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UCW Scars & Stripes PREDICTIONS thread


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
Who and what do we think will happen at UCW Scars & Stripes.

Look into your crystal balls and take a guess while we wait for the card to be finished and posted.

Place bets now.


Elimination Chamber
For the UCW Title

Irishred (champion) vs. The First vs. Dan Ryan vs. Cameron Cruise vs. Joey Melton vs. Jonathan Marx

United States Title Match!
Adam Benjamin (champion) vs. Bryan Storms

Mr. Incredible will be the special guest referee for this match!

Team UCW vs. Team MCW

Team UCW
The Sergeant, Kin Hiroshi, and Frankie Scott


Team MCW
Chris McMillan, Dakota Smith, and Nakita Dahaka

The Midnight Rider vs. John Doe


League Member
Aug 7, 2006

Elimination Chamber
For the UCW Title

The last 4 in the match will be Dan Ryan, Cameron Cruise, The First and Irish Red.

The First Eliminates Red, Cruise Eliminates Ryan with a quick sneaky roll up... causing Ryan therefore to screw Cruise through a quick distraction and The First becomes Champion

United States Title Match!

Well Since I am refereeing this match. I"m going to not include a prediction. Both competitors put forth a brillant display this week. Bravo.

Team UCW vs. Team MCW

Team USA!! Wait.. er. I mean Team UCW!!! :)

The Midnight Rider vs. John Doe[/quote]

Midnight Rider.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
Elimination Chamber
For the UCW Title

This is a tough one, but I think that I will role a six-sided dice on this one and let the DIE OF FATE speak for me on this one because otherwise I am torn.

*(Roles six sided dice)*


I think that means the Die of fate picks THE FIRST to win in a close one, but this could be won by anybody because you all did great this session. For all we know Dan Ryan could chalk up another title around his waist and further cement his legacy or Irishred could retain. Anything is possible in the EC.

United States Title Match!
Adam Benjamin (champion) vs. Bryan Storms

I'm actually predicting that Mr. Incredible will be the final deciding outcome and thinking that he will get involved in this match in some way, shape, or form.

Otherwise I think that Benjamine might pull away with this one but this could be the makings of huge triple thread feud in the works that will carry over into UCW.

Team UCW vs. Team MCW

Team UCW
The Sergeant, Kin Hiroshi, and Frankie Scott


Team MCW
Chris McMillan, Dakota Smith, and Nakita Dahaka

Can't really actually predict who will win simply because my character is in it. All I can say is offer up comments.

I think that this will be a great match to really springboard and carry over a great MCW/UCW feud into the UCW when it is all said and done.

Although McMillian and Hiroshi didn't get a chance to rp which was slightly disappointing for me, but then again Mike was really hammering down in the CSWA goldrush tournament so we didn't get to see Kin bust one out.

Nor did we get to see McMillian hammer one done and that is a little disconcerting to say the least.

However, we at least had two of each team throw down it I think that it will all work out in the end.

I had fun rping and I think that this will be a good match still. I would of loved to see Kin and Chris play off of me as well as everybody else, but it should be good nonetheless.

The Midnight Rider vs. John Doe

Midnight Rider I guess, but still should be a good match.


Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Elimination Chamber

I pick Irishred to retain with The First and Dan Ryan coming in at 2 and 3...

Adam Benjamin vs Bryan Storms

Whatever happens in this one, I'd love to see it really kick in a major MCW-UCW angle. I think Bryan Storms picks this one up and becomes MCW Heavyweight and UCW US Champion. Whether or not this unifies the titles will remain to be seen.

Team UCW vs Team MCW

Unlike others, I have no problems making predicitions with this one. Although there was one wrestler from each team that didn't participate, I think Team MCW seals a win and their look good at the end of the night from Brayn Storms and the 6 man tag match. I'd like to see Sarge vs Dakota pushed a little further in this one, too.

Midnight Rider vs John Doe

Dusty Rho... er... I mean the Midnight Rider!

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