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Jesse Jamester

League Member
Jan 19, 2005
The Styx of Pennsylvania
Character Gimmick: He's the Pegasus Warrior, a man who is on the hunt for his revenge against the world of politics and other incorrect speciments that gloat about their glory. Trained by the Nemesis Warrior Jesse Jamester, he's learned the art of many wrestling techniques, and has been wrestling under the trainers wing for quite sometime. Wrestling being his passion, he incorporates his anger and frustrations of life on those he faces in the ring. He's a soldier like no other, with guilt not being a feeling he has. Julius will do anything to reach success and see his pinnacle career not only as a wrestler, but as a warrior, be flourished. So then he can take the spot light and make it evident to the world, a warrior's ways.

Character History: Born in the state of Richmond, Virginia, Julius was a young blonde boy with not much life ahead of him but the school he attended and the family he was raised by. However, at the age of 17 his cousin Jesse Fristik a.k.a. Jesse Jamester, introduced him to the wrestling circuit. Catching up to his cousin was a hard task though, for Jesse had many years of training under his belt, but Julius took the oppurtunity and became his apprentice.

Though a great trainer was bound to affect the young one's mind, the outcome was never deemed to be so great. The ways of Jesse's life, the ways of his warrior traits, had become a main influence, and soon enough, the warrior within Julius was brought out. Soon, the two cousins took it to federations, one filling in for the other during their injuries. This is where Julius became known. In Lights Out Wrestling, his cousin Jesse was a main star, top contender for the World Title. Julius had planned on coming in after the big Pay-Per-View, 'In The End'. However, things changed. Jesse was diagnosed with a severe cancer tumor within the area of his left lung. The time was now... Jesse called upon Julius, and asked him to fight his battle, asking of him to be the warrior he knew he truely was, and Julius took that stand.

Fighting the behemoth known as Tristan Belmont, Julius Fristik was dressed in the attire and mask of Jesse Jamester, and gave it his all. Falling short he did, but in all respect, no rookie would have ever stood a chance had they not been trained as well as he was.

After the big show, Julius continued to dress like his cousin, finding success in the Tag Team scene with a man known as Scorpion. They held the Tag Team Championships for quite a while. When Jesse came back to LOW, Julius was unmasked, and a new era of metamorphisis began. An era of the Warrior's...

Since then, Julius has trained with Jesse, and been waiting for the arrival of a new company, one that can grasp his knowledge as a warrior, and use it to their distinct style. If such company stands in this very spot... then their is no foretelling as to what comes next.


League Member
Jul 7, 2005
Fosters is a cerifiable failure, since his career started in the wrestling world he has been used for his size, be it a gimmick match or a small vs big feud and then thrown out when it was tired out. He's come to a point in his career where he is wealthy because being 6'11 pays and he doesn't need the money anymore, so he's come to hurt people. Not for entertainment of the fans, but for himself. Because what happens when he's injuried half the roster and they need him to carry the federation? A.... Massacre.

The Butcher

League Member
Jun 29, 2005
Character Gimmick

The Butcher is a psychotic... butcher. Has been diagnosed with early stage OCD, becoming obsessed with hygeine in his Butcher's Shop. Prone to paranoia and violent mood swings. Otherwise, pretty normal...;)



Arnold Crumpet is
· a cruiserweight
· a failed football mascot
· a vegetarian
· a lover of 70's music
· a SUPERHERO~! Well, maybe not. Nonetheless, he IS loved, like an Angelina Jolie nipple-slip.
· attired in a purple-furred singlet fashioned like a caveman.
· afraid of fire

Arnold Crumpet has
· a pet goat
· a relatively deaf ringside acquaintance with a ragged beard and a glass eye.
· his ringside acquaintance cart a wheelbarrow -- full to the brim of fresh and delicious vegetables -- down to ringside, and attempt to sell them to the fans.
· "Jungle Boogie" by Kool and the Gang as his intro music. He is soooo damn cool.

Arnold Crumpet does
· a great robot - especially when he wins.

Arnold Crumpet will
· transform into an incoherent, primitive maniac if someone disses his music taste, assaults his pet goat, or touches his ears.


Well, I can dream. =)
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