FWrestling.com - Circuit News and Info
FWrestling.com is an online resource site devoted to fantasy wrestling (e-wrestling).  

Since 1998, FWrestling has provided news, columns, free hosting, and some of the best  leagues in the history of the game.

FWrestling.com has roots in the game from 1992, where "FW Central" originally started as a game news site for leagues on the PRODIGY service.


FW Central




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Fwrestling.com news
Strange Video Emerges

Is the dormant CSWA waking? A video has appeared on the main page of theCSWA.com that says the story of the CSWA's end still has to be told.

Link: http://thecswa.com





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Copyright CS Enterprises 1998-2008. All rights reserved. Graphics done by Jon Katz, MonkeyMaster, Esq.