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2010 EPW Awards!


I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
1. Overall Wrestler of the Year

2. Face of the year

3. Heel of the year

4. Tag Team of the Year

5. Show of the Year

6. Angle of the Year

7. RP Thread of the Year

8. Match of the Year

9. Rookie/Newcomer of the Year

10. Book the championships for the end of 2011 (ie. who will be TV champ, World champ, Tag champs by the end of 2011.)


I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
1. Overall Wrestler of the Year
Triple X - his only downfall of 2010 was losing the championship belt to The First. Who in my eyes is second in line for this award.

2. Face of the year
The First - What more can be said? He won the belt, after many matches he finally overcame himself and became champion.

3. Heel of the year
Triple X- Who knows what 2011 holds in store for Sean Stevens but 2010 was a hellish year for anyone who stepped in his path.

4. Tag Team of the Year
We have a tag team division? Just kidding!! No but seriously, The Heirs of Wrestling. After multiple attempts by mashed up tag teams to pull the titles off of Wells (and whoever his partner was for the night) they were the only ones able to pull it off. And I know because Stalker was in two of those mash ups of teams.

5. Show of the Year
I hate picking Stalker for anything but Sin City Showdown was my favorite as it finally put a nail in the coffin on the Stalker/Daymon feud, in a big way too.

6. Angle of the Year
It may have not been an intended angle but The First's climb to overcome Sean Stevens was quite a remarkable memory of 2010.

7. RP Thread of the Year
Well.... when you have a thread that was as hot as the Main Event for Black Dawn 2010.. it's kind of hard not to pick that one so yeah.... that's my choice.

8. Match of the Year
Curve ball here i'm sure but I really liked Erik Black vs. The First Aggression 54 KOTC Round 3 match. Black was such a huge surprise to be where he was in that match and to me it made The First look even more like a different champion.

9. Rookie/Newcomer of the Year
Well Black has been bouncing around for a bit so i'm not going to pick him, i'll go with Donovan Astros, I think 2010 was his rookie year here.

10. Book the championships for the end of 2011 (ie. who will be TV champ, World champ, Tag champs by the end of 2011.)

World Champion: Erik Black
TV Champion: Donovan Astros
Tag Champions: The Heirs of Wrestling (I think a mash up team may make them lose the titles sometime in this year but I think they will be champs by the end of the year.)
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Diva Tree
Jan 1, 2000
Okay, I'll bite. Even though this is apparently not sanctioned by Brunk, he never posted anything, so why the heck not.

Tie: Sean Stevens/The First. First half obviously goes to Stevens, second half was pretty close. I guess I'd give a SLIGHT edge to Stevens, but it's very, very close.

The First. It's probably not even that close. Very good stuff, very good character development, very intereested to see where the character goes from here.

Copycat. Stevens was very good, too, but he's just too damned likable to win out on this one. Copycat has been downright sinister. Stalker has also been severely difficult to deal with. Very crowded category.

Don't really need a competition here, do we? HoW.

Black Dawn. Great great, so many awesome storylines wrapped up here, was well-attended and pretty packed overall. Also incredibly well written.

Probably Copycat's ongoing feud with... wrestling itself? Earlier in the year I thought Anthology vs. HOPE was all done very well. Stevens' ascent and descent was also fascinating. Also enjoyed the whole Erik Black lawbreaking thing. A lot of good stuff.

Probably the world title match at Black Dawn.

Stevens/First II, runner-up Main Event at Black Dawn.

Donovan Astros.

World Champ: Copycat maybe, or Stevens again, who knows.
IC Champ: Bastard for awhile
TV Champ: Astros
Tag Champs: Heirs, unless someone can figure out a way to stop them. Good luck with that.


Jan 1, 2000
1. Overall Wrestler of the Year
I'll give this one to The First. There could be some real debate as to whether Stevens or The First had the better year, but through it all, I think 2010 was really summarized in The First rising over the Stevens wave that's pretty much dominated the federation for the past two years. The rivalry held between these two served to deliver The First as the World Champion, which is why he gets the Wrestler of the Year Overall bid.

2. Face of the year
I'll be different and say Karl "The Dragon" Brown was the Face of the Year 2010. The story was great: foundation member of old-school Empire Pro returns to the ring and picks up right where he left off setting a standard and capturing the TV Title. Brown's character really delivers in not getting caught up in overdone storylines, but still generating some energetic and emotional matches.

3. Heel of the year
"New School" Layne Winters really delivered this year as the new bad kid on the block. His success garnered a run with a championship and generated some heated rivalries.

4. Tag Team of the Year
Heirs of Wrestling almost feel like the only team that qualifies here. The Anthology had some strength near the beginning, but seemed to gas out right around the time the Tag Titles changed hands. Though they haven't had much to work with, the Heirs of Wrestling have kept things pretty interesting with their ensemble cast of characters.

5. Show of the Year
I don't think anything will out-do Sin City Showdown any time soon. The sheer epic-ness of that event will stand for at least a couple years. Great matches, and great main events, with every star in either federation in their prime.

6. Angle of the Year
Copycat's war against Empire Pro really stood above all else in its longevity. The story really grew too, with Cat's heat with Dan Ryan building to the point where even the senior official's son got involved - I really enjoy the use of NPCs. The story only gets better as the ex-World Champion Stevens gets involved, and really, it leaves me interested in seeing what the future brings.

7. RP Thread of the Year
Black Dawn's 2010 Main Event has a massive 36 replies from some of the best e-wrestling talent the world has to offer. If this were the real thing, they'd have to release these promos on a DVD 2-Disc set, with Mike Neely and Cameron Cruise doing color commentary.

8. Match of the Year
The match to the thread above. Does anybody remember, did I write it? I can't remember this **** sometimes...

9. Rookie/Newcomer of the Year
Michael Bastard. The character just arrived and has been a wrecking ball ever since.

10. Book the championships for the end of 2011 (ie. who will be TV champ, World champ, Tag champs by the end of 2011.)
World Champion - Karl "The Dragon" Brown - I think this is the year he arrives, but only after a hard-fought four-way with The First, Anarky, and Layne Winters
Intercontinental Champion - Copycat - After a year-long reign as IC Champ, Michael Bastard will finally cave in to the psychological warfare instilled by Copycat, who turns even the cunning Amazing Logan against his own talent. Of course, it will be a ladder match
TV Champion - Stalker - With extreme experience in his arsenal, Stalker will come out ahead of other hot contenders such as Donovan Astros and Dopesmoker to claim the TV Title
Tag Team Champions - The Cameron Cruise Project V2.0 - To the surprise of everyone, Cameron Cruise will return to the tag scene with "TRIPLE X" SEAN STEVENS as his partner in a newly modified "Melton-free" version of the CCP, overcoming the challenges of the Heirs of Wrestling and the Colossal Connection.

I could probably write out the rest of the year, but it'd take me until 2012

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