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Billy Matthews vs. "Gentleman" Jonathan Marx



Aftermath 01

(Fade in to a water-soaked Matthews. Sitting on a bench in the locker room, he entertains us with a slight grin. Then, his eyes tighten and the smile fish-hooks down.)

Matthews: "It is now, that I must walk amongst the giants that have forged this familiar path. These giants, while no strangers, seem awkwardly larger than before. Perhaps I am out of my element, or, perhaps, we have grown as one, towering over each other for so long. The post-calm storm plays favorite to the hired and skillful mercenary, while the clawed beast waits in the distances. Scorned and reluctant, the beast knows the two paths, yet realizes that the holier-than-thou antagonist and the untamed perpetual energy that stands by him are not to be trusted. I linger somewhere on the horizon, casting my decisions and protecting my bets. I hold true to that which I believe, yet I am urged to twist Fate when I can and when I will. The past which many thought to consume me only strengthens the alliances that I have made and propells me into choices of experiences that I have not yet taken. I know where the boundary lines lie and I know which paths down the river of Glory are lined with stones. I, unlike many, do not try to dodge the rocks at which I may encounter, but rather brace myself and ride on through, since it is the entire river, the entire gauntlet which must be run. Sidelining and narrow-minded individuals usually find themselves in the very place that they tend to run - the gutter. I am here to prove myself to everyone once again. I am here to prolong my allies. I am here."

(Fade out - stern glare to black picture)


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
RE: Aftermath 01

::Jonathan Marx is sleeping in his bed and Brandon Jacobs comes into the room to wake him up to do his interviews::

BRANDON JACOBS: Come on Jonathan, wake up, we have to go down to the studios to do some interviews.

::Jonathan Marx rolls over so he is facing away from Jacobs::

JONATHAN MARX: Why bother? King Krusher continues to give me these cookie cutter opponents with no substance. It really isn't worth the effort.

BRANDON JACOBS: Well, Krusher pays pretty well, all things considering...

JONATHAN MARX: This is the second opponent in a row I've faced with no respect for this business. He thinks he is a 1980s British Punk star dying his hair red. Last time I looked, it was 2003. I could see if he had to dye his hair like the members of the GLCW booking committee, but he actually thinks it looks better this way.

::rolls over to face Brandon::

How many of the greats in their sports dyed their hair so they would look like a freak so that people would notice them? Let me count on one hand, a big fat goose egg.

BRANDON JACOBS: Maybe he is trapped in the 80s or something, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get up and go down to the studio to cut a promo against this guy.

JONATHAN MARX: He is a clown, what else could you call someone who does a shooting star press?

::gets up and starts motioning what he is saying to Brandon::

Do you realize Brandon that move isn't any more effective than the standard top rope splash? Yet the move is botched ten times more often... It simply is a move done for flash to pop the crowd. If someone isn't careful and doesn't get a full rotation, they could crash down on the mat and break their neck... OR WORSE.

BRANDON JACOBS: Yeah, but when someone six foot tall does a move like that, it is really cool.

JONATHAN MARX: Get off the funny tobacco Brandon, it is moves like the shooting star press that are ruining our sport. We are nothing more than a glorified circus to those people doing all these insane stunts.

All of my fellow workers are going to wind up in wheelchairs by the time they are thirty because they can't work effectively enough to become popular on their own merits by merely wrestling.

BRANDON JACOBS: Wrestling is a dirty word to this younger crowd Jonathan, they don't know any better. Nobody has gone out there and shown them what wrestling is. You have to show these kids the way.

JONATHAN MARX: Maybe you are right, but it is so hard to do on your own Brandon. Nobody cares about this sport anymore. But if I have to do it alone, I will. Let’s go to the studio to cut that promo.

BRANDON JACOBS: You might want to get out of your pajamas first.

JONATHAN MARX: Awe bloody hell...



Leading the Blind to Slaughter

(Fade in. Billy Matthews, drenched in water or sweat, sits on a bench in a locker room. He takes a deep breath and pushes his hair back, showing his face. Tired, yet determined to cut this interview, he looks toward the camera.)

Matthews: "Tragic, really, that my absence brews such an identity failure. Pity, really, that my attitude and style draws misconceived conclusion. Shocking, really, that I become the young punk with no respect, yet many a time I have had to play the role of the unsatisfied grandfather and guide the students of the business in the hardest way. Talk of me as if I'm not around and you're shallow self shall show. Assume I am young and inferior and watch my youthful energy untangle and engulf you in a blinding mass of pain. Laugh at me and listen as the fans taunt your failure as you lie pinned on that mat. Scoff me as a pointless test and hang your head when you fail. Look into my eyes, Mr. Marx. See the error of your ways. Digest the truth that you were in fact wrong about me. Train to overcome your underestimated ideas. Live this match like it is your last. Thank me when it is not. Smile now, laugh now, have fun now, because after me, your life may crush you. Insecurities bleed themselves different ways. Arrogance is apparently your drug of choice. Sad, really, what I must do to climb the ladder. Marvelous, however, is the feeling that I get when I put people to rest."

(Fade out)


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
Leave the Poetry for the Professionals

{Jonathan Marx is walking through the Poe House in Baltimore, Maryland)

JONATHAN MARX: Do you not understand anything that you read Billy? Do you not understand why Edgar Allan Poe stood out like few others did? Besides from his beautiful poetic style, he was ORIGNAL. He did something that other people DID NOT and he did it WELL.

Young Billy Matthews, your ripping off Edgar Allan Poe is so stodgy. Do you just recycle other people's work or do you occasionally have thoughts of your own? I want to face Billy Matthews, the wrestler, not some character needs to don a persona in order to get themselves over. I am embarrassed. Because you have not only disgraced the name of wrestling, but Edgar Allan Poe himself.

Do you really think that the GLCW Television audience is a collection of illiterate hicks who haven’t read the canon of the classic writers ? Your lack of respect for the fans that pay our salaries puts a hatred in my raging hatred in heart, which can only be satisfied once I stretch you in the middle of the ring.

The only grandfatherly quality that you have is your foolishness. You are no more a role model to youngsters than King Krusher is. Hell, I’d even go as far to say that you worse.

I’m glad to see that you are in the gym working out, at least you have a good work ethic and realize that you need to be in shape to have a chance. But you don’t, once I lock in Marxism, it will be all over for you just like it was all over for everyone who came before you.

Old School wrestling will live again and the likes of you will be made to conform or will be shown the door. Wrestling is where we as wrestlers belong, leave your stage for the professionals.


Of Economics and Horror Flix

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-03 AT 04:53 PM (EST)](Fade in. Billy Matthews, standing next to the window of his apartment, gazes outside. He takes a deep breath, exhales, and begins speaking.)

Matthews: "Mr. Marx has proven why ignorance is no excuse. Admittedly, his lack of comprehesion agitates me. His mislabeling slander has once again proven to be a concern. Why, Mr. Marx, would I dare parallel with Edgar Allen Poe? Do you make weak correlations with my 'gothic' attitude and the elusiveness and dreariness of Mr. Poe? Or is it that you've never had the pleasure of enjoying rhetoric beyond the level of a third grader? Perhaps, you have been fortunate enough to walk through your GLCW career with no competition. It would certainly account for your claimed technical greatness. Then again, even Jean Rabesque looks like a technical
genius when facing some random peon. I would advise, at this point, that you take a step back. Put on your reading glasses and travel down the road of my past. You might be shocked to realize that I helped make the FWF what it was. I tore through the WWL in its last days. Now, I intend to make my name here in GLCW. If you are what you say that you are Mr. Marx then the Fates have truly shined on me this day. If you are what you say that you are Mr. Marx, our match will propel me into the higher ranks in no time. Of course, I've faced the men on the top before. I've battled Rabesque. I've stared Maelstrom. I circled around Manson's destruction. I've witnessed Anarky's rage. It would be old times for me. Soon enough, I will be there. What remains to be seen is where you will be in all this mess, Mr. Marx. Will you still be feeding on those that are on their way up or will you plummet downward, holding your ears as all the has-beens and wash-ups laugh at you. You intend to
lock your patented 'Marxism' on me? Let's just hope that if that unlikely moment does come, it is stronger than Karl Marx's 'paper-tiger' theory with which it shares a name. Let's hope, Mr. Marx, that you words speak true of your ability or it will be a walk in the park for me and you will be known - nevermore."

(Fade out)

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