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All-Purpose TEAM Bios Thread


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
Alright, somehow, the original bios thread got lost somewhere, either during the server move, or when those God-damn hackers started messing with the site. Either way, I need to collect bios again, so here you go:

Lindsay Troy - http://www.prime.e-wrestling.org/bio.php?username=ltroy
James Irish - http://www.a1e.ca/superstars/jamesirish.html

Harley Douglas - http://harley.ewcentral.com/Harley.html
Ravager - http://www.connexionsmusic.com/napw/content/roster/faces.html#bob
Nova - http://www.prime.e-wrestling.org/bio.php?username=nova
Tchu - http://www.prime.e-wrestling.org/bio.php?username=tchu
Rex Caliber - http://rebel-pro.com/roster/singles.shtml#nexus
Yori Yakamo, Jr. - http://www.fwrestling.com/fwc/showthread.php?t=15821
Professor Tremendous - http://www.a1wrestling.com/dc/dcboa...orum=10&topic_id=9339&mesg_id=9339&page=#9644
Big Dog - http://www.a1e.ca/superstars/bigdog.html
Rocko Daymon - http://www.a1e.ca/superstars/daymon.html
Bryan Storms - http://www.a1e.ca/superstars/secondcoming.html
Kin Hiroshi - http://www.fwrestling.com/fwc/showthread.php?t=15846
Dusk - http://www.prime.e-wrestling.org/bio.php?username=dusk
Ashley Scott - http://wfwa-online.com/wrestlers/wrestler.php?w_id=227
Christian Light - http://wfwa-online.com/wrestlers/wrestler.php?w_id=26
David Paige - http://wfwa-online.com/wrestlers/wrestler.php?w_id=81
Jake Devins - http://wfwa-online.com/wrestlers/wrestler.php?w_id=33
John Henry - http://wfwa-online.com/wrestlers/wrestler.php?w_id=80
Khalid Jad - http://wfwa-online.com/wrestlers/wrestler.php?w_id=224
Jay Smash - http://www.phpbbserver.com/euwc/viewtopic.php?t=447&mforum=euwc
Nero - http://www.phpbbserver.com/euwc/viewtopic.php?t=450&mforum=euwc
Larry Tact - http://fwrestling.com/host/neweraofwrestling/roster/Larry-Tact-Bio.html
Mr. Entertainment - http://fwrestling.com/host/neweraofwrestling/roster/Entertainment-Bio.html

I need bios for Trent Lawless, Shawn Jackson and JP Severs, please.
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New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
Name: Otaku

Alignment: Face

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 235lbs

Hometown: Neo Tokyo Tower

Physical Description: Blond hair, cut short (back and sides), slightly spiky on top. He has blue eyes, which somehow manage to change colour – blue is their neutral colour, but they can change to a wide variety of colours, including, when incredibly peeved, jet black. Clothing wise, outside the ring he tends to go casual, jeans and a variety of anime T-shirts. For ring attire, on a normal TV show or house show, he’ll dress in cosplay from whatever show he’s been watching recently (leading to some interesting cross-dressing on occasion), but on PPV, he dresses in a home-made, accurate (except the colour) replica of Jushin “Thunder” Liger’s costume (in green and gold). Complete with black wig.

Entrance music: The opening theme to the show “Jushin Liger”

Entrance Description: As the opening drone builds, the lights are cut. As the first bars play, various scenes from anime shows flash up on the big screen, until the lyrics kick in, when Otaku himself steps through the curtains, smoke rising around him. He poses for the fans, before walking to the ring, playing up to the fans as any face would. He climbs the ring steps, vaulting over the ropes, and, if his costume includes a cape, he poses, before swirling the cape off in one fluid movement, dropping it down to the ring attendant.

Wrestling style: He’s a mix of a flyer and a technical wrestler – the closest two I can think of are Owen Hart, and (modern) Jushin “Thunder” Liger – able to pull off the big high-flying moves, but preferring a slightly more grounded attack.

1) Liger Sword – Stalling Brainbuster
2) Liger Slash – Discus clothesline
3) Angel Wings – not to be confused with Christopher Daniel’s “Angel Wings”, this is instead a double chickenwing on a grounded opponent. Better known as Cattle Mutilation.

Other Moves:
Suplexes (various)
Ligerbomb (sitout powerbomb)
Shooting Star Press
Russian Leg Sweep
Texas Cloverleaf
Japanese arm-drag
Yakuza Kick
Flying headbutt
Fire (rarely used, it’s a reverse somersault from the top rope straight into a DDT – the opponent is getting up off the canvas, back to Otaku on the top rope)

Major strength: He’s a very well versed mat wrestler who adopts a Japanese style, so his major strength is probably his mat work. Other than that, his ever-increasing knowledge of anime.

Major weakness: He’s a rookie in professional wrestling. He’s also not all that strong or quick, so he makes mistakes and can be caught off guard. He’s a bit of a poser when in costume too.

History: A sportsman at school, he was on the wrestling and athletics teams (specialising in triple jump). He had a very normal childhood, nothing spectacular happened. His parents didn’t die horribly or anything like that. When he was 15 though, he began down a treacherous path – the path of the anime watcher! Since then, he’s been fascinated by it, watching a volume of a series a night. He’s also been long fascinated by Japanese wrestling, so, given his sporting background, he thought he’d give it a try.


League Member
Aug 1, 2007
Gran Toyo
"For my love..."

Vital Statistics

Born: February 14, 1968
Hometown: Mineyama Town, Kyoto
Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 233 pounds

Ring Information
Entrance Music: “Break Gun Plus” - Original
Alignment: Technico (face)
Group: Freelance
Class: Middleweight
Discipline: Strong Style Puroresu

Physical Description

Gran Toyo is a Japanese man of middling height, with yellow-brown skin telling of his heritage. He has a toned build, indicative of a lifestyle that includes exercise and rigorous training but not one that is geared towards bodybuilding or looking good; Toyo wants efficiency, not a six-pack. His skin has been some what creased due to his seniority in age, just as his hair which is little by little beginning to uproot. Toyo’s wrestling attire consist of: black short trunks, black knee pads, and a pair of timeworn black wrestling boots. With just a glance at his attire, you can only guess he’s supporting his traditional puroresu roots.

Finisher(s): Yuuka Oda Special (Toyo lifts the opponent above his back with the opponent's arm spread out in a crucifix hold and then the opponent hooks their legs around Toyo‘s midsection. Toyo then spins around and runs backwards into the turnbuckle. For the final blow, Toyo would bend over, sliding the foe back into the crucifix hold, and flips them over in a crucifix face buster)

Hammer Mountain Crusher (Toyo would bend an opponent over and grab them in a belly to back waistlock before lifting the opponent until they are vertical. Toyo then drives the opponent down on their neck and shoulder while either remaining in a standing position, sitting position or dropping down to his knees. The move is considered one of the most dangerous moves in professional wrestling as the person taking the move is in freefall, dropped onto their own head or neck without protection.)

Other Moves

1. DDT
2. Cradle Piledriver
3. Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex
4. Octopus hold
5. Kneel Kick
6. Katahajime
7. Springboard DDT
8. Diamond Dust
9. Spinning Spinebuster
10. Modified Standing Crab
11. Reverse Diving Backbreaker
12. Lifting Reverse Russian Legsweep
13. Exploder
14. Springboard Kneel Kick
15. Emerald Frosion
16. Gargoyle Suplex
17. Ankle hold
18. Arm Dragon Screw
19. Quick Chops
20. Enzigiri
21. Dragon Screw


Masayoshi Oda; once a formers son, turned puroresu pioneer, turned grieving husband of a late wife. Masayoshi has seen and been through it all. Life, death, life, and death once again. Once known as the man who made wrestling a sport in Japan, is now nothing more than a mere shell of a man. Empty and incapable. Modern media has made this man seem like a joke, academically causing the few fans he’s had on his to dismember. What caused this downfall? Well, there’s only one answer to that question.
Yuuka Oda

Masayoshi Oda’s late wife. It was raining that night, the roads were slippery, and the brakes on the vehicle weren’t all that great… I’m guessing there’s no need to tell the rest of this tale.

That night plays through Masayoshi’s head every night, just drilling away at his mental stability. Her screams, her blood, her dead body. Thus, leading to drug abuse and cheap alcohol. But, deep down, he knew that all the drugs in the word wouldn’t numb the pain inside. He was doing nothing but disgracing himself, his family, his fans, and even Yuuka herself.

He had to push through this.

November 24, 2006. That was the day Masayoshi finally woke up. It took a special on a TV, a tribute to the Gran Toyo before the drugs, before the alcohol, and before the death of his beloved Yuuka. It just took that two-hour special to awaken Masayoshi from his cloudburst. That was also the day Masayoshi decided to lace up the ol’ boots.

Almost a year later, Masayoshi has restored his name and is touring the world; wrestling for different promotions from continent to continent. His apparent drug use and alcoholic ways are long gone. It would be a miracle if you find Masayoshi having a simple beer. The media that once trampled over his name, are now the very one’s requesting interviews and demanding updates on Oda’s wrestling tour. The fans that ditched him when things got wrong are now waiting in hour long lines to just to receive a mere autograph.

Gran Toyo is back everyone, lie it or not. And, he’s doing it all in the loving memory of Yuuka Oda.
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League Member
Aug 4, 2006
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
For the REBEL Dupree Cup team:

Stylin' Kyle Roberts

HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 6'3", 257 lbs
HOMETOWN: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ENTRANCE MUSIC: "I Am The Man" - Philosopher Kings
STYLE: Mainly technical, with some quick impact moves
FIVE FAVORITE MOVES: The Moose Jaw Driver (Death Valley Driver), Polar-izer (Throwback), Lionsault, Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker
FINISHER: Bear-Tamer (Liontamer/Walls of Jericho) / Emerald Fusion

BIO: Raised in the most urban part of Saskatchewan, Kyle Roberts grew up under the tutelage of his high school gym coach, Gordon Jago. Roberts knew from an early age that wrestling federations all over the world would desire his talents as a wrestler and showman, and was determined to make sure that everyone was aware of this fact. He started off his wrestling career in Medicine Hat's Gastown Wrestling Alliance, where he would eventually team up with the Beast to with the GWA Tag Team Titles.

As Bruce Richards is fond of saying, The New and Improved DX is a "mutually beneficial partnership," and they're ready to take on all comers in the NAPW.

Well, they were. Until Kyle bashed a ring bell into The Beast's face.

APPEARANCE: Outside the Squared Circle, Kyle Roberts is always very well-dressed, wearing a green silk shirt underneath a pin-striped suit. In the ring, he wears green tights with "Stylin'" in gold lettering written down the side. He's always got a very subtle five o'clock shadow, and has brown hair and blue eyes.

LEGAL COUNSEL: Ryan Kingston

TITLES HELD: World Heavyweight

* * *

"The American Nightmare" Matthew Kurtis

HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 6'11", 315 lbs
HOMETOWN: Wickliffe, Kentucky
ENTRANCE MUSIC: "American Nightmare" - Rob Zombie
STYLE: Brawler/Power/Technical
FIVE FAVORITE MOVES: Yakuza Kick, Spinebuster, Bearhug, Clothesline from Hell, Spinning Side Slam
FINISHER: Bluegrass Bomb (Last Ride Powerbomb)

BIO: Matthew had his promising basketball career at the University of Kentucky cut short by a knee injury in his sophomore year. After recovering and playing a greatly reduced role on the team and graduating from college, Matthew gave up basketball and started training to be a wrestler.

One night he was in the ring in Japan and calling out a crooked promoter saying he was the one that he caused the problems within his fed. The promoter came out and called Matthew, just another spoiled angry American. Matthew like the sound of the "Angry American" and took as his nickname dropping the "Big Cat Daddy" moniker he had been using. He also turned it into a full fledged gimmick, he started wearing red, white, & blue star spangled tights, carrying a USA flag to the ring with him and changing his theme music to Jimi Hendrix's version of "The Star Spangled Banner." After a few months of this he decided to move back to the States full time and went back to the mid-sized feds he started in. Matthew dropped the uberpatriotic gimmick and ring clothes and changed his theme music to what it is currently, but he kept the nickname.

Matthew is a big strong man who believes in fairness but is not a goody two-shoes. He's been known to swing a chair or jump others when he feels it's needed. This makes him more of a 'tweener than a face or heel, he plays no favorites, even fighting his brother a few times.

Despite his complaints in Japan, Matthew doesn't always look for titles and his own code of justice sometimes causes him to be bogged down in feuds instead of chasing titles. When he does challenge for titles he is always a threat to win them as his stamina (thanks to his basketball background & cardio training) and technical skill (he often spars & trains with his half-brother Chad) are both surprising for a man his size. Coupled with the fact that his power is exactly what you'd expect makes him a truly dangerous opponent. Matthew has missed a Federation to call his home, since the demise of FCW and is hoping REBEL will be that home for him. He's ready to remind the wrestling world how good he can actually be in the long run, and he can think of no better place to show people that than in REBEL.

Matthew has recently had a change of attitude and nickname,while he was not ever overly friendly he has become increasing confrontational and anit-social. This new attitude caused a rift between him and his former manager Lyndsey Valentine who left NAPW and him because of it. Now it seems that he only gets along with his brother "The Show" Chad Kurtis and his new manager, Mandy.

APPEARANCE: Matthew has brown eyes and long brown hair (down to between his shoulder blades) that he sometimes pulls back into a ponytail. He doesn't have movie star looks but is still good looking though. He is very built but not overly muscled.

Outside of the ring he wears mostly jeans, t-shirts, casual button down long sleeve shirts (usually with the sleeves rolled up), cowboy boots, motorcycle boots,and sneakers. He has a tattoo of an Native American Dreamcatcher on his left shoulder down to the elbow, one on his right shoulder of a Celtic Cross, and one on his left upper chest of a heart, butterfly, and banner that at one time read "LYNDSEY",the banner has since been colored in.

On the way to the ring he wears a black sleeveless t-shirt, that on the front has his design of a tattered USA flag with a bat (like the one Meat Loaf uses as his symbol) in front of it. The back of the shirt has the words "American Nightmare" in red "bleeding" letters. He throws this t-shirt into the crowd after removing it before the match.

In the ring he wears tight (but not super tight) black jeans, "cowboy" wrestling boots with a black and gray color scheme, a heavy brace on his left knee, black elbow pads on both arms, black fingerless gloves on both hands ,and he tapes both his wrists to halfway up his forearms with gray athletic tape.

TAG TEAM NAME: Bluegrass Mafia
PARTNER: Chad Kurtis


MANAGER APPERANCE: Mandy is a very attractive young woman in her early 20's with blue eyes and auburn hair. She's 5'6" 125lbs and has the figure of a playboy centerfold and the wardrobe of Kelly Bundy (with the exception that Mandy favors boots over high heels for the most part)

* * *

Fredrick Eglasies Armand-Romano

HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 6'0", 225 lbs
HOMETOWN: Dallas, Texas
ENTRANCE MUSIC: "Attack" - 30 Seconds to Mars
STYLE: Lucha Libre / American
FIVE FAVORITE MOVES: Back-flip dropkick, over-the-top plancha to the outside, Victory Roll pin, Electric Chair-Drop, off-the-ropes Hand-Stand Springing Elbow (ala Tajiri)
FINISHER: Tequila Mocking Bird (Fear locks his opponent with a chicken-wing, then locks in a dragon sleeper holding both submission holds making it a hybrid finisher.) Frog Splash

BIO: Fredrick Eglasies Armand-Romano is a man of charismatic mystery. He calls himself FEAR, an accronym from the initials of his first, middle and last names. However, Fredrick claims that Fear is not just an alias or a nickname, but he has become fear itself. Fredrick uses different psychology techniques in the ring and out of the ring to play on the fear of his opponents, combine that with his speedy lucha-libre style, he futile force inside the ring.

APPEARANCE: A Hispanic man with a bronze complexion, and somewhat short black hair that is always keeps neatly styled and brushed back. His in-ring attire is long black tights, with matching black boots, the most curious thing of all is a black bandanna that has two eye-slits and his wrapped around his head (for further explanation, seek your nearest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle).

* * *


HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 6'9", 368 lbs
HOMETOWN: Middletown, NJ
ENTRANCE MUSIC: "Attack" - 30 Seconds to Mars
STYLE: Power/Brawler
FIVE FAVORITE MOVES: Multiple Corner Body Splashes, Elevated Stalling Powerslam, Fallaway Slam, Running Big Boot, Running Forearm Smash
FINISHER: Total Eclipse (Jackhammer, but when he brings them down he punches them in the stomach to knock the wind out of his opponent.) / Bear Hug (Brock style, violent and throwing them around, often leading to a pinfall.)

BIO: Krenshov has spent almost half of his life in jail for various violent reasons. After serving his latest sentence, his manager and only friend Eli Potts scored him a second chance job with NAPW. Krenshov's temper is very short and he is quick to react on impulse, but he is at a never ending battle to keep his composure so he doesn't end up back in prison.

APPEARANCE: Kenny Krenshov is a mass of muscle and scar tissue. While he is still a relatively young man, he looks as if he's in his forties due to the massive amounts of beatings he took and delivered in his earlier years. His face and his fists are both leathery, and his tan makes him look unnaturally dark. Krenshov's hair is a silvery gray, and he keeps it as a clean flat top. Both his arms are sleeved with tattoos, and his back has a massive tattoo running up his spine and along his shoulders. In the ring Krenshov sports normal black trunks, with black or sometimes white boots.

APPEARANCE: Eli Potts is at a height of 5'7", and can't weigh anymore than 160lbs. His hair is thick and brown, and he is always sports a button-down shirt with matching slacks to the ring.

* * *

Previous roleplays can be found here: http://napw-online.com/boards/viewforum.php?f=2


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Nottingham, England
Wrestler Name:
Karl "The Dragon" Brown
Real Name: Karl Brown

Height: 6'0" Weight:211lbs

Hometown: Notitngham, England

Entrance Music: "Rainmaker" by Iron Maiden.

Alignment: Neutral

Background Information:
APPEARANCE: Rather resembling an early '90's Brian Pillman facially, only more angluar. He's well toned, but not freakishly so, and his light blond/brown hair is normally kept short. His brown eyes seem to burn and always look focused. He has a scar on his left arm, but other than that no distinguishing features. In the ring, he normally wears green and white tights with white boots, and tapes his wrists white. He also wears a training jacket, green and white, with "The Dragon" in gold, flowery lettering across the back.

PERSONALITY: Tends to keep to himself. He can talk to anyone, and is remarkably intelligent, only he doesn't show it too often. His mood seems to fluctuate between a happy, more outgoing and respectful personality and a darker, almost depressed one.

HISTORY: English born and bred, his first encounter with wrestling waswatching an American PPV on TV. He admired the strength and strategy in thematches, and decided he would make it into pro-wrestling. He attendeduniversity in England, moving to Japan and Canada during holidays to learn how
to wrestle. Learnt a lot from watching old matches featuring Bret Hart, Brian Pillman, Ricky Steamboat, Ted Dibiase and Jake Roberts. He carefully studied how to use the ring to his advantage, and quickly caught the eye of his trainers as having a natural talent, although he did scare trainers in Japan
by performing a top rope german suplex to the outside of the ring in a training match. Having played rugby when younger, he does have some injuries, noticably one to his left knee, but these only served to build a tolerance to pain.

Broke into wrestling with MCW, rising from obscurity to pick up victories over Andrew Dalton and Christian Sands in his first two professional matches. Lost narrowly in the Mayhem Mountain main event at Culture Shock to Adam Benjamin, plummeting through the top of the cell in the process. He was set for a rematch against Benjamin and Sands for the title at the next PPV, but the company unfortunately folded shortly before hand. Brown took his skills to Empire Pro and the National Wrestling League, quickly gaining experience and fans in each. In what many claim as a match of the year candidate in NWL, he took Maelstrom to a draw when the time elapsed just as Karl looked to have won the match. Finishing second in the WLS after a sudden death match loss to Maelstrom, Brown certainly showed what he could do.

In EPW, Brown has had mixed fortunes. He has often been in the hunt for the IC title since losing at Black Dawn 2004 to Adam Benjamin to decide the first holder, but has never been able to gain a match until recently. In his tenure thusfar he's squared off against many tremendous challenges, winning some, losing others, but always giving it his all. In an effort to better himself, he attacked and distanced himself from his former trainer, Shinji, in June 2004. After a rocky few months, he found his footing again in time to place third in the inaugural Natural Selection tournament organised by the HWF. More recently, he's won the right to continue using the name "The Dragon" in a match against Eric Davis, as well as claiming the number one contendership for the IC title. He spent 2005 undefeated in singles competition, only being pinned once (in the HWF's Natural Selection Summer Solstice event), including capturing the Empire Pro Wrestling IC title in November, before a time-limit draw in a special non-title Champion vs. Champion match against Lindsay Troy. He carried on in much the same way in 2006, winning the inaugural TEAM Invitational Tournament, before suffering his first singles loss in over a year when he unsuccessfully tried to win the Champion of Champions title from D!. The loss, however, did not faze him, and to this day he continues to push himself harder and harder, as he looks to not only maintain his grip on the Intercontinental Championship, but push himself above and beyond his own potential.

Titles Held:
EPW Intercontinental Champion (November 2005 to present)

1st Place TEAM Invitational Tournament 2006 (Chad Merritt Trophy winner)
2nd in NWL's WLS 2004
3rd HWF's Natural Selection Invitational tournament 2004
4th HWF's Natural Selection Summer Soltice 2005

Normal Moves: Standing dropkick
Arm Drag into armbar
Snap vertical suplex
T-Bone suplex
Diamond Dust (somersault diamond cutter from corner)
Somersault Powerbomb from turnbuckles
Russian Leg Sweep
Flying Forearm
Drop Toe Hold into side headlock
Release German suplex
Top rope German Suplex
Bridging STF
Swinging neckbreaker
Crossbody block
Dragonsuplex to pin
Armbar into anklelock (used when people won't be pinned)

Set up move:

Set up Description:

Finishing Move:
Dragon's Bite

Finishing Move Description:
Kicks opponent in back, sets them up similar to a dragon sleeper, but lifts them so they are vertical above the mat, before planting them head first into the mat (Dragonsleeper meets implant DDT)


League Member
Aug 1, 2007
Shin’ya Funabashi
"For my love..."

Vital Statistics
Born: February 14, 1968
Hometown: Mineyama Town, Kyoto
Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 233 pounds

Ring Information
Entrance Music: “Break Gun Plus” - Original
Group: Freelance
Class: Middleweight
Discipline: Strong Style Puroresu

Physical Description

Shin’ya Funabashi is a Japanese man of middling height, with yellow-brown skin telling of his heritage. He has a toned build, indicative of a lifestyle that includes exercise and rigorous training but not one that is geared towards bodybuilding or looking good; Toyo wants efficiency, not a six-pack. His skin has been some what creased due to his seniority in age, just as his hair which is little by little beginning to uproot. Funabashi’s wrestling attire consist of: black short trunks, black knee pads, and a pair of timeworn black wrestling boots. With just a glance at his attire, you can only guess he’s supporting his traditional puroresu roots.

Finisher(s): Yuuka Funabashi Special (Shin’ya lifts the opponent above his back with the opponent's arm spread out in a crucifix hold and then the opponent hooks their legs around Toyo‘s midsection. Shin’ya then spins around and runs backwards into the turnbuckle. For the final blow, he would bend over, sliding the foe back into the crucifix hold, and flips them over in a crucifix face buster)

Hammer Mountain Crusher (Funabashi would bend an opponent over and grab them in a belly to back waistlock before lifting the opponent until they are vertical. Shin’ya then drives the opponent down on their neck and shoulder while either remaining in a standing position, sitting position or dropping down to his knees. The move is considered one of the most dangerous moves in professional wrestling as the person taking the move is in freefall, dropped onto their own head or neck without protection.)

Other Moves

1. DDT
2. Cradle Piledriver
3. Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex
4. Octopus hold
5. Kneel Kick
6. Katahajime
7. Springboard DDT
8. Diamond Dust
9. Spinning Spinebuster
10. Modified Standing Crab
11. Reverse Diving Backbreaker
12. Lifting Reverse Russian Legsweep
13. Exploder
14. Springboard Kneel Kick
15. Emerald Frosion
16. Gargoyle Suplex
17. Ankle hold
18. Arm Dragon Screw
19. Quick Chops
20. Enzigiri
21. Dragon Screw


Shin‘ya Funabashi; once a formers son, turned puroresu pioneer, turned grieving husband of a late wife. Shin‘ya has seen and been through it all. Life, death, life, and death once again. Once known as the man who made wrestling a sport in Japan, is now nothing more than a mere shell of a man. Empty and incapable. Modern media has made this man seem like a joke, academically causing the few fans he’s had on his to dismember. What caused this downfall? Well, there’s only one answer to that question.

Yuuka Funabashi

Shin‘ya Funabashi’s late wife. It was raining that night, the roads were slippery, and the brakes on the vehicle weren’t all that great… I’m guessing there’s no need to tell the rest of this tale.

That night plays through Shinya’s head every night, just drilling away at his mental stability. Her screams, her blood, her dead body. Thus, leading to drug abuse and cheap alcohol. But, deep down, he knew that all the drugs in the word wouldn’t numb the pain inside. He was doing nothing but disgracing himself, his family, his fans, and even Yuuka herself.

He had to push through this.

November 24, 2006. That was the day Shin‘ya finally woke up. It took a special on a TV, a tribute to himself; before the drugs, before the alcohol, and before the death of his beloved Yuuka. It just took that two-hour special to awaken Funabashi from his cloudburst. That was also the day Masayoshi decided to lace up the ole’ boots.

Almost a year later, Shin’ya Funabashi has restored his name and is touring the world; wrestling for different promotions from continent to continent. His apparent drug use and alcoholic ways are long gone. It would be a miracle if you find Shin’ya indulging a simple beer. The media that once trampled over his name, are now the very one’s requesting interviews and demanding updates on Funabashi’s wrestling tour. The fans that ditched him when things got wrong are now waiting in hour long lines to just to receive a mere autograph.

Shin’ya Funabashi is back everyone, like it or not. And, he’s doing it all in the loving memory of Yuuka Funabashi.



Active member
Sep 24, 2005
Lebanon, MO
Name: The Sergeant
Age: 24 (12/26/1983)

Height: 5’10
Weight: 201 lbs
Hometown: Springfield, Missouri USA
Face/Heel: Face

Appearance: The Sergeant is a clean-cut, white, military man with no facial hair, tattoos, or piercings. He has black hair and has a muscular build… but not that kind of “I’m obviously on steroids” build that is prevalent in today’s wrestling world. His build is similar to vintage Ricky Steamboat. He wears desert camo cargo pants and a pair of tan desert boots. When he’s out of the ring or not gearing up for a fight, he likes to wear a plain black t-****, but goes shirtless otherwise.

Titles Held: NONE

Awards: 4th Place-Match of the Year as RP’d(versus James Irish) Tom Holzerman’s Year-End Awards 2005.
Random Ramblings of an E-fed Lifer: Honorable Mention – 2006 Rookie of the Year

Style: The Sergeant is a mat technician with the ability to mix it up if he needs to brawl. He’s not much for high risk maneuvers… more like a Dean Malenko with a little bit of Chris Benoit’s tenacity in the ring.

Move Set: 1. Arm Drag
2. Arm Lock
3. Fisherman’s Suplex
4. DDT
5. Standing Sidekick
6. Full Nelson
7. Arm Bar
8. Cross Face
9. Finger Stomp
10. Power Bomb
11. Reverse DDT
12. Single Leg Take Down
13. Double Leg Take Down
14. Spear
15. Ankle Lock

Description of Finisher: (SUBMISSION) A reverse DDT that is modified into a submission by wrapping his legs around the opponent’s waist, like a reverse guillotine.

Finisher Name: Corrective Training (SUBMISSION)

Entrance: “We Right Here” by DMX blares over the loudspeakers as The Sergeant exits through the curtains. He plays to the crowd a little on his way to the ring. Upon entering the ring he begins stretching, immediately getting ready for his match and trying to tune out the crowd.

Description of Manager: NONE

Quotes: Combat Tested – Mother Approved.

Overall Record: 12 – 16


League Member
Oct 1, 2007
As a sub on the Rebel-Pro Dupree Team, here is my roster entry from Rebel-Pro

El Rey de Corizones

HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 6'4" 245lbs
HOMETOWN: Villahermosa, Tobasco, Mexico
ENTRANCE MUSIC: "Baila Cassanova" - Paulina Rubio
STYLE: Lucha Libre / Big Man

  1. Argentine Backbreaker Rack
  2. Heart Kick
  3. Arm Trap Standing Leg Lock (Submission)
  4. Super Elbow Drop to opponents hyperextended shoulder (Undertaker's Rope Walk Elbow Drop - aka Old School)
  5. Lionsault
  1. Tango Pasado del Amor (Shortarm knee to the gut followed by a double underhook DDT)
  2. Horquilla del Corazón (La Majistral Cradle)
BIO: Little is known about El Rey de Corizones from before he started training under Negro Casas at "Grupo Cibernetico". It is rumored though that the man nicknamed "Casanova" by his female fan base was an accomplished wrestler in his own right before he ever set foot on José Casas Ruiz's doorstep. Since then however, El Rey has made a name for himself on the indy circuit in the American southwest. Oh and he has never been heard uttering a word of English, relying on his interpreter, Montaña Rose, to translate his words for him. (Though by the reaction he sometimes gives when others speak he obviously understands at least some English.)

APPEARANCE: Brown hair, brown eyes and a slightly Mediterranean complexion, El Rey de Corizones (The King of Hearts) wears black and silver wrestling tights with black wrestling boots, a black sombrero banded in silver with red hearts and a Toreador jacket (Cutoff style of jacket with long sleeves) Black with red and silver trim and an appliqué of a large red heart encircled bandoleer style with a gold crown. Outside of the ring he wears whatever suits the occasion from a wifebeater and jeans to suits with silk ties.
Note: No matter what the occasion, in or out of the ring, El Rey de Corizones ALWAYS wears his signature black and silver mask.

Valet/Interpreter: Montaña Rose
Valet's Appearance: Montaña Rose is 5'9" tall and 134 lbs. She has shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes she always comes out in country casual and a cowboy hat.


League Member
Nov 26, 2007
Donovan Astros
Height: 6'1
Weight: 231 lbs
Music: "Cult Of Personality (Astros Recut)" by Living Colour
Style: Southern Heel/Technical. Shortcuts, suplexes and holds, and the slightest bit of aerial ability.

Snap Suplex
Cannonball Neck Snap
Indian Deathlock
Standing Dropkick
Armdrag Takover into standing armbar
Astrolabe - Implant DDT with a slight spinning motion. Astros lifts the opponent up in a suplex position, turns around, swinging the victim with him, then drops him with a DDT.
Astrolock - Genki Horguch's GH Lock, it's a stepover armbar with the victim's neck trapped and bent out of position by Astros's leg.
Aztecan Suplex - A German suplex hold with the victim's arms crossed in front of the body. Also called a straightjacket suplex. Astros bridges to try and get the pinfall after completing this move.
Bow and Arrow Submission
Steele Tower - This desperation move has Astros coming off the top rope onto an opponent standing in the corner, taking him down with a Rocker Dropper.
Overhead Butterfly Suplex
Concussion Cannon - The opponent has his feet draped across the bottom rope, face down, held vertical by Astros... who then drops him in a DDT.
Memphis Cradle - Simple schoolboy rollup with Astros putting his feet on the ropes for added leverage. What a cheater.

Finisher-Level Moves
Astrocide - The Tomakase or the Unprettier, take your pick on the name, but Astros uses the reverse double-underhook DDT to perfection. Astros has also done a top-rope variation which won him his second World title against Ravager eariler this year.
Shockwave - From the same setup position as the Astrocide, Astros picks up the opponent for a Vertbreaker/Cop Killa/Kudoh Driver instead. This is primarily a title match/big match move and it can't be done against much heavier opponents. This move won Astros his first World title.

Since 1997, Donovan Astros has been working off and on as a professional wrestler as well as a film stunt coordinator. Astros began his career in Pacific Coast Championship Wrestling (later Pro-Continental Championship Wrestling) as Devon Steele, one half of the Steele Machine with Derrick Steele, who helped train him and still operates a wrestling school in Reno. The Steele Machine's high flying style and brash attitudes caught the attention of promoters all over the West Coast, but the aerial attack also cost the team their big break when Derrick Steele tore his knee to shreds landing awkwardly on a dive from the top rope to the floor. Astros went back to his stuntwork, while helping train at the newly opened Steele Dojo, Derrick's wrestling school. 3 years later, Astros stepped back in the ring, this time in the World Street Wrestling Federation (later Western States Wrestling). Astros saw his greatest fame here, claiming the WSW World Heavyweight Championship before leaving the promotion a few months later due to political differences. Some of the business relationships formed in PCCW carried over to WSW, as Astros teamed with former PCCW World Champion Sean Southward to wreak havoc on the company until it's closing in 2001. A revival in 2003 with Astros as promoter and head trainer was shortlived, and Astros returned to Los Angeles.
But the bug always bites, and Donovan Astros isn't ready to give it up. The former World Heavyweight Champion wants one more shot to prove to as many people as he can that he can be the cornerstone, the foundation, the best wrestler on God's green Earth. Don't believe him? Just ask him, and ask his opponents after they get into the ring with him. In just four months time, Astros has gone from knocking off ring rust to ending the longest title reign in NAPW history, pinning Ravager and winning the NAPW Title, going on to make it a World championship. Now titleless thanks to Bruce 'The Beast' Richards, Astros looks to spread the word about the Astrocide as far and wide as he can. Making his mark on TEAM seems like a great place to start.

Astros wears full length black tights with a stylized Walk of Fame Star in a second color on one outer leg and ASTROS down the outside of the other leg. The color can vary from match to match, but it's usually blue, red, or gold. Astros has a single elbowpad on his left arm, simple black with no design, and kneepads under the gear. He has shoulder length black hair with a prominent scar across his forehead, caused by a flawed chairshot a few years back. Black boots with the Walk of Fame Star insignia in the same color as the gear complete the outfit. Astros is developed, but not overly muscular. His strongest part is his legs, where he draws the power to suplex larger opponents and apply pressure in holds like his Astrolock and the Bow and Arrow.
Last edited:


League Member
Aug 1, 2007

Height: 5’11”
Weight: 240 lbs
D.O.B: 12/2/1986
Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand. Fighting out of Leonardo, New Jersey.
Alignment: Face

Ring Attire: X-Klaus's ring attire consists of long wrestling pants, usually in black, blue and white with "Jersey Slacker" written across the waistband; black knee pads and black elbow pads; black high-top ring boots under the pant legs; black taped up wrists with a skull and cross-bones drawn on in white chalk. Klaus comes to the ring wearing a black leather jacket.

Entrance: "Man In The Box (Instrumental)" - Harry Slash and The Slashtones hits the arenas speakers. In enters the wrestling ex-criminal walks through the curtain, raising his arm to acknowledge the crowd, who are up in arms with cheerful boos and jeers. He strolls down to the ring, taking his time. As he reaches the end of the aisle, he pauses, looking out into the booing crowd as he cracks his knuckles. He hands his jacket to the referee and prepares to fight.

Style: Having learnt much of his fighting on the streets, X-Klaus is a natural brawler in the ring, leading with a Southpaw stance, he has no problem unleashing a series of lefts and rights onto his opponent. But due to on going training from a couple of former WEW's wrestlers, and a couple of trainers, X-Klaus's arsenal has slowly been improving, and the Jersey Slacker is becoming more well versed in high flying maneuvers and suplexes. He is just waiting for a chance to unleash them.

Basic Moves:
  • Attacks
  • Argintine Beack Breaker
  • Bulldog
  • Choke
  • Clothesline
  • Coconut Crush (Running Samoan Drop)
  • DDT
  • Face Slap
  • Fist Drop
  • Frankensteiner
  • Heymaker Lefts and rights
  • Hiptoss
  • Inverted Atomic Block
  • Inverted DDT
  • Jab
  • Jumping Face kick enzuigiri
  • kicks
  • Knee Crusher (Knee Breaker)
  • Lariat
  • Leg Drop
  • Low Blow
  • Powerbomb
  • Punches
  • Reverse DDT
  • Right Cross
  • Rock Bottom
  • Shining Wizard
  • Shoulder Tackle
  • Single Arm DDT
  • Spear
  • Spine Buster
  • Stomp
  • Tackle
  • Tackle & Punch (X-Klaus tackles his opponent to the ground and punches them in the head)
  • Thesz Press
  • Tombstone Piledriver
  • Uppercut
  • Widing Nut (Inverted Atomic Drop)

  • Abdominal Stretch
  • Chin Lock
  • Corner Foot Choke
  • Figure Four Leg Lock
  • Fujiwara Armbar
  • Full Nelson
  • Hammerlock
  • Japanese Armbar
  • Octopus Hold
  • Side Headlock
  • Sleeper Hold
  • Stretch Buster (STF)

  • Atomic Drop
  • Body Slam
  • Bridging Fallaway Slam
  • Bulldog
  • Gut Buster
  • Inverted Atmoic Drop
  • Muscle Buster
  • Powerslam
  • Running Powerslam
  • Russian Legsweep

  • Belly-to-Back Suplex
  • Belly-To-Belly Suplex
  • Capture Jersey-Plex (Capture suplex)
  • Dragon Jersey-Plex (Release dragon suplex)
  • Dragon Suplex
  • Fisherman's Suplex
  • German Jersey-Plex (Release German suplex)
  • German Suplex
  • Jersey-Plex (Overhead head and arm suplex)
  • Northern Lights Jersey-Plex (Northern Lights suplex)
  • Pumphandle Jersey-Plex (Pumphandle suplex)
  • Side Jersey-Plex (Modified side head and arm suplex)
  • Super Jersey-Plex (Top rope head and arm suplex)
  • Suplex
  • T-Bone Jersey-Plex (Exploder suplex)
  • Tiger Jersey-Plex (Release tiger suplex)
  • Wheelbarrow Jersey-Plex (Wheelbarrow suplex)

  • Corner Backflip Dropkick
  • Crazy Heights (Springboard backflip three quarter facelock diving reverse DDT)
  • Diving Fist Drop
  • Diving Head Butt
  • Diving Leg Drop
  • Dropsault
  • Flying Clothesline
  • Frog Splash
  • Hurricanrana
  • Imploding 450 Splash
  • Moonsault
  • Seated Senton
  • Senton
  • Super German Suplex
  • Top Rope Tornado DDT

Finisher Name: Drink & Drive
Description: Crockscrew Senton

Alternate Finisher Name: Diamond Joe's TKO
Description: Underhook Facebuster

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