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Another Update


New member
May 4, 2005

Well first things I’m very happy to see how the OOC communication on this forum is going…awesome stuff guys. Also today, I might not be online to much as I’m going back to the Calgary stampede again where yesterday I spent most of my time.
Now concerning the Pay Per View…You can start role-playing for your matches, as I set up a topic title with each of your matches. So please role-play in your select topic, its just keep the boards organized and helps us when we are judging the role-plays.

The deadlines for the Pay Per View are as followed.

Roleplay Deadline: Midnight on Saturday, eastern time.

Segments Due: Sunday at 12-noon, eastern time.

Also on July 19th we will host our first vendetta. The card will go up on Tuesday giving you a week to role-play for your matches on that show. The deadlines for vendetta are as followed….

Roleplay Deadline: Midnight On Monday, Eastern Time.

Segments Due: Tuesday at 5 pm, eastern time.

Yes It may seem a little crowded at the beginning, but come pay per view time it may get like this. With the Pay Per Views always on Sundays and vendetta always on Tuesdays.

Now one more thing…Probably Sunday if I can get all or most hWo members on at once I would like to hold a chat.

Oh and please make sure to get your bio pages completely done.


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