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Ask the Renner


League Member
Mar 4, 2004
Oakland, TN, USA
What? I always wanted to have one of these threads.

I actually am going to dread putting this up because, no doubt, some people are gonna have incredibly stupid questions. *significant glance at Varga* XD

-- Mike


League Member
Jun 5, 2007
Inspiration for the Knox familiy along with the Codemaster?

Favourite feud?

Favourite idea that never quite hit the ground?


League Member
Mar 4, 2004
Oakland, TN, USA
Mega Job came from a rib I was trying to pull on the fedhead of IML in December 2000, Gunnar Smith. I basically thought to create the most absurd application on the face of god's green earth and give him a laugh.

The moron accepted the application.

Most of what you see of Mega Job today was just stuff culled from how I reacted to what other people were doing back in 2000-2002.

As for the names... "Beef" was probably inspired by a character with the same name in a webcomic I read, although I just really like that as the name of a character. I was running a "janitor army" gimmick with Joey Malone and Daniel Phillips at the time, so "El Janito" is just "janitor" without that last "r" and with "El" put at the end.

Steve was actually created by a handler named John Sanders, best known as IWO's Schitzo Tod. Although Sanders made the character and the fact that he's a midget, I pretty much came up with everything else about the character (the fact he only speaks one word at a time, the Clothesline From Shanghai, the fact that he's much cooler than Beef and Janito are).

That's about it.

-- Mike


League Member
Mar 4, 2004
Oakland, TN, USA
1) The Codemaster's easy... combining my love for video games with the Rock. He's a marriage of this concept with a character I made in Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth named Allen Speck... who happened to be randomly black for no reason other than to instill a brother into my mostly white roster of characters.

The Knox family is a bit different. I created Steve Knox back in 2004 as a "stock jobber", or an NPC, for tSC. Nobody used those characters, so I filed the character's name in my head for later. Seth and I began to draw up plans for a fed that would be a combination of tSC and one of his feds, called FREE. During this time, I took Steve Knox and made him tSC's shining star.

When I was inventing a tag team, I picked up Steve and changed his name to Simon Knox. Most of the stats associated with Steve in my stock jobber list became Simon's, and I gave Simon and tag partner, Connor O'Reily, who was another NPC I had set up for tSC.

Captain Justice was created on a whim, as a comedic hoss-type character, and just as whim-like, I decided that he was another Knox (Soren Knox). When Seth asked me what character he should use for PRIME, I told him that Justice would be right down his alley. And it was, because I still maintain several of the character traits that Seth gave him, even as the character came back to me.

As for the characters today... Steve is a mesh of John Cena (in looks) and Rob Van Dam (in personality). Simon is a mesh of "the Model" Rick Martel and Shawn Michaels. Captain Justice is sort of like Kevin Nash meets Kurt Angle.

2) "the Original" Jeff Garvin v. Coral Avalon in 2002-2003 Action! Wrestling. Absolutely no contest. It's the only one of two long-running feuds I ever truly finished, the other one being Joey Malone v. Daniel Phillips (also in 2002-2003 in Action! Wrestling).

3) The Blue Rogues.

It was the culmination of a long-time angle I was pulling with Codemaster in 2005, with Craig Miles serving as a sort-of mentor to the Codemaster. Avalon aligned with Codemaster to take down a mutual enemy (Sonny Silver, with Lindsay Troy being the unfortunate secondary target due to her being his tag partner at this time), and that was the point of the team. Over time, Codemaster would collect minions to serve as his backup and cheat like nuts, threatening the balance of the team as Coral Avalon was very much like Impulse is today.

I had that feud going until Cyberslam and had everything worked out in my head. The problem was that Seth (Silver) quit before Countdown, which completely decimated all of my well-laid plans and ended up serving as one of the major factors that caused me to retire from eW in 2006.

I attempted to pick up the pieces in PRIME, but it just wasn't the same. So, now I consider the team defunct.

The ruination of this angle has given rise to me giving up on ever planning ahead, which is why I tend to just make stuff up as I go along now.

-- Mike


League Member
Nov 4, 2008
Will you ever run another efed (or tSC)?

If so, who would be your dream roster of characters or handlers?

When's the WR4I site going to be back online?

What is/are your favorite wrestling match(es)?

What do you consider to be the funniest thing you've ever written?


League Member
Mar 4, 2004
Oakland, TN, USA
- Will you ever run another efed (or tSC)?
No. Never again.

- If so, who would be your dream roster of characters or handlers?
The roster we had in tSC was great as it was, I thought. Using what I know today, though, I'd probably try to get people like you, Chris (Devin Shakur), Chris (Nova), Ford,

- When's the WR4I site going to be back online?
Whenever I can remember to ask Bort to give me those old shows so I can construct a new site off of them, I guess.

- What is/are your favorite wrestling match(es)?
I have lots of matches that I downright love.

Bret Hart v. Owen Hart at both Wrestlemania X and Summerslam 1994. I watched the latter live.

The Cactus Jack v. Triple H street fight at Royal Rumble 2000 still remains my favorite match from either guy.

I also have a soft spot for the Triple H v. Rock iron man from Judgment Day 2000.

The Rock v. Steve Austin at Wrestlemania X-7 might be my all-time favorite Wrestlemania main event.

Kurt Angle v. Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XXI is probably the best example of Angle when he was at his best, and it's still my favorite Angle match.

On the ROH side of things, I'm particularly fond of CM Punk v. Austin Aries from Death Before Dishonor III, Samoa Joe v. Kenta Kobashi (Joe v. Kobashi), KENTA v. Low Ki (Final Battle 2005), Takeshi Morishima v. Bryan Danielson (Manhattan Mayhem II), and the various Briscoes v. Steen & Generico tag team wars from 2007.

In TNA, I was very fond of Samoa Joe's early matches, specifically his matches with AJ Styles at No Surrender and Turning Point, and the three-way with AJ and Christopher Daniels. The scarier thing is that all three of these guys are still in TNA and are basically being wasted.

- What do you consider to be the funniest thing you've ever written?
I dunno.

I have lots of things that I wrote that I don't think much about, and then I go back and reread them and laugh my ass off. I can't really rank one above the other.

- What are your expectations for your characters for the rest of 2009?
I figure I'd beat Ash another ten times. =P

-- Mike

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