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BattleBRAWL Rumble


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
All RP for the BattleBRAWL rumble match at New ERA BattleBRAWL 3 should be posted in this thread. Wrestlers "draw" numbers and enter the ring at 2 minute intervals ... with the winner not only receiving the BattleBRAWL Cup .. but also banking a shot at the New ERA Championship!

The competitors include:







RP and angles are due SUNDAY, March 20th, at 11:59pm PST. All angles should be sent to neweraofwrestling@gmail.com ... enjoy!


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Rehab is a Bitch. Just ask Charlie Sheen.

* Cameron Cruise RP for BattleBRAWL 3.

"Beware the Ides of March...it's finally upon us. Again."

(Fadein, a poster of the upcoming event in Worcestor, Mass; the DCU Center for the PREMIER event of the season for New Era Wrestling: Battle Brawl 3. Reading off the marquee, it lists the stars of the current roster of New Era as a finger follows along.)

CC: "the Magnificent" MICHAEL MONTGOMERY.

(The camera pans around to find the veteran, dressed in blue jeans and a light blue T-shirt with the company logo in cursive emblazoned across the chest, with a backwards North Carolina Tar Heels ball cap on and matching Anarchy-style shades.)

Eh. Not really.

I mean you picked up a win against Chaos, but it wasn't exactly a respectable one...you got it by virtue of a Disqualification. That's like saying you hooked up with a woman and got a number from a Speed-dating event.

It's kind of a gimmie, really, and if anything I learned from my ol' man when I was a kid it was this: nothing in this world is free.

It certainly won't be when you step into the ring against myself and almost a dozen other men for Battle Brawl.

Good luck...apparently a man like yourself DOES need it.

(Cruise moves down a name.)



It's kind of what it is when you compete in a Battle Brawl match, is it not?? Then again...you've never competed in one before, so how would you know??

Sure...a man with a violent nature such as yourself could thrive in such an enviroment, but this IS New Era Wrestling, Chaos.

Anything can and WILL[/I] happen.

For instance, I started the FIRST Battle Brawl off and lasted for the better part of an HOUR...nearly walked away the winner too.

But nearly doesn't cut it, Chaos, and neither will you either if you keep things up the way you do.

(Another name down.)

"the Elite Enigma" FANATIC

That's the truth isn't it?? I mean, after all...you're the one man who finally snapped my winning streak, one match after my banking a shot at the New Era Championship. I told you then just like I'm telling you now...staying focused is the key. But anything can happen, and it did last week.

Just don't expect things to be just as easy this week for Battle Brawl, I know I won't. Especially since I've become more experienced since then and the last two Brawls.

Good Luck....that is, if Larry will let you.


Here's something different. The same man who transferred into this NEW...New Era company the New Era TV Champion....has competed four times out of the five shows.


But yet you're not competing for the New Era Championship this week, against The First.

The man who you SHARED a win with last week...the FORMER New Era Champion...is instead.

This isn't anything to be left too deep a logical process...but what's wrong with that picture, Druid??

I suppose we'll find out.

(Another name.)


What can I say Jonathan, that you don't already know??

Maybe that I told you so...but really, how fair is it now??

No one's going to be nice in that ring, Jonathan, believe me...a two-time Brawl competitor such as myself knows.

(Cruise turns and starts to walk off.)

Fellas, it's like this.

The winner of this match receives a shot at the title.

For some of you...this very well could be your last chance of the tour. Then there's some of you who'll be back, such as myself.

I've GOT a shot at the title, but the fact is that I'm situating myself with NO EXCUSES.

There's nothing else for myself to attain in this company, nothing else to set as a goal.

Except for winning and retaining the New Era Championship.

And being that I'm probably the most established man to compete or venture into this type of a match after nearly pulling it off twice....you can trust me on one thing.

I'm going to do anything and anything to make that happen.

And doing that will be the next step after I win Battle Brawl.

It doesn't matter if it's going to be the first one in or the last....I'm going to do whatever I have to do to ensure that I receive that shot.

And at least almost a dozen other men receive a REALITY CHECK that they just...won't...like.



Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Season One: Checkpoint

* Fanatic RP for BattleBRAWL 3.


On the Manhattan penthouse apartment suite of Larry Tact. We find the man, himself, seated on one of his plush royal blue sofas, wearing blue jeans and a sleeveless white shirt. His golden blonde locks frame his face, but his confident expression is clearly in view.

LARRY TACT: “And so, we’ve arrived at BattleBrawl 3. The big shebang of an event to cap off Season 1 of this New ERA. I must say, really, it seemed like the shows just came and went so… fluidly. Quickly. Flew by one right after another! It hasn't always seemed that way... I guess there's only one real explanation, though...”

"Jason Tripp and Natalie Newman must have polished up on their production skills."

He gives a quick shrug and a smirk.

“But I guess time can also fly by when you’re busy forging the next chapter of a Legacy, week in and week out. Because in just about every sense, Season One was a rousing success for the Tact Legacy, and Fanatic. What began with my DEFINITIVELY beating Shawn Hart… showing “Pro Wrestling’s SJH“ who the true standard bearer of New ERA is… ended with my younger brother, the next in line of the Tact Legacy, banking his own shot at the New Era World Heavyweight Championship. And the one bump in the road, the one obstacle, Mr. Entertainment? Well, in the end, that only fueled Fanatic on, as he won out from that point on in the season.”

“Now we come to the capper. The blow-off to the season. BattleBrawl 3... a show I don’t have too much association with. Come to think of it, I’ve never participated in the actual BattleBrawl match before. I wasn’t at the initial event, due to injury. And at the return endeavor of the event, I made good on laying the gauntlet down to New Era’s perennial Manic Monster himself, Chaos… under PCX rules, no less.”

“That match was a statement match. Much like my match with SJH this season, it sent a message of who the true standard of New Era is. At this point, it’s hardly a point sensible people would bother contending. It’s only the tactful conclusion to arrive at. However, that type of statement is just what I want my brother to make. Fanatic has demonstrated some of his prowess, a sample of his ability, and made good on setting himself in place for gold. But when you’re in this sport, there is no direct line to follow. Not for the upper echelon, and that’s where my brother will be headed. First, though, he needs to make a statement.“

“What better one to make, then, than this: BattleBrawl Champion.”

“More importantly, who’s going to stop him? Cameron Cruise? The guy needs to understand that, while he may find ignorance is bliss, what he doesn’t realize is that he’s too ignorant to realize what’s really going on. What he thinks is bliss comes crashing down upon him. Cam, you asked me last week why Fanatic didn’t address you himself? Well, for one thing, he was busy training and preparing for his match with you. I didn’t feel he should be disturbed during that process; partly because his training can take him to places that aren’t suitable for cameras… and partly because, quite simply, Cam, well… Fanatic doesn’t need to answer to you!“

“See, while you may be seen as a real Something elsewhere, and a former New Era Television Champion here, that doesn‘t mean you earn my respect. To me, I see a guy who still buys into the same talk you gave yourself about trying to make the cut for the JV Volleyball team when you were a teenager, between popping pimples and wondering why your wang started looking a little different when you saw Mariah Carey, Joey Melton, or Beau Michaels on TV! Except now replace ‘JV Volleyball‘ with ‘New Era.’ ”

He chuckles.

“You say that you nearly won, but nearly doesn’t count? Hey, I’m glad you and I can agree on something. The next thing we can agree on is that you should PIPE DOWN with all your tales of near-misses, and just focus on trying to DO something. Like maybe, keep from losing another match to Fanatic. Because right now, you’re well on your way to f**king that up real nice.“

“In fact, I’ll lay it out to ALL the BattleBrawl participants. From Chaos to Cruise; Entertainment to Montgomery; and all the rest: I don’t like wasting time, and I don’t find it necessary for my brother to be putting his time and effort into SERIOUSLY preparing for a match, especially a match like BattleBrawl, when it seems NO ONE ELSE IS.”

“Because what does it do for his credibility to cut down a bunch of sleepwalkers? NOTHING.”

He leans back, reaching over to a small end-table between two of the sofas, and grabs a DVD case, flipping it back-and-forth momentarily.

“My brother has been away for a week. Since Cyberstrike Five, because he accomplished the goal we set for ourselves, I let him do what he wants to prepare for BattleBrawl. He’s been in contact; training, as I said. Then today I received this, and was asked to let it run for New Era. And since it was by request, I will let him voice his opinions, even if I don’t feel some of you are worth his time. So savor this one… because it‘s more than you deserve… and just as BattleBrawl will be, it is…”

“Simply Tactilizing!”

Rising from his seat, he opens the case and removes a DVD. Walking towards the camera, we see him reach over it, towards something behind it, perhaps something to play the disc‘s contents. However, after some moments’ pause, Tact bends down and looks into the camera, his olive green eyes hinting at something sly in his mind. He chuckles a little.

“You know what? You’re gonna have to wait. Because you all seem so concerned with something other than BattleBrawl, you can all damn well wait to hear from my brother. When the rest of you actually show something worth his time… then I’ll let you in on the words of Fanatic.“

“Make no mistake, when my brother voices himself, it is not to be taken lightly. He is the future of the Tact Legacy, after all, and like it or not, his path leads to the New Era World Heavyweight Championship."

"So until you all show me something, Fanatic’s judgment will remain… reserved…”

He holds up the black and gold colored disc to the camera, and we see it also has an infinity insignia on it: the Mark of Fanatic. Something has also been written on it, and as Tact holds the disc closer, we see what it reads: ’Transition or Transformation’



Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Most Wanted

* Chaos RP for BattleBRAWL 3.

(The camera opens before a New Era backdrop. Chaos stands tall with New Era interviewer Jennifer Harding. He's sporting his new Monster'd T-shirt, blue jeans and large sunglasses)

Jennifer Harding: New Era fans I'm here with the man who continues to cause controversy, 7 FT. Extreme himself Chaos. Chaos New Era president Marcus Laroque made the ultimatum that if you didn't beat one of your two opponents at Cyberstrike you'd be fired, but you not only beat one, but both of them. What is next for?

Chaos: Next...let me say this first.

(Tilts his glasses down, grabs the mic and looks at Jennifer)

Chaos: Finally....and I mean FINALLY Chaos has been sent a woman. GONE is Sam Baxter and his sausage fest...finally Jennifer you've been sent here to interview the man that's setting New Era...ON FIRE!!!!.. The chair swinging...bloodletting....havoc making and FISH STICK dropping man known as Chaos. And a lucky woman you are Jennifer and do you know why?

Jennifer Harding: No

Chaos: BECAUSE your in the presence of not just WINNING today, but you and you only have a chance to get your hands on something many people want a piece of,but can't touch. Jennifer take a look at this.

(He turns and the camera pans down to focus on his ass)

Chaos What do you see in the monitor Jennifer?

(She blushes and doesn't want to answer)

Chaos: That's alright your not the first woman that's been awestruck into silence, but Jennifer I'm going to give you a chance to do something that some people only talk about, but your actually going to get to do. Jennifer put your hands on Chaos' ass

Jennifer Harding: Excuse me?

Chaos: I said put your hands on Chaos' ass. Come on from every ring rat in the back to every housewife in the stands. A line of women would love to be in your place. Now put your hands on Chaos' ass.

Jennifer Harding: But...

Chaos: What's the matter...don't you want to get to the bottom of the story Jennifer?

Jennifer Harding: Well...

Chaos: Then grab it baby.

(She reaches forward and grabs both cheeks, Chaos lets loose a quick flex)

Chaos: Can you feel that Jennifer?

Jennifer Harding: Yes.

Chaos: That's a round ass isn't it?

(She starts to blush)

Jennifer Harding: Yes

Chaos That's a firm ass isn't it?

Jennifer Harding: Yes

Chaos: Well besides 500 squat thrusts and an hour of kick boxing everyday...do you know what else that fine ass is Jennifer?

Jennifer Harding: No

Chaos: That...right there in your hands Jennifer is the most wanted ass in New Era. Can you feel that Jennifer?

Jennifer Harding: Yes

Chaos: Good then unless your going to give Chaos a reach around stop caressing that ass

(She jumps back still blushing from her actions and is speechless. Chaos grabs her shoulder and holds back a laugh)

Chaos: That's OK baby...your not the first to get carried away. Chaos understands....BUT BACK TO THE PROMO!!!!

(She steps back startled)

Chaos: I got the most wanted ass in New Era...Jessica wants some....Druid gets smoke filled visions of it from The Elder Gods themselves...Hell Micheal Montgomery watched it walk all over him...TWICE and Stacy Jones dreams about it late at night

Jennifer Harding: Stacy Jones?

Chaos: Oh...yeah...well Chaos might have got that one backwards. Anyways....everybody wants a piece of my ass and come BattleBrawl all of you will get a chance to get a piece. But beware...I'm not a cheap date, No if you want a piece of this ass you better work for it. You better be ready to handle it, because it's not free, No I'm worth the steak and the lobster. I'm not cheap date and Chaos is going to pimp slap any body he doesn't want putting their hands on it. Do you know why Jennifer?

(Having finally regained her composure)

Jennifer Harding: No

Chaos: Because I'm the man that leads New Era. I'm the big dog that leads...all the rest just sniff and follow. I'm all about VIOLENCE, WINNING...too much Neon DNA for this league to swallow. I'm going to walk into BattleBrawl and LEAVE them all MONSTER'D....and do you know why Jennifer?

Jennifer Harding: No why is that?

Chaos: BECAUSE I CAN!!!...and nobody can stop me. That's what BattleBrawl is to Chaos....another stepping stone on my way to the World Title.

Jennifer Harding: So you've got your eyes on The First?

Chaos: In good time the whole league will know what I got in store, but FIRST is later. BattleBrawl is now. PAT GORDON!!!....ROCKO DAYMON!!!, CAMERON CRUISE!!!! JASON PAYNE try and grab some payback HELL I don't care if your name is on the card or not. Even Larry Tact's mute midget is welcome. All of you want try and kick it? Come get some. If you think you can handle it...I'm all yours. Any takers I'm ready for you

(He steps forwards and places his hand on Jennifer Harding shoulder)

Chaos: I'll step over the top rope and leave any man that wants to try WILL BE MONSTER'D at BattleBrawl....all of you come get a piece of the MOST WANTED ass in New Era. It's BIG and Strong....in the front it's TWICE as long. come GET some if you can handle it.

(Looks into her eyes and then up into the air)

Chaos: especially...IF YOU SWWEEEELLLLLLL......<winks>...when your looking.

(He tilts down the glasses and smiles)


OORP: So I decided to have some fun. God I hope this doesn't lead to anyone rapping. If so I apologize in advance


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA

* Cameron Cruise RP#2 for BattleBRAWL 3.

"This is what some might call, "The Calm Before The Storm". It's peaceful, though I dare say almost TOO PEACEFUL.

(Fadein, the inside of the DCU Center in Worcester, Mass. The camera pans around the arena as well as closer to the soon-to-be-filled squared circle that will house about a dozen competitors, all vying for a shot at the coveted shot for the New Era Championship. CUTTO: The BATTLE BRAWL 3 logo on the side of the ring, as it pans upward to find Cameron Cruise, dressed in blue jeans and a black New Era T-shirt with matching Anarchy-styled shades, propped against one of the four turnbuckles.)

CC: While some people like Chaos downplay the seriousness of this momentous occasion, even dare I say "playing grabass" in his time of preparation, other people like myself and Fanatic..pardon me...LARRY TACT see this as a chance to thrive, a chance to prove without a shadow of a doubt, a reason why we deserve the opportunity to become Champion.

Chaos, I'm only going to say this once not because this is my last opportunity to state my case and worth to this contest, but because even though you and I in all the time we've spent competing in New Era... in the past we've never went toe-to-toe before; quite frankly...you're just not worth my time.

You might be well-conditioned in the EXTREME parts of New Era in the past, even a Champion at times....but you're in WAY over your head. No foreign objects are going to help you here, but you can still get disqualified for the nature of who you are.

And that does nothing to bode well for your chances this week, nothing at all.

As for Larry Tact??

(Cruise takes off the shades for a moment as the camera pans in for a close-up. Cruise shifts his solemn look for one of a colder facial expression.)

Son, you're lucky I don't sue you and your brother for BREACH OF CONTRACT.

If memory serves, while you deem it necessary to speak on your brother's behalf, beit the honest reasons you state or the simple fact that you're brother is an FOOL....the rules are simple.

Unless you are a disabled athlete by way of birth or disorder, should you invite yourself to compete in New Era it is YOU that must respond to your opponent.

And believe me when I tell you your brother is nothing of the kind, regardless of your insistance; your brother should speak and speak for HIMSELF.

After all, should he win the shot at the New Era Championship, even if he's injured...you're not the one facing the Champion when the title is on the line; should that happen, should he not be able to compete...that doesn't mean you get his shot. Believe me, I'll GLADLY take his place at the "lecturn", not because I want it worse than he does...but because I've EARNED IT.

Training be damned...I don't care if you think he doesn't have time, Larry, you and I both know that every man has ample time to respond to anything the week of a match.

And I'm a busy man Larry.

I make time to address things the week of the match not just because it's mandated by those who sign my paychecks, not just because I have to, but because I CAN.

So yes Larry, your brother DOES have to answer to me.

I speak about my failures in the past two Battle Brawls Larry, because despite not coming out the victor...and I know "almost-doesn't-cut-it"...but because the facts speak for themselves.

I'm BETTER at competing at this match than anyone else; I've lasted longer and have proven MANY people wrong.

Except where it counts....and that's being the last man standing.

And believe me when I tell you...not you, Chaos, Michael Montgomery, or even Marx or Mister Entertainment or the Druid, even Pat Gordon, or Rocko Daymon...is going to keep that from happening.

Not to me.

People like Rocko Daymon however...irk me.

Not in the sense that they TRULY get under my skin...I've got my reasons.

However in this case...there's a point.

Pat Gordon Jr, "Hungry" Jack Swanson, while I've no particular problem with them...about fall in the same category.

For the past five weeks I've busted my ass to get my shot at the New Era Championship fellas, and now it's "Now or Never" for a last chance at assuring myself a fair chance at becoming Champion. I've already banked one shot by virtue of the rules.

But being that this is a different New Era...NO ONE has banked TWO. My problem lies within the fact that you boys pretty much CHEATED.

Pat Gordon Jr.

Seems to me that you're probably one of the very few considered a hometown favorite, and that's fine with me, I welcome you to play that card. Unfortunately, playing off the legacy card doesn't count for much around here, at least not to me.

I've never heard of your father and honestly at this point...I don't care to. You might be brash and have a sense of humor and that's fine...take that to "Blind Date" or go hit up Steve Harvey and "play the feud".

It won't get you very far, at least not in the Brawl.

Then there's "Hungry" Jack Swanson.

Well, well...Big Boy...aren't you quite the linebacker??

Word is that you used to compete...at EATING??

Looking at a man of your size and girth...even Charlie Sheen himself would take a look at you and say "Duh...WINNING."

But that's just it, Jack.

I've heard of the former Nathan's Hot Dog Champion, Japanese Sensation Kobayashi; I've even heard of the man that beat him, San Jose, California's Joey Chestnut.

However, at almost seven-feet-tall and four-hundred pounds, you'd like to think I'd even hear a RUMOR about "Jack Swanson".

(Cruise scratches his head)

But ya know for the life of me...I got nothin'; You're just a stranger in this ring to me as Gordon is to everyone else. This isn't to say that you don't have SOME skill...apparently you went through the competition like Charlie Sheen does a prostitute.

Doesn't exactly say anything about your opponents though, Jack.

Remember, this is New Era....BATTLE BRAWL.

The rest of us in this ring might just decide to get rid of you first thing and keep your time here short.

Either way...that shot at the title isn't for you, I can promise you or anyone else but myself, right now.

Abit selfish??

You're damned right.

I know what the Battle Brawl brings.

This match fellas, despite what Chaos or Larry Tact might think...isn't about fun and games, but know this: That title, whether it's going against The First or Shawn Hart...belongs to ME.

I GUARANTEE you this....THAT is a REALITY CHECK Larry, that you or anyone else that's going to be in this ring in a short time from now....just...won't...like.



Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Heading to a New Destination

* Donovan Astros RP for BattleBRAWL 3.

"Why did you sign me up for this?"

Fade into basically a HandiCam set up in the passsenger seat of a sedan. Driving the car is a man no one in New ERA probably recognizes. He's at least built like a wrestler, though. In his ear is a bluetooth headset.

"So the show's broadcast live on ESEN, and the winner gets a shot at what, being the champion of Boston? There's no buys in that! Who's the champion there?"

The man laughs hard at whatever he heard at the other end of this conversation.

"The First? I used to have some respect for that guy. Used to. And is he in this match? No? He's taking on Shawn Jessica Hart? Are you kidding me? I've never seen a buncha rats flock *TO* the Titanic before!"

The man shakes his head.

"I still don't get what I'm doing here, though. I still have a career to look forward to! I still have pay per views to headline in my future! A favor? He wants me to do this? I don't even think he'd care, seriously. I know he was mad when Shawn w..."

The man nods.

"No, no, I get it. I owe a lot of people a lot of things for where I've gotten. He wants me to win the New ERA title, I'll win the title. Who all's in this battle royal now? Actaully, hold up. I'll be at the hotel soon. Mail me the list and whatever video you can get of these guys. I guess I'm shipping up to Boston for a while."

The man takes off the earpiece and sets it down on the passenger seat.

MAN: Now I know why you sent this camera too. I was hoping for a week to relax, sit back and enjoy what I've won. But that's not realistic now, is it? There's never any time to rest when you're the fastest rising star in professional wrestling! Let me introduce myself, New ERA. My name is Donovan Astros, and I'll be your next New ERA champion. It's just that simple.

Astros laughs a bit.

ASTROS: Why am I so confident? I've spent a career making sure that I do everything I say I'm going to do. I've spent a lifetime making myself the best wrestler on God's green Earth. It's not just a catchphrase, it's the truth. Everywhere I've gone, from local indy promotions to the big light and bright stage of the Empire, I've won gold and dominated the competition. Every naysayer, every doubter, every opponent has had to eat their words, and the crew in New ERA is going to be no different. And so, I'm taking the express elevator to the top. BattleBRAWL. An over the top rop battle royal, where the winner gets a shot at the New ERA Champion. There's no easier way to be the king in New ERA and that king is going to be me! Not The First, not Shawn Jessica Hart, but Donovan Astros! A champion and a man New ERA can be proud of! Not a guy that needs to come out with riot cops because the fans want to hang him from the rafters. Not a guy that will quit at the first sign of distress. But a MAN. A real man the fans can cheer for or boo, but they can at least respect.

While he's keeping his eyes on the road, you can see the Cheshire grin come across Astros's face.

ASTROS: As for the other men in this match, they deserve a little respect as well, which is why I'm not going to talk about them in a car. There's a time and a place to talk about you, and it's after I dig in and see what you're all capable of. Until then, New ERA, it's time for your brush with greatness to begin.

Astros reaches over and shuts the camera off. No fade, just black.


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
New ERA... is mine.

Mr. Entertainment RP for BattleBRAWL 3.

(((FADE IN. Mr. Entertainment is sitting in a director’s chair in front of a New ERA Battlebrawl backdrop)))

ME: So, season one is almost complete. One more thing ta do, an’ the foundation of a New ERA will be complete. A foundation strong enough fer the edifice I’m creatin’.

Not tha’ things’ve gone entirely ta plan. I mean, Cammy’s kept goin’ on an’ on an’ on abou’ how I beat him. Fanatic still hasn’t realised he’s nothin’ without Mr Entertainment ta make him look good, an’ The Druid still can’t win a match without help. I’d kinda hoped some of those guys would step up an’ show the world what MY New ERA could really do, but alas, it seems I’ve gotta teach ‘em a good ol’ fashioned lesson by tossin’ them out on their asses.

Sure. I could take it easy. I’ve got a shot a’ the New ERA championship lined up in season two. But that’s the kinda thing I’d expect from some o’ the so-called legends in this business. The kinds of guys an’ gals who saunter abou’ gettin’ fatter an’ fatter fer doin’ less an’ less an’ less. Turning up maybe… what, once a blue moon, aka season?

But not ME

Mister Entertainment

Ya see, I’ve been here not ta relive past glories or trade on my name ta earn a few quarters. I’m here because New ERA needs someone ta hold it together, ta sculpt it inta something great. It needs ME

Mister Entertainment

Ta build it inta my image. Because it’s my image that’ll bring the success Marcus so sorely, desperately needs.

Don’t think so? Look at the old New ERA. Look at its highest high – when I lifted the Dupree Cup. Look at its lowest low an’ who was on top.

Shawn Hart. Larry Tact. Jonathan Marx. Rocko Daymon. Guys who’ve won gold, lost gold, turned up, gone away, an’ grown fat from paycheques.

Well, this is a brand new New ERA. The foundation from this season is gonna hold a fine edifice, but there’s still a lot of work that needs ta be done. Ya’ve got a few guys thinkin’ they can come in, compete in the Battle Brawl, an’ take their place in history.

Only if I say ya can. Ya see, I’m not just here ta say I’m great. I’m not just here ta win gold. I’m not after another pay day. I want New ERA ta be what it damn well deserves ta be. The best… in… the… world. An’ ta do tha’, I’ve been checking out the other “wrestlers” here an’ have shown them the error of their ways. Some have heeded my advice, like Michael Montgomery, who’s got a damn good future in myNew ERA. Others, like Cameron Cruise, are comin’ around, slowly but surely. An’ some, like Fanatic, are fast headin’ down, down, down inta nothingness because they ain’t got what it takes. But even he deserves ta be here more than those of ya that’ve only just shown up.

But… there is one way I’ll change my mind an’ let ya stay. Prove that ya’ve got the heart, the guts, the drive and determination ta make my New ERA the greatest wrestling company on the planet. If ya’ve got the desire ta succeed in my edifice, I’ll welcome ya. But if I’m right an’ ya’ll’re here ta make a quick buck, or put yerself above New ERA, then you’re gone. Yer gonna be out on yer damn ASS quicker than Charlie Sheen an’ Amy Winehouse breakin’ the sobriety vows.

Because New ERA isn’t about you. It isn’t about people comin’ in an’ tryin’ ta steal what I’ve been buildin’. It’s all about ME.

Mister Entertainment.

And MY… New… ERA… of greatness.

(((FADE OUT)))


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
A spotlit interview.

* Mr. Entertainment RP#2 for BattleBRAWL 3.

(((FADE IN to Mr Entertainment standing in the New ERA ring. The house lights are down, a lone spotlight on the wrestler, but the rest of the arena seems to be empty. Several long seconds pass before we realise that Mr Entertainment isn’t alone. Stepping through the ropes is New ERA interviewer, Jennifer Harding, wearing a black pencil skirt and a white blouse, carrying a microphone in her hand. She starts walking over towards the wrestler)))

ME: Stop right there, Jen.

(((She stops, looking confused)))

JH:: But… you asked for me to be here? We’re supposed to be doing an interview about Battlebrawl 3.

ME: I just wanna make sure you ain’t got any other ideas in tha’ pretty lil’ head?

JH:: Oh come on!

ME: Did you or did you not try an’ grope Chaos?

JH:: Because he asked me to!

ME: Sure, hun.

JH:: Look, I’ve got a lot of other interviews to do, some things for the website. Do you want me here?

ME: If yer gonna keep yer hands ta yerself.

JH:: (((under her breath))) Jeez…

ME: Ya do realise I can find ou’ anythin’ ya’ll say by playin’ back the tape?

(((Jennifer gulps, before the wrestler bursts out laughing)))

ME: Come on! I’m kiddin’. Let’s have the first question.

JH:: Okay… well, my first question is about Battlebrawl, you said that you didn’t like some of the other people in the match because they’ve only just turned up.

ME: Like Donovan Astros, Pat Gordon, Jack Swanson?

JH:: Yeah. Don’t they have the right to be here?

ME: Sure they do. But they have no right ta think they’re gonna win, because there are loads of guys an’ gals who deserve the win more than they do. Hell, you’ve got more right ta win Battlebrawl than they do! Because at least you’ve been here since day one. You ain’t shown up outta nowhere. You ain’t after a paycheque or tryin’ ta get a flukey win an’ claimin’ tha’ you deserve a title shot. Guys like Don, Pat, Jack, Rocko, an’ whoever else turns up? Hell, they don’t deserve much of a mention, an’ if Marcus hadn’t asked I wouldn’t mention them at all, but they’re what’s wrong with this business. Coastin’ along, thinkin’ they’re the greatest an’ turnin’ up ta get a paycheque an’ get fat of o’ the hard work o’ the guys an’ gals of New ERA. The hard workin’ people who’ve helped make my New ERA shine!

JH:: Your[/b/ New Era?

ME: Yeah. Everyone knows this place is all abou’ ME

Mister Entertainment.

Ya think the wrestling Bieber is bringing in the fans? Ya think a coward who can’t win a match without a gang o’ thugs behind him is the king o’ the castle? Ya think someone goin’ “Me big, grr! Chaos Smash! Touch my ass!” is the star o’ the show? Oh hell no! It’s ME

Mister Entertainment

The first man ta win three consecutive matches in the new New ERA! The man who’s made Cameron Cruise and Fanatic inta bigger names than they ever thought possible, simply by bein’ in the same ring with them. The guy who’s seen the potential fer people like Stacy Jones an’ Michael Montgomery ta become part o’ somethin’ truly great, an’ showed the WORLD what this company can be with the right person on top.


Mister Entertainment.

JH:: OK… wow… next question, since you lost to The Druid

ME: (((interrupting))) I did not lose ta The Druid.

JH:: But the footage is

ME: (((interrupting))) The footage clearly shows tha’ I did not lose ta The Druid. I lost ta the numbers game. I lost because The Druid has a gang o’ hired thugs, no doubt paid fer by drug money, ta hold his hand an’ wipe his ass fer him. A gang o’ thugs who’ve helped him win here in New ERA a couple o’ times. Because the guy’s a coward. The guy thinks he can wrestle but here in my New ERA, he’s found that he’s nowhere near ready. Nah, his gang of thieves are what’s made him look even mildly successful. You know it, I know it, the folks at home know it, The Druid knows it – even Cameron Cruise knows it! The Druid is a nobody, an’ he may have a W next ta his name fer tha’ week, but he did not beat ME

Mister Entertainment.

JH:: OK. But my question is that you’ve been hard to track down since that defeat to… er… since Cyberstrike 4.

ME: Because I was busy promoting New ERA across the globe! Hello? Brain switched on, babe? My tapin’ schedule, my interview schedule was packed tighter than yer pert little butt, an’ you guys just couldn’t find a mutually convenient time before I taped somethin’ at home last night. No biggie. I’ve been out across the world makin’ sure people know how they can tune in ta see Battlebrawl through the New ERA website, so people like you can still get paid on time.

JH:: Thanks, but

ME: No, no need ta thank Mister Entertainment. I know I can’t do everything around here on my own, I need some support an’ you, darling, ain’t too bad on the eyes. Ya get some teens an’ dirty old men watchin’ the streams.

JH:: (((backing away slightly))) Eww

ME: What do ya say we wrap this up? Give me the mic… thank ya… now you just stand there while I tell the world how Battlebrawl is gonna go down.

There are 11 men on the marquee for this match. 11 names that wanna go down in history by winnin’ the first Battlebrawl of the new New ERA an’ have a chance ta face the winner of the New ERA title match fer the gold. The thing is, of those names, an’ whoever else fancies showin’ up, only one can win. Only one has what it takes ta carry the burden of building New ERA of Wrestling inta a glorious monument ta professional wrestling. Somewhere where the so-called legends don’t just come in an’ get fat of o’ other peoples hard work, their sweat an’ tears. Somewhere where everyone, from first-year rookie ta veteran, can climb to the top through determination an’ show the world that they deserve ta be a part o’ somethin’ GREAT. Only one man can secure the foundation so New ERA lasts fer generations ta come!

And that person is ME.

Mister Entertainment.

The guy who sends ratings through the ROOF. The guy who brings the crowds, the guy who will throw the rest of you out of the ring so you can go back to yer natural levels. The guy who New ERA is all about. Because none of you have the skill, the showmanship, the razzamataz ta build something as grand as I do. My edifice. When people look back, when I’m long gone, people will remember Battlebrawl 3 as the night that Mister Entertainment finally, finally built that edifice and made professional wrestling the talk o’ the town.

Only I can do that because only I am that damn good. An’ at Battlebrawl, March 20, I will show you exactly that, by tossin’ each an’ every damn one of ya outta the ring quicker than Chaos usin’ Montgomery as a javelin.

Because New ERA needs one man ta succeed, and he is gonna succeed. He is ME.

Mister… Entertainment.

(((FADE OUT)))


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA

* Jonathan Marx RP for BattleBRAWL 3.

::Marx and Jacobs are Maeda's bar, watching the news coverage of the Tsunami in Japan. Marx is downing vodka and sporting a look like someone killed his dog::

JONATHAN MARX: I wish I could put on a happy face and make a wise crack, but life this last week has beaten me down.

BRANDON JACOBS: It seems like it getting worse and worse by the day.

JONATHAN MARX: You spend your life trying to make sense of the world, you go out and have adventures, you read the collective wisdom of the ages, and you try learn from those whom have come before you. Sometimes though, there are no answers and you can't make sense of things.

BRANDON JACOBS: Mother nature is a cruel mistress. You can't help but feel awestruck by her power.

JONATHAN MARX: I've always had a special connection to Japan. It is where I learned in the Japanese dojos how to wrestle from Manson and developed my discipline in the ring. I love Japan and I love its people. The work ethic, the respect for nature and its essence, and the respect people show for their elders... they didn't deserve this. It should be the assholes on twitter making Godzilla jokes and comments that this is karmic payback for Pearl Harbor.

BRANDON JACOBS: Twitter is one of the best and worst inventions ever, it allows people to say whatever they want to say, when they want to say it and for many people, that is a very bad idea. But then you have cases like what happened during the fallout of the tsunami where twitter was one of the main ways people could communicated with their loved ones and let them know whether or not they are still alive.

JONATHAN MARX: Life is funny like that sometimes. I was thinking about NEW this week and how I was in the very first Battlebrawl and how so many years later, I'm back in it yet again, battling for a chance at the title. I've had my ups and downs in NEW, I've been knocked down, but I always get back up. The true test of a man is what he does in the face of adversity. It is really easy to go out there when everything is going great, but it takes a real man to go out there when he down and he has been brooding over his lot in life. Sometimes you can lose perspective of it all, but then you watch the news and life gives you a wake up call. As bad as things are going for you, you realize it could be worse and those people who are going through worse are getting back up to fight. It makes what you are going through seem kind of small.

BRANDON JACOBS: People get absorbed in their own little worlds. If it isn't happening to you, you could be the most compassionate person on earth, but you truly can't understand what they are going through. They are only people on your television set. It isn't real.

JONATHAN MARX: If it isn't real, why do I feel this way? Japan and California, my homes away from home, are in danger and I am powerless to do anything, except sit here and drink and watch the coverage on the television set. It is the worst feeling in the world. At some point in life though, you have to realize what you can control and what you can't and you have to try not to let the burden of what you can't control consume your soul. What I can control though is the outcome of Battlebrawl and I'm going to try to weave a fairy tale ending. Not for me, but for the people, they can use a little distraction from the horror of every day life which has been more absurd than even Jonathan Marx.



Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Su Mundo es El Caos

* Chaos RP#2 for BattleBRAWL 3.

(The camera opens inside Agganis arena. It's early in the morning and a flurry of activity is going on inside, Sam Baxter makes his way to the ring, Inside the towering figure of Chaos moves about as a slew a grounds keepers yell at him)

Grounds keeper: OH MI DIOS!!!

Chaos: What?

Grounds keeper: HIJO de PUTA LOCURA!!!!

(Baxter walks past a small pick-up parked near the ring and ducks just as a large sack flies past his head. He carefully makes his way to the ring)

Sam Baxter: Chaos...what the hell are you doing?

Chaos: Practice Sam....practice.

(Chaos picks up a large sack of what can be seen as fertilizer)

Chaos: What are you doing here? Where is the chick?

Sam Baxter: Well she's got stuck with Mr. Entertainment.

(He tosses another bag of fertilizer and it bursts open on the cement

Grounds keeper: Eres un hijo de puta

Chaos: Oh relax Jorge...you got a shovel.

Sam Baxter: Chaos...might I ask why you are throwing fertilizer all over the arena?

(Chaos He pauses for a moment and smiles)

Chaos: Isn't it obvious Sam? Later tonight I got TEN OTHER BAGS OF CRAP TO THROW OVER THE TOP ROPE!!!!

(He points around the ring at the busted bags)

Chaos: Think of this as practice.

(He tosses the last bag nearly 50 feet and it spills it's contents)

Grounds keeper: CULO BLANCA de ALTURA!!!

(Chaos pulls a few twenties from his wallet)

Chaos: Gracias por el entrenamiento

(Tosses the money at the Grounds keeper)

Chaos: Now Sam what did you want?

Sam Baxter: Well tonight is BattleBRAWL. The winner walks out with a title shot with...

Chaos: JESSICA!!!

Sam Baxter: Well...whoever the winner...

Chaos: No SAM....I'm winning BattleBRAWL and I want JESSICA!!!

Sam Baxter: Well before that happens you do need to throw ten of the toughest men in NEW ERA over the top rope tonight.

(Chaos laughs loudly and smiles)

Chaos: Toughest? Just who are you referring to Sam?

Sam Baxter: Well men like Mr. Entertainment?

Chaos: Mr. Entertainment? Are you serious Sam? That guy....that fool who sounds like he should be up in the North End standing on the corner with a monkey. That man shouldn't even show is face in the ring again. Hey Sam...do me a favor. Come here

(Chaos points down at the ring)

Chaos: Lay down.

Sam Baxter: What?


(Baxter keeps a wary eye as he lays down in the ring. Chaos perches himself on the top turnbuckle)

Chaos: No look up at me Sam. What do you see?

Sam Baxter: You...

Chaos: No Sam...what you see is a TOWERING MENACE!!!! The same thing Mr. Entertainment saw when OF ALL PEOPLE....The Druid left him laying in a puddle of his own crap in the ring. And when you ask this poor bastard about it....what's his answer? Nothing...just excuses. Damn pathetic, bit not very entertaining.

(Sam Baxter tries to get up)

Chaos: Don't move Sam....Stay there until I walk out of here BattleBRAWL Champion you are in the safest position anybody will find
in this ring tonight

Sam Baxter: Well speaking of The Druid...

Chaos: What about him Sam? Were is he? I dumped fish sticks....FISH STICKS SAM!!! Dumped them all over his stoner ass. What happened? I guess the WILL of the Elder Gods was for him to....SHUT THE HELL UP!!! Doesn't matter...there's nothing he can say that will stop him from getting MONSTER'D like the other fools who get in my way.

Sam Baxter: Cameron Cruise???

Chaos: Are you kidding me? Cameron Cruise...the man is to blind to see the truth.

(He stands and motions the camera towards him)

Chaos: Hey Cam...take a good look. Before you tell me that I'm in over my head. Remember I'm 7 FT. Extreme Cam....NOTHING IS OVER MY HEAD!!! I'm the biggest, baddest....do I even need to tell you again the MOST WANTED man in New Era. Cruise keep your fatherly advice....let me give you some.

(He leans in closely)

Chaos: Jump...JUMP over the top rope Cam. Do yourself that favor and I won't hurt you. You can take a nice soft landing on your feet instead of me tossing you out on YOUR ASS!!!

(The camera pans back around as Sam Baxter tries to get up)

Chaos: Stay down Sam...your safe there.

Sam Baxter: What about Fanatic? Donovan Astros?

Chaos: Astros? Oh yeah they guy in the car. Hey DONNIE!!! Champions don't drive themselves...champions are DRIVEN!!!! In more way then one pal. My suggestion is for you to just keep driving right to Maine and you can CATCH Michael Montgomery when I Monster him YET AGAIN in a match?

(He makes a throwing motion)

Chaos: Here's comes Michael....GO DEEP DONOVAN...GO DEEP!!!

Sam Baxter: and Fanatic?

Chaos: You mean Larry Tact's puppet. I expect our little masked friend to be coming out sitting on Larry's knee some night, hand up his ass in all. Because while I might come from a family of wrestlers. Hell the FIRST FAMILY of wrestling. I never need my big brother to talk for me.

Sam Baxter: Jonathan Marx?

Chaos: BOO HOO!!! The whole world is in Chaos. Well Marx yours will be as well. You already tried to stop me once Marx...guess what I put your world in Chaos...and I will again? Anybody else you think I should worry about Sam?

Sam Baxter: Well no.

Chaos: Good

(With that Sam Baxter starts to stand)

Chaos: Sam...I told you to stay down.

(As Baxter stands he's immediately hit with a bag of fertilizer and it knocks him back down. Chaos dumps the bag on him)

Chaos: Told you to stay down Sam. Maybe later tonight the others will take my advice better. Hey Jorge....wanna clean that up

Grounds keeper: hijo de puta



Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Transition or Transformation...

* Fanatic RP#2 for BattleBRAWL 3.


The stage is set, quite literally on this night, in Times Square, NY. Tourists point up and photograph the pillar of advertising familiarly associated with the spire where the New Year’s ball descends; families emerge from the world’s most famous Toys ‘R’ Us; at the TKTS Booth, people grab their Broadway show tickets on the cheap; locals and tourists, alike, enjoy the amenities and restaurants at the Mariott Marquis; and all continue to wonder how the Naked Cowboy avoided frostbite yet again.

Thousands have found their way to the most impressive feature of the area for the day, on one of the now-packed islands in the center of Times Square. With a stage full of soundstage, lights, chairs, guests, and ring set up in the ‘Center Of The World,’ it’s no doubt there’s an increasing buzz. The banner presentation has caught the desired attention from this ‘need to know‘ crowd of New Yorkers and tourists…


March 20, 2011!

As the crowd watches this BattleBrawl ‘pre-show,’ a man in a lavender suit, tie, finely pressed dress shirt and slacks stands in the ring, hosting the show. When the latest ‘web log’ finishes running from the big screen above the stage, he raises the mic to speak, his own pride and excitement evident.[/I]

SAM BAXTER: “Folks, we’ve had a great time here today, and it’s thanks to all your support for our ‘New Era in New York City: Big Apple BattleBrawl’ two-hour special!!”


“Before we continue, though, I want to take the time to thank our special guests for the day…”

He motions to each one, seated on the stage, as he goes.

“New Era President, Marcus LaRoque! Commentators Jason Tripp and Natalie Newman!”

Newman stands, shouting out to the people and waving excitedly with both hands. Tripp produces a mic from his pocket!

JASON TRIPP: “NEW ERA FANS! We’re going to take this show up to Worcester and ROCK THE HIZZOUSE! Make the trip with us and catch the New Era action! WOOOOO!!”

BAXTER: *Ahem* Yes, thanks, Jason. Our other interviewer, Jennifer Harding, has been busy covering the interviews we showed with the wrestlers who will be competing at BattleBrawl, so thank you to her as well!”

“And this show wouldn’t have been quite the same without our look at previous BattleBrawl events, so thanks go to those who came from the beginnings of New Era to give us their thoughts on those events… TOM GHEORGHE, NICK JIVE, AND DEAN JULIUS!!”

Polite applause for the three former commentators as they stand, with some “JIVE IS DRUNK!” and “JULIUS RULES!” chants briefly heard.

“We also wanted to give a shout-out to New Era’s former Vice President, Juliet Marceau, who politely declined her invite, due to a previous engagement…”


“I know, what was she thinking?? We aren’t done just yet, fans! We’ve brought a little of New Era LIVE to you today, and to cap it off…“

The sound system comes to life… “TURN AROUND AND PICK UP THE PIECES!” as Hoobastank‘s “Pieces“ cues up.

“…A man who has been around New Era from the start, and is the FIRST New Era of Wrestling World… Heavyweight… Champion! He is Manhattan’s own… LARRY TACT!!”

The crowd gives a mixed reaction, some tourists will cheer just about anyone!-- but real fans in attendance know the man coming to the ring, and voice their displeasure clearly. Larry Tact walks out dressed in black leather pants and wife beater, a royal blue shirt over it. He also wears a silver chain around his neck with “Simply Tactilizing” written in cursive, and Arnette Rage shades. He proceeds up into the ring, shaking hands with Baxter before snatching the mic from him and backing him out of the ring, prompting the New Era fans to increase their disapproval. He then turns his attention to the crowd, pausing to take in the reaction.

LARRY TACT: “Listen up, New York City, because I’ve got too little time to be wasting repeating myself!”


“Uh huh, whatever! If I REALLY CARED, I could get you all to cheer me. It would take about as long as it takes to pull out my wallet and start handing out cash to all of you paper-pushing pencil necks and snobby hobo hipsters!”


“It really is funny that Cameron Cruise, Chaos, and others have accused me so prominently of somehow being wrong for speaking in place of my brother. In fact, Cruise went so far as to say he should SUE ME! Now typically, I imagine that may not sound so funny, considering most of you can barely make your rent and mortgage payments, much less afford decent clothes and clean laundry, as it is…”


“But I’m just doing my job. Cruise, it’s funny you‘d threaten legal action against me because THERE IS NO ILLEGAL ACTIVITY! Don’t tell me you really think I didn’t clear this with LaRoque? On second thought, go ahead… I‘d love to see the court throw out the case, on the basis of your being a jackass…”

“I humored all the chatter for a reason, of course. Through my managing not only the training, but the VOICE of Fanatic, he has become the most in demand talker of this promotion! A man of few words, people are clamoring to hear what Fanatic has to say, and that translates to a valuable commodity. So you can all say what you want about my management style, but it has brought attention to Fanatic, who is turning into one of the hottest rising stars in New Era. The results speak for themselves, both in and out of the ring.”

“But before this New Era Premier event, I think it’s only right to let Fanatic speak for himself, too. And so…”

He motions with his arm holding the mic towards the big screen, which illuminates to life. A shot of Fanatic appears. He wears his black costume, gloves, boots, and mask; with the infinity Mark sewn in gold into the mask, on the top of the gloves, and sides of the boots. He is seated on tatami mats that cover the floor of the room, which is minimally decorated. There is a definite Asian influence on the sparse décor, but Fanatic begins speaking soon after the image appears, his wispy voice like a fine mist, though certainly pronounced with its natural-seeming confidence.

“New Era of Wrestling … I welcome you to my Inner Sanctum. It has been some time since I have voiced my thoughts … there is good reason for that. As I am really not a returning warrior to this rank … it did seem … inappropriate … to be speaking without a formed opinion. I was taught to take time and gather information on those who you compete with, and part of that is certainly done in the ring. And while I have not faced all of you in the ring … as of yet … I do believe I have had enough time to research …”

“Larry has given an introduction to you all … and I am here, now, preparing for the battle to come. With BattleBrawl 3 almost upon us, it seems an appropriate time to break my silence.”

“I do remember a scant few of you, from previous opportunities I have had in the professional wrestling scene. For one, there is certainly Chaos. I remember you from what seems like an Age ago … back in the Rocky Mountain territory. I saw an old mentor of mine, from the Land, face you in a match. I can readily recall the same strength and intensity of your being … and now look forward to the chance of testing myself against those qualities. Yes, I most look forward to it, because I am not one who fears competition.“

“I am truly a creature who indulges in what drives him … my passions have been a driving force in my journeys. Chaos … a different warrior than most all … one who would give up a battle in favor of wreaking that of your namesake. One who cannot be discredited for that nature … as you were within a hairsbreadth of claiming the New Era Championship for your own. You should understand how passion can drive one to great and terrible things. For my part, that is not something to fear … I embrace it … and so I want to see which of us will be driven further … to embracing the title of BattleBrawl Champion.”

“I have seen what you are capable of, whether legal or not in a match, Chaos … and I would not expect any less. That being said … on my tour of the national circuit, brief as it may be … I have also endured and prevailed from a great deal. Point being … crashing into barbed wire and tables … being set aflame … enduring unnatural forms of punishment … and the like, are not alien to myself. Having been stabbed with a sword on one occasion was a particular … RUSH … in more ways than one. Perhaps that is a reason for my not wavering at the sight of what you have wrought, Chaos. I think your spirit and mine may have a common indulgence … but that will have to wait. For now, I need not beat you … merely eliminate you … that will be enough to advance me one step closer towards the BattleBrawl Cup. And so you must be exiled from the squared battlefield … cross me, and I will not hesitate to bring such a fate down upon you.”

He pauses, his slow, even breaths creating a sort of rhythmic interlude.

“Cameron Cruise … another who I am familiar with, as recently as this past week. I think you should understand that I am not incapable of holding my own in the ring … in fact, you should have known that before. However … you are a man of emotion … one would say you may wear your heart on your sleeve. Unfortunately, that can work against you … when you allow it to overwhelm you. This is a great opportunity, as you said … it is an avenue for one to thrive in, claiming the victory of the BattleBrawl. Unlike Larry … I do feel you are a respectable opponent. I have seen you in Rumble format matches, and feel you have held more than your own. You are capable of great things, Cameron … but you are also privy to great mistakes …”

“Emotion and success are constantly at war with one another. Emotions do not wish to be controlled, but success requires just that … otherwise, rash actions are taken, leading to ill-affordable consequences. This is a reason you do not see athletes and other competitors show emotion for much of their time in battle. For the most part, they try to hold back until the battle is over … not wanting to lose focus. There are a very few exceptions, as with all things … but Cameron, I will not allow you to slip by as an exception. For I am the rule … I am balance … control … elite. I was trained to hold my emotions in check, for most of my life, Cameron Cruise. I am unleashed in the ring, but even then I am fully aware of my actions … and thinking with my mind, not my heart. Allow your emotions to get the better of you in the ring … as easily as you have from Larry’s merely speaking for me … then it will not be possible to escape the Craze, at BattleBrawl. After all, I cannot find victory in the ring until I have survived all other eliminations … and so the Craze will be quite active, in Worcester …”

He pauses.

“Pat Gordon Jr … you are a new face. I recall seeing your Senior in the Rocky Mountain battlefield, as well. He was an innovative warrior … one whom I wish to see if you learned from. Are you as willing to throw caution to the wind … be the innovator … sacrifice yourself to the cause of survival … at the risk of not? I would hope … yes … that the answer is yes … and to test our wills, at BattleBrawl. And there is always one more spot to join the wave … of the Craze …”

Quietly, we hear a chuckle escape him, then nothing for a few seconds.

“I believe there is room for all of you … just enough room … at BattleBrawl. But only one may survive … and once the wave of the Craze washes over us all … and it is done … it will be I who emerges …”

“… all in a blur … ”


Tact looks back around, and raises the mic.

LARRY TACT: Now, in the past few days there have been some other comments made, and I think a few things were left unsaid. But I’ve got someone else here who would like to make a few more comments…”

”Torn” by Creed sounds out, and a royal blue-cloaked figure comes swiftly through the crowd. A few fans manage to slap him on the back, but most can only gain a momentary glance before he reaches the railing and hops it to the staging area. Bypassing the stage, he leaps straight onto the ring apron with ease. Another leap lands him on the turnbuckle nearest Tact, who hands him the mic. The bottom of the cloak trails on the ring ropes, covering the turnbuckle, and he whips the hood off to reveal the black masked head of Fanatic, bringing the mic towards.

“I suppose I can merely … pick up where I left off … and I would be remiss if I did not address one, Mister Entertainment.“

I am well aware of the words you had for myself and my brother, since our last encounter. Mister Entertainment … you may be surprised to find that … I cannot help but respect your ability. You are an innovative being, one who truly has a talent. I do not believe there is a point to denying that … you are a part of the future in New Era of Wrestling. And I welcome the opportunity to compete against you, once more …”

“Just the same … there is no denying where you have tread upon. The moment you made your remarks about my brother, and the Tact Legacy we are building … you were asking for a conflict of volatile proportions. You are not a fool nor ignorant, Mister Entertainment … you possess a talent that has given you quite an arrogance … but stupid you are not. You knew exactly what you were commencing when you let your tongue go awry … lashing out at the Tact Legacy … and, in fact, the legacy of New Era of Wrestling.”

“I acknowledge that there were certain figures in the history of this territory who built it. They remain here, today, continuing to build upon the foundation that has endured through the years. Tact … Marx … Chaos … Hart. These are the pillars of New Era. They are in the crust of New Era. People want to know what they are doing, or will be doing, week to week. They may not always approve, but were compelled nonetheless to attend and find out. Without them … we would not have the opportunity of the present. Regardless of whether you like them … respect is due to them.”

“However, you would rather dismiss all that, Mister Entertainment. If it does not serve your intentions of having New Era attend to your ego, you turn a blind eye … but the people do not forget. And if we clash at BattleBrawl, I will have no reservations of showing you the presence and power of one of New Era’s foundation …. and crash your shallow and fragile arrogance … under the weight and strength of my fighting spirit.”

“Understand this, Mister Entertainment … the Tact Legacy does not need money, or to be lavished with approval to nourish the ego. It is about the squared battlefield … giving one’s all to garner the respect that is deserved … because through victory, and taking a place at the pinnacle of this sport … is to have survived many a challenge, given many a thrill … and to have garnered respect, even from those who do not wish to give it. I would not expect or demand your respect, Mister Entertainment … however, I will gain it, regardless, in due time. I do not require your presence in the ring to do it … as I have already banked my Championship opportunity. I do not require money to gain it … or fame … or the very “image” of New Era to revolve around my vision. I merely require the passion to achieve, and to set out and achieve. And unlike fragile egos … you will find it is not so difficult to stop my spirit, in battle … when I am possessed by that goal.”

“Donovan Astros … I did make note of you in the past. It was an extremely brief note, due to your stay in the territory was so brief. You seemed quite disingenuous and unlike the confident competitor you spoke of. Perhaps, if you had remained … I would have seen that competitor. Regardless, I will make use of what I know … and that is a man who is supposed to be quite talented. Donovan Astros … one who can be truly great … but often forfeits his connection with the Spirit of the Ring. I doubt you would even recognize it if it hit you, Donovan … since you are so enthralled by your own ego. Your energy is not set in the proper direction for such encounters … and so you forfeit your will to your self-serving whims. Your energy is focused on putting down others … then using what tainted remarks to prop your own confidence, as you would with a crutch.“

“That said, Donovan … I do not feel this sport is not about finding the best ways to offend your opponent. It is about giving back to the Spirit of the Ring, which provides for us all … whether we realize it or not. It is a fuel … an aura that not many understand or acknowledge, anymore. To do so requires respect for the ring, and what it truly means to be in it. You … and to be fair, most others … seem too preoccupied with your own desires and greed-filled intentions to notice the Spirit. But make no mistake … it is present, always … watching for those who respect what it offers. A match such as this … in which the ring will be used by so many … the spirit must be paid tribute … it must receive ample offerings. And you, Donovan, with your inflated ego and greed-filled eyes … your sacrifice in this match will go some way towards pleasing the Spirit … when you take your leave of it…”

“Jonathan Marx … you seem to be emotional as Cameron Cruise tends to be … however, different still. Though I have heard you possess something of a tyrannical side to you … in my view, your heart does not appear to veer towards your own ambitions … so much as the struggle of others. I understand your feelings … I have spent some time in the Far East, even as recently as my training with Larry. It is quite a surreal sight to view the truly disastrous landscape of the Japanese nation. Incredible at its very core meaning … difficult to fathom as reality. However, you seem to also understand that the people of that nation possess some strong qualities. They are survivors … and my feeling is that this will not destroy them. As time does not stop for anyone, it will only further embolden them.”

“Having said that, however … there is still a battle of our own that demands our own focus and attention. We have both crafted part of that nation’s quality into our own respective cloth … and likewise, we are both survivors. Come BattleBrawl, however, only one of us may honor that nation with a victorious performance through battle … and I certainly intend on it being mine. Not because I desire the spotlight, or even the glory … but to thrive in the style that I learned from some of the Far East will certainly be a gratifying nod to the people there. Their influence runs deep and far … and I am only too happy to respect what I have gained from them, by putting the knowledge to apt use … and ascend to still greater reaches, as the Japanese will, going forward …”

“And New Era, too, will carry on, after this BattleBrawl … with those that survive it …”

“Soon we will find … who numbers among them …”

He tosses the mic back to Sam Baxter, who begins to wrap up the proceedings, as Tact raises his and Fanatic’s arms to a mixed reaction from the crowd.



Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
ITT We List What We Hate About Everyone Else

* Donovan Astros RP#2 for BattleBRAWL 3.

Fade into a hotel meeting room. The lights are low, except for a blank projector image cast upon the back wall. Standing between the projector and the wall is Donovan Astros, head lowered seemingly in shame.

ASTROS: I know what you came here for, New ERA fans! I know you were waiting for me to run down each opponent one by one and for me to tell you why they're not gonna throw me out of BattleBRAWL 3! I know that's just what you were looking for!

Astros looks up and shakes his head.

ASTROS: Yeah, I know, it sucks, but it's not like I have some deep-seated blood feud with any of these guys. My path's only crossed with some of these guys and it hasn't been for long. So while I could lie to you and tell you that Larry Tact's going down because he wronged me or Hungry Jack Swanson ate my second helping of pancakes a long time ago or blah blah blah, I'm just gonna tell you the truth. And you know what? A lotta times, the truth cuts deeper than any hype you can put out there.

Astros quickly clicks through a few slides.

ASTROS: Pat Gordon Jr., Hungry Jack Swanson, Michael Montgomery, The Druid? Cricket, cricket. Sounds like the silence that comes over the crowd in stark boredom when you head to the ring. I don't hear you, I don't talk about you. Neeeeeext!

We stop the rapid fire presentation on Cameron Cruise.

ASTROS: Cameron Cruise. My accidental tag team partner. You'll never hear it from him, but he's actually admired my career for a long time, and with good reason! Cameron Cruise more than anyone else in this battle royal knows what I'm capable of, and that's why I'm most fe... well, no, fearful isn't the word. Respectful is probably better. I like being the unknown factor. I like being the surprise element around here. With Cruise, there's no surprise. The only surprise will be to the New ERA fans when I toss Cruise to the concrete below.

And click on to Mr. Entertainment, standing in a spotlight.

ASTROS: Then there's Mr. Entertainment, the least aptly named wrestler in the business today. It's good to see you're so eager to defend 'your' New ERA. I'm sure Shawn Hart would have something to say about that. And The First too. But if you think I'm just here for a paycheck, you sure as hell haven't done your research. Just because I'm here as a favor for a good friend of mine doesn't mean I don't plan on staying. When I get to a company, I like to sink my claws in because the fans just can't get enough of what I can do in the ring. And from the webcasts I've seen, they don't seem to be taking to kindly to 'your' New ERA. I don't blame em, either. if I had to try and keep my eyes open through another spotlit interview from a man calling himself entertaining, I'd... I wouldn't even boo, I'd just turn my back on the ring while he was in there. So I'll do New ERA's fans a favor and make sure you go out early and bring a collective cheer to the Worcester crowd.

Next up...

ASTROS: Jonathan Marx... it seems like your mind's in a different place. I can't blame you. If I had connection to Japan, I'd be scared to death for them too. I know when my mind gets into that dark place, one of two things happens. Either I have the performance of a lifetime, or I do things I'd rather soon forget. We'll see what you got when you step into the BattleBRAWL ring, but tossing you out, Marx? It's not gonna be with as much pleasure as a tool like Mr. Entertainment. Against you, it's just business.

What appears to be a sepia image of Fanatic wrestling Donovan Astros. The logos around the ring are blurred out.

ASTROS: Fanatic, you're right, our paths did cross briefly in another place and another time in my life. Back then on the Ocho, I thought everything should come easy to me. I had all the natural talent that I still have now. I had the cocky edge you guys in New ERA better get used to. But I wasn't putting in the hard work, the sweat, the tears, the dedication that someone has to in order to get what they want in life. I was a snot nosed brat. Now? I'm damn good not only cause I'm natrurally damn good, but because i fight and claw and scratch for it every time I step into the ring! So I might still think I'm better than you, but I'm smart enough to know that just saying it doesn't make it so. That said, Fanatic, I will make it so because, quite simply, when I promis someone something, I make sure it happens. I promised the man that gave me the real opportunity to step up from the independents to the big time that I wouldn't embarrass him or myself. And getting thrown out by you or anyone else in this match after everything I've said? That would be rather embarrassing.

Cut to Fanatic standing next to Larry Tact.

ASTROS: As for your brother, Larry Tact, as fleeting as our paths crossed, Fanatic, that's more experience than I have with your brother. Tact and I have never tangled. When I was tilting at windmills back on the Ocho, I would have killed to take on a name like Larry Tact. At that point in my career, I would have been just crashing myself against the rocks. Now? While the fans might boo you because you're a jerk, they ought to respect you. Your name has the cache of a respected veteran and frankly, I'm kinda surprised you're not in the title match and instead, you're in BattleBRAWL. In terms of experience and resume, you're the most dangerous name in this battle royal. Do I think I can beat you? Of course! Why would I say otherwise? "Gawrsh! I couldn't beat the Starbreaker even if I tried!" Yeah, not that stupid, Larry. This isn't going to be throwing myself at the rocks this time. This'll be Donovan Astros getting to be the cliffs of Dover instead...

And finally, Chaos, tossing bags of crap out of the ring.

ASTROS: That is, if I don't end up getting... what do the New ERA fans say again? Oh, that's right... 'MONSTER'D'. Chaos, you've gone through the most just to get to BattleBRAWL. The door could have been shut on you, but instead you have all the momentum. Everything in New ERA is driving your way right now. But sometimes, Chaos, an outside force derails you. Something out of your control. Something that just isn't a part of the system. Don't kid yourself, Chaos, just because I drive myself from location to location doesn't mean I'm driven. It'd be easy to take your goody demeanor and this silly monstered crap and dismiss you at face value. But I can tell that you want this bad. You want this match more than anyone who's made New ERA their home base. And that's why knocking you out of the system will prove to everyone here that I want to be the New ERA Champion just as bad. That's why tossing you over the top rope, more than tossing out multiple time champions like Larry Tact and Jonathan Marx, THAT will show New ERA's fans that I mean business here. I mean, what kind of monster would take the opportunity to be New ERA Champion away from someone who wants it as bad as you do, Chaos?

An evil grin comes across Astros's face.

ASTROS: What kind of monster indeed...

Fade out.

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