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  1. Fusenshoff

    What I loved about TEAM: And why e-wrestling is so unique.

    What I loved about TEAM: And why e-wrestling is so unique. My plan in this opinion column is to discuss the unique greatness of e-wrestling and TEAM in particular from the viewpoint of a writer and a highly competitive person. I watched professional wrestling religiously in middle school and...
  2. Fusenshoff

    Christmas Wish Lists

    What do you want for Christmas? Besides a defibrillator for TEAM, I'm asking for a cheap surround sound system to go with my TV. P.S. If anyone knows a good place to look besides eBay and Amazon, a little help is welcome.... But yeah, what does everyone else want?
  3. Fusenshoff

    Bottom of The Bottle Blog Updates

    It took seven months, but hey I updated it. http://fusenshoff.blogspot.com I figure I'll ride the coattails of Billy, Mike, Dave, Paul and Tom while the getting's good. This isn't my typical post, but an actual topic which seems to be spreading across the blog circle. Plus I had to stick up...
  4. Fusenshoff

    Happy Birthday Chris!

    Happy Birthday, man. Hope you make it a good one.
  5. Fusenshoff

    You best take yo messages!

    My little sister has this as the alert tone on her phone. I laughed very hard listening to it. I laughed twice as hard when it went off in church yesterday. Cell phone: 150 dollars. Alert tone: 99 cents. Watching your sister fumble through her purse at the speed of a lightning bolt with her...
  6. Fusenshoff

    Wrestler/Promo of the Month

    I talked to Dave about picking a Promo and Wrestler of the Month. The first one is up: August 2008. http://www.fusenshoff.blogspot.com
  7. Fusenshoff

    The cutting room floor.

    OOC: This was a segment from Agg 38 that didn't make it in because OpenOffice for Linux sucks. Justin (Stalker) and I worked on it together. [Stalker heads backstage after his match with Cameron Cruise. At the same time Fusenshoff is being pestered by Kenny Lombardo.] KL: Excuse me...
  8. Fusenshoff


    Name/Nickname(s) Fusenshoff/Fuse Common Derogatory Remarks about his name Any Hasselhoff reference (see Knight Rider, Baywatch) Hails From Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada Height/Weight 6'3" 263 Entrance: "Wherever I May Roam" by Metallica hits over the sound system. "And the road...
  9. Fusenshoff

    Happy 23

    Happy 23rd Birthday Adam. I can picture you with a bag of ice on your head and popping an Alka-Seltzer as you read this.
  10. Fusenshoff

    Elite Eight RP Feedback

    Turns out I actually found time to read all the rps this week and enjoyed pretty much all of them. My favorite battle was between Daymon and Solian. These two really battled it out. I felt Daymon was very detailed and decisive with his words and actions. Solian went for the juggular right...
  11. Fusenshoff


    PSSPW just posted its sixth straight show right on time and hasn't been a minute past when results are supposed to be posted since its opening. It is a very angle/storyline/feud centered fed with cool graphics and a very dedicated staff. There's a show per week and get used to waking up...
  12. Fusenshoff

    Week's feedback

    I personally had a lot of fun writing promos this week with Ravager. I told him that already but thought I'd make it public. Hoyt and Dan Ryan was fun to read in spots. I didn't have time to read all of every rp but from what I read Ryan was gold as usual and Hoyt did a damn good job putting...

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