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WRESTLEVERSE IV: Dis vs. Ivan Dalkichev


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
(The scene opens in a dark room. A figure covered in a black cloak with a black mask covering their face stands in the darkness.)

DIS: (Voice distorted) It was not supposed to be like this. No I had plans, grand plans.

But plans end up changing all the time don’t they?

I was to have a breath taking reveal at Wrestleverse, do you know what it’s like getting a refund from a full orchestra?

And Andrea Bocelli was heartbroken he’d always wanted to do Wrestleverse.

Maybe another time.

Sorry Kenny, I wanted you to win whatever the award for wrestling journalism is. I really did.

Three men changed my mind about everything, I knew what the first two were doing to my company, and it sickened me, made me come back.

Much like Christian Sands and Beast forced me to exist in the first place. I could not let them choke Empire Pro Wrestling to death in its crib. So I came down upon them like a fury they could not imagine, I took their title, and I banished them from the Empire.

I took this company from the depths they sunk it too, and lifted it to heights unimagined. I made Empire Pro Wrestling what it was, the greatest company in the world, and when I left, I thought it was in good hands.

I was wrong.

Now as the company sinks lower into a morass of failed old men pitifully whining at each other, I am left with no choice, I have to do the things I shall do.

Starting with naming names.

Copycat, you stupid man you.

To hear some simple minded child talk of you like you were Jesus Christ. Now Jesus he did something maybe the most important man in the history of the world.

Jesus won hearts and minds he swayed people to a faith, an ideal.

Copycat has Aaron Jones, and odds are he only has him cause Aaron’s 20 years old and Copycat is buying his booze for him.

Aaron turns 21 and he’s gone. The saving of Empire Pro is great and all, but getting loaded is far better.

Copycat is meaningless.

He is as interesting as a rooster born with two heads, it’s curious, and if you wanted to try to give it meaning you could but in the end you’re just staring at some freak that should be put out of misery.

Same could be said for Copycat.

Sad to say in our battle of the useless vs the myopic he’s only the former.

I was listening to Anarky.

No they were not paying me to do that, glutton for punishment that I am, really the depths I go to in order to save Empire Pro, I should get hazard pay at least.

He was railing against those who came before him, those who’ll come after him. How they were and will be so proud and arrogant, how he was so noble and humble. I felt bad for the man.

Anarky, the sad king, the last noble man.

Then I heard something and I damn near dropped the remote.

Had to go back on the DVR and play it back again to make sure I caught it.

I was right, he said it.

Felt like the world was crashing down around me.

My company’s champion, our hero, reduced to these words.

“I didn’t ask for this.”

Then how did you end up champion?

What was it Anarky? An accident?

Like how one accidentally sleeps with your best friend’s wife?

Like how a child just happens to have a puppy follow them home from school?

Can we keep him mommy?! Please?

“I didn’t ask for this.”

Really? That’s our hero? Amazing.

You’re every 17 year old who’s knocked up his girlfriend.

In the end they either pay for the abortion or they suck it and keep the kid.

Since you aren’t going to do us the favor of aborting your career I guess we’re stuck with you and your unwanted child of a championship.

The man who has to be champion because everyone else is unworthy.

Shall I kneel before the great man, who reigns only because nobody else should?

What a self-righteous piece of sh*t you truly are. Copycat’s not the only one with a messiah complex in this match.

Instead of carrying your own cross, you carry a belt that has the weight of the world on it.

My heart bleeds for you, it truly does.

You two so galled me, provoked me to putting this mask back on. But it wasn’t you who altered my plans, changed the course of history forever.

That was Ivan Dalkichev.

He was the canary in the coal mine who showed me the damage you two clods had done. He offered the world a chance to fight at Wrestleverse, the biggest stage in Empire Pro Wrestling. I thought this company still elite, still where people came to make names for themselves.

I sat there and waited, waited for when someone either someone who had been in The Empire before or some newcomer would challenge the big Russian.

It never came. Nobody cared about his challenge, nobody was interested in Wrestleverse.

Not tonight dear, I have a headache.

Empire Pro Wrestling couldn’t sell water in a desert.

Ivan, I respect you more than the two cretins Empire Pro shall parade out for the main event.

You want to fight on the biggest stage.

So do I.

You just want a fight, no pretense needed. You’re an honest person.

Just like me.

I’m so honest I tell the truth even when I’m lying.

But enough about what binds us Ivan, let’s talk about the fight for a moment.

I’m more then you bargained for, that’s for sure, but I expect a hell of a fight from you.

You begin my campaign to save Empire Pro.

But I am not here to win hearts and minds.

I’m here to win matches.

I know you are to Ivan, but your best on this night will not be enough.

I am going to win this match, and the next, and the one after that.

And I will keep winning them, show after show, till one day no more roadblocks can be put down, till nobody can stand in my way.

Then be it one of those two pious fools fighting for the belt, or that simpleton Impulse, or that child called Stalker. I’ll take my title back. I’ll take my company back.

Dis has returned.

The game has changed.

No one is safe.



Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
(A dartboard covered with pictures of everyone who is wrestling at Wrestleverse is displayed. The camera moves to show Dis standing holding a dart.)

DIS: (Voice distorted) Ivan, Comrade, I fear our battle will not be a big enough show of force to the Empire Pro Locker room, to the fans and to the world.

We shall fight you shall struggle to defeat me.

You will fail.

But after they declare me the winner it won’t be enough.

No putting your scalp on my wall won’t appease me.

I think I need to dream bigger and do bigger things.

So now I stand here ready to decide who I’m going to beat half to death.

Who gets to lay in a pool of their own blood after their match.

There is a price to be paid in Empire Pro Wrestling now everyone in this company needs to learn that.

The risk of wrestling here just grew far more severe.

Because people are just drifting along, there is no real desire for anyone, no drive.

I listen to the Sad King and the False Prophet as they growl and yap at each other.

Nobody cares. I remember the old times when everyone in the locker room wanted to defeat me, how there was a chase, a goal, a quest and I was the final barrier between everyone else and greatness.

Now Impulse is content with trying to win the intercontinental title. Cameron Cruise thrilled at the prospect of being TV Champion.

Karl Brown and Otaku seek glory in the tag titles.

And the Sad King and the False Prophet rant and rave, a two man dance that captures the imagination of nobody.

This is not the company I knew. This is not the company I want.

So things must change, the title must be made to be worth something again.

Ivan will suffer dearly for being my opponent. Know that the locker room will learn of my brutality from this match, that the lack of mercy I display will be a hallmark for the rest of my days.

Then one of you will be taught a lesson. I don’t even care who it is.

(Dis throws the dart off camera at the dart board. After a quick glance at who the dart hit Dis turns back to the camera.)

A worthy target.

Since they are unworthy to be here.

You will see my handy work soon enough.

And you will know the truth.

No one is safe.


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