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ALPHA Wants You! (AAA 101)


League Member
Jun 24, 2006


Welcome to ALPHA (AAA) 101!

(IC) What is ALPHA?
ALPHA, as a promotion, is a hot new strong style-esque indy promotion, the latest in Daniel Stann's (KINGPro/AtCoast/The Mid-Atlantic) efforts to mingle hard-hitting action with the American promoting style. Just as before, the money backing it is not his. This time, he's setting up shop at the Red Mountain Casino in northern Nevada, and with their support he's launching ALPHA as a pay-per-view product. His main attraction? The warriors of LIONS Fight Club, led by director Anton Assault and captain John Hurst, who promise to decimate any opposition brought to face them. RMC's money can attract quite a few incredible wrestlers, though, and they're going to test the hell out of the overconfident LIONS. For some, unstoppable force vs. immovable object is a stalemate. For Stann and RMC, it's dollars, dollars, dollars.

(OOC) What is ALPHA?
ALPHA, as an e-fed, is a stripped-down booked/angled fed. If most feds simulate watching a wrestling TV show, ALPHA simulates following an indy promotion. For the most part, in-depth write-ups will be foregone in favor of summaries. I don't see ALPHA as a once-a-week fed, laying dormant until the weekly show is produced. A combined big picture -- news, promos, and shows -- is what ALPHA is all about. Every element of ALPHA is an integral part of the presentation and everything should be easy to digest and easy to enjoy. More than that, ALPHA should be easy to produce for and keep up with.

What shows does ALPHA hold?
- Weekly PPVs: Every Saturday, ALPHA broadcasts another episode of its live pay-per-view series from the Prime Stage in northern Nevada's Red Mountain Casino. At this point, its PPVs are comprised entirely of live material shot that night. Summary recaps are posted the next day on ALPHA's website and on wrestling news outlets.
- Supercards: ALPHA has not held a supercard yet, but never say never. With a championship belt now held, perhaps it's only a matter of time until a premium show is put together.

What are the prizes?
- King of Savage: The big prize. Sanctioned by LIONS Fight Club and just crowned, the King of Savage title is the only championship in ALPHA today. With relaxed rules (20 count on the floor instead of 10, no rope breaks, no holds barred), the KoS belt rewards cunning, endurance, and the will to win perhaps more than any other title in wrestling. However, prying the belt from the hands of the LFC will certainly be a challenge, as there is no guarantee they will be fair in any respects. Is the mountain too high to climb, or is that just the challenge that some are looking for?
- A~ (A Dash) tournaments: One night tournaments that reward skill and determination above all else. While the King of Savage title is the big gold in ALPHA, winning an A~ is nothing to sneeze at, and undoubtedly A~ winners will be seen as top contenders. For a longstanding wrestler, it can be another feather in their cap. For a new kid on the block, it can be the boost they need to show that they should be taken seriously.

(OOC) "So what do I do if I join?"
- Angles: The bread and butter of ALPHA. Coming up with and sticking to a good angle is really what makes your place in ALPHA. Without them, you stand to be little more than a jobber, but with a great program, the sky's the limit.
- Promos: ALPHA is not the place for narrative RPs. There won't be RP battles for victories on shows. However, promos hype up matches, and that's exactly what they'll be doing here. Trash talking, interviews, and other viginettes are very important to furthering angles and keeping your character visible.

(OOC) "So how DO I join?"
Just fill out the application form and send it in. The form's pretty general because I want to get a feel for your character in the app. We can get into specifics after you're in.

- Handler Name:
- Character Name:
- Height:
- Weight:
- Birthdate & Age:
- Origin: Place of birth/hometown
- Wrestling Style: Not in-depth.
- Finish: Don't use anything already used, or anything banned. (Banned Finishers: lariat, superkick)
- Persona:
- If there isn't a place for this particular character currently, would you still consider joining with another character if asked?
- Sample Promo/RP: Has to be delivered by the character you're applying with. Trash-talk style, directed at anyone (or any group) on the roster, or at no one in particular (self-hype).

All that gets sent to alpha@nearzone.com.

Thanks for reading! Check out ALPHA, Saturdays and every day!

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