Angles/Segments Reminder


The Godfather
Staff member
Just a reminder that angles and segments are due...immediately for ON TIME. E-mail them to me at Please also e-mail them to Mike at (I think) since my e-mail has been wacky.

If you're not sure whether you're supposed to do something or not, contact Mikey or myself...or just do it and send it in anyway!

Evan, I know you need to know the result of the final match from A2K1 to do any sort of should have that later today (Friday).

Jon, I know you're waiting on a response.

Any segment not used on this card, or not received in time for 'press' on this card, will be moved to the next ON TIME.



League Member
Yes it is

I'm taking any segment I can get, and some of you have already sent me the intent to write up but I don't have any in my hands right now besides a Wicked Sight segment. But anyone I've talked to, send it in, I can't wait to piece it together.

If I haven't talked to you and you haven't talked to Chad and you want to do something, IM me or email me. Unless it involves raping Sammy Benson, I think it'll work JUST fine.



League Member
>If I haven't talked to you and you haven't talked to Chad
>and you want to do something, IM me or email me. Unless it
>involves raping Sammy Benson, I think it'll work JUST fine.

Quickly scrambles to come up with a new angle!

J/K, honest! =]



League Member
Yeah, you better scrap that, because ... well, I hate to spoil it... But Eli Flair is set to do the Benson "Screw Job" if you will...

Or at least...

That's what the rumor mill says.



League Member
Well... I thought I was sober. Then I saw this mysterious C in the middle of my name up there, and I just figure, there must be SOMETHING in my system ;-)