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BB finale

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
(FADEIN: SIRI and RUSSELL sitting on the infamous GREEN COUCH OF DOOM, the only two people left in the Big Brother House, on a TV Screen we see the 7 members of the Jury, HOLLY, JOHN, DAN, CADENCE, MARC, SHANE, and CASEY, who've been holed up in the sequester house. EMILY sits with them, in front of EMILY is the KEY HOLDER OF DOOM, which contains 7 keys.)

EMILY: "Well folks, this is it, the end of this exciting season of Big Brother...Siri and Russell...You've made it this far...One of you will win a half million dollars and the title of winner of the show, the other will have to survive off only 50,000...The first to get to 4 votes wins..."

EMILY: "The first key is Holly's...(Unlocks Key.) She votes for Russell to win...(RUSSELL nods, he and SIRI are now holding hands on the couch.)

EMILY: "The second key is John's...(Unlocks Key) He votes for Siri to win."

(Both RUSSELL and SIRI appear more nervous)

EMILY: "The third key is Casey's...(Unlocks Key) He votes for Siri to win."

(SIRI lets out a deep breath, RUSSELL looks tense.)

EMILY: "Dan's key is next...(Unlocks key) He votes for Russell to win. We are now tied at two."

RUSSELL: "It's close..." (SIRI nods)

EMILY: "Cadence's key is next...(Unlocks Key) She votes for Russell to win...Russell now leads three to two"

(SIRI nods a bit dejected...RUSSELL's heart beats out of his chest.)

EMILY: "John's key is next...(Unlocks Key) He votes for Siri to win. We are deadlocked at three. There is only one vote left, and it is Marc's vote."

(MARC laughs sitting on his stool.)

MARC: "I honestly flipped a coin, the two of 'em ganged up on me and got rid of me, didn't want to vote for either one, but I had to."

EMILY: (Chuckles at MARC's comments.) "Very well...The winner of Big Brother is...(Unlocks key) RUSSELL...(RUSSELL hugs SIRI who returns it, with a bit less cheer. The two of them leave the Big Brother House for the first time in 3 months, SIRI getting a big hug from her boyfriend, while RUSSELL is grabbed by his younger brother and mom.)

EMILY: "Thank you all for watching this season of Big Brother, as Russell has won the final vote over Siri by the smallest of margins, 4-3...Congrats to all who played and see you next time on Big Brother!"

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