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Angus Skaaland's Very Important Opinions


League Member
Apr 12, 2008
Angus Skaaland is in an uncomfortable spot in his career. For the last 10 years or so, he's been a heel. He thinks heel, aligns heel, roots for heels, cheers on heels, and thinks that, with a very few exceptions, faces are wussasses.

However, Angus loves DEFIANCE. And most of the time it's faces that love DEFIANCE, not heels. Heels hate DEFIANCE.

He started wrestling as Dane's lackey back when Dane was a heel. Now Dane is the baws of DEFIANCE and a face. Angus is impeccably loyal to Dane, so he finds himself rooting for a face. He started fanboying for Cancer Jiles when Jiles was a heel, then Jiles turned face. He started fanboying for Roger Stevens when Stevens was a heel, then Stevens showed up in DEF as a face.

So, rather than say Angus is a Heel or a Face, he has consistent opinions.

Angus likes Eric Dane and anyone associated with Dane (TEEMDANJAR, etc). He likes asskickers and fighting spirit. He likes brawling. He likes violence, but ultraviolence can gross him out. He likes hot chicks, but only if they're not trying too hard. If they do, he loses interest. He loves it when people act without thinking of the consequences.

Angus is indifferent to underdogs and scientific wrestling. He doesn't have a problem with those things, they just don't influence his opinion on someone one way or another.

Angus hates flippydoos, just because. He hates honor-before-reason faces. He hates goody-two-shoes faces. He hates all that hates DEFIANCE.

Angus' List of Opinions on Current DEFIANCE Wrestlers
  • Andy Murray:
    Torn. Andy is a moralistic, ?do the right thing? kinda guy, but he?s not as forceful in pushing this as his younger brother. When Andy?s in full-on ?good guy? mode, Angus is zoning out. But there?s a certain level of respect for Andy?s legacy, accomplishments, and hossy wrestling style. Angus enjoys watching Andy throwing dudes around the ring and absolutely loves his powerful Lariat, which he?ll usually mark with an over-the-top shriek of ?MURRIATOOOOOOOOO!?
  • Andy Sharp:
    Doesn't really care for him as he's a flippy-doo, but Andy will do some stuff that a guy his size shouldn't and that'll almost sway Angus for a bit. This will come to be a running gag with his matches. Angus doesn't care for his laissez-faire approach to matches either since Andy is more Mr. Smiles nowadays to get away from the man he used to be.
  • Bobby Dean:
    Angus is on the fence, he grudgingly likes Bobby Dean. He thinks Bobby has potential if he ever took his craft seriously, lost some weight, put some forth some effort, and actually showed some drive and ambition. He roots for Bobby, but is ultimately disappointed because Bobby is silly and in his mind, a "waste of space." Plus, he hates CCJ, and he remembers how CCJ and Bobby Dean (with Doozer) were part of the eGG Bandits. So he throws in jabs about how he wishes Bobby would flake/disappear like his friend with "cancer."
  • Bronson Box:
    While he's definitely not Angus' favorite person there's a level of fear-based respect between the two. Skaaland will give Bronson shit when he's out of earshot. Angus just dislikes what a volatile, pious wing-nut Bronson is in general. Bronson also has pretty low opinions of all the people Angus likes but like I said, when it comes down to it Angus likes Bronson a whole hell of a lot more than a lot of people in DEFIANCE based solely on the fact Bronson loves DEF almost as much as Angus does. Like I said, total fear-based respect system. He likes how Boxer bleeds DEF red and black / hates his pious attitude... so depending on the angle / situation / booking Angus' can go either way on Bronson.
  • Calico Rose:
    Angus looks at Cally the way a protective older brother would. He'll tease her and make fun of her when he thinks she can't hear, but he'll defend her on mic if anyone else does it. He's still not a huge fan of the fistbumps because he's 'too cool for the room,' but humors her.
  • Cayle Murray:
    Nine times out of ten, Cayle makes Angus want to hurl. He?s the absolute epitome of an ?honour-before-glory? babyface, a total do-gooder, has occasional flippydoo tendencies and doesn?t get along with Eric Dane. That?s basically every box on the ?Things Angus hates? checklist. Angus begrudgingly respects Cayle?s fighting spirit and fiery in-ring comebacks, but he?s incredibly reluctant to acknowledge this in-public.
  • Curtis Penn:
    Angus fucking HAAAATTTTESSS HIM. There could not be any worse type of hatred that he has for Curtis Penn. If Curtis was on fire, he'd piss on him just to say that he pissed on him, and he'd aim away from the flames. If Penn was being mugged, he'd hold him down for the mugger, and might even stab him for the guy. This goes all the way back to Dane's Wrestling Dojo, something about a missed spot, stolen hamburger, or perhaps a pickle prank. Who the hell knows at the moment. Neither of them really know, they just HATTEEEEEEEEEE each other like Vampires and Sunlight. Penn is narrowly edged by Jonny Booya as Angus's least favorite, but he's easily the second-least-favorite.
  • Dan Ryan:
    When Dan Ryan first arrived in DEFIANCE, Angus thought he was a big, talented monster of a man, but an outsider who needed to earn his place within the closely-guarded DEFIANCE inner circle. Through his battles with Bronson Box and his willingness to do what was necessary in order to prove himself, Angus believes Ryan is there today. He's a fan of the Ego Buster but has a healthy fear of him, not knowing the limits of how far Dan's willing to go to get what he wants.
  • Derek Edwards:
    Angus hates him. He appreciates the confidence and douchebaggery, but that's about it. He's a flippy doo. He's got no substance. He's a hollow man who's kind of a dick. If "The D" does something against someone Angus dislikes, Angus would MAYBE be on his side, but otherwise, there's a bit of indifferent / hate toward him.
  • Don Hollywood:
    See Rich Mahogany. Rich introduced Don and Angus, they all get along famously. After any DEF showcase you can bet Angus is out with The Angel City boys having a hell of a night on the town.
  • Eddie Dante:
    Classic case of "there's something up with this guy." Dante always looks like he has a thousand plans running at one, and can look quite shady in-between his cane, his tendency to always be well-dressed, and his stilted tone of voice.
  • Elise Ares:
    Angus hates Elise and everything she stands for. She's a flippy doo. She's a coward. She's an annoyingly voiced woman who talks way too much and thinks far too highly of herself... but she is beautiful. The argument is to be made here that she tries too hard though, so that is only minimally negated. End of the day, seeing Elise Ares on his monitor will probably make him want to plead for the sweet, sweet escape of death. Hers, not his.
  • Eric Dane:
    The boss. Angus' ultimate loyalty is to Eric Dane. If Dane turned on DEFIANCE, Angus would side with Dane.
  • Eugene Dewey:
    Eugene was and will always be a fat little nerd that lives in his mother's basement, no matter how far from that image he's distanced. The only move that Angus will mark for with Eugene is The Biotic Charge (Pounce), purely so he can go all Don West over it. Other than that there's nothing redeemable about Eugene in his eyes.
  • Frank Dylan James:
    Frank is a good ol' boy, and an "Eric Dane guy," so Angus likes him and gets along with him well enough. He knows better than to steal his beer, make fun of his fat women, or get in his way at any given time. Frank is a destroyer of faces in the ring, and so Angus tends to enjoy marking out for that. Angus will, from time to time, call into question Frank's intelligence and/or decision-making skills, but never to his face (or within earshot).
  • Harmony:
    Harmony is a goody-goody, do the right thing, honor before reason face, so on principle Angus should hate her. But she's hot, and he wants in her pants, so that trumps it.
  • Impulse:
    After losing the FIST back to Curtis Penn, the honeymoon is over. Angus likes Impulse as a wrestler and as a person and will not enjoy seeing him get curbstomped, but he should be condescending towards Impulse's rules of engagement and refusal to ever bend the rules.
  • Jack Hunter:
    Angus likes literally nothing about Jack Hunter. He?s loud, obnoxious, incredibly stupid, and doesn?t have any considerable wrestling ability to compensate for this. Angus? mood sours as soon as Jack hits the screen, but he takes great pleasure in the SUPERBEST?s misfortune, particularly when it?s self-inflicted (often).
  • Jane Katze:
    Angus doesn't have a very high opinion of Jane. He thinks she's hot but she was involved in some WfWA drama years ago that he barely remembers, but caused him not to like her. As far as her scissorhold based offense goes, he finds the fact that she would choose to use it more off-putting than he finds the offense itself teh hawt. Plus she's aligned with Bronson Box, and you can miss him with that bullshit.
  • Jason Natas:
    In his current state, Angus will fat-shame Natas (?Fatas?) at every opportunity? even though Jason?s not actually that out of shape any more. Keebs will counter this by mentioning the progress he?s been making. Angus resents that Jason let himself get so out of sorts while out injured, and has no sympathy for his diminished athleticism and the problems it causes him. He?ll grow to admire Jason?s violent fighting style in-time, but for now, it?s mostly negative.
  • Kendrix:
    For now, see Mikey Unlikely.
  • Klein:
    Just complete disinterest until Klein actually gets physically involved in the proceedings. Once that happens, Angus may enjoy Klein's in ring work but hate his character.
  • Lindsay Troy:
    Angus could not be more thrilled that MOM is back in DEFIANCE; the bad blood between her and Eric Dane has been settled, she's here to fuck shit up (especially where Hollywood McFuckass is concerned), and there is always the promise of NINJA STARS~! He respects LT's history, talent, and leadership; loves that she's snarky and funny when insulting others, and he considers her the pre-eminent smark of DEFIANCE. When she goes to the pop-culture well to rip on someone, he's forthcoming with his laughs and appreciation. He thinks she's hot but won't point it out like he does for others because he's afraid of getting ripped into teeny little pieces, and the fact that she'll run headlong into a fight and worry about the consequences later gets brownie points with him. She'll also get kudos for life after the WARCHAMBER~! match against Bronson Box and her coming back from a career-threatening injury to win the FIST from Dan Ryan.
  • Mikey Unlikely:
    Angus will despise Unlikely, as he will portray everything that DEFIANCE is not. Mikey is a sports entertainer, and although he has an enormous amount of athleticism, he is a pretty poor wrestler. Mikey hates DEFIANCE and the low lifes who belong to its brand (he believes they are beneath him). So while Mikey will ultimately play the heel, he will not be very well liked due to his constant burial of anything DEFIANCE.
  • Mushigihara:
    Against someone Angus dislikes or has no opinion on, he will push him as a walking natural disaster, and when pressed, will openly admit that he thinks Mushi's nickname, "The God-Beast," is fucking awesome. Against someone Angus likes, he'll be a bit more split. He will often call Mushi "Fat Boy," which can possibly seen as a term of endearment in Angus' special way.
  • Nicky Corozzo:
    Nicky doesn't really have much personality beyond being Jane Katze's/Bronson Box's muscle. Angus generally approves of bodyguard type characters, and does have a fear-based respect for him, but his affiliation with Katze and Box puts Corozzo firmly in "dislike" territory.
  • Rich Mahogany:
    Rich was in the same "class" of trainees as Angus Skaaland and Curtis Penn. If you remember correctly, Angus and Penn have had issues ever since waaaaaay back during this time, well the exact opposite is true about Angus and Rich. The two hit it off immediately, even planning on putting a tag-team together at one point. While none of that ever materialized as it turned out that Rich had some talent and Angus... had a big mouth... the two have remained friends. As such, Angus gets a kick out of seeing his friend from way back getting over. Of course, he also thinks it's hilarious to see him get his shit kicked in. As a general rule, he will always cheer for Rich and any of his cohorts.
  • Sam Horry (& Jeanie):
    Angus doesn't like Sam stemming from an incident that happened between the two of them years ago at a party thrown by MUHBOITAI. He likes Sam's in ring style, and hates that he likes Sam's in ring style. Though Jeanie is hardly ever on tv, he thinks she's hot, but knows she's just as trained as Sam is, and always puts her over as dangerous, calls her 'La Vida Loca' a name Sam and Ty teasingly call Jeanie too. Doesn't buy into Sam and Jeanie's "good guy" persona.

Angus' List of Opinions on Current BRAZEN Wrestlers
  • Butcher Victorious:
    He's the ultimate Austin hipster, so Angus hates him.
  • Felton Bigsby:
    An intense, brutal, unhinged loudmouth makes him Angus' sort of wrestler. Plus, Lindsay Troy managed to get the green-as-grass rookie stench off him after Bronson Box's Conclave closed.
  • Howlin' Joe Wolfe:
    Angus doesn't like or dislike this kid. On one hand Joe is one of his BRAZEN kids, so there's an appreciation for him on a basic level. However, on the other hand, Wolfe is known to be a recruit and protege of Dusty Griffith, who Angus may respect, but doesn't like (it's basically like the opposite of Angel Trinidad).
  • Levi Cole:
    He's a goody goody good-hearted Midwestern boy, so Angus hates him.
  • Mascara del Muerte IV:
    Flippy-doo so eff him.
  • Reinhardt Hoffman:
    He creeps Angus out something fierce, and he hangs around Bronson Box, so you do the math.
  • The Southern Bastards:
    See what Angus thinks about FDJ and apply it here.
  • Viking War Cult:
    Angus isn't really a fan of them, as he considers them gimmicky GWAR rip-off douchebags that've obviously watched WAY too much History Channel for their own goddamn good. As time rolls on, that opinion will probably change as Cul and the boys show what brutal nutcases they really are.

Angus' Opinions of Important Inactive / Former Wrestlers

  • Alceo Dentari:
    Due to the nature of Dentari's gimmick Angus' opinion on Dentari can change at the flip of a coin. If Alceo is roughing up goody two shoes faces, Angus will love him. If he's roughing up anyone else Angus loves, Angus will hate him. His pitbull-like tenacity and hot-headedness is enough for Angus to like him while he's between jobs, but he's still a greasy little Italian, and he's always worth ripping on.
  • Cancer Jiles:
    After some soul-searching, Angus came to the conclusion that the reason Cancer Jiles turned worthless is because COOL is not a static constant and Cancer simply ceased to be The COOL before Booya even stole his shades. Ergo, he made a very deliberate decision to stop giving a shit about Cancer Jiles. Reminding him of his previous fanboying will either result in a tantrum or flat denial that he ever did any such thing.
  • Cecilworth Farthington:
    Angus is very, very annoyed that this giant idiot has no concept of how the real world operates, particularly with Cecilworth being a coward at the best of times (and that he comes to the ring with his uncle). Cecilworth is saved from being completely ravaged by the virtue of "not being Jack Hunter." This opinion could change in the future depending on how much a briefcase full of cash contains when it is handed to Mr. Skaaland. He does have begrudging respect for the fact that the man can professional grapple real good inside of the ring, but he will never acknowledge this due to Cecilworth being far more irritating than he is good at wrestling.
  • Colton Thorpe:
    Newcomer to DEFIANCE, but well known to Angus, who sees Thorpe as Eric Dane Jr. due to his involvement with The Only Star in UTA.
  • Claira St. Sure:
    Angus took a liking to Claira during the Grand Champions League when she was on the pro-DEFIANCE Heritage League. She also managed to do the face thing without irritating him by being too facey about it, which he liked. Unfortunately, she's loyal to Kai Scott like he is to Dane. Angus doesn't like Claira, but he would like to like her. He knows enough to know that wrestling needs faces even if faces in general are lame, and he thinks she was good at it. With the Truly Untouchables around, he is generally going to root against her. If she's by herself, his opinion on her shifts up to neutral, maybe a shade to the positive.
  • Diane Parker:
    Angus doesn't like Diane. She's kind of a bitch and she's feuding with his friends. Her major redeeming quality is that he thinks she's hot. She's actually one of those cases where if it weren't for who she was affiliated with and feuding with he might like her, because she's good at getting results and good at avoiding the consequences of her actions. But she's a Truly Untouchable, so she can go to Hell. He likes her a little bit less than Kai Scott, though, because if she got backed into a corner by Dusty Griffith like Scott did, she'd probably have gotten pulped in under five minutes. Not being a badass hurts.
  • Dusty Griffith:
    Angus has literally bared witness to Dusty's entire career outside of Japan. On one hand he highly respects Dusty's talent in the ring, but loathes his "schtick" (honor, respect, etc) and good guy attitude. Loves his ability to hoss it up with the suplexes and be a bad ass in the ring, but can't stand his perceived arrogance. As for calling him "Mayberry", it's a play on Andy Griffith and Dusty being the good guy and all of that, it's meant to be derogatory, but has become more of a habit than anything since Dusty earned Angus' basic trust and respect as an actual "DEFIANCE guy."
  • Edward White:
    Angus fucking... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *takes a deep breath* AAAAAAAAATES The Socialite. See: $$$COOL team break up and feud w/ Angus' (former) lord and master COOL Cancer Jiles. Angus will forever and ever hate Edward White. Have Skaaland fire away when Ed's in the ring. tl;dr HATE
  • El Trebol Jr.:
    Angus is overjoyed that everything he hates (flippy-doo, goody-two-shoes, etc) is in such a little body that will be kicked and thrown across the ring. While he recognizes the fighting spirit that El Trebol possesses, everything else about him is deplorable and Angus looks forward to watching Trebol get beat up in his matches.
  • Frank Holiday and Billy Pepper:
    They're fairly do-gooding babyfaces so Angus doesn't like them. If they ever turned heel, Angus would like them.
  • Heidi Christenson:
    Angus is scared of Heidi. A lot of the things she does he'd like. He thinks she's hot. But she ate his boss's face once. On the other hand she can do ridiculous things to people's limbs and she compared Jimmy Kort to Aquaman. His opinion of Heidi is generally positive as long as she's not going after someone he likes better.
  • Henry Keyes:
    LOVES Keyes - as long as he's Bell Clapping people. He really only loves Keyes for that one move and his anticipation for that move happening is enough to make Angus go batty. If it doesn't happen, Angus is a kid who's had his lollipop stolen from him.
  • Jake Donovan:
    Jake paints his face, the kids love him, he flips and flies all over the ring, therefore Angus dislikes him. Maybe if it was just one of those things, Angus might be indifferent to him, but with all three strikes against him he is usually on the scathing end of Angus' remarks. Donovan might do something spectacular, he might leap first and think of the actions later, but since that leaping typically involves flipping and spinning, he will likely always be disliked by Angus. Though Donovan will happily take dislike over hatred.
  • Jeff Andrews:
    Angus has highly conflicted opinions on Andrews. One one hand he has not and probably never will fully forgive Jeff for having turned on Dane and usurped control of DEFIANCE. On the other, Andrews' hard-nosed fighting style, surly demeanor, and general disregard of stuff in general are all things Angus could easily get behind. Angus has respect for what Andrews can do in and out of the ring, but his primary opinion on Andrews is "I don't trust him."
  • Jonny Booya:
    Because - way back when - Booya temporarily put Jiles on the shelf and then picked a fight with Angus himself, Booya is currently Angus's absolute least favorite wrestler. More than that, Angus doesn't hate Booya as a personality or a gimmick, he hates Jonny Booya right down on the human being level. He probably will continue to hate Booya the most of anyone until further notice.
  • Kai Scott:
    Angus knows that if things had been a little bit different and he'd come up through the NWC/CAL circles rather than the NeWA/WfWA, he might be Kai Scott's lackey rather than Dane's. He respects Scott for his mind for the business, ability to get people to do things for him. However, for starters, he holds a grudge against Scott for the whole Untouchables thing. He also doesn't like Scott's lack of interest in wrestling unless absolutely forced into it. And lastly, all the people who Scott has been feuding with have been people he already liked - Team Danger, Cancer Jiles, etc. Sort of like with Box, Angus doesn't like Scott but does have some respect for him.
  • Omega:
    Angus loves the fact that Omega is a monster that is all about destruction and chaos. However, he is not dumb and has a fear of Omega and his schizophrenia and general craziness. Angus will respect Omega but it is a respect out of fear because of knowing what Omega has done in his past.
  • Pete Whealdon:
    See Rich Mahogany. Rich introduced Pete and Angus, they all get along famously. After any DEF showcase you can bet Angus is out with The Angel City boys having a hell of a night on the town.
  • Romero Antiguas:
    For the most part, Angus likes Antiguas' style. He will harbor some resentment towards Antiguas' feud with Rich Mahogany and the ACX, but overall Angus is fond of Antiguas' arrogance and latent vicious streak, and will be rooting for the kid to succeed more often than not.
  • Ronnie Long:
    Because of Long's anti-DEFIANCE attitude, and because Long turned DEFIANCE's shut-out of the WfWA in the feud into a not-quite-shutout, Long was Angus's least favorite wrestler until the stuff with Cancer Jiles and Jonny Booya. However, if Long were to apologize for being annoying and become pro-DEFIANCE, Angus would forgive him pretty easily, because it was never a personal kind of hatred and because most of Long's traits (being an apathetic brawler with a killer lariat) are things Angus approves of.
  • Sam Turner Jr.:
    Angus believes that Sam Turner Jr. is too dumb to actually function enough and win a title anywhere. When Sam wins a match Angus is so shocked that he has to take a break and ?Whoo Sah? before he can go on. He does however try to respect him but could never shake his hand and say "job well done."
  • Saori Kazama:
    Another wildcard. She's not "killer hawt" in the classic wresting sense (though she's certainly not unattractive), and she's got a strong-willed streak (he might make some snide remarks about her being a feminist), but like Troy, he'll begrudgingly show respect for her tenacity and steadfast loyalty to her man.
  • Stephen Greer:
    Same boat as Ty, though I figure not quite as close as Ty and Angus are as "bros" because there will always be the occasional uneasiness between Greer and Dane. However, Greer is one half of the Mean Team Danger Machine and he throws the greatest lariat in the history of the sport, so naturally, Angus will always have a soft spot for the ol' King of Pain.
  • Stockton Pyre:
    Stockton Pyre is a mixed bag for Angus. He's a brawler and has a violent lariat, which are Angus pluses. He hates Curtis Penn, which is another Angus plus. He is a sportsman and a bit honor-before-reason, which Angus would dislike. Him being classified as a goody-two-shoes face is a little off, although his actions at current could fool Angus into thinking otherwise. But Stockton's gimmick is a little over Angus' head. To that end, Angus will write him off as weird and no-sell the blogging stuff. In the ring, so long as he's swinging fists and lariats Angus is OK with Stockton, and he can even tolerate a little pre and post match sportsmanship at times if it makes sense. But the more Stockton treads into pure face-dom, the less Angus will like him.
  • Team HOSS (& Thomas Keeling):
    His love for Team HOSS (Angel Trinidad in particular) is enough to rival and sometimes conflict his love for HISBOITAI especially when the two have been at odds in the past. The newer, meaner, angrier Angel is just the cup of tea Angus loves - a big dude trucking over everybody else on his way to the top. He likes Aleczander as well, although he'll be conflicted as his budding friendship with Jonny Booya (his least favorite human being ever) continues. Thomas Keeling, he'll like way more than Junior since he's mature and has whipped Angel Trinidad into shape.
  • Tom Sawyer:
    Angus's third-least-favorite wrestler prior to sulkquitting the business I mean getting injured. Tom was just such a super-happy squeaky-clean babyface that it made Angus's skin crawl. Plus he was a flippydoo. Tom's pro-DEFIANCEness kept him just barely ahead of Long in the least favorite category. Tom Sawyer could be an effective measurement of how much Angus hates something, with a 1.0 on the Sawyer Scale being exactly as much as Sawyer.
  • Tony Di Luca:
    With Tony having a slightly more level head than Dentari, Angus hasn't warmed to him as much, but his tendency to fly over the handlebars makes up for that. Tony has the ability to go too far in his violence, which Angus won't like. However the wind is blowing in regards to Alceo will have a great influence on his feelings for Tony.
  • Troy Matthews:
    A babyface that somehow manages to persevere against the challenges he faces (albeit by the skin of his teeth, not in the "JOHN CENA OVERCOMES THE ODDS~!" way). In between this and the fact that Troy's "another goddamn OLW guy," Angus is pretty skeptical towards him. He will, at times, admit that he respects Troy's grit. His favored nicknames for Troy are "Red," for the color of his hair and ring gear, and "Jersey," as a sort of contraction to his moniker, "The Jersey Devil." Also responsible for the phrase "Li'l Devils", describing Troy's fans.
  • Tyler Rayne:
    Conflicted. Rayne got Lindsay Troy off the market so Angus dislikes him for that. He also hates flippydoos on principle, but Rayne calling his finisher "Varga'd" is a super troll move which Angus respects and finds amusing. He thinks he could like Rayne, but needs to see more from him as well.
  • Tyrone Walker:
    Long before Cancer Jiles, there was Team Danger. He's rooted for TD, regardless of alignment ever since the beginning of ACW (WfWA Georgia). He essentially became Team Danger's mascot for the longest time and over the years became legitimate friends with all of them to certain degrees. So TD in Angus' opinion can do no wrong, unless a turn against Dane were to happen, but it would have to be a super serious no-take-backsies kind of turn, because Dane and Ty & Greer have had their issues.
  • Van Carver:
    Angus will like the hard hitting style of Carver and the violence that he can bring from time to time, but he'll get more of Angus' attention for getting his ass kicked to start off his DEF career.
  • Vincent Rinaldi:
    Angus coined the nickname for Rinaldi's finisher, The Fat Hole Slam. Rinaldi's seeming inability to talk doesn't bother Angus as he doesn't have to listen to what would surely be more inane than what you'd get from a typical room of three year olds. However the wind is blowing in regards to Alceo will have a great influence on his feelings for Vinny.
  • Wade Elliott:
    Big hossy Southern brawler who gives no fucks hits all of Angus' like points.

People can leave their comments about how Angus feels about their wrestler as a response and I will import those into this list.
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Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas
Bronson Box:
While he's definitely not Angus' favorite person there's a level of fear based respect between the two. Skaaland will give Bronson shit when he's out of earshot. Angus just dislikes what a volatile, pious wing-nut Bronson is in general. Bronson also has pretty low opinions of all the people Angus likes (see: Cancer Jiles) but like I said, when it comes down to it Angus likes Bronson a whole hell of a lot more than a lot of people in DEFIANCE based solely on the fact Bronson loves DEF almost as much as Angus does... so depending on the angle / situation / booking Angus can go either way on Bronson. (Boxer is a weird character so when in doubt just ask me, AIM: VBwam or PM me)

"To long; did not read... "
Angus is scared to death of incurring Bronson's wrath so he generally keeps his trap shut.

Honestly, the main reason Angus has to hate Bronson is his association with...

Edward White:
Angus fucking... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *takes a deep breath* AAAAAAAAATES The Socialite. See: $$$COOL team break up and feud w/ Angus' lord and master COOL Cancer Jiles. Angus will forever and ever hate Edward White. Have Skaaland fire away when Ed's in the ring.

"To long; did not read... "

Bad Mofo

League Member
Apr 7, 2012
Diego De Leon:

Angus doesn't respect Diego and thinks he's boring or whatever he does is illegal (or Diego's illegal if we're in the United States). He hates the way how Diego tries to bring honor and integrity into the ring and would root just about anyone / make excuses for cheating against Diego if possible. If in the states Angus should question the legality status of Diego's citizenship. Diego's also a do-gooder honor before reason face, so Angus would hate that.

Meh to root for the other guy.
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Active member
Staff member
Feb 4, 2005
Junior Keeling/Team HOSS

The first couple of shows, Junior was effectively buying the loyalty of Angus to openly mark out and pay attention to anything his team did and insult anybody else competing against them at the time. However as their reputation has grown in the company, Angus mostly approves of Junior's cunning and Team HOSS' penchant for breaking bodies and being general shit disturbers. They're heels to the core, but he does enjoy him whooping somebody's ass from time to time.


Jan 11, 2013
The Land of Cheese
Tyrone Walker: Long before Cancer Jiles, there was Team Danger. He's rooted for TD, regardless of alignment ever since the beginning of ACW (WfWA Georgia). He essentially became Team Danger's mascot for the longest time and over the years became legitimate friends with all of them to certain degrees. So TD in Angus' opinion can do no wrong, unless a turn against Dane were to happen, but it would have to be a super serious no take backsies kind of turn, because Dane and Ty & Greer have had their issues over the years.

Kelly Evans: These two are rival siblings essentially and will never have the same sort of connection that either of them have with Dane or Ty or Greer. But I would assume that if push came to shove, they'd side with each other if it were necessary.

Dusty Griffith: Angus has literally bared witness to Dusty's entire career outside of Japan. In WrestleCoast, he respected his ability, but wasn't a fan of the straight and narrow honor and respect schtick... In DEFIANCE, Angus simply doesn't trust that Dusty is loyal to anything but himself and his own ambitions, which begins with Dusty's failed return early on with DEFIANCE. As for calling him "Mayberry", it's a play on Andy Griffith and Dusty being the good guy and all of that, it's meant to be derogatory, but will become more of a term of endearment/habit as Dusty earns Angus' trust and respect as an actual "DEFIANCE guy".


Staff member
Jun 26, 2009
Rich Mahogany: Rich was in the same "class" of trainees as Angus Skaaland and Curtis Penn. If you remember correctly, Angus and Penn have had issues ever since waaaaaay back during this time, well the exact opposite is true about Angus and Rich. The two hit it off immediately, even planning on putting a tag-team together at one point. While none of that ever materialized as it turned out that Pete had some talent and Angus... had a big mouth... the two have remained friends. As such, Angus gets a kick out of seeing his friend from way back getting over. Of course, he also thinks it's hilarious to see him get his shit kicked in. As a general rule, he will always cheer for Rich and any of his cohorts.

Lee R.

Apr 18, 2012
Kai Scott: Angus knows that if things had been a little bit different and he'd come up through the NWC/CAL circles rather than the NeWA/WfWA, he might be Kai Scott's lackey rather than Dane's. He respects Scott for his mind for the business, ability to get people to do things for him. However, for starters, he holds a grudge against Scott for the whole Untouchables thing. He also doesn't like Scott's lack of interest in wrestling unless absolutely forced into it. And lastly, all the people who Scott has been feuding with have been people he already liked - Team Danger, Cancer Jiles, etc. Sort of like with Box, Angus doesn't like Scott but does have some respect for him.

Claira St. Sure: Angus took a liking to Claira during the Grand Champions League when she was on the pro-Defiance Heritage League. She also managed to do the face thing without irritating him by being too facey about it, which he liked. Unfortunately, she's loyal to Kai Scott like he is to Dane. Angus doesn't like Claira, but he would like to like her. He knows enough to know that wrestling needs faces even if faces in general are homogay, and he thinks she was good at it. With the Truly Untouchables around, he is generally going to route against her. If she's by herself, his opinion on her shifts up to neutral, maybe a shade to the positive.

Diane Parker: Angus doesn't like Diane. She's kind of a bitch, she's feuding with his friends. Her major redeeming quality is that he thinks she's hot. She's actually one of those cases where if it weren't for who she was affiliated with and feuding with he might like her, because she's good at getting results and good at avoiding the consequences of her actions. But she's a Truly Untouchable, so she can go to Hell. He likes her a little bit less than Kai Scott, though, because if she got backed into a corner by Dusty Griffith like Scott did, she'd probably have gotten pulped in under five minutes. Not being a badass hurts.

Leon Maddox: He's working for the Truly Untouchables, so Angus doesn't like him on that front. He's also another damn OLW guy. Aside from that, Maddox has never done anything to cause Angus to have an opinion on him one way or the other.

Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas
Rich Mahogany: Rich was in the same "class" of trainees as Angus Skaaland and Curtis Penn. If you remember correctly, Angus and Penn have had issues ever since waaaaaay back during this time, well the exact opposite is true about Angus and Rich. The two hit it off immediately, even planning on putting a tag-team together at one point. While none of that ever materialized as it turned out that Pete had some talent and Angus... had a big mouth... the two have remained friends. As such, Angus gets a kick out of seeing his friend from way back getting over. Of course, he also thinks it's hilarious to see him get his shit kicked in. As a general rule, he will always cheer for Rich and any of his cohorts.

Don Hollywood:
Sort of a ditto for Don-Ho. Rich introduced Don and Angus, they all get along famously. After any DEF showcase you can bet Angus is out with The Angel City boys having a hell of a night on the town.

Chris King

League Member
Apr 17, 2012
Sam Turner Jr.: Angus believes that Sam Turner Jr. is too dumb to actually function enough and win a title anywhere. When Sam wins a match Angus is so shocked that he has to take a break and ‘Whoo Sah’ before he can go on. He does however try to respect him but could never shake his hand and say ‘job well done’.


League Member
Aug 19, 2013
Winnipeg, MB
Frank Holiday and Billy Pepper: They're fairly do-gooding babyfaces so Angus doesn't like them. If they ever turned heel, Angus would like them.


League Member
Jun 1, 2007
Stockton Pyre: Stockton Pyre is a mixed bag for Angus. He's a brawler and has a violent lariat, which are Angus pluses. He hates Curtis Penn, which is another Angus plus. He is a sportsman and a bit honor-before-reason, which Angus would dislike. Him being classified as a goody-two-shoes face is a little off, although his actions at current could fool Angus into thinking otherwise. But Stockton's gimmick is a little over Angus' head. To that end, Angus will write him off as weird and no-sell the blogging stuff. In the ring, so long as he's swinging fists and lariats Angus is OK with Stockton, and he can even tolerate a little pre and post match sportsmanship at times if it makes sense. But the more Stockton treads into pure face-dom, the less Angus will like him.


Apr 6, 2012
Eugene Dewey:

Eugene was and will always be a fat little nerd that lives in his mothers basement, no matter how far from that image he's distanced. The only move that Angus will mark for with Eugene is The Biotic Charge (Pounce), purely so he can go all Don West over it. Other than that there's nothing redemable about Eugene in his eyes.

Alceo Dentari:

Due to the nature of Dentari's gimmick Angus' opinion on Dentari can change at the flip of a coin. If Alceo is roughing up goody two shoes faces, Angus will love him. If he's roughing up Jiles or anyone else Angus loves, Angus will hate him. His pitbull like tenacity and hot-headedness is enough for Angus to like him while he's between jobs, but he's still a greasy little Italian, and he's always worth ripping on.

Tony Di Luca:

With Tony having a slightly more level head than Dentari, Angus hasn't warmed to him as much, but his tendency to fly over the handlebars makes up for that. Tony has the ability to go too far in his violence, which Angus won't like. However the wind is blowing in regards to Alceo will have a great influence on his feelings for Tony.

Vincent Rinaldi:

Angus coined the nickname for Rinaldi's finisher, The Fat Hole Slam. Rinaldi's seeming inability to talk doesn't bother Angus as he doesn't have to listen to what would surely be more inane than what you'd get from a typical room for of 3 year olds. However the wind is blowing in regards to Alceo will have a great influence on his feelings for Vinny.

Jonathan Todd

New member
Apr 15, 2012
Curtis Penn: Angus fucking HAAAATTTTESSS HIM. There could not be any worse type of hatred that he has for Curtis Penn. If' Curtis was on fire, he'd piss on him just to say that he pissed on him, he'd aim away from the flames. If Penn was being mugged, he'd hold him down for the mugger, might even stab him for the guy. This goes all the way back to Dane's Wrestling Dojo, something about a missed spot, stolen hamburger, or perhaps a pickle prank who the hell knows at the moment. Neither of them really know, they just HATTEEEEEEEEEE each other like Vampires and Sunlight.


League Member
Apr 12, 2008
Updated post-Cancer Jiles.

This thread is still a thing and I know we got us some newer guys in DEF who haven't done this yet.

Or if you don't have the feel for Angus's important opinions, I can do it for you or we can work together.


Jan 1, 2000
Wade Elliott: Big hossy Southern brawler who gives no fucks hits all of Angus' like points.

Lindsay Troy: Angus isn't quite sure of Troy's motives just yet. He's not a fan of do-gooders but he doesn't get the impression that she's super facey facey like some of the other guys on the roster. He does like that she's trolled Kelly and is snarky and funny when insulting others. Plus she's hot, and in his mind the Koji Clutch is made more effective by his "Dat Ass" comment. He wants to like her but the jury's still out.

Tyler Rayne: Conflicted. Rayne got Lindsay Troy off the market so Angus dislikes him for that. He also hates flippydoos on principle, but Rayne calling his finisher "Varga'd" is a super troll move which Angus respects and finds amusing. He thinks he could like Rayne, but needs to see more from him as well.
Last edited:


League Member
Aug 23, 2012
Jake Donovan- Jake paints his face, the kids love him, he flips and flies all over the ring, therefore Angus dislikes him. Maybe if it was just one of those things, Angus might be indifferent to him, but with all three strikes against him he is usually on the scathing end of Angus' remarks. Donovan might do something spectacular, he might leap first and think of the actions later, but since that leaping typically involves flipping and spinning, he will likely always be disliked by Angus. Though Donovan will happily take dislike over hatred.


Jan 1, 2000
I commented to James earlier today that this list was a little outdated and could use some editing so thanks for making it a little clearer, J.

Also, there are a bunch of existing characters who should probably be listed too, right? Guilty parties should get on this. :cool:


Staff member
Jun 26, 2009
Frank Dylan James - Frank is a good ol' boy, and an "Eric Dane guy," so Angus likes him and gets along with him well enough. He knows better than to steal his beer, make fun of his fat women, or get in his way at any given time. Frank is a destroyer of faces in the ring, and so Angus tends to enjoy marking out for that. Angus will, from time to time, call into question Frank's intelligence and/or decision-making skills, but never to his face (or within earshot).

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