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Before Aggression


League Member
Nov 1, 2005
Irishred is seen outside of the arena. He has set up a booth right in front of the main entrance. A crowd has gathered around. The camera pans across the merchandise. A1E, MBE and UCW T-shirts, sweatshirts, caps and jerseys. A1E videotapes. The best of MBE Hardcore DVDs. UCW Night OF Champions Special Edition DVD. Tickets to UCW New Yeas in Hell featuring Irishred versus The First for the title. The TEAM Tournament round 1 and 2 DVD. Tickets for A1E Bloody New Year PPV. The book "MidWest Mafia running hard and running fast" by Shane "Irishred" Gerlach. Irishred wears an MBE Hardcore Title replica belt and UCW visor. He is making change for customers and laughing.

Hey is that camera on?

The camera moves up and down in a yes answer.

Outstanding. Hey Danny. Just thought you'd like to know that I went and got myself a sales tax license. Thought I'd do a little selling here. You know show people what a real league is all about. I thought I would just enlighten the masses about what real wrestling is. I thought I'd do what I can to screw you.

Why Danny? Why must I do this?

It's because I care Danny. It's simply because I care. Not about you kid...but about the business. Anything I can do to hurt you...that's good for the business.

Jeez these people are spending tons of money here. I doubt they'll have anything left to spend on merchandise once they get inside. What a shame. What a crying shame.

Oh yeah...before I get back to work here. It's really a shame I lost that match isn't it. Gotta hate that. It's a shame you are paying me to lose. You'd think someone of my talent and experience would have put up a better fight. Hmmm.

Think on that while I keep making money at your expense.

Later Danny. Later.

Irishred turns back to the crowd and continues to do huge business.


League Member
Nov 1, 2005
you update you rotton bastard. UPDATE! WHY DO YOU MOCK ME!?!?!

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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