and they end up moving away as he places the cap back on the bottle and sees Henry and Samuel run out of the building, being violated with the whole thing as Raab went after them.
He sees them standing against the wall outside the outdoor arena Raab has for his street fights and now they see Raab without the disgusting bottle, Henry speaks.
Henry Losak: “You make me sick Raab honestly.”
Lord Raab: “Sorry, but all of my opponents I'm facing are sicking people. So where am I wrestling anyway because that's the only thing I don't know about the event.”
Henry Losak: “I've been on the phone to the management about that and you're wrestlingin Brazil. Now the country is a problem because as you know, you're banned from sleeping in hotels because of the violence you produce on other people so today, I'm looking online to see if there's anywhere we can stay. Have you wrestled in Brazil before?”
Lord Raab: “A long time ago, but I wasn't banned in hotels then. I was banned from hotels after I came out of prison, but before I met you, but all I care about is fucking all these twenty nine people up badly with weapons and brutality, showing them, especially Alexis who the real Raab is and showing them how much I've improved since they still see the twitter piece of shit Raab talking shit to people.”
Samuel's looking very confused as to what Raab's on about as he didn't know anything about his past as Henry sees the strange look in Samuel's eyes, looking away from Raab with a confused state as they sit on the concrete pavement in the dark and Henry explains all about it.
Henry Losak: “Remember I said Raab isn't like the man you see now? Well he used to be on twitter all the time, talking shit to people consistently and this other doctor he was seeing at the time I do chat to sometimes told Raab to delete his twitter account because he was losing a ton a matches and he did. Now you see him focusing on getting the task done, being a dangerous, destructive monster who's addiction is fire,blood, pain and weapons.”
Samuel McPherson:“Yaarrp”
Samuel McPherson can only say Yaarrp for yes and Naarrp for now and from time to time grants as he does just now while talking about Raab's past and he knows Raab sees potential with Samuel, but needs more time training with Raab and learning the ropes of the wrestling business. As it gets colder, Raab sees a barrel with coal on it as he gets a packet of matches from his pocket and slides the box out to get a match out and slides the box in to scrap the match on the lighter and sees the flame burning up and puts it in the barrel as the flame comes from inside the barrel.
Raab embraces the smell of the flame, sniffing it like he wanted to put his face in there,feeling the warmth of the heat already and laughs evilly on smelling the fire he loves so much as he speaks.
Lord Raab: “Let the battle of destroying everyone in my path begin as I'll prove I'm a changed man and show the violence and destruction begin. I don't care if weapons aren't allowed, but I'll bring one in and knock everyone out of my way as I'll be the last man standing and win the rumble.”
Henry Losak: “Indeed you will Raab. Come on, get you're things packed so we can leave early in the morning, but I'll find us somewhere to stay in Brazil on the internet for hire. I'll see you both in the morning.”
Raab and Samuel go back to their respective homes they have in the headquarters as Raab gets a key and unlocks the door to enter in his home, going upstairs to pack his things to get ready to go to Brazil first thing in the morning as he then takes everything, but his boxer shorts off as he climbs into his bed and slowly closes his eyes to sleep.
Maniac rumble ustream.com shoot.
“So somehow, I've been placed in the rumble tournament? That's fine with me,considering I've been kicking more ass than I've ever done before. I mean recently, I've become number one contenders for two title shots. SCW Roulette title and the 4CW Extreme title which I won very recently too. One was in a fatal four way match against three other guys and the other one I earned by beating the Extreme champion himself, Nathaniel Havok. See how much I've improved since the Phoenix Wrestling days hey Reya?
But then again, I never cared for the idiots there because they are just scum, but I'm much happier being in SCW and 4CW, the two companies who actually give me respect and give me no shit at all. In fact, I've been recruited in a stable called The Rejects lately because Andrew Watts and Alex Kaelin saw talent in me, but unfortunately, I'm having to face against Alex for the Roulette title pretty soon.
In WEW, not much has been going on other than this other Raab guy losing against Chris McKenzie and Alexis Morrison as of late, but defending the Universal title against Karolina Graf pretty soon and he'll be losing it sooner rather than later.
But all of that is in the future and the rumble is now. I think everyone that's in this thing are talented and have proven themselves that they want to be at the top as to why they are here and why they belong to wrestle against the well known top wrestlers around the world. People don't know much about me because I'm not a social person. I'm asocial, being against twitter which I must say is for pathetic people who rather trash talk over the childish site than wanting to train and fight twenty four seven.
Me? None of that because now, it's about putting the punches and kicks into you so called wrestlers. I love challenges of facing new competition each week, especially facing wrestlers I've never seen before. I don'tknow all of you're names and nor do I care about the stuff you sayabout me because I'm a very violent person. SCW and 4CW know that since I wrestle nothing, but weapons surrounding me along with sipping blood from my victims and drink every last bit of it.
Fire is something else I've started using too because I love seeing flames of anger and inflict pain due to my opponents and Bruce Evans can't live the tale. I've lit a bowl of pudding ring on fire and I caused Bruce really bad burns lately and has never wanted to face me since and weapons, well lets say I've cut Dakota's skull open and damaged Borderland's neck which sent him to the hospital for a few days. But I hope there's someone in this match who's willing to bring all the weapons out and be violent because that's what makes a proper bloody match.
You can see normal battle royals any day of the week, but wheeling out with weapons in hand, letting every piece of anger out is what wins you matches the end of the day and that's the environment I've embraced on recently. I also hurt people in the ring badly because seeing people cry out in pain makes me happy, especially when blood spills from my opponents, sucking out the blood from my victims. It's the lifestyle I'm happy with. I also addicted on using electricity as well, electrocuting my opponents alive.
I'm pretty sure all of you have done some achievements in you're respective companies you're apart of. I know about Alexis from this other Raab guy who's a boring worthless idiot who's all about being an iceman. Me? I'm about inflicting pain on my opponents, kicking their asses to hell, making them bleed, scream for mercy and ripping their bodies apart. I'm not counting anybody out in the match because I'm sure everybody can win, but it's not you're time as I hear one guy nearly trash talking nearly everybody in this match, Mike Best who I think is the biggest piece of crap I've ever heard in my life.
You talk a lot of trash, but you're not capable of backing you're mouth up really and I know you must be a twitter thug, I don't know for sure because that shit is for stupid kids, but how well can you run you're mouth when I'll use a kendo stick to slap you around you're mouth or even better, I'll cause it to bleed. I don't know how and why you got intothis match, but you don't deserve to be here and I decided to go lowwith you now. Shut you're ass up and focus on you're damn job.
First chance I get on throwing his ass out because I'm here to fight, not to trash talk about my opponents, but of course, I'm here to win too, but most importantly, throwing my opponents out of the ring if it's by over the top rope with or without weapons. I'm also dangerous when I'm without weapons too because I've ended a lot of careers during my time as this German Monster and to prove that, I'm gonna speak a bit of German now.
Denn das ist, wo ich herkomme, Sie sehen, Köln, Deutschland, und meine Muttersprache ist Deutsch, aber jetzt ist die Zeit, um zu sehen, was ihr gegen diese Masked deutsche Monster mit einer Maske auf das bekommen haben mir hilft, meine Wut zu umarmen, auf Vermietung meine Gegner, dem Tod überlassen werden. Ich liebe Kämpfen und Ringen. Sie können mich fragen, was ich in meiner Freizeit tun und es Straßenkämpfe Ich organisiere und Ringen besteht. Es gibt nichts, was ich mit meinem Leben zu tun, wie die SCW-Bosse wissen verdammt gut, weil sie mich nicht gebucht, so oft ich wollte, und ich werde so sauer aus, wenn sie mich nicht zu buchen für die nächste Show, wenn man bedenkt, es ist in Deutschland, aber ich werde dieses Spiel nutzen, um mich für den Titelkampf gegen Alex und dem Parkplatz Schlägerei Ich habe gerade eine E-Mail über die von Perry Wallace vorzubereiten.
Sie sehen also, Sie alle könnten, die eine Firma, aber ich bin, die drei und zeigt die Liebe und Leidenschaft, die ich für gewalttätige und Hardcore-Wrestling, denn ich bin ein sehr gefährlicher Wrestler Sie nie wollen, um mit zu sein. Jeder von euch hat einen Fehler gemacht, wenn Sie sich angemeldet haben, während es Henrys Idee zu mir melden Sie sich an, seit er organisiert alles mit meiner Karriere, und er weiß, dass ich verwendet, um Dinge wie dies regelmäßig tun, aber wie auch immer, ich bin froh, dass ich neben der battlemania weil es an der Zeit zu erforschen und vor unterschiedlichen Wrestler in verschiedenen Unternehmen, mit Ausnahme von Mike Kind, das als erster Zeuge Blut und Gewalt, scheißen auf dieses Geschäft wie ein Punk Hündin er sein werde.
Die Zeit ist reif für diese Masked deutsche Monster kommen, um sich selbst zu beweisen, dass die Zeit für ihn, wie die Wrestler, dass die Änderung wird bald kommen und alle werden Sie Zeuge mir Zerkleinern Sie wie Käfer und Spiegeln jeder über das oberste Seil die letzte zu sein nachgewiesen werden Mann, der in dem Spiel. HAHAHA, genießen Sie die Angst Sie alle werden von den Händen Zeuge dieser Kranken gefordert Monster, das für die Liebe nichts mit Kämpfen und darauf, meine Wut zu tun, das macht mir die Spiele gewinnen kämpft, vor allem die Menge Ich habe in letzter Zeit hatte ist erstaunlich.
I'll be standing in the middle of the ring, having my hand raised with Henry who's my anger shrink and my muscle servant who's training to be a wrestler himself,but this is Lord Raab's time to be a winner against the whole world being against me and busting Mike Best along with everyone else wide open in the match. Half of you will never see me again unless you join 4CW and SCW where you can watch me destroy everyone in my way like Andrew and Alex tell me to do. I don't care about money as I'llburn it in a fire, I'm in this match to destroy and hurt people toend their pathetic careers. That's what I'll do best when I wrestle in the ring. HAHAHAHAHA, all of you will prepare to be Raabinated by The Masked German Monster.”

Throwing people over the top rope training. Las Vegas, Nevada. Thursday 12[SUP]th [/SUP]March.
Inside of a dark large German coloured filled gym is a few people in the ring with a man who's wearing a German coloured mask who's focusing on throwing people out of the ring. The man who's known as Lord Raab. There's also a man who's known for being Lord Raab's muscle servant who wants to become a professional wrestler in the future Samuel McPherson.There's a lot of noise in the Raab headquarters where the trainers are getting thrown like crazy and they keep coming back in for more damage for Raab to do.
It's been a while since Raab has to do any international wrestling tournaments as it's the first one all year round he's been invited to do since he's pretty well known for representing World Elite Wrestling. He's still teaching Samuel a few tricks on coping with pain as the other trainers in Raab's gym headquarters have given up with Raab throwing them out every five minutes as there's only Samuel and Raab left in the ring.
While they beat each other up, Raab's anger shrink Henry Losak walks in the gym and turns the lights on, seeing Raab and Samuel wrestling in the dark which Raab looks at Henry, shaking his head because of the lights being on and he begins to speak.
Lord Raab: “Fucking hell Henry, did you have to turn the lights on?”
Henry Losak: “Yes because it's not safe to wrestle in the dark.”
Lord Raab: “Who cares about not being safe on wrestling in a battle royal in the dark? I said that because wrestling has never been about safety, it's about throwing twenty seven unknown idiots out of the ring, giving them a beating from hell. Now if you excuse me, I and Samuel are continuing wrestling so you wait for us to finish before we talk.”
Henry stands at ringside like he's already apart of the action between Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson, being very aggressive and wanting to hurt each other like hell, even involving weapons surrounding the ring Raab got out earlier as Raab rarely ever wrestles without using weapons and he picks up a kendo stick to smash it very hard, making a rash on Samuel's back from where the kendo stick landed.
Although Raab knew it's a battle royal challenge, he wants to hurt people first before throwing them out of the ring. He does a few punches towards Samuel's stomach as he makes him lean on the ropes before smashing the steel chair over his head as Samuel falls to the outside which Raab wins by being the last man standing. He got every bit of his anger out,wanting to show the world what he can do again in international competition as he steps over the ring ropes, walking towards his seat and picks up his bottle of both his blood and urine mixed in as he twists the cap open and gulps it down.
Henry Losak: “You realise there's twenty nine other people in the match don't you?”
Lord Raab: “Oh, of course you don't realise that there's two people I already know from the past or funny enough, the opponent I've faced recently. There's Reya Serra who I've seen around in the biggest piece of trash company I've ever been apart of, Phoenix Wrestling where I can never wrestle ever again and then there's this girl who's so vicious that she's more capable of wreaking havoc in the ring and someone who this other Raab took to her limits, Alexis Morrison. Everyone else however, I don't know that much of them, but it doesn't matter because I'm sure they are talented, everyone can't handle me.”
Henry Losak: “I didn't know this about you. Mind bottling on the history you have within this business.”
Lord Raab: “Indeed Henry and Alexis doesn't even have a clue what I can really do. She saw Stefan, the guy who's so pathetic that his title reign is gonna end soon, but this Raab is stronger and different. He hurts people viciously, but enough of the past and look towards the future of opponents I'll bust open and throw their asses viciously, crushing their mother fucking skulls to the ground.”
Raab explains the other Raab is somebody else, but remembers his matches between that Raab and Alexis, but he also remembers the wins he's gotten lately over Nathaniel Havok, Chris Shipman, Old Skool and Joshua Acquin in 4CW and SCW as Henry sees an dramatic improvement in Raab's wrestling ability. He drinks his urine and blood in the bottle and sniffs it before he speaks again.
Lord Raab: “Do you want to taste my urine and blood in my bottle?”
Henry Losak: “Eww, that's sick. No thank you.”
Samuel McPherson:“Naarrp.”
Lord Raab: “That's been one of my strengths throughout the entire time I've been winning my matches Henry and Samuel. After all, I have to be different don't I?”
Samuel and Henry nod as they didn't like anything Raab's doing to himself. First it's drinking blood and now his urine? It made Samuel and Henry heave very badly, especially they could smell from where they were sitting and they end up moving away as he places the cap back on the bottle and sees Henry and Samuel run out of the building, being violated with the whole thing as Raab went after them.
He sees them standing against the wall outside the outdoor arena Raab has for his street fights and now they see Raab without the disgusting bottle, Henry speaks.
Henry Losak: “You make me sick Raab honestly.”
Lord Raab: “Sorry, but all of my opponents I'm facing are sicking people. So where am I wrestling anyway because that's the only thing I don't know about the event.”
Henry Losak: “I've been on the phone to the management about that and you're wrestlingin Brazil. Now the country is a problem because as you know, you're banned from sleeping in hotels because of the violence you produce on other people so today, I'm looking online to see if there's anywhere we can stay. Have you wrestled in Brazil before?”
Lord Raab: “A long time ago, but I wasn't banned in hotels then. I was banned from hotels after I came out of prison, but before I met you, but all I care about is fucking all these twenty nine people up badly with weapons and brutality, showing them, especially Alexis who the real Raab is and showing them how much I've improved since they still see the twitter piece of shit Raab talking shit to people.”
Samuel's looking very confused as to what Raab's on about as he didn't know anything about his past as Henry sees the strange look in Samuel's eyes, looking away from Raab with a confused state as they sit on the concrete pavement in the dark and Henry explains all about it.
Henry Losak: “Remember I said Raab isn't like the man you see now? Well he used to be on twitter all the time, talking shit to people consistently and this other doctor he was seeing at the time I do chat to sometimes told Raab to delete his twitter account because he was losing a ton a matches and he did. Now you see him focusing on getting the task done, being a dangerous, destructive monster who's addiction is fire,blood, pain and weapons.”
Samuel McPherson:“Yaarrp”
Samuel McPherson can only say Yaarrp for yes and Naarrp for now and from time to time grants as he does just now while talking about Raab's past and he knows Raab sees potential with Samuel, but needs more time training with Raab and learning the ropes of the wrestling business. As it gets colder, Raab sees a barrel with coal on it as he gets a packet of matches from his pocket and slides the box out to get a match out and slides the box in to scrap the match on the lighter and sees the flame burning up and puts it in the barrel as the flame comes from inside the barrel.
Raab embraces the smell of the flame, sniffing it like he wanted to put his face in there,feeling the warmth of the heat already and laughs evilly on smelling the fire he loves so much as he speaks.
Lord Raab: “Let the battle of destroying everyone in my path begin as I'll prove I'm a changed man and show the violence and destruction begin. I don't care if weapons aren't allowed, but I'll bring one in and knock everyone out of my way as I'll be the last man standing and win the rumble.”
Henry Losak: “Indeed you will Raab. Come on, get you're things packed so we can leave early in the morning, but I'll find us somewhere to stay in Brazil on the internet for hire. I'll see you both in the morning.”
Raab and Samuel go back to their respective homes they have in the headquarters as Raab gets a key and unlocks the door to enter in his home, going upstairs to pack his things to get ready to go to Brazil first thing in the morning as he then takes everything, but his boxer shorts off as he climbs into his bed and slowly closes his eyes to sleep.
Maniac rumble ustream.com shoot.
“So somehow, I've been placed in the rumble tournament? That's fine with me,considering I've been kicking more ass than I've ever done before. I mean recently, I've become number one contenders for two title shots. SCW Roulette title and the 4CW Extreme title which I won very recently too. One was in a fatal four way match against three other guys and the other one I earned by beating the Extreme champion himself, Nathaniel Havok. See how much I've improved since the Phoenix Wrestling days hey Reya?
But then again, I never cared for the idiots there because they are just scum, but I'm much happier being in SCW and 4CW, the two companies who actually give me respect and give me no shit at all. In fact, I've been recruited in a stable called The Rejects lately because Andrew Watts and Alex Kaelin saw talent in me, but unfortunately, I'm having to face against Alex for the Roulette title pretty soon.
In WEW, not much has been going on other than this other Raab guy losing against Chris McKenzie and Alexis Morrison as of late, but defending the Universal title against Karolina Graf pretty soon and he'll be losing it sooner rather than later.
But all of that is in the future and the rumble is now. I think everyone that's in this thing are talented and have proven themselves that they want to be at the top as to why they are here and why they belong to wrestle against the well known top wrestlers around the world. People don't know much about me because I'm not a social person. I'm asocial, being against twitter which I must say is for pathetic people who rather trash talk over the childish site than wanting to train and fight twenty four seven.
Me? None of that because now, it's about putting the punches and kicks into you so called wrestlers. I love challenges of facing new competition each week, especially facing wrestlers I've never seen before. I don'tknow all of you're names and nor do I care about the stuff you sayabout me because I'm a very violent person. SCW and 4CW know that since I wrestle nothing, but weapons surrounding me along with sipping blood from my victims and drink every last bit of it.
Fire is something else I've started using too because I love seeing flames of anger and inflict pain due to my opponents and Bruce Evans can't live the tale. I've lit a bowl of pudding ring on fire and I caused Bruce really bad burns lately and has never wanted to face me since and weapons, well lets say I've cut Dakota's skull open and damaged Borderland's neck which sent him to the hospital for a few days. But I hope there's someone in this match who's willing to bring all the weapons out and be violent because that's what makes a proper bloody match.
You can see normal battle royals any day of the week, but wheeling out with weapons in hand, letting every piece of anger out is what wins you matches the end of the day and that's the environment I've embraced on recently. I also hurt people in the ring badly because seeing people cry out in pain makes me happy, especially when blood spills from my opponents, sucking out the blood from my victims. It's the lifestyle I'm happy with. I also addicted on using electricity as well, electrocuting my opponents alive.
I'm pretty sure all of you have done some achievements in you're respective companies you're apart of. I know about Alexis from this other Raab guy who's a boring worthless idiot who's all about being an iceman. Me? I'm about inflicting pain on my opponents, kicking their asses to hell, making them bleed, scream for mercy and ripping their bodies apart. I'm not counting anybody out in the match because I'm sure everybody can win, but it's not you're time as I hear one guy nearly trash talking nearly everybody in this match, Mike Best who I think is the biggest piece of crap I've ever heard in my life.
You talk a lot of trash, but you're not capable of backing you're mouth up really and I know you must be a twitter thug, I don't know for sure because that shit is for stupid kids, but how well can you run you're mouth when I'll use a kendo stick to slap you around you're mouth or even better, I'll cause it to bleed. I don't know how and why you got intothis match, but you don't deserve to be here and I decided to go lowwith you now. Shut you're ass up and focus on you're damn job.
First chance I get on throwing his ass out because I'm here to fight, not to trash talk about my opponents, but of course, I'm here to win too, but most importantly, throwing my opponents out of the ring if it's by over the top rope with or without weapons. I'm also dangerous when I'm without weapons too because I've ended a lot of careers during my time as this German Monster and to prove that, I'm gonna speak a bit of German now.
Denn das ist, wo ich herkomme, Sie sehen, Köln, Deutschland, und meine Muttersprache ist Deutsch, aber jetzt ist die Zeit, um zu sehen, was ihr gegen diese Masked deutsche Monster mit einer Maske auf das bekommen haben mir hilft, meine Wut zu umarmen, auf Vermietung meine Gegner, dem Tod überlassen werden. Ich liebe Kämpfen und Ringen. Sie können mich fragen, was ich in meiner Freizeit tun und es Straßenkämpfe Ich organisiere und Ringen besteht. Es gibt nichts, was ich mit meinem Leben zu tun, wie die SCW-Bosse wissen verdammt gut, weil sie mich nicht gebucht, so oft ich wollte, und ich werde so sauer aus, wenn sie mich nicht zu buchen für die nächste Show, wenn man bedenkt, es ist in Deutschland, aber ich werde dieses Spiel nutzen, um mich für den Titelkampf gegen Alex und dem Parkplatz Schlägerei Ich habe gerade eine E-Mail über die von Perry Wallace vorzubereiten.
Sie sehen also, Sie alle könnten, die eine Firma, aber ich bin, die drei und zeigt die Liebe und Leidenschaft, die ich für gewalttätige und Hardcore-Wrestling, denn ich bin ein sehr gefährlicher Wrestler Sie nie wollen, um mit zu sein. Jeder von euch hat einen Fehler gemacht, wenn Sie sich angemeldet haben, während es Henrys Idee zu mir melden Sie sich an, seit er organisiert alles mit meiner Karriere, und er weiß, dass ich verwendet, um Dinge wie dies regelmäßig tun, aber wie auch immer, ich bin froh, dass ich neben der battlemania weil es an der Zeit zu erforschen und vor unterschiedlichen Wrestler in verschiedenen Unternehmen, mit Ausnahme von Mike Kind, das als erster Zeuge Blut und Gewalt, scheißen auf dieses Geschäft wie ein Punk Hündin er sein werde.
Die Zeit ist reif für diese Masked deutsche Monster kommen, um sich selbst zu beweisen, dass die Zeit für ihn, wie die Wrestler, dass die Änderung wird bald kommen und alle werden Sie Zeuge mir Zerkleinern Sie wie Käfer und Spiegeln jeder über das oberste Seil die letzte zu sein nachgewiesen werden Mann, der in dem Spiel. HAHAHA, genießen Sie die Angst Sie alle werden von den Händen Zeuge dieser Kranken gefordert Monster, das für die Liebe nichts mit Kämpfen und darauf, meine Wut zu tun, das macht mir die Spiele gewinnen kämpft, vor allem die Menge Ich habe in letzter Zeit hatte ist erstaunlich.
I'll be standing in the middle of the ring, having my hand raised with Henry who's my anger shrink and my muscle servant who's training to be a wrestler himself,but this is Lord Raab's time to be a winner against the whole world being against me and busting Mike Best along with everyone else wide open in the match. Half of you will never see me again unless you join 4CW and SCW where you can watch me destroy everyone in my way like Andrew and Alex tell me to do. I don't care about money as I'llburn it in a fire, I'm in this match to destroy and hurt people toend their pathetic careers. That's what I'll do best when I wrestle in the ring. HAHAHAHAHA, all of you will prepare to be Raabinated by The Masked German Monster.”
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