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TV Title Match: Jarod Poe vs. Nemesis


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Congratulations... You May Already Be a Winner...


(To darkness. Yep, a fade into darkness. There are brief flashes of dim light showing the letters "G," "L," "C." and then "W," as CUE-UP: "Somewhere I Belong" by Linkin Park. As the intro kicks in, there are quick cuts of NEMESIS in action. Hitting the Wrath from various positions, locking on the Crescent Clutch, hitting the Rush of combo punches. Shots of NEMESIS facing off with superstars like SUICIDE KING, RICKY KABE, TOXICK, MANSON, SUICIDE, RAGE, LARRY TACT, THE GREAT DESTROYERS, MAELSTROM, and many more as the first verse goes through. Shots of NEMESIS under varying personas... NEMESIS, Bogus Suicide, Bueno Excellente, and Spectre. Cuts of NEMESIS winning the FWF Extreme Ring from SUICIDE KING, NEMESIS holding up the CWWF Television title numerous times from a variety of positions, NEMESIS holding up the IWF King of the Death Matches Trophy high above his head, NEMESIS carrying the IWF Unified Titles.

As the chorus kicks back in, shots of NEMESIS' debut in GLCW at Massive Assault. Shots of NEMESIS competing with the likes of LARRY TACT, STEPHEN MORGAN, CANNONBALL KIDD, MINION, as well as a few altercations with SEAN EDMUNDS, including the Wrath on the car hood that has put EDMUNDS on the injured list. Then a shot of NEMESIS hitting the Wrath on Stephen Morgan, then standing eye-to-eye with Jared Poe.

As the song goes through it's last chorus... shots of Nemesis shown in front of various federation banners. CWWF (with the TV title), WAR, UWC, RMWF, WWL, EWA (with the TV title), IWF (with the Unified Titles) and FWF (with the Unsanctioned Extreme Ring). As the final chorus really crescendos, and Chester keeps repeating the phrase "Somewhere I belong," the shot shows Nemesis standing in a ring with the GLCW, looking out to an arena full of cheering fans. On the last "somewhere I belong" the shot cuts to a shot of Nemesis standing in front of the GLCW banner, holding up the "Wrath" gesture, extending the fingers, but holding the pinky down with the thumb, making a "W.")


(NEMESIS, standing in a GLCW ring, in a similar position as he was in the last shot, without the crowd. The stands are in fact, empty. He looks out, over the empty seats, and then looks back at the camera.)

NEMESIS: Sorry about the video montage... an old friend from M.I.T. took his own initiative and whipped it up for me. I would have felt bad if I hadn't used it on the air. I hope you understand Malec. I know you cats don't like long introductions... but considering this match is easily my biggest thus far in the GLCW, and my friend just happened to cook that video up, I figured there
wasn't much harm in it.

(NEMESIS shrugs and smiles, shaking his head as he looks back at the camera.)

NEMESIS: Jared, thanks for the run-in at Flint... unnecessary... but appreciated. I'll take it as you protecting your chances of having an amazingly-stellar match with me for your Television title. The GLCW's Television title. But before we get into you and I, congratulations are in order. Congratulations on an incredible match with Larry Tact. Two, actually... with the second being very impressive. Second, and perhaps more importantly, congratulations on your spot in War Games. You certainly will contribute to that match, which is already sure to be an awe-inspiring main event for Ringlords 1. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to be there... but I've only been around a short while. Not to worry, my time WILL come.

As for you and I... all I have for comparison is Larry Tact. I've been the man many times, but on my debut, he humbled me. It was an incredible match, and one I am very proud of, but he got the check in the column of "W"s. And that's cool, because the "W" isn't the whole ball of wax. The match... the caliber... the result, and I don't mean who wins. I mean the result... the taste left in the mouth of the competitors participating, and of all who watch it. The gasps, "ooh"s and "ahh"s of the crowd, the ref's ability to keep up, the sweat, tears and blood left on the mat when all is said and done. That canvas painted with the souls of those entangled in a battle of psychology, strength, speed, technique and wit. That's what it's all about.

That's what I am all about.

What about you, Poe? What's it all about for you? I understand you're here because the pain is a break from the numbness. I know about what's happened to you, and I understand you're dealing with it as you have to. You're dealing with it successfully. I too have a had a past of sorted details, that I am also dealing with. I know what it's like to deal with numbness... though not to the degree you must experience. I've never had children... but I have experienced tragic losses before...

Getting on to you and I, as a unit, in the ring. We've seen each other in the ring before... stared eye to eye. I think we have an understanding of each other, from what I can tell. Never have I looked so forward to a match thus far in the GLCW. So much on the line, and not just the title. It's my biggest match to date in this federation, and against a competitor booked in the Ringlords' Main Event War Games match. As for the gold...

So much on the line.

(NEMESIS stretches his neck, and leans up against one of the turnbuckles. He smiles again, and looks up at the camera.)

NEMESIS: I have held Television Titles before. Many times, in fact. You might say, it's my niche. The only trouble is, whenever I nab the belt... the federation I'm in usually closes up shop. Now, you may think that's a reflection of the caliber of those achievements... but I assure you, these were no push-over title victories. But that's all in the past. I'm just letting you know, as I have mountains of your tapes to sort through for being here in the GLCW so long. You don't have the same luxury... so just giving you a little background. If you’d like… I can send some tapes from other feds, you know, for your review. And if not, that's cool too.

Now... contrary to what you may think, regardless of whether or not you beat me... I will not be fed to any beast. I am not going to be a serf to the Torture King... I am Nemesis... and I will not go silently. I just thought I would let you know that ahead of time... save you the charade.

(NEMESIS takes another look across the empty stands, and takes a deep breath. He looks again, back at the camera, his half-smirk making it's way to his expression.)

NEMESIS: Jared, this one is gonna be one worth watching. I know you can put up high numbers, and I assure you that I won't be a letdown or a pushover. We're gonna be in quite the fight for that belt... and it's gonna be one for the record books. Hope to finally hear from the man I've heard so much about... I'm awaiting your response... and the Wrath too... AWAITS! See ya in Duluth…

(NEMESIS takes one final, quick glance across the stands, before ducking under the top rope, and jumping off the apron, making his way up the ramp.)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Holding Court...room 608

(Winter's cold cruel grip is slowly melting away as the month of April rools on. As he left home the snow was working it's way into neverland, but Minnasota is a whole different world as he looks outward from the top floor of his hotel window. The view isn't what he's used too...gone is his city of steel and town of industry rhriving our noise late into the night. A long bus ride has replaced it with a flat cold place and the silience in the darkness makes him slightly stir crazy even after only one night. Jarod places his hand on the window the cool surface feeling good on the palm of his hand. As he takesit away he notices the foggy handprint left behind and chuckles at the thought of what else you'd find given this hotel room a good once over. Surely plenty more then just fingerprints. He gave no thought to his opponent on the ride here...it was nice just hitting blacktop for awhile and letting the world creep away. Speed kept it away...constand motion, but here sitting still in his room he can feel the world closing on once more.

Until now all we saw was the view over his shoulder outside the window, the frame pulls back to reveal Jarod dressed casual for the day. A simple t-shirt covers his torso on the black fabric is a white outlines picture of Saddam Hussien under is scrawled the numbers 1937 - 2003. The dark image fitting what little sense of humor he still had. Below leather pants are just above his heavy boots which he has ties the laces just like his military days. Might be Minnasota, but you don't want to loose a boot in the mud anywhere. On the bigscreen tv inside his room the promoe for his opponent Nemesis plays. Jarod slowly sits down on the recliner in his room, narrows his gaze and stares intently at the screen as the promo rolls by. He sits still, an eagle watching his prey and not an ounce of emotion at all. After the screen cuts to commercial Jarod slowly smiles as the camera fully turns to face him)

Poe: (clapping his hands) Nemesis. The dictionary tells me your a source of harm or ruin. Then again it also says your an opponent that cannot be beaten. The {smiles} highlight reel you provided would make a man think this is very much true. After the long list of leagues and titles you've racked up over the years. It's quite impressive and a man would take heed to notice that. Then again your name in Greek tells me your the Goddess of retrputive justice and vengeance. Your not a womam are you Nemesis? No your certainly not. You might be a source of harm or ruin, but any man is. I think I can say for sure that despite the past you've shown me...well your not an unbeatable foe. No as impressive as all of that history is...well that's all it is. History. right now what you are is just a man...just a man who's my next challenge. I like a challenge...I could show you the run of men I stormed my way through over the last few months and want some sort of great respect for it. I'm not going to do that though. Past is past...your only is good as your next performance. Doesn't matter how hard history pats you on the back

(Jarod pauses for a moment as he tinkers witht he talon piercings that slide the the webbings of his right hand. The sharp point draws blood from the tip of his finger and he smiles)

Poe: Now I'm not going to deny you your track record...impressive as it is. It's just I don't sit in awe or envy on anybody. Much less let it intimidate me. I didn't let that happen with Larry Tact, Masked Blazer, Sean Edmunds even Manson despite what the result was. Your very good, but all that does is drive me. Now your kudos are greated with kindness. I'm just not the kind of man who excepts such things. For succes to me is a fleeting thing. I know ALL too well what's it's like to have EVERYTHING and lose it. I know how good it feels to have life by the thoat and well in command only to have it stab you in the gut and leave yuo for dead. In fact I've felt that way for far longer then I can remember. Despite what I've done in the ring...hasn't changed the way I feel. Thus the man that sits here before you. My run-in at Flint...just looking for a fight. I wasn't out to save your ass per-say. My victory over Larry Tact..well as I told the man himself...I'd beat him at his own game...and I did. I take your loss to him as no advantage on my part...after all it can rain blood and tears on even the nicest of days.

(Jarod again fiddles witht he talons before clasping his hands together asn cracking his knuckles loudly. as he brings his arms upward you can see the feathered pattern under his skin from the surgical implants)

Poe: Your tale of being in the ring with Larry Tact was quite vivid. It's very familiar. the crowd...the blood...the sweat...THE PAIN...the roar of that crowd an most of all the sweet sweet end. yeah I know every moment of it, but for me...if the end result is defeat. Then it is nothing more then faliure. I liken back tot he day I refused the purple heart awarded to me in the service of my country. I saw no honor in it, but viewed it as nothing more then a markmanship award for the enemy. While Manson may have needed to cheat in order to defeat me...I took no solice from walking away my objective having faled. Maybe it's just me...just the way I was born in breed. Guess that's what makes us different or possibly ir might explian why I got that "W" over Larry Tact and you didn't. I got what I wanted out of my match with Tact...all the you described in more...I question you Nemesis...what do you want out of a match with me?

(Jarod pauses seemingly to give his advasary a moment to think. He smiles letting his words tumble through the mans head and then continues on)

Poe: You ask me what it's all about for me? Simple...it's the path I'm on. There's the gold...glory...money and fame. There's the roar of the crowd...the reaction to your words and the jump at your theme music. In the ring it's human, predator, prey. each putting his best effort forward with all of his skill sadly so few can do it with honor. I take pride in my skill in the ring. After all I learned the more you sweat in peace...the less you bleed in war. My war has been fought...my battle right now...well it's with whomever stands in that opposing corner...just happens to be you then next time out. {grins} Lucky guy you are. Oh...yes and then there is after all...THE PAIN!!! The pain...sweet...sweet sensation. Life that you can actully feel...live...embrace, but never succumb to. Swet pain...it's the infliction of the beast...the creature that resides in the darkness when I open my eyes. Spent alot of time in the darkness with that beast till the pain of a bullet turned on the light. Now I feel it in the ring...hell of a lot easy then pulling lead from your body.

(Jarod retrives the GLCW TV title from the soft leather travel case where it resides. Slowly he stands placing the belt over his shoulder. There's no look of pride in his eyes...no longing reflection from the shiny gold. Instead he looks dead ahead and taps the face plate)

Poe: It's about alot more to me then this Nemesis. This is a trophy nothing more...I'm not the firs tto hold it and I won't be the last. This is your biggest match in the GLCW, because I've worked to the bone...my blood, my sweat, my pain have made this title and put myself where I am right now. All this meaning I worked hard for. You say you don't want to be feed to the beast...don't want to be a serf tot he "Torture King" well then don't even bother showing up, because from the moment that bell rings that's exactly what I'm going to try and do. The TV Title didn't come to my, because I wen tafter it. Now...while you might mark up your title reigns as a accomplishment...I do not. For me the belt was dropped in my lap as a sarifice to what I do best. That's get in the ring and defeating my opponent. I told the Jobber that fairly...I could destroy him. Thats' what I did...I'll tell you the same thing. when that bell rings...I don't need to review any tapes. I'm going to come after you, I'm going to FIND a weakness, because everyman has one. and then...when I FIND YOURS...well I'll expoit it till that final third second when the ref's hand counts three. That's what I do...that's my enjoyment...that's why I'm the TV Champion. That's why I'm going to defeat you.

(Jarod walks closer tot he camera...cold ,silient stare looking forward and no emotion at all)

Poe: this is goign to be a great fight...especailly if you put up a struggle. {grins} I like it when they struggle, but reast assured Nemesis. The more you struggle...the more you suffer. That's just the kind of man I am. Not going to let me down...good. Just don't mind if I do my very best to {points at the camera} PUT YOU DOWN!!! After all Nemesis...that's what I do. {smiles} I think you can see I do it very well. {laughs} Just watch the tapes and see. As for me...I'll be waiting...I'll be wanting. Just don't wait to long Nemesis...If I close my eyes, slip inot the darkness and see the beast coming after me. Well then I'm going to be in the mood to take someone back with me. {Grins} A goddess would make such a sweet sacrifice...until later

(Jarod returns the TV title to it's leathery home and drops the bag to the floor. He slips on his familair leather jacket, turns his back to the camera and walks towards the door. Just before stepping out he raises his hand, turns the palm around and waves good-bye before leaving through the door)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
It's a Zoo... No, Really...


(A bright sunny day. Blue sky, a few white clouds and a whole lot of sunshine. A man strolls down the sidewalk, donning khaki shorts and a white, short-sleeved collared shirt, a silver chain glistening around his neck. He wears silver-rimmed sunglasses, his hair is styled forward, and a smile is painted on his face. A wide, toothy grin, as he takes off his sunglasses, and puts them in his pocket. It is NEMESIS, and he continues to walk, seemingly in a zoo. There are barred encampments, with various creatures in them. He continues his stroll, passing by animal pens as he does.)

NEMESIS: Finally, a beautiful day and an end to this winter weather. The groundhog was so wrong this year; I guess they’ll have to find something else for him to look at besides his shadow to let us know they’ll be three more months of winter… damn El Nino…

(NEMESIS passes by a the monkey cage, and gazes in for a moment at the monkeys going about their monkey business.)

One Man’s Junk…

NEMESIS: Jared Poe, nice to hear from you. I caught your bit on Brutal Truth as well, very interesting. You know, there’s one thing I don’t like about this whole situation. Your treatment of the GLCW TV title. You say the belt just fell into your lap, the icing on the cake from a personal feud with the Jobber. You say you’ve got your eye on the GLCW Heavyweight title, but for now, you’re the TV champ. You don’t look like you’ve got the second-most prestigious singles’ titles in one of the greatest feds of the mid-west. You don’t seem proud, seems more like you’re just slinging it along at the request of GLCW’s P.R. The TV belt isn’t just some second-rate piece of tin you can be content to hold, just for the sake of holding it. It’s not some trophy you get for having the fastest soapbox-racer, or even for beating a guy like the Jobber. It’s a lot more than just some “trophy.” It’s an honor. It’s what this federation is all about, the importance of the belt… the importance of the champion who can hold it high. It’s not something to be thrown to the wind, left to decide whose lap it will surely fall into next. It is a matter of great privilege to not only get a shot at that belt, but I can imagine the responsibility and pride that comes with being its possessor. You can try and word your way out of it, but the truth is… you don’t care about the belts. You care about “feeding the beast” and keeping your place on the thrown as the “Torture King.” You care about inflicting pain, and apparently receiving pain as well. Good… because I don’t plan on having a tea party with ya in Duluth. This isn’t gonna be some cute, little match… this is going to be a fight. A fight for that title that you carry around like it’s an extra pair of pants er something. I plan on leaving my blood, heart and soul on that mat… all for the chance to hold that TV belt high like it deserves to be held.

I Am A Champion

The friend of mine who came up with that montage wasn’t setting out to show you all the things I’ve accomplished. I’ve been in more important matches than those ones shown. That video was for one purpose… to show the world that NEMESIS is fit to be a champion! Did you see the pride in MY eyes? Did you see the way I RESPECTED the responsibility I had been granted through my abilities? Did you see… did you see the way I knew who I had to thank… who I had to appreciate and be grateful for being around for me… always.

(NEMESIS continues on his path, going by the petting zoo and a gift shop, but stopping at neither.)

Tough Guy

NEMESIS: “Sweet pain.” An impossibility. Since we’re so keen on using the dictionary, the word “pain,” no matter how you slice it, allots a negative connotation. Now, masochism is something completely else. It’s getting old hearing about how pain is so desired, almost a form of self-mutilation, subjecting yourself for maiming. It sounds like someone from the BackYard feds would say. You don’t like pain, Poe. It’s obvious, because you KNOW what it’s like to have everything, and lose it all. That’s PAIN. The pain you seek in the ring, perhaps nothing more than a momentary distraction. However, something tells me that if you could come out of Duluth in the same shape as you showed up in, you wouldn’t be upset about that. You’d love me to just go down, like so many others have I’m sure, and make it easy for you. I know you realize that’s not what’s going to happen, and I hope you understand that yeah, this is the biggest match of my GLCW career… and yeah, I am going to do anything to pull off the upset. I don’t want a trip to the hospital, but it’s not anything I’ve never gone through, and it’s not anything I wouldn’t RISK to walk, crawl, or be dragged out of Duluth… the proud and true GLCW TV Champion.

(NEMESIS then comes to the penguin and polar bear area of the zoo. Big plastic rocks painted blue and white line the “authentic-looking” landscape as creatures from opposite ends of the earth coexist in such a close proximity in a place so far from either pole.)


NEMESIS: You look up my name… “Nemesis,” in the dictionary. You find some things, and notice that “Nemesis” was the goddess of retributive justice. You know I’m not a woman, but a play on my name’s origin is just TOO good an opportunity to pass up. And you’re not the comedian… nice to see you got your Saddam shirt changed… of course I’m not a woman, Poe. “Nemesis” was the most fitting moniker when I broke into this business; fitting what I wanted to do with my career here. Feel free to bash… as your concentration on petty facts will get you nowhere. The fact of the matter is that I am more than some Webster’s definition. I am more than just some man challenging for you title. There’s a lot more to me than that… weaknesses and all.

(Pressing on, NEMESIS passes a lion’s den, just after feeding time. The male lion keeps order over his small pride of lionesses and cubs, as he begins to rip apart a large chunk of meat while the others look on, waiting for their turn.)

NEMESIS: I didn’t ask you to rationalize my losses via claiming I don’t care enough about the “win.” I also didn’t ask you to rationalize your losses via claiming “cheating” was necessary to beat you. You say you don’t need to run off a list of guys you’ve faced and fought, and then you go right ahead and give me a nice little list… Masked Blazer, Edmunds… Manson…Tact. By the way, does your beating Larry Tact mean something? Other than you’re an incredible competitor, I mean. First you say it a match can go either way sometimes, and then you hold a victory of Tact to my face like it makes a difference. It matter not Jared, like you said. History can pat you on the back all it wants, but it’s today that makes you who you are; for now, and for the future.

You and I are going to do what we are paid to do. Beat the hell out of each other. And you ask me ‘what do I want?’

All I Want

(With a quick swipe of his brow, NEMESIS clears his forehead of afternoon perspiration. He looks up at the sky, shading his eyes from the sun with his hand, and smiles again.)

NEMESIS: I want a match worthy of the GLCW Television Title. I want a match worth watching, worth paying to see, and worth a staying in a seat. You want a war, Poe? You want a battle? You want to make me your enemy? Let us wage war. Duluth is the battleground, and there… there will be a bout to keep the fans on the edge of their seats, hell… a match to keep the fans ON THEIR FEET. The pain, the blood, the tears… it all will surely come… and come as it may. I will fight back. You can go and try and feed me to the beast, it matters not… as I will not be a shy lamb led to slaughter. I will not bow down before the Torture King, no matter the pain you put me through.

That right there is all I need… a match to be proud of, and a GLCW TV Champion to be proud of as well.

(NEMESIS looks out over the lion’s den, as the lion has had his fill, and whips the meat over to the cubs and females with a jerk of his head. NEMESIS looks back at the camera, and continues.)

Walk the Path

NEMESIS: Poe, I look forward to our match very much. The brightest opportunity to shine thus far… and I certainly don’t plan on squandering it. I’ll bring my A-game Poe… be sure of that. Expect a match, expect a fight… don’t expect a feeding frenzy. I wish you the best of luck, and ask that you grant my request for a stellar match to be remembered… to be recorded… and to be looked to as a match you and I can both be proud of. Until Duluth… I await your response…

(NEMESIS looks out over the lion’s den one last time, the cubs getting the scraps from their mothers and aunts, and NEMESIS turns in the direction he’s been walking all along, and walks off.)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
True wild nature can not be caged

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-03 AT 11:14 PM (EST)](The walls of his hotel room seemed to close in upon him. Having been in Duluth for nearly a week now Jarod had grown more then just alittle restless. At home he had his hangouts...local biker bars and tattoo parlors where his friends where. Seedy clubs with hard rock housebands where ledt and right, but only by the handful here and none very agressive. Duluth was no paradise for the young...in fact it was nearly a certain hell for one man. He'd done all the training he could do and sleeping only ment the return of the mighty beast that haunted his dreams. Having taken the bus here JArod broke down finally, rented a motorcyle, the one harley sitting neglected in the lot and headed down highway 61 as fast as the law would allow. Witht he wind in his hair, highway speed in his viens and the closing walls far behind him Jarod eyes caught the site of a Viking ship on the side of the road...moments later he suprisingly found himself with in the confines of Lief Erickson State Park...what had Duluth done to the man? As the camera moves in Jarod is seen standing on the deck of the replica ship, dressed in his usual casual wear made more of leather then anything else, he well stood out from the other tourists and could feel thier eyes upon him. Let'em stare)

Poe: You know I never quite understood the apeal of zoo's. People say it's a chance to see animals in thier natural environemnt, that's a misstatement at least and an outright lie at best. These creatures environment are not surrounded by steels bars and thier food bought to them by keepers eveyday. These are nothing more the pets. That lion they lock away is no more dangerous then if your housecat was six hundrered pounds and hungry. You can pass them off as dangerous..some as endangered...doesn't really matter. After all there's nothing to fear when they are locked away behind bars. That's just not the real world, but there is an animal in the real world to fear. An animal that is the very top of his food chain...and that's man. While the same genus there are a few of a certain breed...a few warrior types that let them prey upon thier fellow citizens with a certain glee. You can rest assure Nemesis that when that bell rings to start our match...you'll be looking right at thew most dangerous beast in the GLCW. Sadly for you...well there will be no bars to hide behind for protection. You'll be in MY natural environment...a place of pain and punishment, a dark scary world where rules are very few and it's always survival of the fittest. That's the way nature designed it and man cannot change that fact no matter what kind of walls he puts up.

CUTTO: The park is located along the shores of Lake Superior. It's sometime later and Jarod stands in a white marble gazebo overlooking the shore. A cool breeze lightly blows his hair through the wind.)

Poe: I didn't bring the TV Title with me, but I think you misunderstand me. It's not that I don't have any pride on holding the title. I do...however I did not set out to win it. My goal was not to be the TV champion, but to get one more shot at the World Title. On my way there I happen to to take the title from Jobber...a task I did gain much pleasure in by the way. Perhaps in your expierence holding a title that means your second best is a great honor <smiles> Well good for you...I on the other hand hold the TV Title for what it means...and that means I'm the number one contender for the World Title. It's the goal I have had since joining the GLCW. Is it not deep inside you the goal to be the VERY best in this league? To prove that your the best? Well I consider holding the the World Title part of that definition. right now the man holding it is Maelstrom...he's the man. He's the man I'd have to beat to prove myself. Now that's just a statement of fact there Nemesis. Don't think I'm overlooking you...for I am not. I do care about feeding the beast...I do enjoy yht e pain and punishment, but it's not that simple, because others don't. Others like you and Manson want that gold around thier waist...want that trinket to shine as they stand in the mirrior. I like pain.I like punishment, but I get a certain glee from denying anther man's simple joy...I guess it's the little things in others people lives we can live off of too. You want to leave your heart, blood and soul on the canvas during our match...or as you said fight {Jarod Laughs} Well that's good...that's real good, because I'm going to give you plenty of help in doing so. Perhaps you can thank me later

(Jarod walks down the steps of the gazebo slowly approaching the edge of the water. He pauses to enjoy the spray as the water splashes off a stone wall lining the shore)

Poe: I'm sure you've been important matches before...I'm sure your very skilled. What you fail to know is I could care less what people show me. You want to show me your fit to be champion...well that's all well and fine. Difference between us is I want to PROVE I'm a champion. That means getting in the ring and doing the task at hand. All the fancy camera tricks and tape splices in the world mean nothing when you standing face-to-face with me. Your friend has alot of talent...nice of you to showcase it...Me on the other hand...all this talk...well ost of it bores me too death. I just want to drop to that mat...feel the canvas...feel out my opponent...work that weakness and win. Thank all the people you want Nemesis...there's only one person who has the chacne to defeat me...that's {points to the camera} YOU!!! I think who I KNOW is responsible for my success...that's ME!!! It's my will...my ability.

CUTTO: It's a few moments later and Jarod stand before the park's fountain. The sun now high in the sky shines brightly of the scattered coins laying on upon the rocky bottom. alot of hopes, wishes and dreams lay there...only to be scooped up by the grounds keeper for his nightly tip)

Poe: Funny choice of words you use Nemesis. I believe the quote was "I'm going to do everything to pull off this upset" That's not the positive attitude I was hoping for. You want me to take you as a most serious threat to my title, yet you see yourself as an underdog. do you doubt yourself? You certainly doubt me and my convictions...I didn't think it included your own. See SWEET PAIN is not in the dictioary, but the two words themself are. You put them together as you do ALL words and the statement rings true. You say I'd be happy to walk out of that ring in one piece. Is this another of your strong convictions? Much like all the others you fail to understadn me and the lifestyle I've chosen. Pain causes pleasure under the right cirsumstances. A certain point when God's own drug endorhphins kick in. That's where the swee tpain comes from. Most don't have the tolerence to reach that level of self discovery, but Nemesis...I see the douubt you have in yourself...it's no wonder you have so much in me. This is the biggest match in your GLCW career.

(Jarod tosses a quarter in the air, watches it wake make puddles in the fountain and closes his eye to make a wish)

Poe: There you go Nemesis...a most positive thought just for you. Good Luck. Your going to need it. See Nemesis I wanted to test your tolerance. I wanted to see how much you would let go. So yes I played a little game with your name and sure enough you picked up on it. You have to let that go, because it's only going to get worse. You se ethe entire time we;re in that ring...we'll I'm going to be talking. Telling you how your going to fail...plantign the seeds of defeat in your mind. I learned psycological warfare from the people whoa re ebs ##### it. It's a dirty trick, but only on the weak minded. Don't let it start or you'll slip in fall...you can't rationalize anything when you've convinced yourself that your going to loose {grins} or are somehow the underdog. Do I rationlize...perhaps I do. I didn't supply that list of men I faced to try to intimidate you Nemesis, I gave thier names to show you I didn't ket them intimidate me. You bought up the question of Larry Tact between us...not me. I just expounded on the point...did it shine in my favor {grins} perhaps it did, but only a fool spits in the wind.

(CUTTO: After a short walk Jarod now stands in the main attraction of the park. It's rose garden. Surrounding him of a thousand kind sof roses, each omitting it's own color ,scent and shape. The smell of them is in the air an almost overwhemling sensation)

Poe: You want a match to be proud of...a fight worth paying to see. I could sit back and take offense. I could think that you don't think I'm that good of a wrestler, but I have no such self-doubt. don't worry...you, the fans, and most of all me will get exactly what they want. I've been to war Nemesis...I don't want to go back. A battle though..I'll take a good battle...all I ask is that's it's fair. I hope you fight back...in fact I demand it...struggle is such a sweet thing to overcome. Just remember that works both way. You get what you give Nemesis and from me...you get ten fold. The beast wants not a shy lamb. It's wants a worthy and powerful sacrifice. That's just one of the reason it's chosen to haunt my dreams at night...it find me worthy...I hope it find you as well. everyman has his breaking points Nemesis...even me. We'll see how far your conviction will take that limit....I just hope you've gotten ride of those doubts by then...underdog. Because if you do not...then a very poor sacrifice you shall make and that...that will not just anger the beast, but me as well

(Jarod removes a glove,reaches down and snaps of a rose branch...thorns and all)

Poe: I look forward to our match as well Nemesis...very, very much. It's been awhile since I've seen such passion in a man, but passion has it;s own sweet nectre...just like these roses

(Jarod squeezes the banch in his hand hard and blood trickles to the ground)

Poe: I wonder how sweet your passion will take when I draw it out in the ring just as my own spills here. I'm looking for the sweet taste of victory Nemesis...it's up to you to put a sour taste in my mouth. I can't wait and see. Until then

(Jarod turns his back to the camera and walks off. The picture zoom in upon the ground as he dropped the blood rose there)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
And the "Thanks" goes to?


(Nighttime at Leif Erickson State Park… the rose garden. One might presume the air is full of the scent of rose, but cameras really can’t film that sort of thing. A man walks along, his hand out, caressing the buds as he walks by, they not having yet bloomed fully in the cool spring. He dons a dark overcoat, slacks, and a fedora as he walks.)

NEMESIS: Jared… you’re continuing to change your opinion on things. You beating Larry matters, it doesn’t, it does again… which is it? You want a sacrifice, a goddess, a lamb, a worthy and powerful sacrifice…? You’re not proud of the TV title, you are, but you’re not? It’s a red ribbon for you Poe… only second best? That belt only exists to determine the Number One Contender for the GLCW Title? Call me crazy, but something tells me Malec had a little bit more in mind when he was creating the TV title. Yeah yeah, it’s a stepping-stone. You’re proud, eh? You didn’t look too proud when you were calling it second-rate. Just a belt to get the “lower” guys on the card some recognition. However… I think the GLCW Television title is more than just some piece of tin that means… “Jared Poe is almost the best.” After all, it’s not the belt that makes the man Jared… it’s the man. Or, in your case… the “beast.” And yes… as I said in my very first promo, I KNOW you’re “the beast.” For one so bored with talk, reiteration is a practice you never fail to turn to. Of course, you don’t seem to understand me when I speak, so why would you understand yourself? Speaking of understanding you… I’ve rewound the part about you explaining who you learned “psychological warfare” from a thousand times, and I still can’t figure out your dribble… ah well.

(NEMESIS continues on, taking a moment to bend and inhale the scent from a bud. He looks up, almost talking to himself in his head.)

NEMESIS: Speaking of “blooming,” Poe, you understand some things about me. I’m younger than you, smaller than you, and less experienced than you in the sport. You’ve beaten Tact with the belt on the line… and the last time me and Larry squared off, I was bested. So what’s so difficult about you understanding that a win for me would be an upset? That a guy ranked maybe tenth or twentieth on the roster pulling out a win against the number TWO guy would be just a regular match, with a regular outcome? No no no… that’s not how it works, sir. I’ve been around long enough to realize that. My beating you would come to a surprise to many people, you being at the top of that list, Mr. Beast, sir. Your confusing my optimism with blind confidence and cockiness… the latter I do not possess. Confidence, yes… optimism, yes… a realistic point of view that tells anyone with half a brain that I am going to have to pull out something special to beat you at Duluth… yeah, I’ve got that too. Did I ever say you should worry about making it of Duluth in one piece? I certainly didn’t… that funny “understanding” thing again.

I’m not convinced I am going to lose, Jared. In fact, I feel very much the opposite will occur. I am not concerned with losing. I’ve dealt with disappointment before, and it’s not the end of the world. I WILL hold the TV title someday, and while that may not be anything worth holding your head up high for… it IS to me. I could care less what Manson plans to do with a title, but I will certainly hold it in higher esteem then some accessory to admire in a mirror. Holding a belt like the GLCW TV title IS an honor, and it’s that honor that DRIVES the GLCW. Don’t you get it, Poe? You’re just a guy with a hunk of metal and a strap of leather… you’re no champion. You won’t be anywhere near being a “champion” until you get Maelstrom’s championship… and then you’ll need something else to drive you. Something else to prove to yourself or whomever that you are indeed, the “man.” You want to prove YOU’RE a champion? I’m sorry to say, that’s impossible in this match… as you’re not fighting for the GLCW TV Title… now, you’re only fighting to prove me wrong. Unfortunately for you, beating me won’t prove a damn thing to anyone. Certainly won’t prove you’re anything resembling a champion, and that’s just the simple truth.

(The walk continues, a lit-up fountain now appearing ahead, in the distance.)

NEMESIS: The ring is your home is it? A land with few rules, eh? Wow… this match became No DQ all of a sudden? Or is a blatant disregard for rules what you’re speaking of? The same disregard Manson used to beat you. Surely you realize the rules Jared, you’ve followed them pretty well so far, as far as I can tell. The ring has plenty of rules, almost laws in how instilled they’ve become, with tradition and all. You say you’re not over-looking me, that you respect my skill in the ring… and yet you think I want protection in the ring? Bars to prevent me from getting my hands on you? No no no, kind sir… there are no bars, I know. And the rules… they don’t do much protecting, so much as they just keep order.

(NEMESIS stops, and looks up at the sky…)

NEMESIS: Hmmm… what else can I say is “sweet”? Oh well, I’ll leave thinking like that to the professionals.

(NEMESIS grins, and continues to walk towards the fountain, his words getting quieter and his steps more cautious.)

NEMESIS: Thanks for the wish, Jared. I can only imagine what it was… that I’d be a “shy, powerful sacrifice to the beast, beast, beast, sweet beast” or something along those lines. Speaking of “thanks,” I’ve been thanking you all along. Thanking you for the last Wired, thanking you for wanting to make this match SOMETHING more than just you and me with the referee holding up that belt before the ding, ding, ding.

(NEMESIS stops dead in his tracks, about 100 feet from the fountain. He motions for the camera to back up, and the camera follows. NEMESIS crouches behind a rose bush, and quickly rushes up, the camera following close behind him. Now, about 40 feet or so from the fountain, NEMESIS ducks once more, and points towards the fountain. The camera follows his finger, and zooms in on the fountain. There’s a man there, dipping in his hand into the water as he looks about, shifty-eyed. NEMESIS motions for the camera to stay and he runs off around the bushes. He sneaks up behind the man, and taps him on the shoulder. The camera hurries in to catch the action…)

MAN: …I was just… I… I…

NEMESIS: (mockingly) I, I, I see… now, why are you talking coins from a fountain? These are peoples’ wishes. Didn’t you ever see Goonies?

MAN: Sir… I mean… uh… I’m s… so…

NEMESIS: Sorry, you’re sorry?

MAN: Yessir. What’re you doing here?

NEMESIS: Now, if you don’t mind… I’LL ask the questions. Why don’t you put those coins back in the water?

(The man fumbles in his damp jacket pockets, and pulls out a wad of dripping pennies, dimes, nickels and quarters. He tosses two more handfuls back into the water.)

NEMESIS: That all?

MAN: Yessir, ‘s’all I got…

(NEMESIS gives the man’s left jacket pocket, and quickly pulls out a shiny quarter, holding it up.)

NEMESIS: I think I know who this belongs to…

(NEMESIS puts the quarter in his pocket, and grabs the man as he tries to edge himself away from NEMESIS.)

NEMESIS: And where do you think you’re going?

MAN: Sir, aye… I don’t want no trouble.

NEMESIS: So no me calling the cops? Or your bosses, eh?

MAN: No sir, please, please no. My family… my… they need me.

NEMESIS: They don’t need you to be doing this.

(NEMESIS pulls out some green paper from his back pocket, takes the man’s hand, and puts the paper in the man’s hand and closes the hand shut.)

NEMESIS: Here, don’t be stealing from this fountain anymore, ok?

(The man opens his hand, and his eyes grow wide.)

MAN: No sir, no sir. Of course not. Thank you sir… thank you.

(The MAN runs off and NEMESIS just sits beside the fountain. He tosses POE’s quarter back into the water, and then pulls out another coin from his left pocket. Or… it isn’t a coin at all… a large silver semi-circle. The man kisses it, closes his eyes, and throws the object back over his head, into the pool. His eyes stay closed for a moment, he opens them looking up at the sky, and then back at the camera. He smiles, as the shot fades out.)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
destiny lies in your own hands

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-03 AT 10:57 PM (EST)](Backstage is a mass of confusion as always. Wanting nothing more then a little privacy Jarod retires to one of the dark empty parts of the arena. There he can sit and be alone, alone with his thought and with himself. There he can narrow his thoughts...bring his mind to focus on the task. Tonight he steps into the ring with another opponent whom will try everything to take what he has worked so hard for. A man he only slightly understands the path he has chosen. Jarod sits back...cold eyes saring into the camera in a very pale light. Jarod slides to the floor, his back feels good against the cold brick wall...he smiles as he brings up his head to look into the camera)

Poe: Ah...the time is coming close. Is it not? Soon all this will be over...all this needless talk and specualtion. We could dance over each others words for an eternity. What good will it do? I think you can turn on the news any night and see this failure. One side says this...the other side that. Hell sometimes just disagreeing for the simple sake of it all. For us thought...well we are on a schedule. While others avoid conflict, because the price is too great...well we are in the unique situation where that doesn't apply. I wonder what kind of world we would live in if everyone had the same rules that apply to us. Confusion?...chaos? or would the strongest survive and the others live in it's merciful peace? {looks at his watch} guess I'll find out in an hour or so.

(Jarod crosses his legs indian style and brings his elbows upon his knees. Hands clasped and fingers pointing ahead he continues on)

Poe: I've tried to be clear Nemesis...tried to explain...tried to answer all the questions you've had of me. If it's the answers you didn't like...then I for one am very sorry. I belive if you take your time...sit back and think upon them...well ti will all be quite clear. However you've had trouble and doubts upon yourself. So It's no wonder how you seem to be confused. The TV Title is what it is and I've explained it. Malec created the belt and deemed it;s holder the number one contender. I think he'd be happy I'm living up to the true spirit of his creation. After all conflict for him brings success. I want a shot at the world title...I'm willing to earn it. a victory over you goes along ways towards that. Do you really think he wants people who are happy to be second best? I'll say it one mroe time...I have my pride in the the TV Title. I have my reasons for holding it. On the other hand we all here have our own agenda. I guess ours are a path quite of thier own. They might have lead us to each other tonight, but it seems that when all is done...we will go our own ways. You can put your money down on one thing tonight though Nemisis...I will take great pride and defeating you.

(Jarod slowly stands now sliding his back up the wall till his legs are under him. He steps forward and the light casts a little more upon his face)

Poe: I know you beating me would be an upset, but you must never have a doubt in this sport Nemesis. You say your less expierenced, but that's not true. After all I haven't even put in my first year yet. I'm still a rookie to all of this. I do know that doubt must never admit it. While in my mind I might know I'm the underdog...never...never would I openly admit it. That's show doubt and weakness. that's something you can NEVER give your opponent in or out of the ring. It's a lesson I would think you'd know, but after tonight...maybe you will. You can unplant a seed. Once it starts growing...well it grows. sure you can pull the plant, but by then it's too late. The seed has grown...it's spread it roots. I think doubt has been placed in your mind...the seed is grown...nothign you can do. Now it's up to me to pull the roots or just sit back and watch it flower. I thought you a confident man Nemesis...you've shown me a mental mistake in speaking. You do the same thing in the ring tonight...well then I will exploit that to an even greater height as yours words have given me. Words are jsut that, but actions...actions cause pain and suffering (Jarod smiles)

(He slowly walks forward footsteps echo though the dark halls. The camera follows along as he makes his way)

Poe: Your right about one thing Nemesis...beating you will not prove anything. It won't catapult me to grea t heights or bring the eyes of the world upon me any more. It will prove one thing though...that I'm not afraid to step into the ring with anyman at anytime. that when challenge comes I will fight. You THINK you know me, but nothing could be futher from the truth. Call me what you want, but possesion of the belt makes me champion. and your right This bet is only as good as whom I've defended it against. tonight in the ring...what you are is another name to the legacy. Would holding the GLCW World title be a great thing..yes it would. It is my goal...however if you think that's what drives me Nemesis...well then your very...very wrong

(Jarod shakes his head)

Poe: what drives me is something deep and dark inside. Something you and nowone before you could even comprehend. Hell sometimes I don't. It's a dark drive down a one way street where even the World title shinmes no light. All of this...all of this is a mere step upon the path I have chosen. You don't understand it...hell even I don't sometimes. All I know is when I clsoe my eyes at night I see things...terrible thing that push me on. You think I am the beast? You could no be further from the truth. A man can chance himself...make all his faults go away. Me I'm stuck with this never ending nightmare...that haunts me every night. All I can do is give it what it wants...feed it...hope it goes away. Every victory doesn't seem to help and every loss just make sit worse. Poor Nemesis...If I coudl truly make you understand what drives me...well you'd turn and run then very firs tmoment you hear that bell rings. For you see ir scares even me sometimes...It should scare you even more. Don't pretend to try and understand me...just get in the ring and fight. I'm not here to analyze your feelings. Really all I want is to make you suffer until I hear the refs hand strike three

(Jarod appears from the long walk and back into the hectic area backstage. everywhere confusion lies as he walks past the slew of cast and crew)

Poe: You strike me as ungrateful Nemesis. Here I went and made nice. I tossed that quarter with the ebst of intentions. After all I want only the best when I get in that ring. You though...you meet me with ridicule and to be honest...that's just not nice. You want the rules to ne talen away. then fine...rules are off. You want to face me at my absolute worse...fine I can comply. Tonight you get me as mean as I can be. See Nemesis...that's just the way I like it. You want a war...well then that's what you'll get. Give me your best...I'll take it. I know the seeds of doubt have been planted and toinght I'll expoit them. Just you wait...listen to me scream surrended as I grind my forearm into yuor face. Listen to me mockinging beg as I punish what ever joint in your body seems the weakest. I'm not the ebast Nemesis, but I sure can be.

(Jarod nows stands in the ramp leading to the open arena. It;s still hours away so only the ring stands in the empty room)

Poe: there it is Nemesis...there is where you and I will meet tonight. we both have alot to prove you more then I. The beast is hungry...a hunger that never stops. If you don't want to be a sacrifice yuor going have to stop it yourself.

(Jarod pulls a metal semi-circle from his pocket)

Poe: Two can play the game Nemesis. However you over-looked one thing. Once a wish has been placed...it can't be taken back. It's not the coin...it's the action. I'm sorry to say that thois was just l;eft sitting on the bottom...poor grounds keeper didn't even want it. I wonder Nemesis...I wonder just as your cries of pain will fall on deaf ears...did your wish do the same thing. My wish was for your benifit Nemesis..you spit on it. don't be surprised if I do the same to you. I'll see you soon.

(Jarod turns his back tot eh camera and walks away. Seconds later the metal object comes flying though the air, rattles for a few moments and then grows peaceful and still. the camera zooms in close only to see a heavy boot slam hard down upon it)


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