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League Member
Apr 12, 2012
This is the text of what I did on E-Fed Guerilla Radio this afternoon.

Mike Stanton also discussed the show with me during it....so tune in and check out the archive....

Here is another review. Once again, I enter this reading with no real backstory on what is going on in EPW. My only real knowledge is that many of the wrestlers on the roster were in Ultratitle and my best opponent in that tournament, Larry Tact, is the TV Champion. SO....I pretty much wrote this as a complete outsider....who is now an insider. The experience of this show and working against Tact in UT actually had me discussing with Brunk about joining EPW and I have one my younger characters ready to debut there after the upcoming PPV concludes.

So here is my review of EPW's Aggression 67 from Denver Colorado...

The opening was great and surprisingly more like what I was used to when I came here from the JTF circle. However this may be better on many points. It was realistic and sold the entire show's lineup at the top of the broadcast. If you weren't hyped about the matches and what was to come....then you didn't read it.

First match...and I love how they sell the local jobber in the ring. It was great, but an even better job selling the newest wrestler to join EPW....Apocalypse Gabriel Poe. They give a quick history lesson that he was in the EPW/NFW in the 2004 time period, which tells me that this is a big return. The action then backed it up...

as an aside....I'm TOTALLY curious as to what was mentioned when Mike Neely began asking about soemthign with Kevin Powers, Boogie Smalls and then Thomas told him to stop talking about it......Brunk....send me that info! I'm dying to know!

OK...back to the match itself.

They allow the local guy to get chesty and slap the big returnign star....who no sells it like a boss. Eventually, a few moves later, he hits a second-rope tombstone piledriver that he calls the Seventh Seal (great finisher name, BTW) and gets a victory. He cuts a promo, which was only five words...

The Dark Reign has returned.

Great promo that gets his character sacross to even newbies like me. I will say this, I'm not against using words like promo from the announcers...but less thrilled with words like "gimmick" To me gimmick is too much of an inside term to be thrown out by announcers. I might have said it was his "Schtick" or some kind of metaphor in that realm....but to use an insider term is a little off. Not a major thing as a whole, but it is a pet peeve of mine.

Saul Weinstein is out and he begins talking in cleaned-up Lawyer-ese about hsi client wanting a fair shake in EPW and that he has been kept off TV and etc. I know this isn't Brock/Heyman...but my fear is that it is supposed to somewhat play like it and this could be coincidence of the real life big time running an angle that comes at an odd time for this EPW story. The client is Boogie Smalls...another guy in UT and with history here. The UT is mentioned, complete with all EPW contestants....which means the obligatory mention of Dan Ryan's shocking upset loss in Rd 1.

Not so surprisingly....this brings out Dan Ryan, owner of EPW, to play Triple H to Weinstein's Heyman. I love the mentions of contracts and dates remaining on them. Very realistic and fun for a guy like me. Ryan is very business like in this, which is odd for such an amazing trash talker in his wrestling promos...but it fits the role he plays here as opposed to elsewhere. The challenge to show up and discuss it is thrown out and the suspension is officially lifted.

That is what Weinstein was after I believe afterall...and the grin as he leaves the ring kind of backs that up. This could get interesting.

Match #2! Rookie Aaron Jones against Mike C. How Mike C can live with himself after losing to Spooky Doom is beyond me, but beating up rookies is a good way to rebound, I guess. I'm wondering is this is a historically based show now...because this is the third guy to return from an absence of 4+ years to EPW. In Mike C's case...6 years.

The match itself was solid, but in a different style than the other match I read already. This match had no action brackets and was just the commentators calling th e moves and reacting. I'm fine with this as a whole because I ave written matches both styles over the years. However, the continuity of the show gets hit a little because of it. That is a small issue, but can be distracting for those looking to see things in a uniform pattern.

The result? Classy Mike C gets the win by submission and the rookie gets the bad end of a result to show what he is made of from this moment forward. Good stuff.

Next up was a short backstage segment in which the greatest team name in a long time was uttered...

The Dangle Brothers

I love that. This was basic interaction to further obvious storylines for Stalker and Ryan, as the boss. It adds a little bit of a layer to the PPV event, which is fine by me.

The next segment is yet another return...well it may be a return...as Steven Shane is seen in the crowd. This transitions into a backstage segment (which was a great move, by the way) in which both Teddy Alexander and The First are going to speak.

I'm not a fan of that name for a wrestler. As a nickname, "The First" works....but it is so odd to just read that and think of it as the actual name of the wrestler. In real life, I admit I ad the same problem with Edge, but he eventually grew on me. Perhaps the same can and will happen here....but the name is a major turn off to me initially.

This was a good segment and it establishes that First thinks he has the run of the place....and perhaps he really does.

This transitions well into Match #2, which had Alexander facing off against Eddie Burns...which lasted all of two moves. I'd have loved to actually see this for real as a 286 lb guy hit a bicycle kick and then finished him off. This match read like Teddy is a beast....because in those 2 moves, he forced Burns to be checked over by medical personel

Jimmy Mylde is out to cut an in-ring promo in the next segment. and I LOVED this guy. He is like a cross between Thunderlips and Bobby Heenan...in the flesh...babay!

Mylde is out and talks about the tag team he manages. Says that they will be here soon. Then he actually offers up the ability to go home with the 2 Italian supermodels he is in the ring with! He dresses down a ringside fan for fun...and superfan goes right along with it because....well he wants the girls....and who wouldn't, to be honest. And he exits with them and Mylde closes out the segment as the FAN gets the most heat for turning on the Dragons to get laid.

Somewhere the Dragons are probably saying they would have done the same thing.

This again transitions well into a match involving a subject of the last segment...Animezine Dragons, as they take on Point of View, which inclues Jason Murray....the man who ousted Sean Stevens from the Ultratitle.

The match was fast and furious with a lot of pinfall attempts. Again, this had no action brackets, but commentary and I have noticed that it seems to go back and forth in that style switch. Perhaps that is the pattern? I liked it and the Dragons win, which keeps your champs strong as they wait for Myld'es team, The Dreamstealers, to show up.

I like the fact a commercial break got mentioned at the end of the tag match segment....especially considering the next piece was another match. So many leagues forget the TV aspect of the events between PPV and forget commercial breaks and etc...good on EPW for keeping that involved.

Next Match is Codine VS Willard.

Frenetic pace yet again. I like how things seem to go fast. Imean it was a solid fe wminute sin the ring, but definitely a TV style match. Willard gets a win in what I consider as an upset.....but only because I know Codine from UT and WIllard is unknown to me... I didn't read any RPs leading into this show or etc. So on spec, this is an upset. Godo stuff though and now I think the no action bracket style just may be the approved style as this was the 2nd match in a row it was used. Again, commercial break is used to break up matches...

NOTE - I learned after I wrote this that Codine was not the Father, but Jr who doesn't have Jr in his name....so that is an issue to remember.

I think this TV show could use a few more segments spattered in these later pieces....it could add a lot to it.

Next Match: Rezin vs Sean Stevens! This match can be summed up in one word...


Great action and storytelling. Loved the pace and I loved that Stevens won but gets attacked post match by the heel. And THAT leads to a fun little promo from Rezin and Stevens turning into a wildman as he gets to his feet and tries to get revenge....only for Rezin to escape the ring. It was so great...formulaic in some ways, but great. Of course after all of that, they sell the main event match of Anarky challenging for the Tv Title against Larry Tact and then COMMERCIAL BREAK! Yay Reality!!!

MAIN EVENT: Tact (c) VS Anarky for Tv Title. I love the schoolboy right form the start by Anarky. That was old school and rarely seen that early...very good stuff there. The give and take within the match was strong and Anarky really played well with old school moves like the jumping down to sit on the knee at the ropes and etc...loving the vibe of the match for sure.

A masked man comes through the crowd an enters the ring at an opportune moment....hitting a bicycle kick. The announcers commit a slight botch here by calling it the Angerbash immediately....I would have rather seen them say it with a question mark and actually question who it is because of the move....instead of naming th emove of th eguy before he unmasks as Alexander. This leads to the title switch, which was necessary for the storyline set by Anarky and Rezin already....so it makes sense, but I hate seeing Larry drop the belt like that.


Of course we have more to close the show with! The First is out and finds out that his PPV World Title match will be against Cameron Cruise! Big time match there and Black Dawn is now an event to call your cable thingy and get locked in for!

***Show end***

FACE OF THE NIGHT--> Is there a real face? I'll go with Larry Tact because he had the most put against him and still nearly overcame in the main event. Plus you know teh fans are hoping he makes Teddy pay for costing him the belt.

Brunk has said EPW has a vacuum in the face department and it was evident here....the #2 face very well could have been Aaron Jones...or perhaps Point of View in their debut.

HEEL OF THE NIGHT--> Anarky...but Rezin is a close second and Teddy's actions hand him third easily. Anarky's TV Title victory by nefarious means singles him out as the heel of the night.

MATCH OF THE NIGHT--> Rezin/Stevens. The pace was fantastic and it barely beat out the main event for me. I think the post match beatdown and storytelling of that match put it over the top. Not that the Main event didn't have it, but the Teddy surprise kind of ende dup coming out of left field and had no real explanation.

OVERALL RATING--> I'd give this show a solid 6.5/10 and I'm looking forward to the PPV and my eventual debut on the roster.


League Member
Apr 12, 2012

I'll do one for the PPV for EFG as well and probably do PPV only once I'm on the roster

which reminds me...

Where's my bio? ;-) Hope all is well man.


Diva Tree
Jan 1, 2000
Very cool, man, love the review. Always love in-depth analysis of this stuff. Definitely adds a lot of flavor overall.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
I've got your bio. Once you get a match or two under your belt, I'll post it in the forums.


I'll do one for the PPV for EFG as well and probably do PPV only once I'm on the roster

which reminds me...

Where's my bio? ;-) Hope all is well man.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
NOTE - I learned after I wrote this that Codine was not the Father, but Jr who doesn't have Jr in his name....so that is an issue to remember.

I'm taking care of that in the near future, as I can see the confusion and its even confusing the hell out of me :). Codine Sr. will be done after the Ultratitle Tournament.

Either way, Willard's handler did a great job and deserved the win.

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