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Blabber, Rant and Rave


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
SW Chicago


I just wanted to let you all know that Paul Miller has stepped down as VP of GLCW to due to creative differences (yeah I know, the old excuse). I just want to thank him for attempting to help me out with the league and wish him luck in the future. But don't worry folks, GLCW will go on.

GLCW President Scott Malec


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Forget a title for this. I'm too tired

Ok, to start this off i'll throw out my thoughts on Marty Jannetty. He's a druggy (from what i hear) and there's no way in hell he's coming back. Nuff said.

Ok, my next order of business is basically whatever hits me as i type.

Seeing that RAW has the hardcore division why not bring back Terry Funk if he's still wrestling? He's old and crazy but i'd like to see Hogan or Flair do a moonsault. (no offense to either of them)

The Rock vs. Flair was an awesome match. Flair held his own but i really thought the ending was disrespectful. I mean The Rock popping up like nothing happened and then getting the win was dumb. What they should have done was a small package when Flair went for the figure four or some kind of a pin combination. This way here The Rock wins and Flair keeps more dignity and was just not the "better man" that night.

PPPPLLLLEEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEE TURN JERICHO FACE!!!! I don't care what he did in WCW, the fact is that in 2002 he'd make a better babyface. Also, now that he's on RAW, we could have Jericho vs Beniot or Guerrero. I wouldn't complain...how bout u?

If Booker T put Michaels through the window will somebody please get me a bucket because i will definitely puke.

Why are people still wondering if Michaels will get in the ring? Would they have pushed it this far if he wouldn't? After all of this he wouldn't wrestle? To use a quote from the movie Crimson Tide: "You don't put on a condom unless you're gonna f*@$!"

Even though we've seen this anti American angle before you gotta admit, it'll make for a good launching pad for their single careers. Also, on a personal note, If i had my way the winner of the King of the Ring would have been Lance Storm. Then at summerslam, you'd have The Rock vs. Lance Storm. Damn that'd be cool. For those of you who don't know too much about Storm, just substitute Bret Hart only with a little more high flying ability.

Does bringing 4 guys from Smackdown help Raw more or hurt Smackdown more? All i can say that Steph will probably bring some guys of her own to her show this thursday.

Screw McMahon, Mae Young has got balls the size of grapefruits (metaphorically speaking). She's about 80 years old and she lets a guy over 300 pounds squash her! She's nuts!

With Jericho going to Raw i'm a little saddened that he and Edge couldn't have had at least one more match.

Bischoff is great on tv, he knows how to work a microphone and the crowd. Thank God he's back. Does anyone else think he's hilarious with his 3 minute segments? And the movement of the announcer's table like it was at Nitro was a nice touch.

I agree that the splitting of the announcing teams is pretty cool but i have 2 problems. #1. The traditional part of me says there should be only 1 "A Team" and they do the pay per views, #2. Why have Cole and Tazz call some Raw matches and vice versa? Have the 1st part of the show Smackdown so they can call those matches and then have Lawler and JR call the Raw matches. Why does it make sense to have them announce matches that contain feuds they haven't been calling on tv?

Yes, i am a mark for the old undertaker...no no, not the one that lead the ministry with that ridiculous goatee. I'm talking about the purple gloves (or gray) and turning on the lights....HOWEVER, i do like that biker angle and right now i'm loving his current gig. He's now back to a face (lets face it, was he EVER truly a heal during his heal run?) and he's just kicking ass. Why? Because he likes to. I love it.

With the tag belts on Raw what happens to Billy and Chuck? Does anyone else think that EVERY title holder should be able to go on both shows?

Well that's it for now, ttyl, bye:)

Showtime Steven James


RE: Changes...

Does this mean there is an opening within GLCW??????


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
I Like it Raw

After watching Raw tonight i'm reminded of why i'm a wrestling fan. I believe this was one of the better shows in a while. It had everything i want out of a show. I loved every match, however there is one match i would like to point out and that was the main event.

Awesome...simply awesome. This match rocked the house and had the fans on the edge of their seats. It was phenomenal. The best part was when with Booker T in the ring the fans started cheering for Taker. Now, Booker could have tagged him in early and get a normal pop but they waited until the crowd couldn't take it. The crowd was deafening, the damn roof was ready to blow and just when the crowd peaked, TAG!!! In came Taker and kicked a$$. Other aspects i liked was the speed and agility showed by Goldust (i forgot just how fast he can be), Booker T's psychology in the ring to make the fans "feel it" and of course the electriciy of the Rock. This was a perfect sundae, however the only thing i would have liked would have been a Michaels run in. That would have been the cherry on top of the sundae but oh well, we'll have to wait until next week which is a feeling they haven't been giving for a while. The anticipation for next weeks show is back and i've missed it. Over the last month or so that feeling has come back and let me tell you i've missed it.

Just some random thoughts:

Will Big Show bring back his drop kick?

Is there anyway possible, with modern technology and medicine that we can undo shawn michael's previous back surgery and replace it with the new one that so many superstars are receiving today?

Even though she's not as annoying i still feel that maybe Mick Foley would have been a better Smackdown GM. Or maybe Vince Russo.

I don't know about you but on Aug. 25 i will be saying a few prayers in hopes that when Michaels faces Triple H nothing goes wrong that would put Michaels in a wheelchair.

Does anyone find it ironic that Austin walked out of Raw which is the show that has the phrase "We're in this together" in it's theme song?

Props to Hogan for putting over Lesnar. This is a man who has battled out of bear hugs from Bundy and Andre. I believe Hogan is doing the right thing with the end of his career.

Speaking of Hogan, wasn't he suppose to fight Vince at SummerSlam?

This past Raw probably had the most signs that were mispelled. True, i may not win any spelling b contests but if i'm gonna bring a sign that will be seen by millions of people well then i'm gonna double check...but that's just me.

By the way..it's RIC FLAIR!!!! GET THE K OUT!!

Why does the WWE insist on putting Howard Finkel in any kind of an angle??? He's a ring announcer, end of story.

Does anyone else get flashbacks of Doink and Dink when they see Goldust and Minidust?

The Kane tease served no point. Every person in that arena was pissed off and honestly? So was I.

Well that's it for this rant, bye:)

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Miami, Florida
RE: I Like it Raw

Speak for yourself! My heart stopped when the pyro hit. As for Finkel, it's hilarious to hear things like that said with an announcer voice, like "This SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! YOU CAN GO LICK ME, #####!". I enjoyed it.
"Life is what happens when you're making other plans"
-John Lennon


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Which Way Should He Go?

This little rant of mine will be about Kane and where his placement apparently is.

Is it the best idea to put Kane on Raw? I am not so sure for one simple reason and that reason is that the undertaker is on Raw as well. If kept on Smackdown i believe that Kane would have the best opportunity he's ever had to step out from under his brother's shadow for good. Not to mention that with taker on raw and kane on smackdown it sets a pretty good balance when it comes to big guys. Also, if i have to witness another taker vs kane match i will throw up for days. Lets face it, these 2 have had some of the most boring matches known to man. They're match (i forget which pay per view) that had austin as the referee and lead to his "firing" was so bad that it ranked up there with al snow vs bossman in a kettle match.

Now, i will give taker credit because during most of their matches he had a broken foot which limited his mobility and caused him to put Kane in a leg hold for 20 minutes. However, the match they had when taker 1st came back as the american bad ass wasn't nothing to cheer about seeing that it saw taker trying to take off his mask for 15 minutes. They're styles are too much alike to pull off a really good match. So, unless they want another inferno match (which i thought was actually descent) they better not start up that feud.

Kane on smackdown would make him his own man and could do nothing more but help his career even though smackdown is centered around the cruiserweights.

Well that's it for now but i will leave with a quote that i believe is as true a statement as can be as it pertains to wrestling.

"It's not the belt that makes the wrestler, it's the wrestler that makes the belt."

I thought of it while driving because i was thinking of all the guys that have had a belt but it did nothing for their career. And u know what? I'll leave with the funniest quote i heard all week:

"I can't believe i lost to a freakin 12 year old!" -Kurt Angle

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Just Wanted to Say Thanks

This isn't a rant or anything, i just wanted to tell Hawk that i enjoyed rp'ing against him. Trust me, i've had some real sucky ones in the past, it was a breath of fresh air to actually have someone that could cut a good promo. Now, i'm not saying that i'm really good, to some people i'm probably far from it, but some people that i went against in the past were so bad they made me look like the rock. well that's it, thanks again. bye:)

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Statesville United States
Lydia looked AWESOME tonight

Hey fellas, I was watching the 8/22 edition of Smackdown tonight (they taped this past Tuesday in Fayetteville) and I have a few rhetoriacl questions.....

1. Why didn't Kurt Angle beat the hell out of Rey Mysterio during Mysterio's "interview?"

2. Why didn't Angle try to "break Kidman's ankle?"

3. Did Lydia look hot in those Daisy Dukes or what? (She has noooo bush.)

4. Shouldn't Batista change his name to something....normal?

5. Is Setph banished from Smackdown or was she just not whining this week?

6. Who hopes Triple H kicks the living s*** out of Yawn Michaels this Sunday?

and finally.....

7. Who on earth DOESN'T know that Lesnar will be the next WWE Champion??? (Goldberg will jump from the crowd at Summerslam and kick the crap out of him I hope).


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Better Late Than Ever

I just wanted to throw some thoughts from SummerSlam. Yes, i know it's late but i've been busy and as always i'd like to get them off my chest. So here we go:

Michaels is one crazy SOB. How in God's name did he pull that match off? THAT is what a pay per view match is all about. When Michaels kicked up like the rock does i almost jumped out of my seat. His aerial assaults had me hold my breath for quite a while. In my view this was definite match of the year candidate. Will he wrestle again? Hey, if he doesn't he left us with one hell of a send off.

The tag team match was better than i thought. Their toughest challenge was not to get burried under every other match, i think they stood out well.

Angle and Mysterio was a good match with a lot of action. My only question is when is Angle going to get the title shot he deserves? As a matter of fact i'll hit on that later.

Howard Finkel....If there is a God he will announce and ONLY announce. Please no more angles because everyone of them always lends itself to another tuxedo match that he always loses.

Taker is better than ever. Nuff said.

Don't get me wrong i like RVD but he's got to get a few different moves. I understand that unlike some wrestlers who have 4 or 5 signature moves and he has like 10-15 but i'd like to see some inbetween moves. I really don't care what, a bodyslam, a suplex...anything to mix it up a little. However i must say that his 5 star splash is a thing of beauty.

One thing i would like to hit on that has just hit me is the hardcore title. Let me get this straight, they keep the belt through Crash Holly wrestling in a discovery zone with mosh and thrasher but then when real hardcore wrestlers arrive like Tommy Dreamer, RVD, Raven, Justin Credible, etc...and then they get rid of it. Way to go. Before Crash this belt was held by proud men. The Road Dogg Jesse James and Al Snow fought their a$$es off for that belt. Terry Funk fought for that belt. Hardcore Holly fought for that belt. Wrestlers put their damn careers on the line for that belt and then here comes Crash Holly with the 24/7 rule. Then you saw the demise of the title. Mick Foley, a hardcore legend said it best when he said that "it was cute, but the title was never meant to be cute." And he's right. That belt was suppose to be built on blood, sweat, and more blood and then Crash comes along and makes the damn thing look like a joke. And then came Steve Blackman who put the belt back on the map. He put that belt back in the spotlight until his untimely injury. And then? 24/7 took it back out of the light. Do any of you know what Tommy Dreamer had to do for the fans to give him the chant: "He's Hardcore?" Now, honestly, i was never a big ECW fan but i know that he, along with everyone else, put their life on the line day in and day out to be considered hardcore, but because Crash had a belt and fought in a discovery zone he was considered hardcore. Hardcore is a title that you have to earn, Terry Funk and Mick Foley earned that damn title! And now, the WWE has a chance to create a new generation of hardcore stars but now it's taken away. True, the belt originated as a gag gift to Foley but wrestlers wrestled for that gag gift in the snow to the damn Mississippi River. Lets hope it's not gone for good because those matches will be missed.

Oh and by the way, the next time i see a matched billed as a "street fight" and the damn thing doesn't go near the street i'm gonna puke. Remember Piper vs. Goldust??? It was a street fight and guess where it occured....that's right, THE STREET!!

Well that's it for now, again thanks for putting up with my rant, bye:)

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Better Late Than Ever

Yes, that Undertaker always pulling out those 60 minute wrestling classics and thrilling us to death with promos that would put Shakespeare to shame.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Respect to the Phenom

Never left for WCW no matter how much money he could have made, Helped keep the WWF afloat while WCW kicked it's a$$, wrestled for many months with a broken ankle because it was better for the company, wrestled through groin injuries and back problems, put Stone Cold Steve Austin over twice by use of a clean pin instead of being selfish, put Mankind over by allowing him to get more wins over the Undertaker than anyone else, competed in historic matches such as the 1st Casket Match with Yokozuna at the Providence Civic Center, the Boiler Room Brawl, and the infamous 1998 King of the Ring (yes, Foley took the worst beating but the undertaker jumping down with a broken ankle couldn't have tickled), reinvented himself as the American Bad A$$ while in the process has gotten himself in better shape than ever before, he's leaner, quicker, and meaner, almost nobody can match his in ring psychology, as the undisputed championship he wrestled just about every televised show and at one point went through a couple of weeks that he had incredible matches with such as the ladder match with Jeff Hardy and the controversial match against Kurt Angle, did his best to fight Triple H who couldn't even extend his arm and pulled off a better match than anybody else could, and now taking centerstage as the top face.

These are just a few reasons why the Phenom/Deadman/American Bad As$ deserves respect. And if not? He'll Make ya Famous. Bye:)

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Respect to the Phenom

He didn't leave for WCW because he couldn't keep his gimmick. Second, he never once carried any promotion, he was a sideshow whom McMahon piad special effects for. He has never elevated anyone and he jobbed to Austin because Austin is the biggest draw in wrestling. He was injured and came back and he's worse than ever, continually no selling and not jobbing to guys half his age and twice whatever ability he ever had. He hasn't had a match worth watching since coming back and his gimmick is horrible. He was an awful champion and judging how ratings and ppv buyrates dropped, I'm correct, not to mention the abortion of a match he had with HHH, his wrestling political soulmate.

So why should I respect him? Because he stayed in the company for years? So did Billy Gunn.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Go Ahead, I Don't Care

this isn't about wrestling so, i'm not continuing the undertaker debate. I think he's awesome, some don't. as my 8th and 9th grade english teacher always said, "different strokes for different folks."

no this little rant of mine is about the disrespect my team the New England Patriots are getting. Fluke this and fluke that...FLUKE YOU!! yeah i know that was corny as all hell but i put it anyway. They will be in the playoffs this year and if they make it there they'll be in the super bowl. Now alot of people are saying that brady won't duplicate what he did last year. Well i hate to break it to you but if brady fails they have Damon Huard who is one hell of a quarterback. They've added key elements in the off season and i believe that they are even better this year. Now, as a Chowda Head from Little Rhodie i am biased. There, i came clean and admitted it. However i do know that if they win it all they're not gonna just storm through with ease. The Rams are still tough and Faulk is still the best. And now if Kurt Warner's thumb is better he'll be ever better. The Steelers are gonna pose a major...MAJOR threat. Bledsoe in Buffalo has something to prove and i have a feeling he will prove it. Oh and by the way, before i end this i want to say one thing to anyone that wants to respond. SPARE ME THE EXCUSE OF TOM BRADY'S FUMBLE AGAINST THE RAIDERS. THE RAIDERS HAD THE BALL 3 AND 1 AND THE PATS SHUT THEM DOWN. END OF STORY. Well that's it for now, ttyl, bye:)

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
SW Chicago
RE: Go Ahead, I Don't Care


Sorry, I had to get my two cents in eventually. The Undertaker is a complete waste of oxygen and a major locker room cancer approaching Hogan and Nash-like levels. The only reason you mark for him is because of his entrance and his constant no-selling that makes him look like an unstoppable monster, even though he is just a balding, pot-bellied, redneck biker. He no-sold the fricking Angle-lock and Crossface at the same time! That's not how you help business. Mae Young takes harder bumps than he does. And once again since he and HHH are the focus of both shows, the ratings will drop again, just like they did Monday. (-.5)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Statesville United States
RE: Go Ahead, I Don't Care

Hey guys.

It's obvious that Undertaker is WAY past his prime. Just take a look in his eyes. It's a shallow, blank stare. It's like, "OK, now I'm just doing this for all the friggin' money I'm getting. The fans go crazy when I raise my arms or beat my chest because that's how they've done all the times before." Heck, Taker knows a whole three more moves than Hogan.

1--Riding a motorcycle

2--Pounding his chest

3--Holding both arms in the air.

Oooooh, what talent!

Anyhow, the product would be a lot better when they quit giving the old farts the main event and keep promoting guys like Lensar. Look for Brock to get rid of Heyman soon, that's my prediction.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Here We Go Again

Why in the blue hell would they bring back the World Championship? Why? Please, someone explain this to me. This is ridiculous. The WWE is like the Red Sox (and yes i am a red sox fan), everytime they get a little momentum going they kill it. HAPPY YANKEE FANS?! I SAID IT!! NOW GET OFF MY BACK!!

Anyways, all this does in diminish Lesnars' achievements. And who came up with the HLA storyline? Did they think that would work? Did they think it would bring back the teenagers that they've lost? Honestly, what were they thinking? A kid could go online and look at pictures of women doing alot more than kiss and wearing alot less than a thong. That is of course if their father has moved his porno stash so they can't find it. Having a champion wrestle both shows was what was making it fun. I enjoyed seeing that the champion got to face anyone he wanted. Now? It's gonna go back to the same people going after the title. Now, i'm always one to look on the positive side of things. But this is beyond my power to do that. They keep the hardcore division with Crash Holly and then when they get Tommy Dreamer they get rid of it. By the way, i couldn't help but notice that i wrote a very large paragraph about the hardcore title and no one said anything, however i write (or type, lol) one sentence about me liking the undertaker and people write about that. Go figure. Anyways, they get rid of one of the best things on raw. Raw was hardcore, Smackdown was Cruiserweight. Now, i know they can't combine the 2 rosters for there are way too many wrestlers and the younger talent will get pushed down again. So, keep them separate but keep one title. It's that easy.

Now, i would like to comment on Stephanie McMahon as General Manager. She's good. I like her in that role, she's not the ##### she once was. Her voice stays at a normal tone for the most part so i'm happy. But, i do think that at some point they have to bring in someone like Mick Foley. Come on, he's only one half of the reason why Raw scored the highest rating ever with This is you life with the rock. I'm not saying ratings would skyrocket but they sure as hell wouldn't drop all the way either. He would be a liferaft which is what they need right now. Ok, everyone ready? 1..2...3. FO-LEY!! FO-LEY!! FO-LEY!!

The marriage angle between Chuck and Billy is interesting. It could be good, it could be bad. It could help. It could hurt. As of right now no one can tell. Will they actually do it? Or will Billy turn on Chuck and go with the Road Dogg to reunite the New Age Outlaws? Will Chuck turn on Billy? Will Rico turn on both of them turning them into a face tag team? Who knows, i think we should all be watching the tube tonight and draw our conclusions from there. Not to mention, they're actually getting positive press from this. Positive press??? For the WWE??? Wow...isn't that one of the signs of the apocolypse?

Well that's it for now....it's nice to know i'm the only one around here who likes the undertaker but oh well. I don't care. That little discussion is over. By the way, Ric Flair doing his flip over the turnbuckle is still a painful but beautiful thing to see.

Until next time, I am out.

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Make the Turn

Ok, this rant is about one man, Chris Jericho. And maybe some other stuff if i'm not too tired.

Would they please turn this guy face? Please, i'm begging here. The faces need him badly. Ok, don't get me wrong, i like RVD but damn his promo sucked on Raw. One of the only good promo guys on raw is booker t. Here's the thing, when the rock and triple h were in their feud triple h would come out and do his thing. Then the Rock would come out and put him in his place. It was funny and entertaining. Now? It wasn't that funny and put the crowd to sleep. Now, enter Jericho coming down the ring to put triple h in him place. 1st we would get the "Would u please, SHUT THE HELL UP?" Now u have the crowd on it's feet. Then instead of just saying "u spit water" Jericho would show a "greatest hits" video of triple h that shows nothing but him spitting water. See the difference? Which one would u rather watch? Exactly. Jericho is magic on the mic, and as a face would add that little "something" to Raw. "But of course that's just my opinion i could be wrong." -Dennis Miller

Hhhmm, should i continue?......yeah, y not?

I'm gonna give credit to a man who i don't think has gotten enough credit for something...and he is the Rock. I would like to give him credit on one thing that i've noticed and that is his in ring personality. The 3 instances are Wrestlemania, Raw when he faced Flair, and SummerSlam against. Now, what do all these matches have in common??......figured it out? Exactly, they were the 3 matches in which the crowd rooted against the Rock. Here's the thing, i believe that the rock was phenomenal in his in ring psychology and how he handled himself. They're pretty much just little things like refusing to allow a clean break, holding the ropes for leverage during a submission move, and just for a few moments walking and talking like the rock from the wars with Mick Foley. To do that stuff on the fly showed his ability to work the crowd, for good or for bad.

Hhhhmmm, anything else? Nah, i'm all set. ttyl:)

Showtime Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Make the Turn

Jericho reached his peak in 98, as a heel. As a face he's always subpar, but if turning him face will run the WWF out of business sooner, I'm all for it.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Someone Shoot Me

This is gonna be short and sweet.

Just when u thought u had seen a good pay per view with a main event that was better than u thought it would be, they ruin it with a disqualification. Anyone else as p*ssed off as me?


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
SW Chicago
RE: Someone Shoot Me

Now do you see what we mean about that old, fat, pot-bellied, useless, no-selling, piece of redneck trash Undertaker? Who do you think refused to job to cause that DQ? Who do you think thought he was above Rock, Hogan, and Flair and didnt feel the need to put over Brock even though he (UT) hasn't drawn a dime in five years?

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