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Almost Live: Richard Gideon vs. Felix Red


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
RP here. This match is for the shot at the WFW North American Title at the PPV. The RP/Angle deadline is Thursday, September 18th 11:59 PM EST. Send all angles to PaulNJ21@aol.com


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
#1 Contendership in sight

(The scene is post match. Gideon has just barely changed into street clothes and is seated in front of a WFW banner. His hair a mess, he pops on a Buffalo Bills cap and smiles as he begins to speak)

Gideon: The more things change, the more they stay the same. At present, I'm one pinfall from being a #1 contender again. However, this time it's for the North American Title. But to do that, I have to go through you Felix. Felix Red, the everyman....Felix Red, ever the come back artist...

(Gideon looks away wistfully for a second, then returns to the task at hand)

Gideon: But that can't be the Felix that shows up at Almost Live Felix. In Revere, Mass we're going find out which one of us will step up, and which gets stepped on. And to beat me Felix you're going to need Felix the Conqueror...you got the moves and you got the zeal...now you gotta show you got the fire. Like the announcers said during our tag match, we are two of WFW's brightest stars...but on the 18th, only one will burn brighter. And I think, no, scratch that, I know that it's the man that sits before you right now.

(Gideon stands up and looks dead on into the camera, his face sullen)

Gideon: Felix, I can't knock you unlike most of my tag partners since I've been here. I didn't know you coming into this match, but I know you got miles of heart. I respect you. When we face each other, it's not personal, it's just that you're in my way. I need that belt to validate the last few months. Been a bit of a roller coaster if you know what I mean.....(shrugs) but them's the breaks. Next time we meet, all bets are off though Felix. You noticed in our match that I gave you just as much trust as you gave me...and we won.

(Gideon walks away and then stops, looking back at the camera)

Gideon: And this time...only one can win....

(Fade to White)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Where you at Felix????

(Richard Gideon is seen seated in his study with Bills paraphenalia adorning the walls. Gideon's smiling from ear to ear, watching a replay via Tivo of the Bills-Jags game. He then pauses, and looks from the screen to the camera)

Gideon: And look at this...perfect execution, plus great timing, equals another win for my Super Bills. And much like my beloved team, my perfect execution and exquisite timing led to a win for MY team. And that win is what brings me here tonight to all you folks in tv land...Felix Red, you have an appointment with The System. I'm ready and willing...but are you??? You seem to be quiet about our upcoming tete a tete...but hey...if I was fighting me, I'd be a little morose too.

(Gideon picks up a nearby paper, and studies it for a few minutes. Smiling, he turns back to the camera and continues)

Gideon: We dance in about a week...Revere's going to see you fall on your face, and see me take a step toward gold....GOLD Felix...I take this seriously, cuz last two times I got a shot I blew them. This time...no blowing the lead...I take what I need, and that is the title shot. Then I take what I want...and that's WFW Gold. My name is Richard "The System" Gideon, and the System...is coming for you!

(Fade to white)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Boston and other places.

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-03 AT 01:59 PM (EST)](CUEUP: "Linoleum" by Shai Hulud...)
(Out on a fire escape Felix Red with legs hanging through the metal bars, traffic racing by bellow, this acquaintance of ours wears a Grey button down shirt and black dickies, long purple hair hanging in his face, but ye gawds, no sunglasses...)

"the boy who destroyed the world"
FELIX RED: What's been my experience...over the course of the numerous tag team's I've shared responsibility for is an enemy's influence can be more beneficial than a friend. Those I sought to destroy for less than noble reasons advanced my career more than those I called friends. Ultimately there is no difference between love and hate. Everything's value depends on it's application. Richard Gideon, who was my tag partner, is now my adversary. Essentially nothing has changed. In previous circumstances we compensated for each other's weakness to defeat common enemies,
now we'll exploit each other's weaknesses to overcome one another.

For me, this isn't really about a title shot, this has never been about a title shot, but just because I find these sorts of things to be rather moot, doesn't mean I'll reject them. Gideon is eager to get back in contendership, eager for vindication. Validation. He needs a belt to justify who he is. Enough has fallen through the cracks of his system that he doubts his own worth...Then there's me.

I doubt everything, and nothing...

It is hardly wise to see your life in terms of what you have. Really, you never have anything. Everything is temporal, especially the things you take for granted. Logic. Sanity. Morality. Dysfunction. Even Death. Sort of puts the whole north American title ordeal into perspective, eh?....

You are a respectable enough athlete, but your goals are based in petty need, and that's why you'll always ultimately lose...Real Power never comes from adhering to the boundaries of any particular system. Real power comes from crossing lines placed before you...I've shattered every code of beliefs or rules I've encountered. Every system reduced to shards...I don't foresee you proving any different, Mr. Gideon...


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Boston and other places.
I've always been here....

("I wouldn't piss in your ear if your brain was on fire" by Death by Stereo...)

(Felix Red, again in black dickies, dark sunglasses, black unzipped hoodie, and the spiffy new "I destroyed the World" T-shirt, leans against a wall in the upstairs room at Wonderland. Interesting side note, this hole was forged by D-Von Dudley's head via Axl Rotten in another wrestling dimension several years ago. Anyway, Felix tosses a scrap of dry wall up, catches it in the same hand, and repeats this a few times......)

"the boy who destroyed the world" FELIX RED: Well you apparently fell short with your last two title shot shots, eh heh heh heh, so maybe you have every reason to be over confident. Just because a stone has fallen straight down every previous time it's been dropped, doesn't mean it will this time. But then again....(drops the dry wall. it hits the floor...)

I apologize for nothing, yet maybe it's occurred to you neither of us "earned" this opportunity in the classic sense, and you're feeling a little defensive. Hence all the unconvincing posturing. reminiscent of your reaction to your perceived defeat at the hands of Sean Edmunds. You're beaten cleanly and it's a fluke, a mistake, something that never should have happened, but when a lone miscreant rushes the ring and attacks our opponents, we worked well together as I team. I agreed to work with you. I never promised to like you.

And so your favoritest team won it's little football match. Glorious. I don't care. What you want is gold. This doesn't make you ambitious. This makes you vulnerable and stupid. Is there anything more easily exploited than greed? How Appropriate is it how someone self applying the title "the system," is so predictable.

Now that I've ruined everything else, I cannot merely think. To unify the body and mind, and thereby enable myself to know truth, to go beyond man, I have to fight people. I MUST kick others in the face, and this is the only forum I can do this in without getting arrested or killed. If it were up to me, Mr. Gideon, I'd give you your title shot. After leaving you bewildered, hurting, and most of all beaten, it would be the least I could do. I am not without compassion. However I am no martyr, and it isn't up to me. I never set out to incinerate yet another one of your dreams, Mr. Gideon, but pity you I cannot. Fate made you a simpleton and a mediocre wrestler, and random chance picked you up and dropped you in front of me. Just because you didn't bring this on yourself, doesn't mean you don't deserve it.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Oops there goes gravity....

(The scene opens with Richard Gideon running in a old field by himself. Wearing a silver and black jumpsuit and covered in sweat, he goes from sideline to sideline, taking his body as far as it can go, and beyond. He continues for a few minutes and then begins to speak)

Richard Gideon: So, it seems you've developed quite the attitude Felix...so my team won...I make excuses instead of solutions...and all that wonderful banter you threw out. Congratulations...I talk about your otherwise verbal constipation and you go in the exact opposite direction. Fate made me a horrid wrestler and a simpleton? Hey hey hey now...for all your talk of me sucking...I haven't seen match one that's proven Felix Red to be a "dominating force" here in the WFW.

(Gideon begins to do Oklahoma's and Judo rolls in succession one after the other. He does this for about a minute, and then continues)

Gideon: Ah...that clears the head...anyway, Felix, about this match. I don't know if you got the memo, but you're over your head. Granted that match with Edmunds was a blemish on an otherwise perfect character. Every title match to this point I had somebody trying to make a name for themself either off me or my opponent. This time around, I got you...claiming to extinguish "another" dream. And that is why I'm talking to you today.

(Gideon pulls out a small chair and sits in front of the camera, with an almost arrogant smirk on his face)

Gideon: See, here's the thing...As a champ, you get more of a percentage of the gate...more percentage means more money...more money means more I get to play with...and hey, maybe I'll get a chance to get that blender I always wanted. You want to talk about dreams...you take away that blender, you'll have a very, very pissed man on your hands buckaroo...lemme tell ya.

(Gideon's smirk disappears and is replaced by a serious scowl as he continues his monologue)

Gideon: In all seriousness...you say you don't care about titles, that's fine by me. I do. As a kid I saw a title as a way as validating who a wreslter was, that is if he earned it. A stolen title means as much as you do...nothing. Sure, I faltered in my title shots, but that doesn't mean I'm going to quit going for the WFW World Title. In fact, when I win the North American Title, I'm making it a point to have a title for title match. Call it greed, call it whatever you want. I want to say when it's all said and done that Richard Gideon did things in the WFW no one has since duplicated. So yes, I will go into our match knowing full well you're looking to end my dreams. I wouldn't have it any other way. In fact Felix, I'm going to apologize now for whatever goes down in that match. Because I'm not looking to crush a dream, or to stop "your quest to move up in the ranks" or some such goal. I'm going to embarass you. As much as I am proud of my self given "Super Rookie" moniker, I will enjoy proving how much YOU'VE got to learn.

(Gideon stands up and taps his chest)

Gideon: You want to insult the system, you wanna try and hurt me? You bring it on Felix. You better bring whatever it is you think you have. Cuz in that tag match, you saw nothing...Nothing of the brilliance I bring to the ring in a singles environment. When you get a load of The System running at full power...it'll be an amazing thing. And I truly hope you're prepared for it. Because I'm not over-looking you my friend...I'll be taking things one match at a time. And that, is why you should fear The System, now more than ever. Now if you excuse me Felix, I have some more training to do.

(Fade to White)

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