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ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 80 is live! Feed the backs!


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

UNCUT 17, Feedback. Sort of ...

I was only not involved in one of these segments so here is what I thought of the other.

LATE CHECK OUT (wrote with Justin)
WELL LAID PLANS (helped a little)
GUERILLA (wrote with Pete)

Tricklebush is incredibly intriguing. Especially his 2D sets. Loved this segment. The dialogue in particular was fantastic. Not one extra or wasted word. TBizzle speaks nearly poetic. That type of dialogue really paints a picture for me. Also, it bares to mention this segment is clearly the set up to make chicken salad out of chicken shit. Really ups the intrigue as to what will happen when the MVs inevitably show up at ASCENSION.


UTA Hall of Famer and All-Around Nice Guy
Staff member
Jan 6, 2005
Los Angeles, CA, formerly PA
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

Alright, I guess I'll do something short form, since we never do radio.

Don't care for the Eric Dane dig about the word "faggot." Seems breaking in / out character. In fact, if this whole thing doesn't lead to a DEFIANT stand from Cayle, or an out and out heel turn as he aligns with Ryan/Dane, I'm not sure what Dane's doin' here. If ratings and buyrates are down, from a business perspective... that's losing money. But, maybe not net wise. But, if your profit in quarter 3 isn't as high as quarter 2, most people call that losing... either way, this segment didn't need more Dane dressing down Kelly and could have just been summed up as "You want my job?" "Nope. I'm here for Cayle." "Oh... cool. Please leave." Well written, but didn't need Kelly's business sense to be slaughter by Dane here. --- ALSO: EDIT: Dane shows up for Cayle but we don't see them interact tonight? That's just weird. Referenced by Pulse, but weird we didn't see it.

Good quick match from Corbin setting up their ppv match. Contracts on the line. What happens in a double DQ? Both are fired? Status Quo? Also, Kelly would have been more authoritative here if Dane didn't just call her a dominatrix.

Box/Cayle separation is cool with me. They brawled last week. No reason to repeat it until the main event breaks down into clusterfuck supernatural shit.

Kendrix/D was us. I dig the story. Hope you guys do too.

Always liked Cally, even if I want to spell her Cali.. She seems so out of place, but belongs at the same time. Cayle's call out to Jericho's catch phrase seems somewhat out of place, since, what, we only acknowledge "Woo!" as a thing? "He's got prior" seems off, "He's got a prior?" Or is that a Cayle-speak I didn't get? Faces banding together for common goals. Caly making with the quips. Overall strong setup for the six man.

Curtis Penn gets a challenger and it's Ty, back from the dead. I think they could have went with someone who has a stronger bravado as champion in the past, maybe a Dewey if they coulda got him. This just screams like Penn's first easy victory, even if it is DEF's favorite boi. Not sure why it's no DQ, but hey, it's DEFIANCE. I like Walker as a character but I can't see him dethroning Penn.

Match of the night with tons of clusterfuckery. Knew it. CALLED IT.
Wasn't going to fine tooth, but missing a word in "baseball slides Hoffman just as he stands back up producing a from beneath the ring"
Pete can't proofread his own match :)
Like seeing Cayle/Box go off and return.
Impulse should always be the face-in-peril.
This was mostly about Cayle/Box, but Pulse and Douglas got to shine against Reaper/Hoffman.

I wonder how DEF did the special effects for those blue orbs. Was it CGI? Practical? I assume practical so the Faithful could react. Either way, I want to know cause I want little blue orby things in my entrances.
I totally wanted him to say "An annoyance that must be... DELETED." But then again, I made fun of Cayle for using a Jericho line, so better he made it his own. Strange character, much like Hardy+Taker though, and it seems to be getting over.
If this tag match that's set up doesn't end with Douglas either purposefully or accidentally almost taking Cally's head off... I'll be disappointed as a masochist.

Good setup for Ascension. Penn/Ty, Douglas/Pulse v. Reaper, Cayle/Box, Corbin/Nigel, the unannounced but understood to be occurring PCP/Bruvs, those are some solid matches that got extra shine this week. No violators but they're conflict is kinda staged already from 79. Shorter show but gets the job done. Most people are probably focusing on the ppv itself. Not fantastic, but did everything it needed to and more. 8/10. I'd recommend this show to anyone who enjoys shows.


I stalk, because I care
May 2, 2007
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

Ascension ARC Feedback

Face of the ARC:
Cayle Murray -- obvious reasons, his war with Bronson Box, it just feels like and this ARC's match between Box and Murray that they are slowly building Murray up for what could be the most ultimate comeback/David vs. Goliath Iron Man session I have ever seen. The brutal beat down that nearly killed him makes me like him that much more. I see great things coming from future ARCs and hopefully a true start and conclusion to the saga.

Heel of the ARC:
I feel like I have already given Box enough credit in previous comments not to mention previous feedbacks. I'm going to go left field here. Heel of the ARC, Lord Nigel Trickelbush. Okay first off the dude's name is all around douche. Secondly he needs to lay off my boys. (The hottest rookies to step foot in DEF, simply because their segments are amazing!!)

The fucking asshole carries and umbrella. Who does that??

Surprise of the ARC:
Without a doubt 100% LT losing the title to Curtis Penn mid ARC. I know real life situations happen and handlers have to bow out, but I did not see this coming at all and it changed the dynamic for me personally of the world title for this ARC. From a new comer's standpoint I had no idea who Ty Walker was or what relevance he had coming into the PPV, which left me wanting more from the main event.

(Small shout out on the match intro for Ty 'Masks for the win'!!)

Match of the ARC:
PCP vs. Hollywood Bruvs at the PPV.

Greatly scripted feud, greatly written end to the match. Also knowing what happens with Mikey now makes this match even that much more important. I loved all the tag moves that were involved, double dick punch, double eye poke... it was the comedy that I am used to reading these guys.

Feud of the Arc:
Cayle Murray vs. Bronson Box
Obvs reasons as stated previously, but I was excited to see the outcome of the PPV for this feud and not all that surprised to see exactly what happened, knowing that there will be more with possibly additional moving parts makes me that much more excited.

I am very excited on what this Arc brought in Corbin Michaels, more interesting stuff from the MV's. The chance to work with Pete, I honestly just have to say I really enjoyed it. Sincerely apologize for lack of feedbacking. I lost my computer at the start of this ARC and am currently writing this feedback from my wife's PC. A lot of my viewing/reading/replying has been from my cell phone which doesn't make it easy to fully invest tons of words into how I feel or enjoy about what I read.

Hopefully some exciting things happen with the FIST this ARC. Very weird with the drop of the title as I stated previously but i'm sure there are some grand plans that I will enjoy reading. None of my feedback for this ARC includes any of the stuff I helped do and or participate in, I hope everyone enjoyed reading what I have written as much as I helped putting it together.

Codename: Reaper is growing, evolving and exciting things are in store this ARC. I hope everyone is prepared and people enjoy what I bring to the table.

Side note. Pete knows I love him already (<3 Impulse always) but damn Scott Douglas is turning out to be a complicated and awesome character. I am glad to be in the set up process for all of this stuff that he is doing and he's a top of the line character.


Grandma Took Me Home
Jan 31, 2004
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

...you can blame me.

Earlier Tonight
Damn, I got all the down to Only Death before I realised I had missed this. I skipped the Run Down and the opening match and scrolled right past it. Luckily the reference to it brought me back. A little extra heat for Bronson going into the pairs match. I don’t think he needed it but with a feud as violent and deep seeded as his and Cayle’s this is the type of thing if I were watching would really grab my interest.

Scott/Pulse v. Reaper/??
Hope everyone dug this. Justin brought me into DEF and hell back to FW and he is incredible to work and build with. I don’t think Pete and I have had much on card interaction since the BTW/MCW days so another treat on top of it all. I hope everyone has enjoyed reading our three way arc as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Lordly Arrival
Tricklebush in this BISSH! Bish, that’s how the kids say bitch, right? Ol’ TBizzle and these New Girl intro cut outs lol I’m a fan. The use of the word “musn’t.” A plus. Also … bruised boosom. Nice teaser from BizzleBish … he seems to be the most influential person in the tag scene lately… him and Klein. Can we get a TBeezy vs K-Box rap battle or SOMETHING?!

Corbin Michaels v. Nigel King
Nigel’s name alone sounds like he should probably be Tricklebushe’s driver. I liked the match, it was well written. Angus was surly as ever. I liked the arm work and the face from underneath most of the match. Only thing, at the end the contract thing just kind of fell flat. Corbin retains, moving on. The stipulation just came down last show if I remember correctly and the segment that set it put a little fuel on the fire but as soon as Nigel submits, DDK sums it up and it’s on to the next. Admittedly I’m not sure what could have been done different though … So don’t listen to me lol It was just a thought I had after reading. And a SUPER small nittpicky thing and/or question to be honest … DEF PPV’s have commercials? If so, now I know and if not, again nitpicky and not a big deal either way.

Only Death Can Slow Me Down
Cayle is fired up. Not much to say about this one … it’s literally do or die. Great hype for the match.

Barrio Boys vs Thugs for Hire
“dressed to ill” love it. I didn’t think even for a second this match would have an actual conclusion but I wasn’t sure whether or not it would start. A lot of moving parts but it all boils down to the Storm and MV#1. “MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HECK” Given the unfortunate mix up with the double angles, I think Paul pulled off a nice alternate. Interested to see what he does with the Storm moving forward as well as the MVs.

Running Late
Interesting. Intrigue even.

PCP vs Bruvs
“The D is going nuts,” of all the D moments here, this was my favorite. Subtle … although it’s subtleness was made fantastic by all the super on the nose ones. This one may haven’t even been on purpose, so maybe even better. And, “Official Carla Ferrari officially hates her life.” awesome. Love the four way chair spot. Even in brightly lit faceness the PCP haven’t forgotten what got them here. Great match really enjoyed the read. Sad to she the way she goes … but Mikey is out there helping keep the hobby alive so, bong bong, sir… bong bong.

Really interested to see what happens to PCP next. And what will JFK do… I foresee an “all by myself” theme song change.

What really need to be said. Great spot. Dane giving Bronson some advice… This was well written. Great dialogue. Bronson maybe ran on at the lip a little much but with his hot headed passion, it plays. Dane clearly has something up his sleeve though it seems. Watching a live PP, I think I would have dug the pre-recorded deal but reading it; it plays into the story perfectly.

Cayle vs Box
Impactful open. SoHer and DEF*job title* to the save. Honestly didn’t see then no go coming. Interesting. The Scottish Civil War continues … and right on time with the KING returning…. Hmmm …

Holy shit. Fan-fucking-tastic. That’s it. Just good shit. I don’t know if the Mikey deal effected this or not, but either way … perfectly worked. Whether it be the seed that grows into a murder tree … or a direction correction to handle backstage biz. Awesome. Thought this was going to be fall out and explain away Mikey but still awesome.

I didn’t love this match. Clearly, there was some mid ARC redirection needed with LT leaving but the re-introduction of Tyrone Walker fell flat for me (being still newish.) Especially when he was only brought back to do that job. The Angus attack was suprising. Really interested in the ending though and what Eric Dane will do moving foward.

Good arc overall. PPV felt a little light in places but with DEFIANCE ROAD and DEFCON on the horizon I'd imagine alot of people are setting up bigger and better things coming. The tag div is really poised to potentially be great and more than just a team. The SoHer continues to be engaging. The FIST, I think has seen better ARCs but I imagine is on the rebound and gearing up for something larger. Mentioned in the chat (way too late) that it would have been dope for JFK to turn the DOC into the TV title somehow, widening its div and because he would naturally be the TV star to Mikey's "movie" star. But I say that to say this (given we'd need handlers to stop dropping off) but one third level title would be useful for feud fodder and such.

Another good ARC though and still glad Justin badgered me for a month or two to join. Speaking of which it bares mentioning here that it was a pleasure to work with Justin again on this arc and for probably the first time ever with Pete. Great experience and I hope they (as well as everyone else) dig the nonsense we put together as much as I did.

Excluding anyone I worked with extensively.

Face of the ARC:
MV#1, no one can out face the face that says “chum,” Except Batman 66, of course.
Heel of the ARC:
Surprise of the ARC:
Dane’s Return
Match of the ARC:
PCP vs. Bruvs (ASC)
Angle of the Arc:
Tie: Scottish Civil War: Redux and SEG Split

Drunkenly typed, not read.
Last edited:

Jonathan Todd

New member
Apr 15, 2012
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

Face of the ARC:
Cayle because he's the face to the heel of the arc
Heel of the ARC:
Box because he's the heel to the face of the arc
Surprise of the ARC:
Troy leaving and then James pulling out of the Arc after everything was planned out.
Match of the ARC:
Box v Cayle
Angle of the Arc:
Box v Cayle

Hate... hate the fact that Lindz pulled out at the END of last Arc. Hate the fact that James, the handler of Ty Walker quit after only a couple of weeks after we planned out the rest of this ARC. Also to the new guys, Ty Walker has a very long history in DEFIANCE and with Curtis Penn. This was kinda just to blow off two years of Penn v Walker. Sorry if you didn't like it or understand it, but no biggie to me it was just a quick fix to an issue that occurred to Real Life with Lindz.


Totally. Obvs.
Dec 23, 2015
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!


Scott Douglas wants the truth to be played, but the AV team has no time or desire to do this. Makes sense, nice suspense building piece to add to the normal rundown.

Earlier tonight
Loved it. Murray arrives to the building only to be blindsided by Box. Makes me HOPE the match goes on as planned later. Cayle better recover quickly he’s got a war in front of him tonight. The commentary after the fact was on point!

Scott Douglas and Impulse vs Reaper and ???
TWO REAPERS!? WHat!? What a crazy match. It was very organized at first and I feel it got a little crazy as it went on, but it’s wrestling! Good stuff across the board here. Impulse felt like he was playing a minor role in this till the end, but it definately picked up steam. The Reapers winning was a big surprise, but it works well. 3 different guys in one outfit kinda makes me uneasy but it didn’t read badly. Scott Douglas should have a rocket strapped to him, cause the character is very authentic.

Lordly Arrival
Lord Nigel is awesome. I love the character. I’m still wrapping my head around him but he reminds me of southern gentlemen (Colonel Sanders), even if thats not the intention. It’s just the way I read the voice. The fake limo deal was hilarious.

Corbin Michaels vs Nigel King

LOVE LOVE LOVE the stip here. Thats so awesome! Contract vs multiple contracts. Great newcomer angle. POINTS ALREADY. Very nice match, fun read. Despite the outside distractions, Michaels gets the win in a very hotly contested bout. I think the loser tapped, but then it was announced winner by pinfall? Or did i read that wrong? Nice set up for a new arc.

Only Death...

Murrr is not dead, in fact, he;s ready to fight back and get it done. “This doesn’t end in a parking lot” AWESOME line. Ready for this fuckin war.

Barrio Boys vs Thugs 4 Hire.
Awesome! Faux match due to “injury forfeit” the Masked Violators couldn’t compete. But this quickly disolves into madness when Nigel comes out and cuts a promo for the Storm, only for them to show up and clean house on the teams. Then comes MV#1 and warns the Storm that eventually MV#2 will be back, and when he is…. It’s on!

Running Late:
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! More former Utahs! Will Haynes is ma dude.

PCP vs The Bruvs:
Wrote this with Ma Dudes. Hope you all enjoyed. :)

How you will be remembered:
Quick hype seg by Penn before his match, always liked these kinda segs. Short and to the point.

Gunz Blazing.

Bronson Box and Eric Dane have a nice sweet convo…. Lol. This was a good spot, and made me feel like Cayle is bigger and badder than he appears to be. This is a very nice build between the three segs on this show for the match.

The Squid vs The Box
Woahhhhhhhh The shortest Murrrr PPV match Eva! Great way to keep building this feud clearly this is nowhere near done. Awesome. Makes me super hype for the next PPV already. Good schtuff.


YAASSSSSSSS NATAS is back and the kendrix feud is BACK ON! YUSSSSSS! So hype for this.

Penn vs Ty Walker.
YASSSS, read this in one long run. GREAT STUFF. Even though everyone in the fed knew Ty wouldn’t win, this came off as incredibly competitive. Loved the back and forth action, the outside the ring action, all of it. The fan reactions were authentic and realistic for the MAJOR BABYFACE Muhboitai. After the match, Angus get’s involved with Curtis Penn, which in turn brings out Eric Dane and all hell breaks loose. AMAZING. Great ending to the show. And the best Penn match is some time! Well worthy of the FIST.

GREAT PPV FAM. Even though Im leaving DEF as an active handler, theres no way imma stop reading and plan on feeding the bax when I can. Some of these angles are too hot for me to ignore!



Full Jason
May 1, 2012
Philly, bro
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

Rundown: Scott Douglas went from basic unknown in my book to a growing baby face in like four segments. Thought this little seg before the match was good. DEFIANCE where your opponent does something LAST WEEK but we prevent you from doing the same this week!

Earlier Tonight: Cayle vs. Box part 1000000000000 and 6. Still gets the blood flowing. Smelled something funny from this one and how it would play to the match later on.

Scott Douglas and Impulse vs. Reaper and ???: Not a fan of a champion not defending at the PPV, but this match was all sorts of wild. The Two Reapers had me reading a bit more attentively than I'm used to. This is certainly going to add more steam to things as we roll into the next PPV as I've already looked at the booking arc.

Lordly Arrival: Very, very, very wordy - which I guess is the intent.

Corbin vs. King: Good match, original this is pretty much where JK was supposed to make his comeback. Oh well! Nice story here.

Only Death: Another good segment, let's see where this leads.

Barrio Boys vs. Thugs: The Storm set up vs. MVs is going to be HUGE coming into the next PPV. Wink wink.

Running Late: Wanted to get something quick on this show that showed my guys just moving from their contract signing inside to the limo. Wanted to build some intrigue.

PCP vs. the Bruvs: The Eddie Gurerro spot was gold. This one almost was too long but it held my attention the entire time, what a way to go out for Mikey. Hope the Nut Butter isn't too damanged.

Remembered: FIST Feud could've had more juice but Jon saved it singly handily. Good job.

Gunz Blazing: Something is up. Something is up. Something is up. Cayle Murray shine like whoa.

Bronson vs. Murray: So is the next match like that Owens Zayn match where it was, winner is the winner and can never face the loser again? Not that this is getting old by any means as two great characters and handlers going toe to toe is always awesome. I think something else will get tossed into this to make it hotter - as if that's possible.

Bullocks - FATASS is back!!!

Penn vs. Walker: What could've been sweet princes, oh well! Still written well and that's what matters here.

All in all a good show, but we can and will do better! Glad to be back in the fold.


User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

The Rundown

I prefer it when people other than a Custardman writes the rundown and uses it to push their stories. It's overdone in the real world but none of us are doing a 20 minute monologue so this is a good chance to engage your story immediately. Douglas is quite the complex character and I can't wait to see how he moves forward.

Earlier Tonight

Cayle vs. Box - The Fight Before The Fight. It's been a drawn out feud, but they've kept it interesting. Always quality.

Impulse/Douglas vs. The Two Reapers

Justin and Brian did a good job with Impulse while I was being pampered on a cruise ship. Enjoyed working with them both this arc, hoping it continues.

Lordly Arrival

Nigel is a tricky man. Have enjoyed this build quite a bit. The Violators are an awesome tag team that need more visibility.

Corbin Michaels vs. Nigel King

How do we suddenly have two characters named Nigel? Anyways, this was a good capper to Corbin's introductory arc, and he's got his contract well in hand. Can't wait to see Corbin climb the ranks.

Only Death can Slow Me

Part 2 of the Cayle/Box saga of the evening. This, especially when added to Andy Murray's part, is reminiscent of Tommy Rich vs. Buzz Sawyer. Looking forward to The Last Battle of New Orleans.

Barrio Boys vs Thugs for Hire

Storyline match. Exists to put MV1 over, and I'm fine with that.

Running Late

Fuckin' Coleslaw, man...

PCP vs. Hollywood Bruvs

Honestly, this was the real main event of the night, it was second to Cayle vs Box as far as the length and intensity of the feud, but it's been building essentially since the S.E.G. showed up, and this is their blowoff match. Infinitely enjoyable, and we'll miss Mikey terribly. Looking forward to seeing how Kendrix moves off this.

Guns Blazing

The only person that Box possibly respects right now, shows up and demands it. There's years of history that I don't know with these two, and I feel like something is going to happen.

Cayle Murray vs. Bronson Box

Part 3. Non-match, but did its job.


Kendrix loses his partner, and now he's gotta deal with the fallout from his prior actions with Natas. This might hurt.

How You Will Be Remembered/Curtis Penn vs. MAIBOYTAI

Ehhhh..... Not a reflection on Jon in the slightest, or on Justin or Brunk or anyone with a hand in it - I know that things got all bungled up and a big part of the super-mega-story had to be rewritten on the fly, and these are all things that can't be helped. Jon has done a great job selling this story but in a vacuum, I do have to admit that it was a bit underwhelming. I enjoyed it because I know all the players and how they fit together, but I can see how anyone who wasn't familiar with Ty might not have understood.

Overall, this PPV felt like a transitional show. Other than the PCP vs. the Bruvs, all of the matches felt like they were building to the next thing. Not necessarily a bad thing, but we'd best make DEFIANCE Road twice as good.

Personally, I know we can. I'm really excited for this arc.


Feb 29, 2016
Re: ASCENSION Arc Discussion/Feedback Thread: DEFtv 77 is live! Feed the backs!

sorry for delayed feedback.

Thought the show overall came together very nicely. Flowed well.


Love the face that we now have so much going on with the tag teams. Finally we have a legit tag team division on our hands with PCP, Masked Violaters, The Storm, Barrio Boys, Thugs for Hire

Corbin Michaels: Think this character has great potential. Didn't have much to work with this arc but what he did with the contract on the line thing was great. Looking like we have another legit face in DEFIANCE now. Thought this place was quite heavy on the heel side. But with Scott Douglas and Corbin joining the likes of Natas, Murray and Impulse we've got a good balance to take on the dick heads!

Cayle Murray v Bronson Box: This keeps on going, which is great cos I'm not bored of this at all. Was expecting a super long match but was shocked to see it cut short, but this is what this game is about, surprises! With the return of Dane and his interest in Murray, this has taken on a new angle and I can't wait to see what these guys have planned for this story.

Curtis Penn v Ty Walker: Seems there was a controversial exit in real life, which is a shame as I was stoked to see a DEF original return. I remember Ty from UTA days and I liked the character a lot. Shame this is over before it started. Penn is awesome so hopefully he gets something long term to sink his teeth into.

Will Haynes in DEF is cool, had no idea about this!

The Reaper(s) were written well. Loved this match guys, lots of twists and turns in the story of the match. There's been a lot of mystery surrounding this feud for a while now. Maybe it's the impatience in me but I'd like to see how this thing between Douglas and Reaper ends soon (and I mean that in a good way, lol).

Great job

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