NOT IN IT, VOTED 1. I can only assume that Biron knows of Phil Atken's deep seated hatred for Halloween.
- Everything have soundtracks is wonderful! Brawl has been a video package style show for so long and that little touch of effort in these intros and indeed in some of the matches to add just that little bit extra to sell it is good stuffs. Great job on the intro here Biron. Followed by quite possibly the most accurate description possible of a Halloween based crowd.
- Nothing like a good ole fashioned murderdeath to kick off the show. I said before but these Brawls have done an excellent job putting Teddy over as a man to be feared.
- I remember Ole Tricky Dick's tag team title run, him and the Spiro of Pain really tore up the joint for a while. I always love these Rosie/Superfly/Sometimes Impulse segments, they're just fun and most of the time adorable and sometimes that's nice to have on a show. Leyenda would actually make a good fit for these kind of segments so he would.
- Not often you get a ladies match in NFW. Just the kind of ridiculous ladies match that one could expect. I think everyone running in against everyone else is going to be a theme for NFW shows for a while because we've basically reached a point where everyone hates everyone else.
- I am really enjoying this Impulse segment, it's kind of in this weird fantasy wrestling shoot interview style where basically a fictional character is giving the shoot story on his life and now my brain is leaking.
- Good to get some background and context to Cash before the match, that's something really beneficial to a guy like me who kinda knew Lane Cash existed but that was the extent of my knowledge.
- I've been getting more behind Legion recently, I've been the kind of guy who really acknowledged how much he's put in to NFW without really getting a lot of his stories (mostly my fault). Recently though, he's really stepped it up and I think this weird three way pairing with him a Leyenda is a fun one... actually I think him and Ocho would be a really good program, maybe even tie Rook Black into it, maybe have a parade and a party. Cash really getting the gimmick over straight away in this match too. Although it's NFW, we just had a squash and two no-finishes, I don't know... sometimes finishes are nice.
- The more I read Sagawa, the more I'm torn about the idea... I think it's the idea that he's actually biting flesh instead of the gimmick being that he's a mad man constantly on the attack. I think it could just be pushing the believability level just a little bit too much for me. I dunno.
- Excellent tag match, god yes, the loaded purse. My second favourite match ending weapon after the spiked heel boot. Ah, both are wonderful. Great job getting the Hellfire Club on the same page quickly but ensuring that things MUST CONTINUE.
- Really enjoyed the Castor segment, not much else to say, great conversational flow, a nice dynamic between him and Love and INTRIGUE~! for the future. Hooray! Castor has kind of existed in his own universe for a while, so it's nice to see him drawn in to what should be the major angle of the fed. I mean, I suppose the champion should be in the big angle but it's good to see.
- Ridiculous main event but really fun too. I've been really enjoying the Stratton/Bryant series (and man is the Australia match going to be all kinds of ridiculous) . Really good booking on this one, Bryant should be the underdog trying to run the gauntlet in this situation so Stratton picking up the win here made perfect sense. DAMN THAT HELLFIRE CLUB.