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Ben reaches out! He must want something!

Rook Black

Live Long and Pants.
Jul 20, 2007
Bedford, OH
Hey gang, I was wondering if I could lean on you a bit for some help.

There's a contest to win a chance to be included in the audiobook recording for the 10th Anniversary edition of Neil Gaiman's novel American Gods. So, I submitted an entry which is passing acceptable. But the actual judging only happens to the top 20 recordings by internet voting.


Would you consider voting for me on this?

What you'll certainly need to know is that Harper Collins is using this as a major grab of people's information, so people signing up to vote will need to create a bookperks related ID to submit their vote, and that will include some contact information for the usual nefarious corporate purposes. But once someone creates an ID, they can vote for me once each day. This would really help since I came into the contest late, and folks do indeed have a good head start on me. But with enough folks helping me out and doing the repeat voting, I think I might have a decent shot at overtaking the leaders.


That's the link to my entry, and the page where they can vote (after the signing up ordeal of course).

Now, people could listen to the audio if they feel that something like that is necessary. But I am blatantly asking for folks to just vote for me. Sure, other people might be prettier, or sound better, or be genuinely more talented than me, but come on, does anyone really have time to listen to over a thousand people read the exact same paragraph? Of course not. I'll just take that vote then, thank you very much, hold my place in the top twenty, and finally lose to the girl with the sexiest voice.


Rook Black

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