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You've come to the longest running fantasy wrestling website. Since 1994, we've been hosting top quality fantasy wrestling and e-wrestling content.

Recent content by Apocalypse

  1. A

    A Step Ahead of the Rest

    (Evol is relazing in a hotel room, nursing what injuries he recieved during the Bloodbath Match. He is lying in a fancy looking bed with a glass of wine and some bandages lying on the lightstand next to him.) Evol: Damn fine match that was last night. Damn fine. Bumps and bruises were...
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    A Step Ahead of the Rest

    (Evol is relazing in a hotel room, nursing what injuries he recieved during the Bloodbath Match. He is lying in a fancy looking bed with a glass of wine and some bandages lying on the lightstand next to him.) Evol: Damn fine match that was last night. Damn fine. Bumps and bruises were...
  3. A

    A little time to think...

    (Evol is seen sitting in a spinning chair, turning around and around. He stops once he sees the camera and places his feet up on a desk. The camera pans around to reveal an office setting. The scene outside the window is that of a very busy, corporate world with cars and people walking to and...
  4. A

    What's Happening?

    Just wanted to know what was going on. What's happening here?
  5. A

    Picking off the Weak from the Herd...

    (The camera opens to find Evol walking around the Bronx Zoo. He has just entered the Wolf exhibit. He pauses in front of a very large enclosure where a small pack of timber wolves are going through their normal routine. The zookeeper for the wolves has just placed the wolves' dinner, around 10...

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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