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ALPHA. Seeks. Talent.


League Member
Jun 24, 2006


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ALPHA, as a promotion, is a hot new strong style-esque indy promotion, the latest in Daniel Stann's (KINGPro/AtCoast/The Mid-Atlantic) efforts to mingle hard-hitting action with the American promoting style. Just as before, the money backing it is not his. This time, he's setting up shop at the Red Mountain Casino in northern Nevada, and with their support he's launching ALPHA as a pay-per-view product. His main attraction? The warriors of LIONS Fight Club, led by director Anton Assault and captain John Hurst, who promise to decimate any opposition brought to face them. RMC's money can attract quite a few incredible wrestlers, though, and they're going to test the hell out of the overconfident LIONS. For some, unstoppable force vs. immovable object is a stalemate. For Stann and RMC, it's dollars, dollars, dollars.

ALPHA, as an e-fed, is a stripped-down booked/angled fed. If most feds simulate watching a wrestling TV show, ALPHA simulates following an indy promotion. For the most part, in-depth write-ups will be foregone in favor of summaries. I don't see ALPHA as a once-a-week fed, laying dormant until the weekly show is produced. A combined big picture -- news, promos, and shows -- is what ALPHA is all about. Every element of ALPHA is an integral part of the presentation and everything should be easy to digest and easy to enjoy. More than that, ALPHA should be easy to produce for and keep up with. All I really need from anyone joining is for them to roleplay once in a while, be responsive, and take an interest in their character.

If you have a need to write a ton of RPs or seg two or three or four times a show, ALPHA isn't for you. For most people, ALPHA probably won't be your first fed. But if you're thinking about a second fed that can hold your attention without crowding your time too much, give ALPHA a look.

Applicants should steer themselves towards the join page for more information and for form details.

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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