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WFW Christmas Card: Sean Edmunds vs. Shawn Hart


The Phenom
Jan 1, 2000
Salt Lake City, UT
New Year's Resolution

:::FADEIN-- Boston, Mass. A hotel suite just minutes away from the Fleet Center where WFW Christmas Card is set to take place. Sitting on the bed, fiddling with a DVD remote control, is the man known to most as "The Phenom" Shawn Hart. After playing with buttons for a few seconds, he finally nods his head approvingly, and then hits play. CUTTO--The television monitor. Footage from the recent NEW BattleBrawl event is shown.:::

HART: "New ERA, the WFW, and everybody and everything else I'm dealing with, listen up. From here on in, I'm gonna do what I want, when I want, and NOBODY is gonna tie me down with gimmicks, schticks, sloppy joes or anything else. From here on in, heh, Steve Savoy calls the shots. For the last and final and LAST time, the PHENOM... has OFFICIALLY... left the building!!"

(The Phenom sticks the microphone into Tripp's chest, salutes the camera, and then steps off of the shot.)

:::CUTTO--The Phenom, or Steve Savoy rather, chuckling at his performance.:::

SAVOY: Heh, regardless of what they say about me, they can never accuse me of not being a good talker.

:::Savoy reaches for the remote once again and fast-forwards to later in the show. CUTTO--Footage from the Battle Royal.:::


(SFX: BUZZ!!!)

JIVE: “I thought he left!!!”


(Shawn Hart runs down the ramp way wearing his street clothes… he slides into the ring and starts flexing his muscles, a la Hulk Hogan!)


JIVE: “ Shawn Hart has gone crazy! Was he in a mental hospital when he was gone?”


JIVE: “ Shawn Hart just eliminated the Legend Killer!”

GHEORGHE: “AND NOW SHAWN HART HAS JACK DURDEN …… SHAWN HART bodyslams Durden to the mat …. He bounces off the ropes …. AND SHAWN HART DROPS THE LEG ON JACK DURDEN!!!”

LaROQUE: “I think Shawn Hart is going through a mid-life crisis..”


JIVE: “Look at Cruise!!”


JIVE: “Nooo!! They just eliminated the only man in the ring with any personality!”

GHEORGHE: “Hart getting up off the arena floor … AND HE FLEXES HIS MUSCLES FOR THE CROWD!”

LaROQUE: “ Shawn Hart has definitely left his mark on this match, though … he eliminated two men before being dumped himself!”


(Shawn Hart walks past Carl Jacobs, but grabs the microphone in the process.)

HART: “Alright, I'm off to collect my CHECK... heh, and probably my walking papers too. LONG LIVE THE PHENOM!!”

(Hart throws the mic back at Jacobs and walks up the ramp way …)

GHEORGHE: “And Hart …. Doesn’t seem to care about being eliminated!”

JIVE: “He got paid… that’s all he needed!”

:::CUTTO--Savoy, still feeling rather impressed with himself.:::

SAVOY: And look at the ol' boy workin' the crowd! Hell, if you ask me... he's got to be one of the BIGGEST STARS in the BUSINESS!!

:::Suddenly, Steve's expression goes sour and he shuts the DVD player off. After a half chuckle, he shakes his head and looks into the camera.:::

SAVOY: But then again, if you take a look at how things have been going for me lately, it's hard to imagine such a BIG STAR being on the short end of the BIG SHAFT I've been getting. Especially right here in my own backyard, the company I helped bring to prominence, WFW.

:::Savoy lets out a sigh, obviously annoyed by the situation at hand.:::

SAVOY: Y'see, in the beginning, when the Psycho's and the Doc Silver's were running rampant all over the title scene, the people in charge were proud to back the guys at the top of the bill. They saw what we were doing for the company, so if any of us missed a step, there they were to bring us back up to speed. Doc Silver lost his title... BOOM, back to the top with a title shot the very SECOND he was ready. Psycho? Same thing. He'd lost the strap, he was goin' through some things, but the big wigs wasted no time in giving him another chance at the championship. So fast-forward to now, this year. The PHENOM is back and ready to make his mark, so naturally I should be thrown right into the mix with the big men on campus... riiiiiiiight?

:::He scratches his chin and squints his eyes very pensively, as if to ponder the various perplexities of his predicament.:::

SAVOY: Wrong. Back in the beginning, with the guys who STARTED this whole thing, the WFW just couldn't help but keep the ball rolling with the boys who brought them there, but now that I'm back... now that I'M ready to take this b(FCC)tch by storm, am I gettin' the love? Naaaaaaaaah... I mean, here I am, ready to go, brought back to put an end to this L.O.V.E. business, beat Mike Manson, and do that thaaaang as only I can do it, but what's goin' down instead? Guys like Jean Rabesque, the Cameron Cruise Project, Daaaaaan Ryaaan, and a buncha other Johnny Comelately's are there. Guys who've been off in their own corners, wigglin' their willies, while I was headlining P-P-V after P-P-V and makin' this place respectable. So......... with all that being the case, I guess the question we have to ask here is what changed? What is it that's happened in the interim that's allowed this big bastard of a wrestling promotion to shove Steve Savoy aside like an empty beer bottle?

:::He shakes his head once again.:::

SAVOY: Two words, baby... Sean.... EDMUNDS. That's right, the former Mr. President. Before he hopped his way into office, the WFW was all about competition... workin' your way up a ladder and earning your payoff at the end. During his time in office, let's just say that whole philosophy was hornswaggled like a half-naked hillbilly. The WFW has officially become the New York Yankees of wrestling under his watch. No longer can some kid, all bright and bursting with ambition, come in and work his way to the top, cuz the very instant he starts to get goin', Ol' Edmunds and ownership have got yet another washed-up wack-job to take his place. Hail to chief?! Kiss my ass...

:::Savoy licks his lips, then makes a kissy-face into the camera.:::

SAVOY: But hey, that's A-OK with me for more than a couple reasons. First off, your time in office is done. You've come in, left a mess in our pants, but bing-bang-BOOM, you're done, baby! Our drawers are in the washer and before ya know, they'll be fresher than ever! Secondly, all these forced vacations and demotions and everything else have given Steve Savoy some much needed R&R. Plenty of extra time to knock back some Coronas and watch Will and Grace. Third, or Part C, or whatever the heck we're on now, as far as all this incoming talent is concerned... you're all goin' down like a French hooker. I've beaten Rabesque before, the Inner Circle is full of SQUARES, and Cameron Cruise is on my jock harder than a condom. But none of that is what makes this situation really a big PLUS for me. Oh no!! Cuz the cherry on top of this cake, by FAR, has to be the fact that yours truly, Steve Savoy, no Phenom, no Fun Bus, no appointment necessary, some assembly required... STEVE SAVOY, brah.... gets to beat your ass like a bongo drum! So yeah, get ready and all'a that jazz... because when we go head to head, let's just say it ain't gon' be pretty. And despite what you do to put a stop to your utter demise... just know that ol' Steve's got an ACE up his sleeve! The Corona Man has left the building!

:::FADE OUT:::
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Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
So You Did Your Thing..

(FADEIN: The under shot of a shower head. All of a sudden you hear some noise and water begins spouting from the showerhead onto the camera. CUTTO: Another angle of the same shot. This time we see 'Simply Sensational' Sean Edmunds standing in the shower buck naked, although you can't see below his waist, shivering in the water.. probably because its wicked cold.)

EDMUNDS: "Must get clean. Must get all this bacteria off my body."

(Edmunds starts rubbing his skin furiously.)


(Edmunds drops the soap he had in his hands. As he bends down to pick it up he shoots straight up and jumps to turn around.)

EDMUNDS: "Ohhhh no! Nice try there, buddy! I know what happens in this place when you bend down to pick up the soap!"

(There's no one there. But Edmunds goes on.)

EDMUNDS: "I'm not THAT dumb. I might have worked with him a lot before, but there's a fundamental difference between Wells and I... I don't take it up the ass."

(Edmunds points a finger at the wall as he slowly bends down in a squatting position to pick up the soap. You can only see his head at this point and he is staring right at the wall. He then springs back up holding the soap. He starts furiously scrubbing his arms and chest again.)

EDMUNDS: "They've gotta come off. Come on ..."

(The door flies open and in stumbles Sherri with a champaigne glass in her hand. She makes her way over to the toilet and slumps down next to it .. as she does so she looks over and sees Edmunds mumbling to himself.)

SHERRI: "What on GodsgreenEarth are you doin' in therrr?"


SHERRI: "Getting WHAT off? What are you talkin' bout?"

EDMUNDS: "The GERMS, Sherri! The Germs!"

SHERRI: "Shweetie .. theres nothing you can do about that."


SHERRI: "Whaaaaat?"

EDMUNDS: "The match! The match tainted me, Sherri! I had to tag in to Iron Lion. Just feeling those paws made me want to vomit. I cant get this feeling off me! I gotta, Sherri. I GOTTA GET THEM OFF ME!"

(Edmunds drops the soap again. He turns to the wall and points at it as he squats again. This time he slips and he falls out of view. CUTTO: An overhead shot of Edmunds' torso from the waist up. In the background you can hear Sherri laughing hysterically.)

EDMUNDS: "Not... funny."

(FADEOUT: As Edmunds blacks out. )

(FADEIN: An undeterminable time later. Edmunds is now lying in bed, in a sweat, as Sherri, champaigne glass still in hand, brings him in some .. "tylenol".)

SHERRI: "This should stop your night sweats."

EDMUNDS: "Extra strength?"

SHERRI: "The most money could buy."

(Edmunds pops the pill in his mouth and takes a swig of the champaigne.)

EDMUNDS: "Oh Sher, you know how to treat your man.."

SHERRI: "Mm do I ever."

(Sherri puts the champaigne glass down and hops into the bed, going under the covers. Edmunds puts his hands under and grabs her head, bringing her above them.)

EDMUNDS: "Not now. I got to address a few .. issues."

SHERRI: "Ohhhh, come on..."

EDMUNDS: "Go get me some more tylenol. Its going to be a long night."

SHERRI: "Ooo."

(Sherri hops out of the bed and runs out of the room. Edmunds props a pillow up on the backboard and sits up. He takes another gulp of Sherri's champaigne and licks his lips afterwards, making sure to get everything he can.)

EDMUNDS: "I saw your little thing, Hart. I must say, I was almost impressed. Now before you let that go to your head, I was impressed by the utter lack of passion that I once saw in you. You were ONCE at the top of your game, Shawn. At the top of THE game. The brightest rising star in any league you touched. But it happened. It happens to everyone. You suddenly became yesterday's news. Scotty Michaels took over your spotlight with his half-assed wheelchair relative. And then I took over from there, winning the World Title, then losing it only to become the greatest WFW President ever to exist. Now I've been unceremoniously kicked out of office by some halfwit who thinks that he's going to make my life a living hell. Too late, Felix Red; I've already done that. But Shawn Hart is the task at hand. And as I said before, his latest attempts at a come back have left much to imagine. Some horribly inept appearance in a second-rate league where he was eliminated by some in the closet, fanboy .... not to mention by Cameron Cruise as well. Well, it made me wonder. What happened to Shawn Hart? Afterall, he has missed a majority of the past year. But something must have happened ... something must have changed. We're not seeing the same Shawn Hart that we saw before. The one who had the world in his hands. No, not at all. Instead we're seeing a Shawn Hart that borders on being (ponders for a second) washed up. Yes, that's it. Washed up."

(Edmunds smiles as he readjusts himself on the bed and takes another sip of the champaigne.)

EDMUNDS: "I must thank you for saying such wonderful things about the state of the WFW under my leadership. As you might expect it took a lot of effort to get things the way they are now. With LOVE and the Inner Circle, Copycat, and (shudders) Iron Lion wondering around feeling as if they've got so much more to accomplish it almost seems fulfilling to know that I have repressed so much of what the WFW used to be. But thats all well and good. I'm no longer in power .. and thanks to the power of almost subscription drugs I can accept that. My last attempt at retaining power was overturned by the Executive Board.. and while they might not have seen things my way ... there's always that mysterious ACE up the sleeve that people have a fondness of pulling out. So perhaps, both you and I will use our ACES at Christmas Card. And while we're at it, perhaps I should re-name this card. Afterall, EX-President Wylde, whom I'm surprised people still remember since I've tried to extinguish his record from the WFW books, created this show while he was still around .. and I'm sure there's gotta be an expiration date to those things ... so this card will now be affectionately known as ... the SHAWN HART MEMORIAL CARD. Yes, Shawn. I'm using my powers for good.. to commemorate all that you've done for the WFW and for all that you will never ever again do for it in the future."

(Sherri comes into the room with a glazed look in her eyes. She stares at Edmunds and chuckles to herself.)

SHERRI: "Nope .. no more left."

(Edmunds stares daggers into her.)

EDMUNDS: "Well then. Go to the store and gets some more."

(Sherri laughs.)

SHERRI: "THAT RHYMED! STORE to get some MORE! STORE ... to get .. some MORE!"

(Sherri turns around and walks out of the shot.)

EDMUNDS: "But I guess I can see where you might be coming from, Hart. You held that title for what seemed like an eternity.. but for now, in most WFW fans' eyes is just a statistic. So why shouldn't you get an automatic title shot? Or at least thrust into the spotlight. Just look at us, Shawn. Two former World Heavyweight champions taking each other on... its a match that should be headlining. But alas, in MY WFW that didn't happen. Instead we got the likes of Copycat, Michael Manson .. and our friend Scotty Michaels there. And I know you might be asking yourself, 'Now heya buddy ole' pal. What the hell is Scotty Michaels doing in the main event? He was just as much beating off in the corner all year as I was, and there he is in the World title match.' Well .. let me give it to you straight, Hart, which is something I have a feelign you're not used to; As much as I HATE Scotty Michaels and wish he were the one in the wheelchair ... I like you even less. After all the (BLEEP)ing accolades you were given ... after all the hype I heard and saw .. well you played yourself out. So when Michaels won that title from you I can honestly say I was happy. Not because Michaels is an inferior wrestler and I knew it would be easier to win the title from him, but because he nailed you like a $5 Cambodian whore. And THAT, my friend, is saying something."

(A cell phone goes off. Edmunds reaches over to the desk next to the bed and picks it up. In the process, however, he knocks over the champaigne glass, spilling it onto the floor.)


(Edmunds flips open the phone and puts it up to his ear.)

EDMUNDS: "EC Enterprises, this is Sean Edmunds, Acting CEO."

(After a few seconds Edmunds hops out of the bed.)

EDMUNDS: "WHAT THE (BLEEP) DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T FIND THE FRONT DOOR! Its right when you go down the stairs!"

(More rampant talking on the other end.)


(Edmunds hangs up. All of a sudden Sherri walks in the door, holding a new champaigne glass and wearing her coat, a scarf, and sunglasses. The look on her face is less than happy.)

SHERRI: "I thought I already was downstairs you piece of (BLEEP) ."

(She throws the champaigne glass at Edmunds, who doesn't duck as it sails far to the right, smashing against the bureau. Sherri doesn't seem to notice as she turns around and walks out of view.)

EDMUNDS: "Why the hell I bothered to send Wink in there is beyond me. I guess when you're riding the adrenaline of victory .... you'll do crazy things. But I digress, Hart ..."

(Edmunds walks into the bathroom, the cameras follow him in.)

EDMUNDS: "Because at the Shawn Hart Memorial Card everything you're setting out to prove will come down at your feet. The world no longer cares about Shawn Hart, or whoever else you may be. You did your thing once, Shawn. You were the WFW World Champion. You were the hottest thing going in wrestling. But now you're just another one of the boys. And when you stand side by side with us ... you just don't measure up."

(Edmunds turns on the shower.)

EDMUNDS: "Don't adjust your television sets .. I *AM* this Sensat..."

(FADEOUT: As Edmunds looks over at the shower, and starts sweating profusely as he remembers what happened earlier. He takes out the soap and starts washing his hands frantically ... before hopping in the shower with all of his clothes still on his body.)


The Phenom
Jan 1, 2000
Salt Lake City, UT
The Devil Gets His Due

:::FADEIN-- NOT to an utterly disturbing, all-male shower scene, but rather your typical WWE "Here we are talking in our locker room, getting all jazzed up over how great we are and how we're about to kick some ass" exchange between two allied wrestlers. The first is none other than Steve Savoy, decked from head to toe in full on Phenom gear. The second, his sister, Miss Felicia Hart. Now, it appears that the two of them are preparing for some kind of match, hence the wrestling gear and the locker room, but in reality... Mr. Savoy had maxed out his MasterCard several days earlier and just couldn't afford to foot the bill for one of his famous "Here I am in my pricey presidential suite at (INSERT FANCY HOTEL NAME HERE), living a life of luxury and rubbing it in your face." promos. But let's just keep that between you and me, eh?:::

SAVOY: Sweet Mr. Sean-boy... how your pathetic ploy for sympathy saddens me...

HART: You're really going hardcore with these alliterations, aren't you?

SAVOY: Hell yeah, brah! It just makes everything I say sound so much SWEETER!

HART: So then, BIG BROTHER... *snicker* why so glum, chum?

SAVOY: I just feel for the guy, y'know? I mean, here he is... shootin' the sh(FCC)t about how weak and lowly and washed-up Steve Savoy has gotten... when each and every and EACH thing he says and does practically propels him to poster boy status in being pathetic.

HART: Explaaaaaaaain...

SAVOY: Well let's get down to the nitty-gritty and face facts here, shall we? Dude wants to paint my picture like I'M the one full of pooh-pooh, but if you get right down to it... mebbe read between the lines a li'l, it's painfully obvious that his whole disgusting diatribe is a cry for help. He likes to whine about guys like Iron Lion, Ma-ELLLLL-Strom, and Jared Wells making him sick to his stomach? Well, like I was sayin' in the first place, the onliest reason they're in the positions they are to begin with is because that lovable LAME DUCK let them get there! This entire influx of outside invaders went down with you at the helm, Edmunds! Some people face great odds and outside pressures before they buckle, but you... your bubble was burst by a needle aaaaaall your own, baby. Heh, like the Phenom used to say... call it an outrage, call it a MOCKERY, I call it the TRUTH... and sometimes, the truth STIIIIINGS!!

:::Felicia licks her index finger, places it against Savoy's bicep, and after making a frying pan sound effect, quickly retrieves it and places it within the loving grip of her lips to cool down.:::

SAVOY: But the bull-honky doesn't end there, OH NO!!!

HART: Ohhhhhhh NOO!!!

SAVOY: Because if you reeeeeeally wanna bust out that microscope and see Sean's speech for what it truly is, you'll be shocked and amazed to find that the whole thing is basically just a whiny, less-clever version of MY last helping of microphone magic!

HART: No!!!

SAVOY: YES! For example, my warning to all the wankers in WFW that they were going down like a French hooker. Next thing ya know, Copycat the SECOND is telling me how I was nailed like a Cambodian whore. A nice ethnic variation... I GUESS, but not entirely effective when it's sliding through second-string. Next, his brilliant statement about a certain other wrestler beating off. Color me stupid, but I think I already said something about certain other wrestlers wigglin' their willies. All you've done here is taken the same statement, slammed the smart out of it, and made the whole thing more obvious and un-entertaining. Nothing new for Sean Edmunds, I suppose. Heh, but the syrup on the sundae has GOT to be the fact that DAYS after I dropped science about the ACE up my SLEEVE... the man thrills us all with tales of his OWN Ace and his OWN sleeve! Now that's just downright redundant, man!

HART: What a LOSER!! I SOOOOOO wouldn't date him!

SAVOY: Thankfully, all similarity between the two of us ends there. Cuz while he seems to have a permanent spot in pity city, giving me migraines over his misadventures with L.O.V.E., Alex Wylde, Shane Southern, and everybody under the sun... I'm up here workin' that camera, and lookin' COOL doin' it! But I guess that's just the difference between you and me, Edmunds. I'm looking forward... while you waste your time glues to the rear-view mirror. Rest assured... and without question, the same will be true at Christmas Card. Mark my words, man... and put 'em in your planner all nice n' pretty like. Cuz when Steve Savoy's droppin' dimes, you can take 'em to the BANK! The Corona Man... has left the BUILDING!

:::FADE OUT:::


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
(FADEIN: The hotel room of Sean Edmunds and Sherri that they have for the Christmas Card. Edmunds is sitting on the bed, Sherri at his right, looking very withdrawn and on edge.)

EDMUNDS: "How long has it been, Sherri?"

SHERRI: "Six days."

EDMUNDS: "Why did we make that our New Year's Resolution? I can't live without it."

SHERRI: "We did it because we were sick of being dependent, Sean."

EDMUNDS: "I know ... I know ... but ... I ... I don't think I can hold out much longer."

SHERRI: "Come to bed .. we'll sleep it off."

EDMUNDS: "I can't. I gotta make sure that I get this out .. I mean, with the match coming up, I want to make sure that Shawn Hart .. excuse me, Steve Savoy, or whatever he's calling himself these days, knows full well what he's getting himself in to."

SHERRI: "Well whatever you do, don't make an obvious statement based on something he said .. because then he'll accuse you of stealing the words right out of his mouth."

EDMUNDS: "Is it my fault that he's been hit on a the head too many times?"

SHERRI: "I'm just saying ..."

EDMUNDS: "What Hart needs to realize is that he's not stepping in the ring with the same Sean Edmunds who won the World title 11 months ago.. hell, he's not even stepping in the ring with the same Sean Edmunds who wrestled last week. I have seen the err of my ways, Sherri .. and I'm ready to show him, too."

SHERRI: "He's going to have another thing coming to him if he thinks that he's just going to roll right over you."

EDMUNDS: "I know."

SHERRI: "Come on .. let's go to sleep."

EDMUNDS: "I .. I can't sleep. I haven't been able to sleep since New Years."

SHERRI: "What? I wake up in the morning and you're conked out.. Hell, the people across the hall from us came in the room and turned off the alarm clock because it had been going off for an hour right next to your head."

EDMUNDS: "That's a lie! I was listening to the radio station."

SHERRI: "It was the buzzer, Sean."

EDMUNDS: "Bah. I liked the sound of it. But seriously, Sher, look at Shawn Hart."

SHERRI: "Must I?"

EDMUNDS: "The poor kid has been out of the loop for so long that he doesn't know where to begin. Chris Wink is punishing me."

SHERRI: "Amen, brother."

EDMUNDS: "He goes and re-hires Felix Red ... and then he puts me in this God foresaken match against Hart. Shouldn't Hart be facing Pulsar or Luster or someone? He's been gone for how long?"

SHERRI: "Months."

EDMUNDS: "And yet I, instead of finally getting a chance to reclaim the World title that I so graciously gave to the Man Whose Name Shall Not Be Said, am stuck facing the party crasher. I give a year and a half of my life .. never missing a card ... always showing up and trying my best ... and this is the thanks I get."

SHERRI: "Well at least you're not Copycat. The guy finally gets his shot and he gets Scotty Michaels thrown in."

EDMUNDS: "Yes, but Copycat's a LOSER, Sherri. I am a former WFW World Champion and WFW President for Christ's sakes. What did I do wrong to be punished like this?"

SHERRI: "It could have been the fact that you fired The Man Whose Name Shall Not Be Said as soon as you took over."

EDMUNDS: "Well.."

SHERRI: "Or the fact that you have let LOVE run rampant.."

EDMUNDS: "Okay, okay.."

SHERRI: "Oh yea and the fact tha..."


SHERRI: "Jeez, take a chill pill."

EDMUNDS: "I wish I could. I mean hell.. I beat Jean Rabesque on PPV to give this damn company a ****ing buyrate off the scales ... if it weren't for me, Iron Lion would have had his ass handed to him last show .. but I stepped in and we beat Dan Ryan and Maelstrom ... now I gotta go out there and prove my worth against SHAWN ****IGN HART? Are you kidding me? I should be insulted. (shakes head) No .. there's something more to this, Sherri... there's gotta be something more."

SHERRI: "Maybe if you sleep, it'll come to you in a dream."

EDMUNDS: "We've gotta re-work our gameplan here. We've gotta re-group and come out fighting. Chris Wink and the rest of the board can't keep me complacent anymore. I've given a year and a half to this joint .. and if I gotta, I'll work harder than ever to prove to them just how Sensational I am."

SHERRI: "Good, you can start with Hart, beat his ass all over the place in Boston, shake some hands afterwards, go out to a bar, get ****faced, come back and then plan you're revenge... but for now, I'm tired."

EDMUNDS: "Alright, alright .. but Sherri..."

SHERRI: "Yea?"

EDMUNDS: "I really can't handle it anymore. Please .. can we just have some? I promise .. we can give it up for Lent and stick to it ... but for now ... I just need some coke."

SHERRI: (sighs) "Well .... I have been feeling the cravings myself .... just for tonight ... LET's SPLURGE!"

(Sherri hops off the bed and runs over to the minibar in the room. She throws open the door and pulls out two Coca-Cola cans. Taking one, she winks at Edmunds before opening it with her teeth. She hands it to him and opens hers.)

EDMUNDS: "Finally ... I can now rest easily knowing that I've had my fix for the night."

SHERRI: "Cheers!"

EDMUNDS: "Cheers, babe."

(FADEOUT: As Edmunds and Sherri put their Coke cans together and then chug as the scene fades to black.)

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