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BREAKING NEWS - Top jOlt Superstar Suspended Indefinitely!


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Feb 4, 2005
We have breaking news following the events of jOlt's latest Pay-Per-View offering, Wrestlecade II. Effective immediately, the self-proclaimed "jOlt's Last Real Man" Jeremy Ryan has been suspended indefinitely. After a series of attacks on jOlt officials without provocation, jOlt CEO Damien Lee, declared a zero-tolerance policy on Ryan that if he were to attack one more official, he would be suspended for the remainder of his jOlt contract.

During a recap of the 2015 jOlt Hall of Fame ceremony, Jeremy Ryan stormed towards the ring and demanded that his triple threat match with Diamond Jewelz and Mack Brody for the #1 Contendership to the jOlt Championship be reinstated due to not being involved in the decision. Ryan proceeded to unleash a tirade on jOlt Hall of Famers that will not be repeated here. When his request was formally denied, Ryan retaliated via a Piledriver to the jOlt CEO in the middle of the ring. When reached for comment on these unfortunate circumstances, we received a written notice from the jOlt Board of Directors:

"We are both shocked and disappointed with the actions of Jeremy Ryan following tasteless remarks and actions lobbied at celebrated wrestlers within the history of our organization. For his actions, we have no choice but to follow through with Damien Lee's edict. Ryan will sit at home for the remainder of his contract, suspended indefinitely. Rest assured that the unfortunate incident at Wrestlecade II will be the last time you hear from Jeremy Ryan on any jOlt broadcast."

When inquiring about the condition of Damien Lee following the assault, the Board of Directors remained quiet on the subject, wishing to respect the privacy of the CEO. Rumor has it he may miss a few shows during his recovery period.

We will bring you more news as this situation develops.

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