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Warriors 02 Review

Best Match of the Night?

  • Clan Avispa versus FBI

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Citizen versus Mike Extreme

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Rush versus J-Con

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Reno Davis versus One Eye

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Derecho versus Jason Rau

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters

Jesse Ramey

New member
Apr 16, 2007
Harts, WV
I'm going to steal Ray's thunder a bit here. ;)

Jolt Warriors 02 Review:
I.SEGMENT: "Standing At The Edge of the Flame" feat. Phoenix
a. Like: Broken English
b. Dislike: Placement
c. Comments: It's obvious that after reading a few paragraphs into this segment that it was meant to be slotted after the One Eye versus Reno Davis match much further into the card. I know Ray doesn't really care much for One Eye's broken English, but I enjoy it quite a bit. The segment all together though, for me, felt a bit rushed and while it got the point across that it needed to, I wasn't that keen on it. Maybe a little more time spent on looking it over, and adding a little more depth to the entire situation could have made it a bit more appeasing, but that's my thoughts.

II.MATCH: Clan Avispa versus Fueled by Ignorance
a. Like: The Action.
b. Dislike: Match flow.
c. Comments: While I feel this match would have had quite a bit more potential, it wasn't that bad. I just think that the flow for me reading it came off a bit rushed. I know this makes the second time I've said this in two different places, but if things had been stretched out a bit more I think it could have felt more real reading it. If there had been more use of the way the characters were feeling and reacting during the match it could have come off better, or if there had been a bit more use of the commentary it probably would have helped to break up the move, move, move, move style of the match for me. Because it wasn't the action of the match that hurt it, it was just the way there wasn't much breaking up of it to keep the reader interested. It felt done up like a person reviewing it from the crowd, so hopefully no offense is taken with anything I say tonight that isn't complimentary.

III.SEGMENT: "That's the Magic" feat. Ray Chavez
a. Like: The Deception.
b. Dislike: Keith.
c. Comments: My dislike isn't a bad thing, because not liking Keith actually makes me sympathize more to the side of Chavez. I wasn't really sure how much I was going to like this story after reading some of the stuff from the last iNtense show, but it's growing on me. I know it's probably going to be a good way off in the future, but I'm looking forward to Chavez eventually finding out everything and completely killing Keith in the end. Also, a nice set up for his match on the up coming iNtense as well.

IV.MATCH: Citizen versus Mike Extreme
a. Like: No comment.
b. Dislike: No comment.
c. Comments: No comment.

V.SEGMENT: "Are You Serious, Bro?" feat. Rush
a. Like: It felt real.
b. Dislike: Nothing.
c. Comments: Honestly, this is a very good set up into the match. I love the way that Lee comes off as though he actually cares about the wrestlers, but he also cares about the product as well. To me Rush feels like Scott Hall at this moment, and liked the way this segment played out. I was entertained by it, and even though Lee wasn't the main focus of the segment, it brought him into a new light for me as a promoter.

VI.MATCH: Rush (c) versus J-Con International Championship Match
a. Like: It played well off of the previous segment.
b. Dislike: The finish.
c. Comments: I don't think Rush needed to be put away with a signature move or a finisher to be honest, I think it could have been played a bit more well if he had just been caught in a school boy roll-up or any kind of roll up pin attempt instead. So, it really felt like a bit of overkill here for me, especially if the man standing in the ring actually had an idea that his opponent wasn't in his right mind. Even if it is an e-fed, you would think that it would be played to like in real life, and anyone in real life would have done their best to just try and keep the other person from being hurt and doing the easy out for the finish. In real life, and if Rush were really in that state of mind, hitting him with a move like that could have potentially killed him because he wouldn't really know how to take the bump properly.

VII.SEGMENT: "Tokyo Dreaming" feat. Marcus Davis
a. Like: Nothing.
b. Dislike: The segment.
c. Comments: This is no offense to Walter in the least, but this felt like it could have just as easily been a hype piece that would have fit better as a bit on the website.

VIII.MATCH: Reno Davis versus One Eye
a. Like: The match.
b. Dislike: Nothing.
c. Comments: This was a good match, and it played off of the weakness that One Eye would have had going into it. I like the element of Derecho taking notice of the tournament that is going to declare a challenger for his title at Divide and Conquer. All around though, this was a good match, it didn't drag and it got over the point it was supposed to.

IX.SEGMENT: "Fallout" feat. Chris Titan
a. Like: Titan going nuts!
b. Dislike: Davis' entrance into the segment.
c. Comments: I think there could have been a bit more talking from Titan, maybe even to himself before Davis would have entered the scene. It may have played out a bit better, it's hard to imagine someone could have gone from the ring to the backstage area that quickly. However, despite that, the segment played off very well. I liked it, and I like the Davis' style in the segment as well. Although, it may have been better to use another one of the jOlt originals in this segment because Reno Davis is probably one of the few who are getting the biggest push because of the Underground Tournament victories he is getting. I would just hate to see him get undermined because of this, despite the fact that both characters in the segment are very interesting to say the least. Reno more than Titan, in my estimation though.

X.SEGMENT: "Pissing in the Cornflakes" feat. Kenjiro Ito
a. Like: The angle.
b. Dislike: Nothing.
c. Comments: I like the idea of the last man to be holding three of jOlt's championships to be treated this way. I could have seen it more from Jim Johnson, but you would think that Damien Lee would want Ito on the shows, unless they have some kind of bad blood that I don't know about, and that's very well true. Ito is obviously a bad ass, while Lee is the good guy, and I'm sure they didn't have very nice encounters during their last stint together. I want to see more of where this is going, and I loved the realism to it of the security coming in and taking him away.

XI.SEGMENT: "Sorry to Inform You" feat. Derecho
a. Like: Segment.
b. Dislike: Nothing.
c. Comments: I love this side of Derecho, and even if the guy in character wants to admit it, he still loves the fans. Either that or he just fell in love with and embraces the Underground rules a heap ton more than he used to. I like the idea of giving people who were in the tournament another shot at getting a chance to face Derecho for the Underground Championship as well, despite the fact that we probably know that none of them are going to beat Derecho, but it still gives us a chance to see him on the shows and way for him to defy not being allowed on them. I personally like the Derecho character, so I wouldn't want to have to wait until Divide and Conquer to see him on the show again in a competitive style.

XII.MATCH: Derecho versus Jason Rau
a. Like: Impromptu!
b. Dislike: Nothing.
c. Comments: This match served the purpose it was supposed to, someone taking up the challenge of Derecho, and then the champion doing what he does best, take a beating in the beginning and then beat the ever loving monkey snot out his challenger in the end. Rau has definitely suffered as a character from this match, but Derecho benefits from it all the more, and it shows how much a predator the champion is. It's a nice take on things really, considering Derecho is the heel in this whole thing, but he's not afraid to back up everything he does and says in the ring. A non-coward psychopathic champion heel is a good thing in my books.


New member
Jun 19, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
Jolt Warrior 02 Review:
Note: with limited prior knowledge of happening in LoC or the previous version of Jolt.

I.MATCH: “Clan Avispa v. Fueled By Ignorance”
a. Like: Great opening bout.​
b. Dislike: Consistency.​
c. Comments: I had to check Intense just to make sure Titan did, in fact, attack Register. After reading that, I don’t understand why they were teaming up on Warrior, with no reference to their fallout backstage. I’m assuming the writer of the match didn’t read last week’s segment, or just didn’t make reference to it in the match, when he definitely should have. The fans seem to really be into the situation with FBI. They have a good amount of heat right now. Another problem for me was distinguishing between each member of Avispa. There should have been some initial descriptions, or references, to what each member looks like in terms of size and weight. This match showed more instances of move names with no explanation, the finishing move comes to mind. Try to describe each move so people understand exactly what transpired. Aside from everything I’ve mentioned, this match was a great initial bout. It was chalked with some great luchadore wrestling and raised the fans excitement at the start of the show.

II.SEGMENT: “That’s the Magic” feat. Ray Chavez
a. Like: Keith Kane.​
b. Dislike: Gifts.​
c. Comments: Didn’t really understand the reason for the gifts. A checkbook? Really? Keith Kane is an interesting character because he seems like he’s ripping off Ray, then there are other times where he genuinely seems to care. Either way, he’s slowly gaining Ray’s trust, which leads one to wonder if this will wind up hurting Ray more than helping. Time will tell.

III.MATCH: “Citizen v. Mike Extreme”
a. Like: Citizen’s finisher!​
b. Dislike: Nothing.​
c. Comments: What a great match! Mike Extreme is a beast, which I realized after checking his bio. He pretty much controlled the pace of the entire match against the smaller citizen. When Citizen finally built some momentum, all it took was that Busaiku Knee Attack to finish off the big man. I personally love this move!! I feel the writer should really take the time to explain, in vivid detail, just what exactly the move consists of. It’s a highlight reel moment when he pulls it off out of nowhere, especially because it’s allowed in the Underground Rules matches. Citizen’s promos haven’t quite made me connect with the character yet, not that they’re bad because they aren’t, but I connect with this character in the ring, which is a welcomed change. I can only imagine how much of a power player this guy will be when he meshes both. Awesome job! Also, great use of the announcers. Didn’t want to forget that.

IV.SEGMENT: “Are You Serious, Bro?” feat. Rush
a. Like: Damien Lee’s role.​
b. Dislike: Nothing.​
c. Comments: I could have sworn Rush was drunk instead of high. Hell, I guess he could have been both. This guy has seen better days. It’s a great setup to the match because it adds the element of surprise. Nobody knows what Rush’s condition will be when he steps in the ring. Something tells me this guy has a better chance of making rehab before another Jolt show. Well, hopefully he can get some help and come back better than ever. I’m curious to know who Lee was speaking with. Has to be somebody big if he’s asking to be the highest paid on the roster. Interesting.

V.MATCH: “Rush© v. Jonathan Conspiracy”
a. Like: Reference to previous happening with Terrorists.​
b. Dislike: Match.​
c. Comments: I enjoyed the segment leading into the match, but the match itself was a bit of a joke. There was also no reference made to the fact that Rush was the International Champion. Even in his altered state, Rush should have put up a better fight or something more exciting should have transpired. This match definitely upset fans more than it pleased. Now with JCON the International champ, one would think if he’s even suitable for it. Honestly, this guy wins the title coming off his previous loss? I’m beginning to wonder why there are so many titles. I think some should disappear to give more credibility to others. JCON seems like a paper champ to me. Filler until the next guy comes along. Let’s see how he does with this.

VI.SEGMENT: “Tokyo Dreaming” feat. Marcus Davis
a. Like: Announcement.​
b. Dislike: The individuals.​
c. Comments: Am I supposed to feel excited about Matthews and Davis? The in-ring segment with them was baffling at best. I want to see where this one goes, because I’m just not feeling it thus far. Also, why is he in Japan?

VII.MATCH: “Reno Davis v. One Eye”
a. Like: Reno Davis.​
b. Dislike: One Eye.​
c. Comments: One Eye wasn’t doing much in the ring. Reno Davis, on the other hand, had control of the match. The fans couldn’t help but wonder when Reno Davis would take advantage of the Underground Rules and really destroy One Eye, but he never quite did. He hit some awesome moves, but never let loose. I was surprised to not see Phoenix make an appearance. Something told me he might have. I also don’t think it was Derecho that attacked One Eye, but we’ll soon see. One Eye isn’t really making head weight with the fans either. Much like Phoenix, I don’t quite understand the gimmick at this point. Hopefully time will tell.

VIII.SEGMENT: “Fallout” feat. Chris Titan
a. Like: Titan attacking Reno.​
b. Dislike: Nothing.​
c. Comments: This guy strikes me as a caveman, haha. I like how he just attacked Reno out of nowhere, hilarious but scary too. This guy is definitely a wildcard and he has the skills to be devastating when fueled. I beginning to think the FBI is coming to an end. Titan needs to break away from the dead weight in order to make a new name for himself and break away from the novelty. I was very pleased to see the writer bring up the disciplinary action for the attack. It also made me remember previously, nothing has been done to Sylo, Bane, or AJ. I want to see Damien Lee keep to his word! I mean, come on!

IX.SEGMENT: “Pissing in the Cornflakes” feat. Kenjiro Ito
a. Like: The history.​
b. Dislike: The belts.​
c. Comments: Do we really need more titles, haha? I have no idea who this guy is, but I take it he’s from the Jolt of old. He obviously wants a contract, but now I’m wondering the reason why Damien wouldn’t have signed him initially. If this guy was the last triple crown champion, why not hire him? Something doesn’t add up. He’s arrested, which I thought was the right ending for the segment. I’ll wait for more on this.

X.SEGMENT: “Sorry to Inform You” feat. Derecho
a. Like: Open invitation.​
b. Dislike: Nothing.​
c. Comments: This guy is great anytime he’s on the screen. Just when you thought he’d upped his ante, he shocks you even further by inviting any of the eliminated wrestlers for another chance. He seems to have a lot of heat for his recent actions which is great. In my opinion, the Underground Championship is the #1 title right now in Jolt. You’ve just seen more of it and Derecho has been a great champion, a fighting champion. Prestige-wise, I’m sure the Legacy/Jolt title ranks highest, but Undergound is what the people want to see.

XI.MATCH: “Derecho© v. Jason Rau”
a. Like: Ladder use.​
b. Dislike: Length.​
c. Comments: This match seemed a bit short for a main event. I didn’t expect a long bout, but a little more wouldn’t have hurt. Rau has been on a losing streak, so it was nice to see him come out and unload on Derecho. He looked good until Derecho dug into his bag of tricks and sandwiched his head in between the ladder! Brutal!! This match wasn’t quite what his previous two matches were, but it was a decent showing for the first eliminated wrestler to take his offer. Who’s next?

XII.SEGMENT: “Standing At the Edge of the Flames” feat. Phoenix
a. Like: The speech.​
b. Dislike: Placement.​
c. Comments: I still can’t tell if this is comedic or serious. Why does he call One Eye ‘King’? Either way, he’s backing up One Eye to battle the villains. I like this. There is something interesting about this character, but it’s taking long to find out what. Hopefully Phoenix can explain a little before the fans lose interest. This segment doesn’t seem like it should have finished the show.​


Aug 19, 2006
I'll go ahead and add my thoughts as well to this post.


Show Opener
Clan Avispa vs Digital Underground

Synopsis: Yeah.. Titan and Register are Fuelled by Ignorance, but they will always be Digital Underground to me thanks to my days spent with them in Tornado Wrestling. The match was short and to the point where we saw Clan Avispa get the W over Register and Titan. It did its job in showing that Titan and Register are not happy with the loss and I could sense a bit of frustration.

Thoughts: While it was short and to the point.. I felt there was a bit too much description in it and it took away from the match. I found myself asking when the next move was and all I found was more description. I can understand to a new reader they might want the information, but it was a little excessive. That's the only thing I didn't like about the match, otherwise it was pretty nice.


That's the Magic

Synopsis: Chavez has a colorful conversation with his associate, Keith Kane. He scores some new ring gear, but there seems to be a foreshadowed warning by Kane about who Chavez should trust. Kane paid Chavez his share but eluded to something more devious behind the gift he gave.

Thoughts: I loved this segment.. It was probably my favorite on the entire card. It helped develop both characters rather well and the line of the night for me had to be "Guys with that much muscle are usually missing two things. One, the rest of their pecker and two, a brain" I read that at work and it caused my co-workers to wonder why I suddenly broke into laughter. Well done.


Underground Tournament
Citizen vs Mike Extreme

Synopsis: The match showed a battle between Mike Extreme and Citizen which was short and sweet that saw Citizen pick up the win with a vicious knee strike after hitting a DR Driver that would make Davey Richards seem like a terrible wrestler... oh wait.. Davey Richards IS a terrible wrestler. Citizen then stared down Derecho at the end as he moves on in the tournament.

Thoughts: For an Underground match, it didn't feel too extreme. It was pretty much a standard wrestling match with a lot of show of power and toughness, which works because it helps establish Citizen as a tough individual. But this is the Underground division.. there's the toughness Citizen got himself across as, and then there's toughness to hang in the land of hardcore. Not saying it needs to be a sabu vs terry funk match, but some weapons here or there would have helped the match along.



Are You Serious, Bro?

Synopsis: Woo Woo Woo, You Know It! Really good segment here which shows the International Champion, Rush, stoned out of his ****ing mind. He then eludes Damien Lee and heads to the ring for his match against JCON. A title match nevertheless.

Thoughts: If there ever was a segment that screamed foreshadowing, this segment was it. Not in a bad way because it was painfully obvious Rush would be losing his title, but it made you feel bad for Rush. Damien Lee's concern for Rush while trying to negotiate a deal with someone, I assume will be debuting soon, was pretty good and it made you connect with the characters while give a sense of drama and humor at the same time. I liked this segment a lot.


International Championship
Rush(c) vs Jonathan Conspiracy

Synopsis: Rush's demons got the better of him. This was a no contest from the beginning that saw JCON pick up the win and the International Championship... a title he's held in the past.

Thoughts: JCON is your new champion and during the match, they mentioned JCON's failed attempt at getting the Relentless title from Nashvillian which can become the seeds to something bigger, otherwise, why mention it? Rush fell and it should be an interesting story involving his character. In the meantime, we can enjoy a new International Champion. The match wasn't really a match per se, but it did it's job of getting the point across, which was enhancing the segment which came before it. Nicely done.


Tokyo Dreaming

Synopsis: A teaser for Marcus Davis live from Tokyo.

Thoughts: It's a video package.. it hypes something for the next Intense. Short, Sweet, plenty of substance to make you look forward to the next show


Underground Tournament
Reno Davis vs One Eye

Synopsis: Here we have a nice confrontation between One Eye and Reno Davis. They got a little dirty with a steel chair and even the Underground Champion came out and watched this one as well. In the end, Reno Davis smacked the broken english right out of One Eye to move on in the tournament.

Thoughts: I wrote it.. I will refrain from commenting. I'll let someone else critique my work.



Synopsis: Chris Titan is fighting the voices in his head on whether or not to blame Chris Register for their loss earlier in the evening. Reno Davis shows up fresh off his win and serves up a dose of reality to Chris Titan about the jOlt "originals" being given the WWE/ECW originals treatment. Reno steps over the line and Titan lays him out. I smell feud .. or at least a match!

Thoughts: This was very nicely done. I loved this segment. The mental conflict you thought was going to happen between Titan and Register was sidelined by some bold words by Reno Davis. Reno has a point about the jOlt originals and Titan took those comments to heart and a little personally. I'm excited to see where this goes.


Pissing in the Cornflakes

Synopsis: This already gets points for pissing in something that is of a higher tier than a Cheerio. jOlt's final champion, a triple crown champion at that, hopped the guard rail and made his presence known. Kenjiro Ito has returned and he returned with some candid thoughts about who should be featured on jOlt programming. He is the future of wrestling afterall, along with several other nicknames!

Thoughts: Here we have a debut segment of Kenjiro Ito. I understood the fact that he was a bit ticked off that jOlt neglected him, but I think the overuse of profanity kind of made the segment feel a bit weak. I think a toning down of profanity and using some stronger verbiage in place could have amped up the feeling. It did drive home the general notion of the segment, which is the ultimate goal. Kudos for that.


Sorry to Inform You

Synopsis: Derecho announces the edict passed down from the Board, stating he can't defend his title until Divide and Conquer, but he can face anyone who was eliminated from the tournament if they take up his challenge.

Thoughts: Again.. my own work.. someone else can say what they want about it.



Synopsis: Jason Rau takes up Derecho's challenge and jumps him from the start. Derecho then displays what a monster he is and why he's the Underground Champion. He puts Jason Rau down and the referee had to stop the match because he was out cold. It didn't stop Derecho from hitting his finisher on top of a ladder and send Rau out on a stretcher!

Thoughts: Again... my work... not my place to comment... although I will say this. Dan had in the notes that this was supposed to open the show. I read the show and don't see it anywhere at the top. Then I see it as the main event. A segment earlier in the show referenced the announcement of Derecho's title not being on the line when it hadn't happened yet because of that. I think the detail was overlooked and there should have been some editing done so it felt right because it was a little out of place. That's the only comment I'll say about it.


Standing at the Edge of the Flames

Synopsis: Here we see Phoenix and One Eye backstage where they have a conversation. One Eye feels Phoenix disrespected him by saying it only take "one eye" to see the difference between victory and defeat. Phoenix and One Eye are seemingly building a relationship here (no homo), but there doesn't seem to be full trust yet.

Thoughts: It's an interesting development. Don't know if I would close the show with this as this seems like a mid-show segment, but seeing what was before the main event, it would be kind of hard to balance that in so this is where it fit most. It got the job done and the message was delivered well. I liked the segment, just disliked the placement.


Overall thoughts: This was a solid showing from jOlt. Things were set in motion and there were some great segments that really stood out and did their jobs in developing both stories and characters. In the segment department, substance-wise, nothing here disappointed. The matches were a little on the short side, but that's ok.. it's tv.. not ppv, but it seems a few could have focused more on action rather than description. I know it's a novel format, but when you describe things for 2-3 sentences and have a quick mention of a move and go back to describing, it just makes it a little cumbersome to read. That might just be my own personal preference talking... but that's why this is called an opinion. I'm neither right nor wrong.. just giving out some food for thought.

If I were to give this show an overall grade.. I'd say B


New member
Jun 19, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
I'm going to steal Ray's thunder a bit here. ;)

Jolt Warriors 02 Review:
I.SEGMENT: "Standing At The Edge of the Flame" feat. Phoenix
a. Like: Broken English
b. Dislike: Placement
c. Comments: It's obvious that after reading a few paragraphs into this segment that it was meant to be slotted after the One Eye versus Reno Davis match much further into the card. I know Ray doesn't really care much for One Eye's broken English, but I enjoy it quite a bit. The segment all together though, for me, felt a bit rushed and while it got the point across that it needed to, I wasn't that keen on it. Maybe a little more time spent on looking it over, and adding a little more depth to the entire situation could have made it a bit more appeasing, but that's my thoughts.

II.MATCH: Clan Avispa versus Fueled by Ignorance
a. Like: The Action.
b. Dislike: Match flow.
c. Comments: While I feel this match would have had quite a bit more potential, it wasn't that bad. I just think that the flow for me reading it came off a bit rushed. I know this makes the second time I've said this in two different places, but if things had been stretched out a bit more I think it could have felt more real reading it. If there had been more use of the way the characters were feeling and reacting during the match it could have come off better, or if there had been a bit more use of the commentary it probably would have helped to break up the move, move, move, move style of the match for me. Because it wasn't the action of the match that hurt it, it was just the way there wasn't much breaking up of it to keep the reader interested. It felt done up like a person reviewing it from the crowd, so hopefully no offense is taken with anything I say tonight that isn't complimentary.

III.SEGMENT: "That's the Magic" feat. Ray Chavez
a. Like: The Deception.
b. Dislike: Keith.
c. Comments: My dislike isn't a bad thing, because not liking Keith actually makes me sympathize more to the side of Chavez. I wasn't really sure how much I was going to like this story after reading some of the stuff from the last iNtense show, but it's growing on me. I know it's probably going to be a good way off in the future, but I'm looking forward to Chavez eventually finding out everything and completely killing Keith in the end. Also, a nice set up for his match on the up coming iNtense as well.

IV.MATCH: Citizen versus Mike Extreme
a. Like: No comment.
b. Dislike: No comment.
c. Comments: No comment.

V.SEGMENT: "Are You Serious, Bro?" feat. Rush
a. Like: It felt real.
b. Dislike: Nothing.
c. Comments: Honestly, this is a very good set up into the match. I love the way that Lee comes off as though he actually cares about the wrestlers, but he also cares about the product as well. To me Rush feels like Scott Hall at this moment, and liked the way this segment played out. I was entertained by it, and even though Lee wasn't the main focus of the segment, it brought him into a new light for me as a promoter.

VI.MATCH: Rush (c) versus J-Con International Championship Match
a. Like: It played well off of the previous segment.
b. Dislike: The finish.
c. Comments: I don't think Rush needed to be put away with a signature move or a finisher to be honest, I think it could have been played a bit more well if he had just been caught in a school boy roll-up or any kind of roll up pin attempt instead. So, it really felt like a bit of overkill here for me, especially if the man standing in the ring actually had an idea that his opponent wasn't in his right mind. Even if it is an e-fed, you would think that it would be played to like in real life, and anyone in real life would have done their best to just try and keep the other person from being hurt and doing the easy out for the finish. In real life, and if Rush were really in that state of mind, hitting him with a move like that could have potentially killed him because he wouldn't really know how to take the bump properly.

VII.SEGMENT: "Tokyo Dreaming" feat. Marcus Davis
a. Like: Nothing.
b. Dislike: The segment.
c. Comments: This is no offense to Walter in the least, but this felt like it could have just as easily been a hype piece that would have fit better as a bit on the website.

VIII.MATCH: Reno Davis versus One Eye
a. Like: The match.
b. Dislike: Nothing.
c. Comments: This was a good match, and it played off of the weakness that One Eye would have had going into it. I like the element of Derecho taking notice of the tournament that is going to declare a challenger for his title at Divide and Conquer. All around though, this was a good match, it didn't drag and it got over the point it was supposed to.

IX.SEGMENT: "Fallout" feat. Chris Titan
a. Like: Titan going nuts!
b. Dislike: Davis' entrance into the segment.
c. Comments: I think there could have been a bit more talking from Titan, maybe even to himself before Davis would have entered the scene. It may have played out a bit better, it's hard to imagine someone could have gone from the ring to the backstage area that quickly. However, despite that, the segment played off very well. I liked it, and I like the Davis' style in the segment as well. Although, it may have been better to use another one of the jOlt originals in this segment because Reno Davis is probably one of the few who are getting the biggest push because of the Underground Tournament victories he is getting. I would just hate to see him get undermined because of this, despite the fact that both characters in the segment are very interesting to say the least. Reno more than Titan, in my estimation though.

X.SEGMENT: "Pissing in the Cornflakes" feat. Kenjiro Ito
a. Like: The angle.
b. Dislike: Nothing.
c. Comments: I like the idea of the last man to be holding three of jOlt's championships to be treated this way. I could have seen it more from Jim Johnson, but you would think that Damien Lee would want Ito on the shows, unless they have some kind of bad blood that I don't know about, and that's very well true. Ito is obviously a bad ass, while Lee is the good guy, and I'm sure they didn't have very nice encounters during their last stint together. I want to see more of where this is going, and I loved the realism to it of the security coming in and taking him away.

XI.SEGMENT: "Sorry to Inform You" feat. Derecho
a. Like: Segment.
b. Dislike: Nothing.
c. Comments: I love this side of Derecho, and even if the guy in character wants to admit it, he still loves the fans. Either that or he just fell in love with and embraces the Underground rules a heap ton more than he used to. I like the idea of giving people who were in the tournament another shot at getting a chance to face Derecho for the Underground Championship as well, despite the fact that we probably know that none of them are going to beat Derecho, but it still gives us a chance to see him on the shows and way for him to defy not being allowed on them. I personally like the Derecho character, so I wouldn't want to have to wait until Divide and Conquer to see him on the show again in a competitive style.

XII.MATCH: Derecho versus Jason Rau
a. Like: Impromptu!
b. Dislike: Nothing.
c. Comments: This match served the purpose it was supposed to, someone taking up the challenge of Derecho, and then the champion doing what he does best, take a beating in the beginning and then beat the ever loving monkey snot out his challenger in the end. Rau has definitely suffered as a character from this match, but Derecho benefits from it all the more, and it shows how much a predator the champion is. It's a nice take on things really, considering Derecho is the heel in this whole thing, but he's not afraid to back up everything he does and says in the ring. A non-coward psychopathic champion heel is a good thing in my books.

Just finished reading it. Most of it was in line with what I said in my review, but you did touch on some interesting points I didn't notice. These reviews are proving to be useful in more ways than one. I'm glad I'm not the only one reading the shows in their entirety. We have a solid group of guys right now and if we can all utilize the constructive criticism, I believe we'll mesh that much better. Let's work together to make this both entertaining and fun!


New member
Jun 19, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
I'll go ahead and add my thoughts as well to this post.


Show Opener
Clan Avispa vs Digital Underground

Synopsis: Yeah.. Titan and Register are Fuelled by Ignorance, but they will always be Digital Underground to me thanks to my days spent with them in Tornado Wrestling. The match was short and to the point where we saw Clan Avispa get the W over Register and Titan. It did its job in showing that Titan and Register are not happy with the loss and I could sense a bit of frustration.

Thoughts: While it was short and to the point.. I felt there was a bit too much description in it and it took away from the match. I found myself asking when the next move was and all I found was more description. I can understand to a new reader they might want the information, but it was a little excessive. That's the only thing I didn't like about the match, otherwise it was pretty nice.


That's the Magic

Synopsis: Chavez has a colorful conversation with his associate, Keith Kane. He scores some new ring gear, but there seems to be a foreshadowed warning by Kane about who Chavez should trust. Kane paid Chavez his share but eluded to something more devious behind the gift he gave.

Thoughts: I loved this segment.. It was probably my favorite on the entire card. It helped develop both characters rather well and the line of the night for me had to be "Guys with that much muscle are usually missing two things. One, the rest of their pecker and two, a brain" I read that at work and it caused my co-workers to wonder why I suddenly broke into laughter. Well done.


Underground Tournament
Citizen vs Mike Extreme

Synopsis: The match showed a battle between Mike Extreme and Citizen which was short and sweet that saw Citizen pick up the win with a vicious knee strike after hitting a DR Driver that would make Davey Richards seem like a terrible wrestler... oh wait.. Davey Richards IS a terrible wrestler. Citizen then stared down Derecho at the end as he moves on in the tournament.

Thoughts: For an Underground match, it didn't feel too extreme. It was pretty much a standard wrestling match with a lot of show of power and toughness, which works because it helps establish Citizen as a tough individual. But this is the Underground division.. there's the toughness Citizen got himself across as, and then there's toughness to hang in the land of hardcore. Not saying it needs to be a sabu vs terry funk match, but some weapons here or there would have helped the match along.



Are You Serious, Bro?

Synopsis: Woo Woo Woo, You Know It! Really good segment here which shows the International Champion, Rush, stoned out of his ****ing mind. He then eludes Damien Lee and heads to the ring for his match against JCON. A title match nevertheless.

Thoughts: If there ever was a segment that screamed foreshadowing, this segment was it. Not in a bad way because it was painfully obvious Rush would be losing his title, but it made you feel bad for Rush. Damien Lee's concern for Rush while trying to negotiate a deal with someone, I assume will be debuting soon, was pretty good and it made you connect with the characters while give a sense of drama and humor at the same time. I liked this segment a lot.


International Championship
Rush(c) vs Jonathan Conspiracy

Synopsis: Rush's demons got the better of him. This was a no contest from the beginning that saw JCON pick up the win and the International Championship... a title he's held in the past.

Thoughts: JCON is your new champion and during the match, they mentioned JCON's failed attempt at getting the Relentless title from Nashvillian which can become the seeds to something bigger, otherwise, why mention it? Rush fell and it should be an interesting story involving his character. In the meantime, we can enjoy a new International Champion. The match wasn't really a match per se, but it did it's job of getting the point across, which was enhancing the segment which came before it. Nicely done.


Tokyo Dreaming

Synopsis: A teaser for Marcus Davis live from Tokyo.

Thoughts: It's a video package.. it hypes something for the next Intense. Short, Sweet, plenty of substance to make you look forward to the next show


Underground Tournament
Reno Davis vs One Eye

Synopsis: Here we have a nice confrontation between One Eye and Reno Davis. They got a little dirty with a steel chair and even the Underground Champion came out and watched this one as well. In the end, Reno Davis smacked the broken english right out of One Eye to move on in the tournament.

Thoughts: I wrote it.. I will refrain from commenting. I'll let someone else critique my work.



Synopsis: Chris Titan is fighting the voices in his head on whether or not to blame Chris Register for their loss earlier in the evening. Reno Davis shows up fresh off his win and serves up a dose of reality to Chris Titan about the jOlt "originals" being given the WWE/ECW originals treatment. Reno steps over the line and Titan lays him out. I smell feud .. or at least a match!

Thoughts: This was very nicely done. I loved this segment. The mental conflict you thought was going to happen between Titan and Register was sidelined by some bold words by Reno Davis. Reno has a point about the jOlt originals and Titan took those comments to heart and a little personally. I'm excited to see where this goes.


Pissing in the Cornflakes

Synopsis: This already gets points for pissing in something that is of a higher tier than a Cheerio. jOlt's final champion, a triple crown champion at that, hopped the guard rail and made his presence known. Kenjiro Ito has returned and he returned with some candid thoughts about who should be featured on jOlt programming. He is the future of wrestling afterall, along with several other nicknames!

Thoughts: Here we have a debut segment of Kenjiro Ito. I understood the fact that he was a bit ticked off that jOlt neglected him, but I think the overuse of profanity kind of made the segment feel a bit weak. I think a toning down of profanity and using some stronger verbiage in place could have amped up the feeling. It did drive home the general notion of the segment, which is the ultimate goal. Kudos for that.


Sorry to Inform You

Synopsis: Derecho announces the edict passed down from the Board, stating he can't defend his title until Divide and Conquer, but he can face anyone who was eliminated from the tournament if they take up his challenge.

Thoughts: Again.. my own work.. someone else can say what they want about it.



Synopsis: Jason Rau takes up Derecho's challenge and jumps him from the start. Derecho then displays what a monster he is and why he's the Underground Champion. He puts Jason Rau down and the referee had to stop the match because he was out cold. It didn't stop Derecho from hitting his finisher on top of a ladder and send Rau out on a stretcher!

Thoughts: Again... my work... not my place to comment... although I will say this. Dan had in the notes that this was supposed to open the show. I read the show and don't see it anywhere at the top. Then I see it as the main event. A segment earlier in the show referenced the announcement of Derecho's title not being on the line when it hadn't happened yet because of that. I think the detail was overlooked and there should have been some editing done so it felt right because it was a little out of place. That's the only comment I'll say about it.


Standing at the Edge of the Flames

Synopsis: Here we see Phoenix and One Eye backstage where they have a conversation. One Eye feels Phoenix disrespected him by saying it only take "one eye" to see the difference between victory and defeat. Phoenix and One Eye are seemingly building a relationship here (no homo), but there doesn't seem to be full trust yet.

Thoughts: It's an interesting development. Don't know if I would close the show with this as this seems like a mid-show segment, but seeing what was before the main event, it would be kind of hard to balance that in so this is where it fit most. It got the job done and the message was delivered well. I liked the segment, just disliked the placement.


Overall thoughts: This was a solid showing from jOlt. Things were set in motion and there were some great segments that really stood out and did their jobs in developing both stories and characters. In the segment department, substance-wise, nothing here disappointed. The matches were a little on the short side, but that's ok.. it's tv.. not ppv, but it seems a few could have focused more on action rather than description. I know it's a novel format, but when you describe things for 2-3 sentences and have a quick mention of a move and go back to describing, it just makes it a little cumbersome to read. That might just be my own personal preference talking... but that's why this is called an opinion. I'm neither right nor wrong.. just giving out some food for thought.

If I were to give this show an overall grade.. I'd say B

And yet another different take on things. I just realized, the more reviews the better! Some things we're on the same page, others we're polar opposites. Good job. I'm hoping we all can keep doing these reviews if possible. I'm starting to look forward to reading them in addition to the events.

Jesse Ramey

New member
Apr 16, 2007
Harts, WV
I'm just glad once you got done reading my review you didn't just outright say it came off as me being an ass. lol I hate doing reviews, not because of the fact that they can be tedious at times, because with the length of the shows in ACW, they can be. lol More so because of the fact that sometimes I feel like, "who the **** am I to be critiquing anyone else's work?" lol

So, the entire time I'm writing them I just feel as though I'm a completely ass with the way everything I'm saying is coming off and I really don't intend for them to come out that way. Especially if there is something on the shows that I don't like, and anything that I say that isn't complimentary in these reviews please do not take them to heart so much that it hurts your writing. If anything, do up something better, and shove it down my throat the next time I have to read it, please.

I don't want to see anyone in jOlt, or ACW for that matter, putting out sub-par material, but we all do it. Not everyone can be putting out spot on material on a weekly or even a bi-weekly basis. The fact of the matter is though, none of us would be here if Dan didn't feel we could write though, so don't let my words or anyone else's words go to heart. Take everything you read with a grain of salt in the form of reviews and keep on writing to prove anything negative said about you wrong in the end.

That is all.

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