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You've come to the longest running fantasy wrestling website. Since 1994, we've been hosting top quality fantasy wrestling and e-wrestling content.

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    Holy Cow

    I dropped in on a whim, hoping A) the place was still here, and B) I still remembered my damned password. So glad that both worked out and there's so many familiar faces. I wanted to say Hi, it's been awhile, miss so many of you guys, can't believe it took me so long to pop in and say hello. How...
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    Looking for Arc partner for upcoming Arc (Arcs)

    Hey All, With the upcoming ARC I've found myself back to the drawing board with ideas at the moment and looking for a few good people to have some matches with that could spawn something more. The character I'll be using is not one that's new to me, I've been writing him for 18 years, and I'm...
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    Another Sad day, Nature Boy Buddy Landell has passed away/

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    strep sucks

    So me and my youngest are down with strep which is sucking on an epic level. I will try to have some Donovan shut up as soon as I no longer wish for death.
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    Lash Graham: Japan Tour Booking Arc

    Sorry to be slow, trying to catch up on work stuff and school stuff after work kicked everythings ass last week. Fortunatly, is back to normal again. Show 1: Graham vs Rainwood Show 2: Graham vs Rainwood II Show 3: Graham vs Rainwood III Show 4: Graham not wrestling but at show with...
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    Lash Graham Application

    Here's the new character attempt MEMBER INFORMATION: Name: blue Email Address: Sleepingdragonz2@hotmail.com AIM:darklinglost Preferred Method of Handling: roleplay Best Way to Contact you: (PM/Email/IM) PM, or IM, Im on, just usually invisi eWrestling Experience: (What have you done...
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    Jace Harrison

    Name - Jace Harrison Hometown - Chattanooga, TN Height - 5’10 Weight -205 Face/Heel-Face Age - 20 Experience - He’s been wrestling for three years now, trained initially in Minneapolis Minnesota while attending college there and majoring in graphic design, his size was a disadvantage to...

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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