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And So It Begins...


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Peebles, OH USA
[font fave=verdana]It had been nearly a year of waiting. 365 days. 8,760 hours. 525,600 minutes. 31,536,000 seconds. During that time, he had moved on after being left in a lurch by his former partner, but he had never forgotten the betrayal he felt. He longed for the day when the opportunity to avenge himself would come. Finally, it did. On a rare night off, he had tuned into watch some CSWA programming. Much to his surprise, Nate Logan appeared and put the entire promotion on notice. Kevin Powers joined with him soon after, revealing that he paved the way for Logan to come in and that soon more would follow. Rob Sampson knew then that it was time to return to a place he swore would never see him again: the CSWA. Of course he was welcomed with open arms by his cohorts and soon he was secretly being admitted into venues by Powers himself. It was never any sleight-of-hand or supernatural means that allowed him to be wherever Eddy Love was; it was an inside job. And then came the day when Sampson revealed himself to the world at Fish Fund. The feeling of elation when he dropped Eddy Love on his head was indescribable. Rob Sampson was back, and he was ready to make an ever bigger name for himself. Lost in a whirlwind of thoughts a few nights after the event, Sampson sits in a hotel room in Pittsburgh, the site of GXW's next show. As he sat on the bed watching television, there was a knock on his door. Sampson stands up and walks over to the door, opening it to reveal a camera crew waiting outside.

RS: About time you guys got here. What, Merritt not paying you enough to be on time or something?

The crew gives him a shrug of indifference.

RS: Whatever. I don't care what you guys do, so long as you see this gets in the proper hands. Are we ready?

The director nods affirmatively. Sampson sits down and when the recording light appears, he looks directly into the camera and begins to speak.

RS: I'm sure there a lot of questions waiting to be answered, some of which I can talk about now and some of which I'll save for a later date. Primarily, the one question I can answer is... "Why?" I should think that it was obvious, but I'm more than willing to explain. Some time ago, I was a part of the CSWA roster. I made my way here because I was told that it was as good as it gets when it comes to wrestling. So I signed my contract and began a new chapter in my career. Oh how shortly it lasted. I've never been one for politics and in the CSWA they abounded fruitfully. It wasn't about what you could do, it was about who you knew. At the time, I knew no one here as more than a passing acquaintance, but times have certainly changed. Anyway, I bought out my contract with the promotion and went to Erik Zieba's EWI promotion, and by proxy became a part of GXW when it merged with the Nth Wrestling Alliance. As far as I was concerned, GXW was and would forever be my home. But now I'm back in the federation whose doorstep I said I would never darken again, with a specific target in my sights.

Sampson leans forward chair, looking into it more intensely.

RS: As time goes on, PLR's and indeed even my very own purpose will become more evident. It's obvious where my loyalties lie and even more obvious what I'm here to do. I won't be deterred from my goals. And I won't be held back. I'll go to any lenghts I deem necessary and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it. I tried playing by the rules before and it got me nowhere, so now I'll do it my way. I realize most of you don't take us seriously, and hey, I think that's great. It's great because it'll make the time when we hand you your collective heads all that much sweeter. And that time is coming, don't doubt it for a moment. You've all become accustomed to thinking you're untouchable, perhaps even invincible. You're not. Not by a long shot. It's high time that someone proved that to you and I think I know the very three men for the job. The day will come when you'll question just what it is you've encountered. I assure you that you have no idea. We haven't even begun to hit you where it hurts. And, Eddy, I haven't forgotten you. I haven't even given you my all yet, but you can bet the farm that it's coming. No one does to me what you did and gets away with it. I'm sure you believed you had, but you were dead wrong. I bided my time where you were concerned but now is the time to strike, and strike hard. Be seeing you... much sooner than you think.

Fade to black.

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