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Jan 1, 1970
SITE: http://nfw.e-wrestling.org/
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I haven't read through yet, but it certainly looks like Ford went all out on this and I can't wait to read it all! Thanks to everyone for their side contributions, but a BIG, BIG MARKOUT-SHOUTOUT for Ford. This looks awesome!



UTA Hall of Famer and All-Around Nice Guy
Staff member
Jan 6, 2005
Los Angeles, CA, formerly PA
Big thanks to Pants for his four segments, Pete for his two, and Gregg G for some August line edits! And apologies if I wrote ANYONE inaccurately. It's the first time writing a lot of these characters for me.

Rook Black

Live Long and Pants.
Jul 20, 2007
Bedford, OH
This was great, Tom! You totally busted your rear and made this into something really special. Nice work! Great job everybody! Woooo~!


The best handler ever since 2012: He is a gem
Jul 12, 2007

Since I'm sitting down with it, here are some words:

- Fun introduction, I think Katz intro style is a very hard one to mimic, it's something I'm trying to avoid while working on my own Brawl that will be posted some time in 2014. I enjoy the Superfly intro though, there's something ridiculous about politics that really works on a wrasslin' level and a debate on which one is more Superfly is exactly that.

- The build around there being an actual election to go up against the Hellfire Club is great, the way in which it comes across does really appear to be similar in style to how ridiculous election night coverage normally is. Although it couldn't have done with more Rice in front of a giant screen talking to a hologram will.i.am in my opinion. All elections need that.

- ****3/4 Classic tag match.

- What was that lady going to do to that horse? This isn't Germany!

- That may be the first time I've ever laughed at a Chuck Norris reference since Walker told me I had AIDs. August is a wonderful ballot counter and his MSNBC show should be eminent after this stellar performance. Castor gets cut early, what a sham of democracy, for all we know every single other ballot was pro-Castor. August was right, this is a sham!

- Gangham style... I want to see this because I enjoy eating ham.

- I've said before that Ocho was a great fit for NFW and I'm glad to see he's stuck around after the original brewhaha after the brawlhaha. Opener was fun, this is something that other people do well but I seem to fail at, I like to contextualise every move so when I write a short match, there ends up being like five spots total in it. Ford writes this match more like a highlight real of an epic contest and really, I think that suits a lot better to what Brawl matches should be. Great match though, nice to kick off the show with a little bit of David vs. Goliath even if Goliath wins.

- You know, I think that August being forced to confront Sagawa really IS the great social issue of our time. It really shouldn't be dictated by democracy on who should confront the cannibal because bad people make poor decisions all the time. What we really need is an appointed body, perhaps some kind of Board of Directors to make the final decisions on such matters because really, as we all know, the NFW Faithful are not to be trusted and are most likely slightly brain damaged. Also... I enjoy this segment.

- GOD YES! EWRESTLING ATTACK ADS. FEED THEM TO ME. I LOVE THEM. Seriously, I love them. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1txjW54y0Sg&feature=plcp) This kind of angle is absolutely perfect for Rook. Great idea that appeals directly to my sensibilities.

- You know, I can't help but feel there should be some form of legal repercussions for a man who is consuming half of NFW's support crew. Another fun segment here, how did Harmen get all that snow... I thought he had his fire sale on that business years ago.

- WHAT IS THIS? A STALINIST REGIME? Oh it is. Oh. I think that the subtlest way to show that polls are closed is with a giant red sign. Seriously though, as a guy who is fascinated by ridiculous election night coverage from all spots in the world, these segments have a great appeal to me.

- Matches like Battle Royals are amazingly difficult to write because you have so many different pieces that you're trying to keep track of, as well as trying to remind yourself who you still have in the match, who's out and what order you want to do things in. Cruise's introduction was done really well, being forced out there by his lonesome to prove himself in true underdog heroics style. I loved the idea of Teddy using Phil as a weapon throughout the match too. A lot of great spots in this:

I wish I knew where the Shadowrunners transporter would've taken them and how they thought it would benefit them in the match.
Great too see DRS/OSS blood feud still runs deep.
Ocho GOTTA GET HIS SPOTS and Rook puts a quick stop to that.
Ocho wanna get his hands on dat Triforce
I liked Cruise's return to the match because subtly Ford had made sure that commentary had forgotten about him so when we slid back in you're all "Ooooooh".

Atken's confidence in taking on Cruise followed by immediate regret and punishment for his audacity to think he was capable of achiving. I think as Voss has said in some of the threads, the way the BYOBs have really started to establish this great dynamic between Teddy and Atken really I think gives us both drive and direction in NFW. So much to work with that I hope I don't let Voss down, I'm aiming not to :)

- MORE ATTACK ADS. FEED THEM TO ME. FEED ME MORE as Teddy Alexander once said. Probably.

- Wait, AUSTRALIA? No one told me!

- These Impulse segments have a kind of CM Punk documentary feel to them. The guy who follows his own beliefs and can get frustrated due to the result from them, probably making enemies on the roster due to his bluntness but yet still stick to it. I can see where Pete says he was inspired by the JR sitdowns with Goldust and Mankind, to me it's almost if Punk did one of those instead.

- NFW, slower than the entire United States. Sounds about right.

- Nice bit of planning ahead to use a momentum from the Battle Royal to build to this match. However, I lost so screw you Ford, you are literally the worst person ever. Great back and forth match telling the tale of two dudes kicking each other in the nuts as a mad giant watches on. Rook and Teddy will one day murder each other for our enjoyment.

- I'm starting to think the fact that these belts never come off should be investigated by NFW's Rules and Regulations Committee. Why did such a lovely segment about the deliciousness of cookies have to be ruined by such a violent man like Sagawa. That jerk just ruins everyones fun.

- I agree with the idea that JJ essentially crashed the Greek economy by himself.

- Funny that Calvin joining the Superfly Express party bus put him up against Blaine so soon. Like planning 'n' stuff! Poor Harmen, suffering on the apron after such malicious deeds! Excellent main event here, a lot of story to tell with it, lot of things that could spin off from it. Must be weird to have Harmen be the baby face in pearl. A lovely touching moment between Blaine and Calvin. The Sagawa dimension is an interesting one, you know he'd be gunning for Harmen off the back of the Ultratitle but I must admit, I didn't expect Sagawa to take a shot against the Hellfire Club and almost rip off the face of Stratton.

-RICE: "Will somebody get a taser down here A-SAP before we have to explain LIVE CANNIBALISM!" is a great piece of commentary.



Jan 1, 1970
WHEW! Read most of the show last night and the last 4 chapters tonight. A little sleepy, but finally ready to give feedback.

FIRST - PROPS TO FORD. I don't know how to explain it, but I thought the show was some mish-mash of professional wrasslin', the Colbert show and Mystery Science Theater. The overall theme's fabric stayed intact amongst what was a 'FUN' show with certain zaniness. It was good to see the roster just having fun with their jobs as "entertainers".

Off-the-cuff highlights: The opening hijack by the Superflys (they should host the 4/20/13 show), I'll echo Leyenda pining for the Triforce, I was super-happy for that Blaine/Cal moment as it's something I was thinking of expanding upon myself... it may or may not involve Phil Collins in the future. The tag battle royal... in the NFW 'fan canon' that's shown up in feedback threads, I'm going on record that has to go down as the showstealer. Rook Black/JJ: The Intellectual War -- they may have to have a loser-leaves-town chess match at this point. AND SAGAWA BEST STEP UP NOW.

Very much the cherry on top of the BYOB run. Other random comment is that I like how Ford interjected his own styled camera cuts. Those little format tweaks stayed within the NFW teleplay structure, but also gave a different 'director' feel to the proceedings as well.

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