JABolich said:
...Patrick, why the hell are you chewing out and outright insulting someone for complaining that someone ripped off his character? And if you didn't catch the real Sunee's post while you were writing yours, why are you flaming someone who apped two months ago over a completely innocent 'Hi, I'm joining your fed' post?
Use that fork to yank the cobwebs out of your brain, son.
Thank you Jeff for pointing out and showing me the error of my ways.
I am so sorry, I actually thought that maybe they were both one in the same person. I reacted first before I had a chance to think things out more clearly or rationally.
Your right I flew off the deep end here Jeff, thank you for setting me straight.
To Sunee J: This is what I should of done before. Welcome to the CSWA. Good luck on your stay and I wish you all of the best. What I meant to say was before I got on an emotional rant was...
If things were slow be patient as Chad and company are very busy people. They will get to you and get you on the card. The wait will indeed be WORTH IT! I can honestly attest to this. Ignore previous post as I will soon be editting it according after I am done publicing removing the foot from my mouth and making amends.
Sunee Janesko:
I am SO sorry for the confusion. I meant well but I confused the two and thought you were one in the same. I took Sunee J and made him out to be ungreatful or something. I guess in my mind I was sticking up for the CSWA, but I can tell that I flew off the deep end here headfirst and hit a huge slab of reality down at the bottom. I guess I will be feeling this for a while.
So I publically come out here and apologize to both of you right here and now for my ignorant behavior. I was very wrong to even come on here and I hope that you both will forgive me.
Furthermore I hope that in the future that I will have the honor of working with you both if the situation ever calls for it. I hope that you will look beyond this as just a misunderstand that is not real me. The real me is someone that you can bounce ideas off of and I hope to be a true joy for the both of you to work well with in the future.
Again I am so sorry for flaming out on you both and I hope that you will find it in your hearts to forgive me and give me another chance.
Again good luck and enjoy your stay in CSWA/FWC.
Patrick Shutt
P.S.-Thank you again Jeff for setting the record straight and point out my flaw. See point taken, I took your advice. I used the fork and clearned out the cobwebs from my brain.
I may be smart, but I make a lot of stupid mistakes, but when I do know when I messed up I do whatever I can to correct the wrong and learn from my mystakes. So I guess that does say that I have some brains if even just a little bit. (That was more of a dig at me than at you man)
Okay I'll shut up now