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WFW Scars and Stripes Forever: Manson vs. Eian (Main)


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-03 AT 09:36 PM (EST)]BRANDON JACOBS: And now we move on to our main event, in which Andre Eian and Mike Manson have at it for the North American championship. Vic, your opinion?

VIC WATERS: Andre’s got it in the bag. Nobody wants to see Manson’s tired old carcass in the ring anymore! It’s time we had some fresh new talent really shine!

BRANDON JACOBS: Well, overcoming the hardened veteran that is Michael Manson will be quite a task to accomplish.

VIC WATERS: When he’s got a bum wheel like that? It’s not that hard to beat a one-legged man.

BRANDON JACOBS: If I know Manson, then he’ll find some way to compensate for his injury. Let’s go ringside!

::Cue up: “Bawitdaba” by Kid Rock::

RING ANNOUNCER: This match is scheduled for one fall with a 60-minute time limit, as it is for the World’s Finest Wrestling North American Championship! Introducing first, on his way to the ring, standing at 6’6” and weighing at 246 pounds, “The Shadow” Andre Eian!

VIC WATERS: This man will sweep away the last vestiges of the past. There he is. The future of the sport.

BRANDON JACOBS: Sometimes the past comes back to haunt us, Vic.

VIC WATERS: Oooh, I’m shaking in my $500 Italian leather shoes.

::Cue up: “Mechanical Animals” by Marilyn Manson as Mike Manson walks out to the ring with braces on both knees::

RING ANNOUNCER: And now, approaching the ring, standing at an even six feet and weighing in at 230 pounds, the World’s Finest Wrestling North American Champion, Michael Manson!

BRANDON JACOBS: There seems to be Manson’s defense right there!

VIC WATERS: That’s IT? The great scheming Manson can just force Eian into a game of “eenie, meenie, minie, moe”?!

::Bell rings::

BRANDON JACOBS: Well, we’ll see how this plays out in the match, and Andre Eian is in no modd to waste time as he makes a dive for whichever knee of Manson is closest! Manson lifts up the leg and Eian gets nothing but canvas. Eian tries again on the other leg but Manson clears the way and Andre Eian again kisses the canvas. Manson hurries over to the prostrate body of Eian and begins laying in a series of closed fists to Andre’s head!

VIC WATERS: Just like Manson to use closed fists, especially when the guy’s already down! Hopefully when Eian wins the title, he’ll instill some sense of morality into this whole place.

BRANDON JACOBS: Well, as Manson was on top of Eian, Eian seems to have grabbed Manson’s left leg, rolled through, and now he has him in a standing leg lock!

VIC WATERS: Like Andre said all along, he just has better acumen in that ring, no matter how much experience Manson has had! Look at him wrench that left leg!

BRANDON JACOBS: Andre seems to be listening to Manson’s cries of pain to make sure this is the bum leg…and he’s sure of it! He’s cinching in that leg lock TIGHT! Manson is struggling to free himself, and now Eian is trying to break the brace!

VIC WATERS: Looks like Manson’s deception hasn’t lasted for long, and now he’s going to PAY!

BRANDON JACOBS: The referee is warning Eian to get off the brace, and as Eian loosened the leg lock to get to the brace, Manson hits Eian with a low blow! The ref didn’t see it! Schoolboy from Manson! 1, 2, Eian is up at two! Manson seems to be favoring that left leg as he gets up now, using the ropes for assistance. Andre charges in, and begins to pummel Manson with closed fists. Eian whips Manson to the far ropes, and as Manson comes off, Eian hits that knee with a low kick, sending Manson tumbling outside the ring!

VIC WATERS: The Shadow smells blood now. Here comes the KILL!

BRANDON JACOBS: Eian slides out of the ring, and grabs Manson, and tries to whip him into the steps, but no! Manson reverses! Eian is sent crashing shoulder first into the steel steps! Manson picks Eian back up, and then throws him shoulder first into the steel ring post!

VIC WATERS: See, there Manson goes with the dirty fighting again!

BRANDON JACOBS: Oh please, Andre was just gonna do the same thing. I can’t believe you think Andre Eian is such a good guy when you just saw he can be as dirty as anybody else!

VIC WATERS: Nonsense! He was just going to help him back in the ring! He wants to keep the action between the ropes, which is good of him.

BRANDON JACOBS: Manson now rolls Eian back in the ring and covers. 1,2, Eian is up right after 2. Manson tries to pick The Shadow up, but Andre Eian pulls the legs right from under him!

VIC WATERS: See, as long as Manson has that bad leg, he can’t put up a legitimate offense to such a great mat technician like Andre Eian.

BRANDON JACOBS: But as Eian tries to do something, Manson rolls through, and now has Andre Eian locked in the Tourniquet crossface! Eian’s neck and shoulders have to be feeling it now! But they’re too close to the ropes as Eian grabs the ropes and Manson is forced to break the hold. Manson picks up Eian, and tries to hook him up for a suplex, but Eian grapevines his leg to prevent him going over. Now Eian turns Manson around, hooks the bad leg, and hits him with a fisherman suplex and bridges for the pin! 1, 2, 2.89 as Manson barely kicks out!

VIC WATERS: If Eian has just kept his grip a little tighter, we would have had a new champion right there. Manson is at the end of his rope.

BRANDON JACOBS: And like some bloodthirsty predator, Eian is back on Manson’s left leg, trying to undo the brace! But at the same time, Manson is undoing the brace on his right knee! Andre slips off Manson’s brace! MANSON HITS ANDRE IN THE HEAD WITH HIS OTHER BRACE! Andre is sent reeling into the referee! The ref’s down! And Manson simply slips the other brace onto his bad knee!

VIC WATERS: Just like Manson to take out the referee, but Andre isn’t going down just from a shot with a brace. He’s back up now, ready to finish him off!

BRANDON JACOBS: Eian charges in, but Manson grabs his arm, takes him down, and locks him back into the Tourniquet! Andre grabs the ropes, but no ref to force a break! Andre is in real trouble! Andre is struggling to stand up, as Manson tries to keep the Tourniquet locked in, but both men are up and Eian hits Manson with a Russian leg sweep! Manson is writhing in pain! Eian takes Manson’s leg and slips the other brace off! Manson is in big trouble!

VIC WATERS: And so—wait, what’s that nut Diablo doing down here?!? Is that…no…

BRANDON JACOBS: Diablo is headed down to the ring with his Branding Iron of The Apocalypse! The branding iron is set alight! Eian is none the wiser as he’s still focused on Manson! Diablo climbs the apron, drinks something out of a bottle, and calls Eian’s attention! DIABLO HAS JUST BLOWN A FIREBALL INTO EIAN’S FACE! GOOD LORD!

VIC WATERS: WHAT? Manson has OTHER guys doing his dirty work for him?!?

::Bell Rings::


RING ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentleman, your winner, and STILL World’s Finest Wrestling North American Champion, Michael Manson!

BRANDON JACOBS: And Diablo is now in the ring, and standing over the prone body of Andre Eian! He has a mic in hand…

DIABLO: EIAN! YOU HAVE BEEN THROWN INTO THE INFERNO! Although I didn’t have a match tonight…the darkness will still feed! Oh don’t worry, though, Eian. Not tonight. Not on free TV. But at the next Pay-Per-View event…You will feel Diablo Fuego at Paradise Lost…and after I put you…THROUGH FLAMING TABLES…I WILL PUT MY EVIL INSIDE YOU!

BRANDON JACOBS: MY GOD! Diablo has just challenge Andre Eian to a flaming tables match at Paradise Lost! Andre Eian will feel a whole new world of pain at the hands of Diablo! What a way to end the evening! Good night folks, see you next week!

::Fade to WFW logo::

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