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Diva Tree
Jan 1, 2000
(FADEIN to a dive bar somewhere in Hartford, Connecticut. Whalers memoriabilia lines the wall. Anarky sits at the bar, drinking a Thomas Hooker IPA.)

ANARKY: "F*cking Bruins fans... where'd they all come from? Do these people have no loyalty to the Whale?! Have they forgotten the Brass Bonanza so easily?"

(Shakes his head in disappointment.)

ANARKY: "I guess I can't blame 'em, but really, going over to a rival... just a sad disappointment. I mean, sure, go root for another team, but our biggest rival? Can't say I understand it.

"But the past is the past, ain't it.

"Just like me 'n you, El Pablo. I can't say I know much about you. Presumably you're a Windham. Which probably means something to someone, somewhere. Not me, though.

"I'm sure Troy and Mark and the whole gang of half-breeds are all over the place, accomplishing grand things in places I don't care about. It's all very wonderful. But just like you probably don't give a f*ck about what I've been doing for the last 15 years, I don't care which Windham you are, what you've accomplished, or if you're just a hilarious bastard Windham child unfortunate enough to be born in Mexico.

"Now, I won't lie... I got other things on my mind these days. Dealing with you ain't exactly numero uno on my agenda. But don't think for one second that I'm gonna come here and mail it in. I ain't here to make you or anybody else look good.

"I'm gonna do what I always do... go out there and crack a few skulls, and if I'm real, real lucky, you'll drop half-dead in exhaustion before I do. It's not an elegant plan. But it's worked so far. Mostly.

"You 'n me... we're about to get to know each other real well-like. And I suspect, like most Windhams, you're not gonna find me totally agreeable. That's okay.

"Agreeability has never been one of my strong suits.

"In Round One, the first shots will be fired. Legends will fall. New men will rise.

"The names come and go... but me.

"I'm still here."



Jan 1, 1970

(MUSICUP: The subtle fingerpickings of a Bandolero guitarsmith...)

"Even in this moment, Alejandra, I do not want you to fear what happens next in the face of certain death. For you will live my love...you will live forever in my heart and my soul."

(CLOSE-UP FADEIN: A tanned skinned man, trimmed black mustache and goatee. He's dressed in all black as well, a neat collared shirt, slacks, dusty boots, belt with silver buckle and matching mask shielding his hazel eyes that stare ahead. Sweat beads on his brow, his fingers twitching near his back pocket. CUTTO: A lady looking like the love goddess birthed between Sofia Vegara's legs and fed from Salma Hayek's buxom. Only she's bound, gagged and tightly held by a greasy, pot-bellied bald man of Cuban descent. He chokes out a laugh as his half-smoked cigar billows smoke, while his right hand holds a needle with brown liquid ominously close to the perspiring ALEJANDRA.)

ALEJANDRA: (over the strumming crescendo...) "I love you Pablo."


(EPW reaches into his back pocket and a silver glint flashes for a single second before we FADE...)


"My story cannot be told over seven days. And there's only so many times the world will listen to Anarky's."

(FADEIN: A hilltop. A full moon and a fire. EL PABLO WINDHAM stares into it, the camera focusing on a single side of his masked face.)

EL PABLO WINDHAM: "For the last twenty years of my life, I have trained for this moment. To the future, I am everything. To him, I am nothing. A pitiful victim in a world with no rules, a society pretending to follow it's own demands. Millions of conscious minds unable to dream, the sage and the saints not as pure as they would have us believe. (laughs) His riddles and self-imagined moral laws are silly to a man of my heart and conviction. A twisted nature is bonded and blinded from the beauty of a belief in good. (PABLO nods) Humanity survives together, not alone.... only weak men believe in what suits themselves. You insult my family without knowing what my name stands for... (PABLO lowers his eyes for a moment) and it only makes me stronger."



(FADEIN: ALEJANDRA crying as the CUBAN is splayed out on the ground, his cigar's cherry slowly ashing out. There's a large cerrated knife protruding from his skull, a bloody =W= sliced through his shirt. EL PABLO WINDHAM puts his arm around ALEJANDRA and turns her around forcefully.)

EL PABLO WINDHAM: "You must go now Alejandra Ana Winona Cortez."

ALEJANDRA: "I cannot leave you."

EL PABLO WINDHAM: "But you must. I will return for you when I find my father. He will pay your father's debt."

ALEJANDRA: "He doesn't even know who you are! What if Don Angelo finds me first?"

EL PABLO WINDHAM: "That will not happen...he is a good man, once I tell him...he will understand."

ALEJANDRA: "Where will you go?"

EL PABLO WINDHAM: "The man who got me into the tournament. My half-brother, Nacho Felix."

(FADETOBLACK as ALEJANDRA's eyes widen in fear...)


Diva Tree
Jan 1, 2000
(FADEIN to a bookie’s office. Anarky is smiling and counting his money. The bald, listless bookie looks sour.)

BOOKIE: “I still don’t get how you knew there’d be dead bodies.”

ANARKY: “He’s a Windham. Of course there’s dead bodies. You know the kind of places they hang out in. I’m surprised there wasn’t some kind of stripper holocaust or something. Honestly, was half-expecting a bunch of dead prostitutes and used needles for five minutes.”

(He smiles and takes his winnings, turning towards the camera and smiling.)

ANARKY: “Y’know what, The Pablo… I might be old, but I’m not stiff quite yet. And really, I appreciate you taking the time off from your busy schedule of saving damsels in distress and seemingly exacting cold vengeance upon the local ne’er-do-wells in your community to address me and my sad riddles.

“Now you talk real flowery-like, and I appreciate the nature of your spirit. You wanna do the right thing. Stand up for truth, justice, order. It’s cute. Really.

“I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, The Pablo… but… there are no happy endings. The knight doesn’t always save the damsel. Sometimes the drug lord really does execute all the pretty women in a town because he can.

“I’m glad you trained for this moment. I hope it means everything to you. I hope you believe with every fibre of your being that you are going to fulfill your destiny in that ring and finally destroy me and the world will rise in harmonious laughter and joy that you have finally rid the world of this awful menace.

“I hope.

“But the ring does funny things, friend. It will not be merciful. It will not be fair. It will not care if you did the right thing for love. Or what your family name means.

“It only cares if you have the will to stand. If you can get up after one more beating. If you can keep your shoulders off the mat for just a few more seconds.

“You think you know my story, but without the ring… you don’t know me, not really.

“Not yet.”


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