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Wargames: The Match Beyond!


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
One to Golem

((FADEIN: A replica of the One-to-One set with the theme to 60 Minutes playing in the background. Michael Manson, in black silk business suit, vest, and tie, sits in the interviewer’s chair. He sips a Lemon flavored iced tea Snapple.))

MANSON: I have to the conclusion that this WarGames match needs an objective opinion, not only that, but a unique prospective. Not from someone who’s going to be inside the cage, we already have that, but from someone who should have been. That’s right, on my recent trip to the gutter, I not only found Jared Wells…but the Golem. Now as I understand it, he’s been a bit shy since his unfortunate injuries, however, he’s taken time out of his recovery to talk with me and YOU..the people..about the WarGames….his mysterious attackers..and more….please..let’s give a hand for …GOLEM….

((Edited footage of Golem walking to a GLCW ring and sitting in the corner.))

MANSON: Golem, I’d just like to thank you for taking the time to speak with us today.

GOLEM( still shot of his face): …………………..

MANSON: I see, onto business then. First, we all witness that simply hideous attack. How is your recovery coming?

GOLEM(in front of a GLCW background): Golem moves mountains.

MANSON: Yes, that’s the spirit. Now, I understand…we have an re-enactment?

((CUTTO: A darkened parking lot lit dimly by street lamps. BUENO EXCELLENTE draped in green fur struts out to his car. Suddenly, he is attacked by 4 men, one a large man in a Maelstrom shirt, another in a Jean Rabesque shirt, yet another in a Jarod Poe shirt, and the last in a shirt that has Jared Justice written on it because there is no t-shirt for him. They proceed to attack “Golem” who shouts “Aye Curumba” as he falls to the ground. He is put in a claw and figure four, while one tries to pierce him and the other douses him in gasoline.))

((CUTTO: The set with Manson, shaking his head.))

MANSON: Now having relived such a disturbing experience, Golem, please, how are you really feeling?

GOLEM(in front of a GLCW background): Golem moves mountains.

MANSON: I see. Any thoughts as to the identities of your attackers?

GOLEM(in front of a clock reading 10:30): ..Maelstrom….

GOLEM(in front of a Golem graphic):…..Jean Rabesque….

GOLEM(in front of a clock reading 7:00): …Jarod Poe…

GOLEM(in front of a clock reading 7:00):…Jarod….{Edit: Golem outside an arena} ..justice

MANSON: Yes, one may believe that this was an attempt to keep you out of the WarGames match-up. But why so?

((Clip of a younger Golem smiling and shrugging.))

MANSON: Yes, it is quite perplexing. Somewhat like a Russian doll locked within the maze of the Minotaur. Now of course, you have been a tag team partner of both Jean Rabesque and Maelstrom on occasion, why the sudden betrayal?

GOLEM(sporting green fur and in the ring with a mic): Golem cannot trust anyone.

MANSON: Now that’s not true. I offered my help in your hour of need.

GOLEM(in the locker room): My focus is once again Manson…

MANSON: Well, I can’t blame you. Perhaps it is the confrontational attitude you have that doesn’t allow you to accept help. Several of your teammates share such an attitude, could this be the underlying motivation?

GOLEM(lying down on a bench, sweating and tired after a match, half-asleep):………………………………

MANSON: Struck a never, have I? Well, where do you think you would be now if healthy and in the WarGames match as originally planned?

GOLEM(in front of a GLCW backdrop): Golem moves mountains.

MANSON: Who am I to argue? But what, sir, could be the reason for such a betrayal?

GOLEM(in front of a water fountain): Maelstrom and I have fought for years.

MANSON: Is that it? Old rivalries never die and he and others had their chance? What better way than to remove you from the WarGames match where you could get the spotlight? Tell me, I and many others have sensed the sexual tension between you and Maelstrom, Jean Rabesque, and others for some time now. Is there a further story to this you’re not indicating?

((Still shot of Golem lying in the ring, head-up, with foam at the mouth.))

MANSON V/O: Mister Goloem, sir, please….we are here to ask the tough questions and get to the heart of the matter.

((Shot of Golem putting his claw on Manson in the ring.))

MANSON V/O: Mister Golem..do not make me resort to fisticuffs…I will end this interview right now.

((Shot of Manson giving Golem a dragon suplex.))

MANSON(back on set): Now that we have restored order and gotten Golem’s promise to remain civil, we’ll close out with some name association. First, your thoughts on the man who replaced you, Jarod Poe?

GOLEM(standing outside in street clothes): …will feel my claw and his blood will boil..he will feel the wrath of Golem…

MANSON: Fasicinating…onto Jared Justice….

GOLEM(in the ring on a mic): …will face the Golem and his fury….

MANSON: A future challenge then? What about Jean Rabesque?

GOLEM(sitting at a table): a (V/O) DISTURBINGLY cowardly (V/O) UNISEXUAL opponent…who will (V/O) DIE DIE DIE SOON….

MANSON: Maelstrom?

GOLEM(in front of a GLCW backdrop): Golem moves mountains.

MANSON:..finally, myself….Michael Manson.

GOLEM(in the locker room wearing a t-shirt): olem….the greatest to ever walk the earth and compete in the ring.

MANSON: Why, I thank you…and cannot think of a better way to close. Good night Golem, and all GLCW viewers.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
A candid point of view....visionaries....

(“A night with the controversial Flatliner, a man who is considered a monster by many and hated by even many more… I have followed his career since day one folks and believe me when I say; he is a force to be reckoned with… He is as powerful as he is vicious and with the devious Kraven along side him; well folks you have seen for yourselves, need I say more!? My night with Flatliner was very informative, I saw him in a different light, have a totally different aspect about him… I never took my eyes off him though, knowing how he can without a blink of an eye change moods… The following are excerpts from an interview I had with the big man as Kraven calls him, an interview in which like I said before made me see him in a different light”…)

(Camera fades in on Flatliner and Rico Suave as they sit and talk…)

RS: Mr. Flatliner, Jean Rabesque has mentioned time and again, that you have zero ammunition that you are a quitter; he continues the barrage with saying he made you submit, and in that match we did see you tap out… Anything to add to that Mr. Flatliner!?

FLATLINER: Yea, you’re right Rico, I did tap out… But you have to ask yourself, what did I tapped out to!? There was no ref around, he was too busy at the other end of the ring, but Jean was too occupied to see that… He was so into making me tap, that he didn’t even realize there was no ref to see me tap… He has yet to realize that wrestling is 80% mental and 20% physical, not the other way around… (Smirks cynically) That was the biggest moment in Jean’s wrestling career, making me tap out… Much like the lowest moment in his life has to be that match in which after he got his azz knocked out, he was ejaculated on, or was it pissed on!? Whatever… Now that has to be humiliating, tapping out hasn’t change me Jean, I am still the same man as I was before, only a little older and a little wiser… You say that Krave will need to watch my back!? We ALWAYS watch each other’s back Jean, that’s why we are the greatest tag team the GLCW, has come to known… Every body loses one time or another Jean, be it by count out, be it by getting pinned or DQed… And yes Jean some of us even lose by submission… And even though you may have made me submit, it was an empty victory for you, for you didn’t accomplish your goal that night, you left empty handed as you always have when you come up against us… It wasn’t even a loss Jean… And that Jean has to really gnaw at you; even when you thought you won, you wound up losing…

RS: That’s quite interesting, and I guess there will always be two sides to that moment… Question for you Mr. Flatliner… JC… Is he back in with you guys!? And what about this person that has come and attacked both you and Kraven, who is he and why the attacks!? And also your match last week against Maelstrom and Jared Justice was the first time ever that the UA has lost a match here in the GLCW, is that going to have any effects at Wargames!?

FLATLINER: Is JC back in!? Back in what Rico!? I see that he’s back in the GLCW, if that’s what you’re referring to… (RS tries to respond, but Flatliner cuts him off…) Don’t even try it Rico… As far as this person as you say, that’s our business… Now as for our loss to Mael and Justice, crap happens, Kraven made a mistake and Mael capitalized on it… As for it having any effects on us going into Wargames, it has none whatsoever… So if Jean wants to think that I am the weak link and that I have a black cloud hanging overhead, that’s his opinion and he’s welcomed to it… You have to understand Rico that opinions are like azz holes, we all have one… Just look at JC, that little f’n runt NEVER shuts up, always spewing out his opinions; he’s no different than you Jean… He’s as redundant and egotistic as you; it’s part of the game Jean, only we let JC spew out all the crap, we just take care of the business end of it… Justice, what you saw happen after our match was nothing… You put up a good fight and when you thought it had ended, you were made to realized that it had just begun… Wargames is not going to turn out the way you; Jean, Poe and even Mael think or want it to end….

RS: Nevada!? Is he part of the UA now!? I had thought he had retired, but his presence here in the GLCW makes me believe and assume that he’s go…. (Flatliner cuts him off…)

FLATLINER: There you go again assuming and believing… And like Jean, Mael, Justice and Poe, you’re going to realize too little too late that you were all WRONG!!! Your assumptions and your beliefs are baseless; Jean, yours and Maels’s presumptions are about to crash and burn and it will happen in wargames… And for those who are worrying their butts off about Nevada, there’s no need to concern yourselves with him… But Justice I wouldn’t go around calling out the devil, if you deep down inside want no part of him… What you need to focus on is wargames and US!!! Doesn’t it strike you as strange that Malec has decided to make this match, has it ever occurred to you that maybe just maybe, he had no choice… There’s a certain type of predator that will allow his prey to nip at him, take a piece out here and there and when his prey least expects, he gets swallowed whole; never realizing he was being strung along… And once cornered… He’s SCREWED!!! Jean, I hope you come to realize soon that I have no concerns going into wargames, I have no doubts, I am more focused than I ever was for any match, I have realize what I will need to do to shut my critics and Jean I intend to do just that come wargames… And afterwards Jean I can come out and leave it all behind me, I tapped, sure I tapped Jean, but your dumb azz applied it at the wrong time and at the wrong place; and you don’t get a second chance… Same goes for you Mael, you pinned Kraven when he miscalculated, my hat’s off to you Mael, you did what any smart man would have done… CAPITALIZE on the situation at hand and turned it into a victory… But THAT also comes around once… Just ONCE Mael!!!

RS: Mr. Flatliner I have noticed that in yours and Kraven’s interviews and promos, you direct them towards Jean Rabesque and Maelstrom, while you basically ignore their two partners in this match, Jared Justice and the GLCW TV champ Jarod Poe… Is there any reason for that!?

FLATLINER: Reason!? No reason, we have no beef with Justice and Poe and I have to wonder if they actually realize that once they come in, they’re in for the long haul… Mael and Jean have been hungering for our attention for quite a while; now they HAVE IT!!!

(They continue talking as the camera slowly fades off into a wargames commercial…)



[updated:LAST EDITED ON May-10-03 AT 06:01 PM (EST)](FADE IN:...... to the sounds of rain falling, drowned out only by an occasional thunderclap......

CUTTO:..... apparent nightfall as we see Maelstrom standing in the middle of seemingly nowhere.... he has his eyes closed as the raindrops stream down his face and long black mane. The droplets continue coursing down his massive frame, drenching him completely.... but he takes it all in stride and smiles faintly just as he opens his eyes. He glares directly at us and raises his arms skyward just as another thunderclap sounds at precisely the same moment that the GLCW logo superimposes itself over him. At that moment, all the sounds around him, the thunderclaps, the rain.... all of that appropriately seems to drop a few decibles as he suddenly begins to speak......)


MAELSTROM: Oh yes..... can ya feel it? Can ya feel the approachin' storm? (grins widely) All hells gonna break loose an' maybe even a lil' bit of heaven as well. We got self-professed gods an' devils alike convergin'...... convergin' in cages.... like animals.... like gladiators..... all for the simple thrill of the fans.... breakin' bones, spillin' blood, destroyin' egos...... destroyin' each other. Light an' dark like pain an' pleasure, are two sides of the same coin. We've all got 'em..... we're not all aware though. Everytime we grow, somethin' inside dies just as much each time. Some die so much that they surpass their growth eh UA? Yer growths are cancelled out by what ya lose in the process... an' then some. Is it worth it? Is the trade-off worth capturin' that 'lil bit o' spot light? Ya see, what ya fail to realize is that that spot light also serves to magnify yer short-comings.....

(pauses as he wipes the wetness away from his eyes.... no sooner than he does that the drops immediately begin to fall again, nonetheless, he narrows his eyes, temporarily diverting the water from his eyes, and continues to speak.....)

MAELSTROM: Things are only blurry when ya allow them to be..... an' when ya do so, when ya ALLOW it to be so, then yer in as much control as those who can't do anythin' 'bout it. It's all a diversion ya see..... even more so when ya don't see. Manson knows all to well of this, he's mastered it to an art-form.... so much so that he's at times a victim of his own devices..... an unwitting pawn in his own masquerade.....

(smiles faintly)

MAELSTROM: Anarchy awaits us all at the cage..... an' no, I'm not referrin' to the individual 'Narky himself, but rather to the situation. There's no cohesion on either side....., my partners are merely temporary allies..... rent-a-thugs for the night..... an' my opponents, well they each have their OWN agendas, even moreso than I.....

(nods his head knowingly as faint thunderclaps roar in the distance)

MAELSTROM: I've never denied havin' mine, but they, my opponents that is, they'd rather skirt that issue.... they'd rather have ya believe that they're all a force of one..... when in reality, it's all comin' to a head at Ringlords..... it's all comin'..... full circle! The hand is quicker than the eye? A lie isn't a lie if ya believe? Cheatin' isn't cheatin' if yer not caught?

(his head tilts back in a laughing gesture, but we hear no laughter, only the motions of it as another thunderclap explodes.... much louder this time as it effectively drowns out Maelstrom's laughter)

MAELSTROM: It's all relative..... it's all bull! It serves no purpose if yer own receivers are off..... it's not nearly 'nough to cast yer own diversion..... ya have to learn to read 'em as well.....

(Maelstrom smiles faintly as the rains and thunder suddenly stop precisely when the lights come on. From beyond our field of view a towel is tossed to Maelstrom and he immediately runs the towel through his hair and face. He winks at us, sporting a cynical grin as he reaches out and is handed his GLCW Heavyweight title by a very small stage-hand who bears a striking resemblance to Tempest. He then turns his back on us and walks away with the GLCW title dragged in tow behind him.... passing along the way yet another stage-hand, mop in hand, who through our vantage point can easily be mistaken for JC himself..... FADE OUT.....)​


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Enter the Beast

(inside the barren empty arena of the Xcel Center the Wargames Cage has been completed. Ready to be hoisted high in the air to be lowered upon it's combatants. For now it's sits covering the ring as a long figure sits inside of it. As the camera moves in therean odd sound of flesh on steel a consistant pounding. The camera moves in closer to see the bloody palm strike one last time as Jarod Poe leers forward with a wise smile upon hi slips. The camera man moves through the cage door and comes around where Jarod sits, back tot he cage walls and looks around)

Poe: I've tried to be positive. I've been on quite a roll as of late. I thought all the sacrifices I had made both of myself and my opponents would have done some good. Sadly thought it did not. Just last night as dawn was aproaching and I thought maybe I make it the whole night the beast came me in my drrams again. It's green emerald eyes had blood red pupils, it's breath smelled of deacy and as I look closer it's pure white teeth were starting to stain black with souls. That wasn't the worst from it's head instead of hair was the strans of bodily forms trying to escape. Thire open mouth called forth for more as what I have done has not been enough. The creature swiped at me with it giant claw drawing blood from my chest as I watched it trickle onto the floor it spelled out familiar names. Manson, Anarky, Kraven and Flatliner. Th beast liked it's blacken teeth hungry for more and simple told me to wake-up. Upon sitting up in my cold sweat I realized where I had been. I had been {looks around} In this very cage, the battle was all over and my side had claimed another sacrifice for the beast. I'm not sure if that will be enough to cur ehis hunger for good, but I'll deleiver as best I can if only it gives me one peacful night of sleep. {Jarod laughs} All iw ant is jsut one peacful night.

(Gripping the cage he pulls himself upwards until standing. He keeps his back to the cold steel and continues)

Poe: I've enver had a dream that vivid before, before it was all more or less shadows. I could tell that the battle was growing closer and so it is. In just a few days we will step into this very hell hole and do battle...I for one cannot wait. {Jarod pounds his bloody hand upon the cage} Can you imagine the damage the cold steel will do upon our bodies during this match. Rippingm tearing....tenderizining us like a good steak. In a match like this there is NO doubt blood will be spilled...it's just a question of how much? {Jarod laughs}With blood will come the pain and that is the crux of all of this. There is no pinfall in this match...no move will end it...in the end it's submit or surrender. One man...one weak link will be the downfall of our teams. Imagine as you stand here in this cage just before belltime...look around. Look around to the men that stand on your side, because in the end....wehn all it said and done...one of them will not be strong enough tot ake the pain. I'm fully confident in myself...after all the pain is what I live for. I can imagine that was the key factor into my being a part of this match. I seek this out for fun and pleasure. To test my limits and expand my mind. {laughs} I know a few of you can't even wrap your thoughts around such a concept.

(Jarod wipes his bloody hand accross his white t-shirt leaving a macrbe handprint upon it)

Poe: Now I'm confident in my men. Jean Rebesque stood by myside...Maelstrom is the man he is and I don't think Jared Justice can be put through any more dificult pain then he already has been. So that puitt he pressure upon our opponents. Four men with confidence on thier side and ego to fall. Now I will admit I know very little about Kraven or Flatliner. thier sileince speaks more then I really need to know. They work well as a team...they have success to prove it, but I wonder if they have ever been in a situation quite like this. It doesn't matter..explanation will do no good. For men who consider themselves a tag-team it will be a pleasure to seperate them in the ring, pick at thier bones and see on thier own how far they can get. My side gets alot of flack for not being members as the others, but that matters not. In the end it's everyman for himself. We'll all pick our chosen targets and put that man in his place. Kraven, Flatliner...how helpless will you both feel when the trouble starts and when you would normally tag-out to your partner...well nobody will be there. Instead you will be stuck on your lown. No rest...no breather...you'll be out of your element and very much in mine. Are you to ready to step out on your own...or do you still need the mother's shelter of the tag-team ranks you so excel in?

(Jarod approches the corner and perches atop the turnbuckle. Back still against the cage he looks out like a dangerous bird of prey awaiting his quarry)

Poe: Ah, Narky {smiles} I find it funny when Maelstrom calls you that. I guess he does it to try anf get under your skin. I however won't...I hav emy own path. In the dictionary Anarchy is misrule, chaos, without politcal authority...yet you spell your name different? I wonder is this because you can not live it to the literal definition as it is written. Or as I suspect you will say your trying to defind your own version of it. either way your offer of respect towards me is returned. I have just a little for you as you have for me. After all that kick tot he groin is hard to forget. I guess that's how you define chaos. Look you make yourself superior because not following the rules somehow give you a great advantage. that a long career at cheating gives you an edge. Well I say it doesn't. In the end when all is said and done your glory will be taineted. tainted by yuor very own actions. The success you so badly wanted will fade the luster have worn away long ago. See I might like to stick to the rules, but as there are none for this match, {smiles} Then you can bet I'll follow them to the letter. If you don't think I'm the type of warrior who will win at all costs. then you go ahead and keep that opinion firmly planted. I'll very much look forward to turn that around upon your very soul

(Jarod jumos down landing with grace upon the heavy boots on his feet he walks tot he door of the cage and pushes the camera man out. Once on the outside Jarod closes the door and presses his face agains the steel bars and looks out with a smile)

Poe: I guess that just leaves you and I left Mikey. Together at last. I've waited a long time to get you in a palce where there was no place to run and hide. No games to play or schemes to use. Your going to be locked in a cage with me and I can't wait. You've never beaten me fairly. What you consider kicking my ass is a hollow victory over a superior force. Everytime we've faced one another you've been put in your place. I've dropped you on your head so often that panic always sets in. You resort to what you do best...that holding on you what you have with the thinest of grasp. Well this will be different. The beast calls forth your name and a sacrifice you will be. In this cage you'll become my wounded prey as you have before. You'll feel the shdder in you neck and the frip tighten on the epicenter. I'm going to pick my spot Mikey...pick your weakspot and then tear it apart. One of you has to be the weaklink and I'lll do WHATEVER to takes to make it you. In many religions they sacrifice a goat. Well Mikey I wonder how you'll feel when you succumb to the pain and your the goat. (sinister laugh} That wonderful image sends me to sleep with a smile upon my face...maybe...just maybe when I have made you the sacrifice in this match....then for once I can wake up with the same expression. Pressure is on you Mikey

(Jarod smashes his head into the steel cage and he smiles as a small trickle of blood pours down his face)

Poe: After all for me...all this pain and punishment. {smiles} Just a formality on my road to triumph. time is ticking away boys....which one of you is the clock going to run out on?

(Jarod laughs once more the blood running quicker from the wound in his head)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Enter the Beast

((FADEIN: MICHAEL MANSON, in long-sleeved black shirt and leather pants backstage somewhere on a black cell phone, held up to his ear.))

MANSON: Yes, I know. I know. Listen, it’s all right, yes, yeah…fine. Just remember to take your prozac. In fact, remember to leave some for me. Yeah, it tastes great with yogurt. I once had it with strawberry frozen yogurt, that was so good I was ready to cut myself like Jarod Poe to get another prescription. …….I’ve upset you again? Fine then. Just go to sleep.

((Manson hangs up cell phone and shakes his head.))

You realize what you have done now, haven’t you? You have gone and made Golem cry. That’s right, even the Golem has feelings, not that any of you bothered to check. He’s sitting there right where I left him at that retirement home in the Chicago suburbs eating non-solid foods and watching GLCW programming on his small, black and white TV.

And there’s yet to be a tribute, yet to be an address as to where to send cards. None of his fellow grapplers have asked how he’s doing. Not even the men who were supposed to be his teammates. Men, I should add, who are suspects in Golem’s horrible attack. Men, apparently, without conscience or guilt. Who don’t even check on a fellow human being.

I can’t count the number of times I’ve had to talk him out of suffocating himself with his pillow case. And…now..you have all made this mighty warrior….this legendary wrestler….a gladiator of the squared circle cry. It’s much better that he wasn’t your teammate then.

Of course Maelstrom is unfeeling….unthinking….to the point that poor Golem would have no one to ever rely on and come to a state of paranoia where he would not even take my help. Yes, Maelstrom, I’m looking at you. You’re the reason Golem did not accept becoming a part of this WarGames. Yet, you have no words for Golem. No attempt at reconciliation. Not even a phone call or card. Do you know how many nights I’ve had to sit up with him because he can’t sleep thinking that you’re hiding somewhere, waiting to attack him again? No…because you don’t care..you don’t care about anyone but yourself….you don’t care about the title….

And then there’s Jean Rabesque, you were Golem’s tag team partner. Where were you to help Golem through all this? When Golem lost to me again and again, where were you to buy him a drink at the bar? Where were you to run in and save him from multiple attacks? Would Golem even have been attacked in that parking lot if you had been splitting travel expenses with him? And now…you’re not at his bedside….no..you go off and replace him….as if he were some piece of trash and not a human being.

Jarod Poe….you might have replaced him in the match, but you’re no Golem. Sure, you and the other Jared might both be obsessed with me, but it’s not the same as when Golem was. That eager look he’d have every week every time he’d try to get the best of me…..that hopeful tone in his voice….and all he had to do was wear green fur. No, piercings or marking his body to get attention. No, he just went out there and was all the Golem he could be. You might think I’ll be trapped in a cage with you, but you underestimate the spirit of Golem that will be guiding me.

And Jared Justice…you made reference to my bedside manner….well of course because unlike you I am a human being and have feelings..I could not just stand there while Golem was abused week in and week out…sure I didn’t care about Troy Martinez but I didn’t like him and he’s better off working as a cement mixer or bricklayer…..right now it should be Golem in that ring, Golem trying to set me on fire. But it’s all nothing to you. Any of you.

That’s why I’m especially tributing this match to Golem…..I’ll wear the green fur to the ring…..and if I can get it in there..I’ll point to the sky for you Golem…and use that claw. And when the match is over, and Golem is avenged, I want his theme played so all the GLCW fans can know Golem is remembered.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
Natural high... natural truth.... naturally Kraven...

[updated:LAST EDITED ON May-11-03 AT 06:45 PM (EST)](Fade into an arena and as we slowly focus in on the ring, we see that it is encased with a steel cage… Inside, within its confines stands Kraven and a few steps back is JC… Kraven grasps the steel and shakes it, kicks it and even slams himself into it… JC looks on bewildered as he watches Kraven go from one extreme to the next, his eyes widen as he sees Kraven start to bleed from his forehead, Kraven just licks the blood as it reaches his lips, he then smears it all over his face as a very maniacal expression crosses his face, JC takes a few more steps backward…)

KRAVEN: The CAGE…. A prison within a prison, its steel tentacles grasping and ripping the flesh… So uncaring, so unforgiving; never yielding and never merciful… How does it really feel like Mael, can you feel the anticipation inside Mael!? And as we draw closer to wargames, does your blood pulsate even harder as it courses through your veins!? It’s given me such a rush Mael, a damn natural high… But here we are once again, caught up in yet another mundane cycle, in which you Mael rant and rave about trivial crap… Pounding your chest with self glorifying crap about honor and bravado; casting the first stone as if you were free of sins, you’re nothing more than a hypocritical maggot, so quick to criticize and condemn what you perceive as a threat to your very existent… You call us cowards, you call us cheats and the excuses you come up with every single time we beat your azz are simply amazing and full of crap… Sitting on either that V Rod of yours or on some broken down stool with a 50 watt light bulb hanging overhead, you’ll talk nonsensically about how much better you are than the rest… All wishful thinking Mael, nothing more, and nothing less, trying to convince not us, but yourself of just how good you think you are… It’s amusing to hear you stammer and splutter your way through these promos; always making excuses to cover up your deficiencies… Your grandiloquent behavior is living proof of your bombastic rhetoric along with all that other crap you so eloquently spew out… Throughout the years, we have collided numerous times and each and every single time, you have come up short and Wargames will be no different Mael… But as usual, you’ll most likely drivel your way through yet another series of mundane promos, where you’ll categorize yourself as the pulp fiction super hero you have always dreamed of being… And then there is Jean…

(JC bursts out into laughter, Kraven just stares at him…)

KRAVEN: What’s so damn funny!?

JC: I just realized something… Jean and Mael are punk #####…. (Laughs)

KRAVEN: Just like you huh!?

JC: Hey, I ain’t no punk!!!

KRAVEN: Yea, whatever, if you say so… Jean Rabesque… (A sarcastic grin crosses his face as he rubs his chin) Another one of KK and Malec’s pets; more like a lap dog… Your beliefs, your assumptions… All wrong Jean… All wrong… You continuously remind us of you making Flats tap out… In your mind you see him as a beaten man, a man who has become a weak link… (Starts to pace around the ring…) Mael on the other hand says that Flats and myself are nothing more than shells of our former selves … That he also made Flats tap out, when in fact Flats blacked out, but where it concerns Mael, black out, tap out they’re all the same to him… You, Jean actually believe Flats tapped out to you, and he did, in a way… But what you fail to realize or maybe just don’t want to realize is that deception perceived is deception achieved… But I’m not telling you two maggots anything you don’t know already… You’re just too damn stubborn or stupid to accept what you can’t change… But no matter, me and the big man, don’t mind stroking your egos, if it’s a stroke here and a stroke there that you need from us to feel macho, so be it then… We’ll stroke and nurture your egos guys, we have no problem with that… (Smirks sinisterly as he continues to pace…) Just remember guys, there’s a price for that service and at wargames, it will be time for you to pay up… No more excuses, no more reasons… I can’t stress enough the point that it has been fun, but like all good things they all come to an end… And before it does, I want to let you know that me and the big man have enjoyed every single moment… You have given us laughter, you have given us humor and you have at times even given us a good challenge, but it all ends at wargames… All games will come to an end; the moment you have long dreaded is at hand and nothing can stop it… Time for all the bull to end Mael, Jean and that includes Justice and Poe if they so chose… All this promo crap will be exposed for what it really was Mael… CRAP!!! WISHFUL THINKING!!! That’s all it’s ever been , with you and Jean; nothing but excuses and self glorification when it came to you two… Your redundancy as well as your boasting will finally be exposed for the farces they really are… I bet you were wondering when I would get around to mentioning our last encounter… You know the one in which you pinned me, when I made a mistake in which you capitalized on… You see Mael, we’re not like you or Jean, who’ll make excuses for every loss… You and Justice were the better men that night and you pinned me Mael… Big freaking deal, you knocked me down once and I got right back up and ready to got in your face again…

JC: THAT RIGHT MAEL!!! He’s ready to get in your face again, and most importantly, his loss to you didn’t faze him; he’s focused, just like Flats and the rest of the guys… We all learn from our mistakes Mael, something you have failed to understand… You have a lot to learn Mael, you need to open that pea you call a brain and see the real reality of things, not that self glorifying version you like to spew out… Roughshod Mael!? Is that what you think the guys have been doing, intimidating those who allowed themselves to!? (Pauses, shakes his head as he grins) “Mirror, mirror on my wall”; you just described yourself to a “T”!!! “VULTURES”!? “HYENAS”!? (Laughs) Mael, Mael Mael…. Call them what you will, ridicule them all you want, look down at them as if you were their superior… Cause that’s all you can do Mael, reality sucks doesn’t it Mael, especially when you have to accept it for what it really is… And that’s what burns you up, oh yea, those little uncontrollable outbursts, the little temper tantrums are evident of the frustrations you go through each and every single time you have to go against the guys… You are Jean like to call them cowards, all I hear from you two is how they had to both beat on you in order to beat you… When will it finally sink in that the UA is a force of ONE!!! They are one into the other… In other words, my intellectually challenged compadres, they are one working as two… That’s what a true tag team is about, they think, they act and they respond as one… (Laughs, but gets cut off by an angry Kraven, who just glares into him; JC waves his arms up and apologizes… )

KRAVEN: I will now address Justice and Poe… (Starts to pace again) I don’t know much about you other than you’ve been in the same wrestling circles as us from time to time, Poe I want to congratulate you on winning the TV title… You’ve shown your persistency and in the long run, it paid off… Now you find yourself in a totally different level of competition, you’re on top of the food chain now… Wargames will only elevate you that much higher, it will cement your place on the top for at least the 15 minutes of fame we all are promised… But you do know that it comes with a price, don’t you!? No one is exempt Poe, not you, not us, not even your esteem partners… I’m not taking anything away from any of you, don’t think for one second that I or Flats are underestimating any of you… We know what each one of you are capable of, it doesn’t matter that you will always come up short, it doesn’t even matter what excuses some of you will come up with… What matters is that one way or another you show up and that shows courage, it shows determination and above all it shows hope… I like to see that in my opponents, the last thing I want is some damn $50 a night schmuck that is just there for the money… I see a lot of good things coming your way Poe; but that’ll only happen if you somehow mange to steer clear from me and the big man, cause if you get in our gun sights Poe, you’re going down also… And as for Justice, don’t allow the end results of the last encounter sway you to think wrongly… Don’t get all soup up simply because Mael capitalized on my mistake; for they are very, very few and very far in between… Mael has you duped Justice, you’ve become his mouthpiece all of a sudden, what has he promised you Justice!? The moon!? The stars!? What Justice!? What could have Mael promised you that would make you risked it all, this time around!? Whatever the reason or purpose Justice, you have made your choice and now you will have to live with it… You and Poe are about to realize that you’ve fallen into a freaking pit with no way out; and the only thing besides you in that pit are some very hungry and vindictive wolves… You need to stop listening to those voices Justice, you need to come down a few notches and try to comprehend just exactly what you have gotten yourself into… And you Poe, it’s just great that you are so full of confidence where it concerns your partners and well it should; you have 3 of the best the GLCW has to offer… And then you have US!!! Anarky, Manson and of course myself and the big man; and THAT’S where your troubles lie, you are going up against 4 of the most lethal men to date… And there’s no need to worry about us, what you need to worry and concern yourself with is just how you 4 are going to subsist with each other… And most important of all, worry about what’s going to happen to you, when we isolate you from the pack and just decimate you… But you will have company Poe… One by one, each one of you will fall… You’re stepping into our back yard Poe; remember that, we’ll be in our environment, and you!? Just like the rest of your lil posse, will be out of yours!!!

(After Kraven walks away from the camera and is out of the cage, JC walks over to face the camera and with a sinister smirk begins to speak…)

JC: Hey Poe… Dude, what makes you think that you and that motley crew of mendicants have the upper hand, in what sense are you basing that on!? Common sense!? No I guess not… Logical sense!? That isn’t it either… Oh yea, forgot that around here, you have stupid sense also and that must be it Poe, you’re putting your assumptions ahead of logic with has been proven to cause a case of stupidity… Face it Poe and practice what Mael loves to preach… “REALITY” Face reality and facts Poe, you guys don’t stand a chance… Of course you’ll put up a tremendous effort, but when it all starts getting serious, you’ll crumble… If I were you Poe, I’d would just avoid serious and let your amigos fend for themselves… Protect your interests Poe, you’re the TV champ and the little fishes out there are hungry Poe, they’re looking at wargames, not as the ultimate match, but a place where you will our punching bag… Easy prey for them afterwards… Mael, Justice and Jean are not going to help you when you’re back up into a corner; you need to think about things like that… That and the fact that one of your partners and myself have already cut a deal… Now they’ll tell you that it was all crap, a farce… Maybe it is Poe, maybe it is… But there’s always that doubt, and a smart man would think about it… And look who you will be facing… The UA, along with Manson and Anarky; don’t know if you heard but wargames is going to be a shocker, and believe me amigo, the UA is dead set on making a very deep impact at wargames and nothing is going to stand in their way….

(The camera slowly starts to zoom out… JC is shown smirking as it fades out completely…)


Losing the plot.....

[updated:LAST EDITED ON May-11-03 AT 08:57 PM (EST)](FADE IN...... to a T.V. monitor showing Kraven and JC in a cage cutting a mic spot. The volume on the monitor is low, allowing other sounds to filter in..... such as the sounds of snoring coming from a nearby couch. The cameras pan back some and we see at the foot of the couch, the GLCW Heavyweight title laying carelessy on top of a pair of Timberland boots. On the couch itself we see the GLCW champ himself, the man we know simply as Maelstrom, resting comfortably. He snores one last time as his eyes suddenly flutter open and sits up to look about. He stretches some before noticing the camera crew at which point he lets out a very loud yawn. He then motions for the camera crew to come forward as he begins to speak......)

MAELSTROM: Nothin' like the opiate-like influence of a "Kraven" interview to bore ya to slumber...... Hell, actually, this is the first time since I fought Manson for the title that an interview's redundancy an' nonsense bored me so. Guess ya actually are good for somethin' after all Kraven.

(winks as he reaches down and proceeds to put his Timberland boots on)

MAELSTROM: You, much like the rest of yer crew Kraven, are losin' the plot! Manson lost it long ago, only problem is, he keeps ignorin' that fact. 'Narky's losin' it as well, only he doesn't know it. But you guys, Krav an' Flats..... you guys have been written OUT of the plot altogether..... you guys are beyond the final chapter.... you guys are losin' much more than just the plot.....

(smirks to himself as he glares absent-mindedly at the GLCW strap on the floor. That's only momentary though as he smiles faintly and just as quickly resumes speaking.....)

MAELSTROM: .....sucks when yer demise is imminent an' there's nothin' ya can do 'bout it eh? No, I'm not bein' melodramatic as yer apt to be.... I'm not talkin' 'bout losin' yer life or bein' crippled outta the sport. I'm talkin' 'bout simply goin' through the motions day in an' out..... 'bout existing as opposed to livin'......

(grabs the GLCW heavyweight strap by its buckle and stands)

MAELSTROM: .....when ya can't see ALL the angles anymore, then you've lost the most important thin' anyone can..... you've lost the plot.....

(with a smirk and disparaging nod of his head, Maelstrom walks directly towards the camera, draggin' in tow behind him, the GLCW title. His image grows larger to our view with every step, so much so that only portions of his body are visible to us until that is he finishes passing us by, leaving us alone to watch the monitor.... to watch as Kraven and JC continue to perform without a plot..... FADE OUT....)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river
The Dungeon

(the camera slowly fades in, on a locker room, Jean Rabesque dressed in his work-out gear, slowly lacing up his boots, he looks up, smiles, and then slowly looks back down, he speaks looking down, only occasionally looking up)

Rabesque: You know, I’ve been told that all kinds of comments have been coming across from both sides. Words, mere words, being tossed around. I’m sure they have, and you know what? I haven’t bothered to watch a single spot. I have no idea what words a single one of them has said, and it’s going to stay that way going into Ringlords. I no longer care about the words that come from either side.

So many may ask, what have I been doing? I guess you can call it..... preparation. I came to the realization that what I’m going to is shear war. It’s nothing glamorous, it’s nothing that anything I’ve ever done before can prepare me for. I’ve been in WarGames before, and I went into all of those matches unprepared. I went in thinking that I can wrestle my way out of WarGames. I thought that I could go in to those cages and do what I’ve been doing all along. But WarGames is NOT a wrestling match. WarGames is an entity to itself. So how exactly does one prepare for something like this match?

(Rabesque rises slowly, and begins walking slowly, he motions for the cameraman to follow him, we leave the locker room, and begin walking down a long hallway at a completely unmarked building, he speaks slowly as he walks)

Now, to do this, one must create the appropriate atmosphere.

(Rabesque opens a door, and we see a scene that would be hard to explain, generators pump extreme heat into a very cramped caged space, there is some workout equipment, as well as some opportunities for sparing)

Well the rest of my competitors have been flapping their gums, trying to outdo the others with a battle of words, here is where I have been. I’ve been in this little room, while many people spar at me simultaneously. But one may ask, why so cramped, why the heat, why is everything like this?

Simple. To succeed, one must create an atmosphere to succeed. As I mentioned before, I didn’t prepare adequately for the last time. I went with the standard wrestling approach. That sucks. This is something different. This is something that nobody that nobody else does. Mike Manson sets up skits with fake referees, and talks about how I had feminine hands. Anarky does nothing but pump up his own accomplishments. The tag team champions do nothing but set up fake scenarios and stand behind their mouthpiece.

But, not me. I want to go into WarGames first. I want to go in knowing that all along I can outlast and whip the ass out of anybody else that gets inside that cage. I can go as long as it is needed, and I simply will not submit. Why? Because I’m good enough, and I have prepared.

Preparation is a very important thing. Eventually it comes to a point where you have to prioritize what is important. So may think that the “entertainment” factor is what really matters, even though they may not quite be as entertaining as they think. (chuckles) Others, like myself, decide to put the clinic on in the ring. They devote their time to making sure that what really matters is what goes inside that ring.

So, gentlemen, continue to flap those gums. I refuse to watch any of it. I simply do not care. But, if any of you, friend or foe alike want to make WarGames something truly special, I invite any of you to come into my dungeon. Now, I know many of you might think that what I’m doing is some kind of cliche. You might think that you’ve seen this before. (chuckles, as sweat continues to roll down his face) That’s fine, that’s your prerogative.

But come Ringlords, the world will quickly find out what really matters. It doesn’t matter how verbose you are. It doesn’t matter what kind of skits you pull of to try to make yourself seem more intelligent or that you may have a faster wit. At Ringlords, none of that will matter at all.

So, if you think that this is cliche, please do. If you think that this was just a stage, fine. But at Ringlords, I’ll simply prove that I know what I’m doing. I’ll prove to the world that I know the best way. So, go ahead, watch this, make your smart-ass little comments, and have a good time, because in the end I will be the one getting the last laugh. I won’t see whatever you say, so knock yourself out. If any of you want to get a real experience, come on down, it’ll be fun. No false gimmicks, no false hype, you know the rest..... I got work to do.

(Rabesque smiles and turns as our cameraman leaves the room, fade out)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Let the games begin

(Backstage at Ringlords the rime is growing closer. There's just a few hours left before four men who have no love in thier hearts for any othe rman wills tep into battle and tear each others world apart. It;s a battle that will rage on and on....waiting for that one moment when one man...one weak link...one man who will lose face with ALL of the others begs for the pain and punishment to give in. Despite all that Jarod Poe sits alone with his thoughts backstage. He rolls a coin between his fingers and watches the lights above shine off the metal as he begins to speak)

Poe: Well the time is here. the moment that everyone in the arena has been waiting for. I must say I haven't had a feeling like this in a long time. The pressure is alomst heart warming. Not since a night seven years ago when I had my face painted and camo and my rifle loafed with just my men to keep me from certain death have I felt like this. Sure the risks are not as high, but the feeling is in the air and what a wonderful feeling it is. I really can't wait for that bell to ring. All the hype after awhile tends to annoy me...there' sonly so m,any ways you can say I'm bette rthen you before they all tend to run together. Sides have been taking...targets have been made. We all come in with our own agrendas and tonight the match will bare all of them out in a most brutal and violent way. {Smiles} Sometimes you just have to love life don't ya?

(Jarod holds his hand firm over the coin now and tucks it in his pocket)

Poe: Many wonder why I am here. After all even Manson made a coherant point that I'm just a replacement for Golem. Well that might be true, but a challenge is still just that. I'd like to think Iw as chosen for more then just my personal hatred for Manson. I'd like to think that beyond being TV Champion when i comes right down to it...well I'm the best man for the job. Who else would consider this match with such excitemnt. Who else would seek out so much brutality upon his own body. who else would smash his skin till it;s raw and bloody then me? No one...no one sane that is. However I take this as a chance also to shine. I'm stepping into the rign with the very elite of the GLCW. The World Champion...and everyman whose right in line for a shot for his title. I hold the other belt...the gateway to Maelstrom as it should be. tonioght I can perhaps prove that it is I who is the one true man who wants that shot. I can gain alot of attention on myself...not too mention the respect of everyman who doesn't take me deadly seriois

(Jarod slowly stand and begins walking backstage as he does so the camera follows)

Poe: In the end though it does come back to one selfish agenda. I entered this match to get a shot a you Mikey. After all for me there's nothing to lose. No title son the line...no guarantees...just whatever prise we carry upon our shoulders. Your ego I've had enough with and the time has come to knock it off your shoulders. There's no place to run and nowhere to hide. I gunning for you...when that bell rings I heading right in your direction. Tonight nothing can stop me from putting the one man I have the elast amount of respect for in the largest doese of pain I can inflict. Best part about it...there is nobody who will try and stop me. No ref...no partner...I doubt even the men on your own team would fele any sympathy. Tonight I'm done with talking...I just want to spill your blood. The beast has called your name and it's feeding time.

(Jarod stops before the other men blocking the hallway. The camera turns to show Justice, Rebesque and Maelstrom)

Poe: Take a good look gentlemen. I think an evne better part about tonight I i have a helping hand and tearing apart your body...down tot he very soul

(The camera watches as all four men walk away)


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