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Evildoer #2

League Member
Mar 13, 2013
Handler Information

Name: pg
Preferred Method of Handling: I like angles, I like roleplaying involving angles
Best Way to Contact You: PM

Writing Sample

The man in the suit sat silently, stroking his chin as he watched the flickering images on the screen. Across the desk from the man in the suit was an eager man with black curly hair, wearing a faded black sweatshirt sporting the Georgia Tech logo in the corner, who was trying to read the mind of the man in the suit.

"Here's the thing," the eager man said, "I know these clips are over a decade old. I know they're not showing you anything special. To be honest, I hadn't really given it my all, back in the day and I never thought I'd need to go back and try it again."

The man in the suit arched an eyebrow and looked at the eager man.

"But, now...?"

The eager man took a deep breath and was trying very hard not to look like he was trying hard to be sincere as he explained, "Things have changed...and I need this. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes...to be whatever you need me to be."

The man in the suit turned his attention to the papers on the desk. Many of the pages were weathered and worn...and the black and white photographs were obviously of the eager man in much younger days.

"I'm probably in better shape than I was in college," the eager man offered, as a way of distracting the man in the suit from fully engaging his doubts. "I've got a concept...a moveset...and, most importantly of all...I've got no ego."

The man in the suit couldn't help but laugh at this claim. He'd heard many hopeful young men tout their abilities and their skills--but he never once met a potential professional wrestler who claimed to have no ego.

"Right now, you've got a very talented roster...full of bad men and bad women, all needing to put a hurt on somebody," the eager man said, hoping to impress with his awareness of the product. "Let them put the hurt on me."

The man in the suit began tapping his pen against his desk.

"Is that what this is for you?" he asked the eager man. "Do you get off on getting hurt or something?"

"No. I'm just letting you know that if you have jobs that need doing...I'm interested in getting paid to do those jobs."

On the screen, a much younger version of the eager man is seen executing a fairly decent Scorpion Death Drop on some flabby mook. The man in the suit was trying to project from what he was seeing what the eager man actually had to offer.

"All right, Bruce," he said, without betraying much confidence in his imagination. "Why don't you tell me what your concept is?"

The eager man smiled. He'd stuck his foot in the door and the man of the house was willing to hear him pitch his Fuller brushes.

"OK. Do you remember the Killer Bees from the early years of Saturday Night Live?"

The man in the suit squinted his eyes as he looked carefully at the eager man.

"How old ARE you, Bruce?"

"I'm 32 years old...and YouTube is a wonderful thing."

"Go on."

"So, this was a recurring sketch--"

"The Killer Bees?"

"Yeah. They'd have these really cheesy looking bee costumes. Black sneakers with yellow laces. Black tights. A lumpy yellow and black bodysuit with black sleeves."

"Right. And deeley-boppers on their heads."

The man in the suit blinked slowly as the realization that he'd just used the term "deeley-boppers" unironically for the first time in more than three decades.

"Yeah...bright yellow deely-boppers," agreed the eager man. "I would add a hooded mask--covering my head but leaving my mouth and jaw exposed."

The man in the suit nodded, expecting there to be more of an explanation to what the eager man had in mind. The moment lingered long enough for the man in the suit to realize his expectatins weren't going to be met.

"So, you'd be a bee then?"


"A wrestling bee."

"The Aggressive Bee," said the eager man, as if that explained anything. "It's got a good hook for wrestling. Bees are small but people are afraid of them. Bees fly. Bees sting. Bees can even kill."

"Yeah...and bees are easily swatted away," the man in the suit countered.

"Ahhhh, but they're also tenacious. They keep coming back, even after being swatted away."

The man in the suit leaned back in his chair and stared at the acoustic tiles that made up the ceiling of his office. He tried to imagine what it would be like if the superstars of the wrestling promotion that he worked for were in the ring, putting a serious beatdown on a man dressed up in a bee costume.

"And you'd be a face?"

The eager man nodded. He explained, "I can be the plucky comic relief. I can be the well-meaning rube that is imperiled by the mean, rule breaking bad guys. And, if the fans take to me and I can shake off this ring rust, I can even earn an occasional credibility-enhancing victory to justify all of that suffering."

He smiled at the thought, forgetting how he was selling himself to the man in the suit, as a means by which his company's employees could define their excellence. He quickly recovered the through-line of his proposal.

"Of course, it would be mostly me getting my ass-kicked. I know that. I'm prepared for that. And again, I can assure you that's a job that I'm prepared to do well."

The man in the suit looked hard at the eager man. There had to be a story behind this. There had to be a reason he was looking for a career based in masochism. He simply couldn't manage to piece the puzzle together from the pieces laid out in front of him.

The eager man's previous experience in this industry was all ancient history--wrestling was something he did in college and for a couple of years out of college. He left the game when he'd gone back to school to study medicine. After that, he'd moved back to his hometown of Boston and seemed to be successful in the straight world.

And now, here he was...in his office...begging for a butt monkey job.

There was at least a piece or two missing.

"Why are you doing this, Bruce?" he finally just came right out and asked.

The eager man looked him dead square in the eyes and replied without hesitation.

"Because your checks don't bounce."

The man in the suit clicked his pen a couple of times, trying to read any sense of doubt in the eager man's mind. He didn't read any.

He needed money. He was willing to work for that money. He didn't seem to want anything but money.

That made the picture a little clearer.

And what he was offering to do was, as he'd suggested, something they needed people to do. And he wasn't asking for more than he'd be worth. And he could be easily discarded if he proved not to be up to the job.

But something about the eager man made the man in the suit believe that he might just last long enough and suffer horribly until that one night where the unthinkable might actually be possible.

And that's good business.

Even in Defiance.

Wrestler Information

Ring Name: Bee (or The Aggressive Bee)
Real Name: Bruce Paullin
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 195lbs

Hailing From: Boston, Mass (he went to college at Georgia Tech, a decade ago)

Alignment: Face

Gimmick: He's the Aggressive Bee. He dresses up in a silly looking bee costume. His attempts at showmanship often go wrong. He's designed to be a slapstick comedy character, curtain jerking jobber who takes insane bumps and punishment...while having a very serious backstory as to why he's allowing himself to be used in such a way.

Wrestling Style: High Flying Bump Machine

Three Weaknesses:
1) Inexperience (and/or Ring Rust)
2) Undersized
3) Botch prone

Three Strengths:
1) High Tolerance For Pain
2) Fearless
3) Willing To Look Foolish


Ten regular moveset moves:
1) Knife Edge Chop
2) Forearm Smash (when repeated, call it a "Swarm")
3) Drop Kick
4)Springboard Forearm Smash
5)Springboard Elbow Drop
6)Springboard Splash
7)Diving Crossbody
8)Vertical Suplex
9)Rolling Lariat
10)Slingshot Plancha

Five trademark moves:

1) Venom Drop (Inverted DDT/Scorpion Death Drop--minor finisher)
2) Top Rope Injection (Top Rope Diving Headbutt--minor finisher)
3) Cut Under Neckbreaker
4) Dragon Screw
5) Jumping Knee Drop

Finishing Move: B-ZZZZZZZ (Go To Sleep)
Submission Finishing Move: Death Lock (Sharpshooter)

MDK Finishing Move: Anaphylactic Deathsting (Heart Punch--should be threatened from time to time but rarely if ever used)

Working On: Buzzkill (Sternness Dust Gamma/Wrist Clutch Fisherman Brainbuster--he should mess this up if he tries it)

THEME SONG: "The Aggressive Bee" by MC Mr. Napkins http://youtu.be/_Qp_nMntvR8
(Seriously, watch the video. Bruce Paullin looks a lot like a slightly beefier version Zach Sherwin, aka MC Mr. Napkins, and this clip was the inspiration for the character.)


League Member
May 5, 2012

No. Not with this character/gimmick.


League Member
Apr 12, 2008
Oh gosh.

Look dude, I want you in Defiance as a handler, but can't you come up with a gimmick that isn't a complete plagiarism of a real wrestler or something that couldn't get over as a Chikara midcarder? I'm getting serious Retail Dragon vibes from this.

Seriously, play as Brutal Lee Frank, or join as a trio with Don Logan, Big Jim Walker and... I dunno I don't remember how many of the guys you had in PSW were staff-handled characters of yours' and c.'s and how many had handlers. But I know you've got good unique characters. So please. Swat the Bee, and apply with someone else.

Is Solomon King still alive?

Evildoer #2

League Member
Mar 13, 2013
I freely admit to knowing absolutely nothing about Chikara that I don't see on Botchamania, so there was no Retail Dragon theft intended here.

Now, I suppose I could try to defend where I intended to take The Aggressive Bee--and I do think there's more here than what you think there is, but part of the problem in putting him up on the boards is that one doesn't want to put every potential storyline hook into a character's application and then have nothing to write about if that character is accepted.

Simply put, it didn't grab you guys...that's fine. Back to the factory to put something else together.

Evildoer #2

League Member
Mar 13, 2013
Seriously, play as Brutal Lee Frank, or join as a trio with Don Logan, Big Jim Walker and... I dunno I don't remember how many of the guys you had in PSW were staff-handled characters of yours' and c.'s and how many had handlers. But I know you've got good unique characters. So please. Swat the Bee, and apply with someone else.

Is Solomon King still alive?

Bless your Untouchable little heart, Jeff. It's always nice to know that stupid shit that I came up with and helped write is still remembered eleven years later.

Of course, what you don't know is that I'm still writing and talking about most of those guys with some of the others who helped out back in the day--and we still plot out storylines (though, we're awful at actually posting any of those storylines on the website that we created for it.)

Brutal Lee Frank is retired and an announcer (he was going to be the Tony Kornheiser-type in the secondary show that I pitched for DEF last year.) Don Logan has become a referee. Big Jim Walker didn't even make it through the Rebellion-era PSW and his whereabouts are unknown (Big Jim wasn't one of mine...or c.'s... I think he was Eric's, who also ran Able Baker Charley and Mohktar Haouari.)

And "Mastermind" Solomon King just lost a "loser retires" match on the winter PPV (to, ironically, enough, a character that is a mute/masked version of Niklas Kiri.)

Don't think that I hadn't considered applying to DEF with MSK. The idea of a rematch of MSK and Christian Light--to settle the scores from the CAL's Reindeer Games (MSK ended up with metal plates in his deformed head after that) appeals to the "Myths & Legends" side of my brain.

The problem, if I'm entirely honest, is that I've been writing non-competitively for over a decade now. It's one thing to write a monster character who is the master at Xanatos Gambits...it's another thing to have to show that, in comparison and competition against other writers who are actively trying to deny your character's ability to be what he is...

And, as strange as this is to say, but MSK matters too much to me, in my mind, to throw him to the wolves and let my competitive e-wrestling rust have him be ripped to shreds because I'm not as strong of a competitive writer to write him the way he deserves to be written.

I'll come up with something better than The Aggressive Bee, something I can actually write for (which was one of the problems I had with Niklas Kiri) and something that might work here.


League Member
Apr 12, 2008
You know what, I absolutely and completely understand that.

On the other hand, since the days of the CAL I've probably had in the neighborhood of 12 different runs with Jack Cassidy or Roger Stevens or, Ronnie Long trying to do the chip off the rust and ease back into RPing thing. It never did work with Jack. Justin likes Roger now, but back when he was active refused to push him. Long got over just long enough to win the WfWA World Title, but the WfWA was on its last legs and the whole thing was not entirely unlike Justin Credible winning the ECW World Title. Or for anyone who follows Dragon Gate, Ryo Saito winning the Dream Gate but only because he was feuding with CIMA and whoever was feuding with CIMA at the time would've been over, but not on his own merits. The only new character I've ever actually been able to get over is Yoshikazu YAZ.

What I'm getting at is sometimes it helps to throw a character you're comfortable writing with back into the deep end. Trying something new is hit or miss, and it's probably helpful to be warmed up before you even try it.
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