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Before Black Dawn


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
(OORP... nothing to do with the match... just some building here...)


(Fade in... Beast once again in front of an A1E backdrop.)

Beast: It seems as though I've got a new brother... a brother in arms. Another one that's been a charter member of the ranks of the "I've been F*cked by Dan Ryan" club.

Welcome aboard, SB. It's great to know that there's still guys out there like you that will stand up and do the right thing, no matter what the consequences.

But, I'm not here to blow sunshine up Rossi's ass. I don't need to. The guy's a top-notch talent, and he's got a good head on his shoulders. What I *am* here for, is to make somewhat of an announcement.

For anyone that's been living under a rock for the past week or so, some huge sh*t went down at A1E's Sudden Death. Guys with the fighting spirit of my boy SB over here have found a way to bring A1E back from the brink... to give us a fighting shot at ending Ryan's GIGANTIC ego-trip once and for all. All f*cking HELL is going to break loose, and I can tell that some of the biggest guns in the business are going to be involved. There's a whole bunch of HEROES in A1E.

But over here in EPW, most the roster is filled with p*ssies, whiners, spineless b*tches, and slaves to the almighty dollar. It doesn't matter what's right or wrong here. It's about who can make your wallet the fattest.

I guess the old saying is true... everyone in EPW has their price.

But there's a chosen few... guys like me, James Irish, SB... that price is just too damned high.

At Black Dawn, all of you need to be ready. The match between me and SB is basically meaningless, but that's not going to stop us from outshining absolutely everyone else on the card... but along with wrestling ability that no one in EPW can match...

I'm bringing along a secret weapon.


That he can never... EVER be bought.

(Fade out.)

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