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Calling names


League Member
Feb 5, 2004
South Carolina
(It’s CS Saturday Morning kicking off with Eddy Love already in ring in a burnt orange robe with gold sequins, a small Playboy bunny on the front left pocket and cursive "Hurricane Eddy" across the back. Huge smile.)

Nobody hates to gloat…… nobody hates to say I told you so, more than Hurricane Eddy. I mean if I spent 20 seconds for every time I delivered the goods to every 3 hours that fools like Mike Randles spend gloating over one truth in the middle of dozens of failed predictions and out right lies, well it’s all you people would ever hear….. BUT tonight I just gotta say it…. I told you so…. I told you Mike Randles…. I told the fans ….. I told the whole world that not only would Eddy Love beat up Mike Randles again to push the average to 4 times a week over the last year ……. I told you not only would I pin Mike Randles right in the middle of the ring in Greensboro…. BUT that the Southern Dandy would produce a partner that would drop the jaws of the entire business, a man no one thought it was possible to deliver and so I did.

The only thing I regret Randles was that I didn’t tell you the whole truth about myself, because not even I knew it. I told you that I was the greatest wrestler in the world, the kind of talent that could dominate two CSWA legends like The Lost Soul and the Wolf without even having a partner in Greensboro. I told you that I was the greatest draw you had ever seen, that I could draw a man from your past you thought you would never have to deal with again, and right there on my answering machine after the 12 messages that damn Hornet left begging to tag with Eddy Love was the name I needed….. GUNNS. I told you I was the greatest political force in the sport, and lets face it even Chad himself could never have talked Boss Merrit into reinstating the only man who had ever been banned for life from the CSWA…. But Randles I owe you thanks for that because as much as Merrit has always respected Eddy Love, that respect alone is not what gained me a pardon for GUNNS….. no the meeting went pretty badly until I looked Boss Merrit in the eyes and said "Boss", then I laid my hand on his shoulder and continued, "when Hornet and Flair and Randles came to stake their claim and things looked really bad for you, who put them in their place. Who trounced their little group into finger pointing and the blame game, Boss….. and Mr. Merrit if you let this man in and you don’t like the way things go, you’ve got me to turn to, Boss, and you tell me how that’s worked for you in the past." It was beautiful….. I knew then that not only were the skills of Hurricane Eddy unequaled, but the Southern Dandy also could draw to his side a man who swore he would never return to the CSWA….. I knew that the Legend Killer had the political clout to make Chad Merrit go against his own word at my request….. BUT what I didn’t know Randles….. the one fact that even I was ignorant to, was that I was also the luckiest man on the planet.

If I’m not the luckiest man on the planet, then how else would you explain that the very busy body that commutes the death sentence issued by Sweet Melissa to Eli Flair, climbs in the ring next to you opposite me and has to feel my wrath for the first time in 3 years. Mark Windham, I’ve tried to leave you be….. I wanted to let your brother, a man I deserve as a brother not you, deal you what you had coming….. but every time I turn around I find The Lost Soul keeps finding himself in my business (points to himself). Well I want to wish a very speedy recovery to my man Big Daddy T, Troy Diggedy, and I want to point out, Troy, if that recovery is not speedy you’re gonna be really pissed at me, because I’m gonna do what you’re champing at the bit to do and that’s run Mark Windham out of this sport for good. Let’s not forget Mark, it took you 3 years to return to the ring after I beat you fair and square, bad hand and all last time we met…… this time 3 years may seem like a day at the beach, cause Mark if you keep sticking your nose in Eddy Love’s world, I’m gonna break the nose and everything attached to it.

As for Gunns, he was certainly an adequate partner….. I mean no Troy Windham but fine for the shock effect I needed. Sorry I haven’t returned your calls, GUNNS….. but I did get the appreciative messages on my machine….. yes the flowers were beautiful, and the thank you card brought tears to my eyes. And GUNNS I saw you falling all over yourself in the Seitzer interview to let me know, to let the world know just how thankful you are that Eddy Love, your hero would throw his weight behind the cause of getting your foot back in the door. Well GUNNS, I really don’t have time to say you’re welcome to every warm body whose career I’ve made in this business, so in lieu of thanks GUNNS, I’ll just say that one day I may need a favor from you, and that day may never come but if it does, *I WILL CALL ON YOU* so quit calling me, cause I don’t want to have to give up my 659-LOVE number because some workmate has become a stalking fan.

Then we have a man who thinks a pony tail and a half dozen bottles of Grecian Formula makes him less than 40 again. Jonathan Melton, I don’t doubt that you were 38 at one time, but that day was long ago. I suspect that you were in your prime, like back when that damn Hornet was in his prime. I ran you and your Corporation from this sport in my learning stages of my CSWA career, but Melton when fossils like you and Mark Windham, whose scalps I’ve had on my Legend Killer belt for years start showing up calling my name, well it hurts my credibility, and then in turn I hafta hurt you. Go back to the seniors circuit boys, before you get hurt, *again*.

Then we have the man, who decided it would make him famous if he laid his hands on my trainer….. Eli Fl…….

(The mic goes dead, Love looks surprised, the lights go off of him. CUE UP: Bob Dylan "Sweetheart Like You"…… Down the ramp walks Sweet Melissa. Tight White ruffled sun dress, no neck brace, slight cleavage and legs from …. Well you know where they reach. She enters the ring, Love and her share a long wet kiss which makes the fans a bit restless despite the fact they dress in the face locker room. Melissa takes the mic, and Love folds his arms behind her.)

M: For you people that don’t remember, my name is Sweet Melissa…… I’m the one who found Eddy Love…… I’m the one who hired Eddy Love ……… I’m the one that made him the greatest wrestler in the world ….. and Eddy Love works for me.

He will be the first to tell you that, and like any employer, when I have an employee that does outstanding work they get certain perks. I don’t mind if Eddy Love stays out dancing all night before he wrestles a CSWA main event…… I don’t mind if Eddy Love shacks up with some 18 year old that Troy puts him on, as long as Eddy doesn’t try to train like Troy. I don’t mind if Eddy Love wrestles a meaningless war to satisfy his ego while a bum that I despise like Steve Radder soils the belt that I made Eddy a household name by winning…… In fact the only real order I ever gave Eddy was, " you don’t go after Flair until I’m back." Because Eli I want to hear your neck crack myself, the same way you heard that table collapse. I want to hear you gasp your last breath, Flair, and in a way I’m glad Sunshine Del Pain in my Ass and Mark Windham saved you….. because now you know what’s coming, and my guess is Flair, you didn’t enjoy the appetizer on the suffering buffet I’ve set for you.

Eli you’ve had more success against me than anyone in the sport….. and you always did it as the man of the people for the people….. you were never a bad ass Flair…. And deciding to play one on TV next to Randles and Hornet have changed my and your game, Eli. I’ve taken the restraints off of my man Eli….. in fact, I’ve encouraged him…. no no I’ve begged Eddy Love to not only run you from our sport, but to allow me the privilege of spitting on your grave.

(Melissa drops the mic, and they exit the ring. FTB)


>As for Gunns, he was certainly an adequate partner….. I mean
>no Troy Windham but fine for the shock effect I needed.
>Sorry I haven’t returned your calls, GUNNS….. but I did get
>the appreciative messages on my machine….. yes the flowers
>were beautiful, and the thank you card brought tears to my
>eyes. And GUNNS I saw you falling all over yourself in the
>Seitzer interview to let me know, to let the world know
>just how thankful you are that Eddy Love, your hero would
>throw his weight behind the cause of getting your foot back
>in the door. Well GUNNS, I really don’t have time to say
>you’re welcome to every warm body whose career I’ve made in
>this business, so in lieu of thanks GUNNS, I’ll just say
>that one day I may need a favor from you, and that day may
>never come but if it does, *I WILL CALL ON YOU* so quit
>calling me, cause I don’t want to have to give up my
>659-LOVE number because some workmate has become a stalking
(CUTTO: GUNS sitting in his San Antonio ranch, watching Eddy Love's promo, with a smirk on his face.)

GUNS: Well, that didn't take long, did it? (Smirks.) Looks like Third Row, Inc. has a brand new customer. Eddy Love...to hear you talk, it sounds like you've done it all. But I bet one thing you've NEVER been...is a souvenir for some lucky fan. (Grins.) Don't worry, pal... I'll be MORE than happy to rectify that for you.


League Member
Feb 5, 2004
South Carolina
LOVE: Boy how the tone changes for a man who owes his reinvented career to Eddy Love. I Hate to disappoint the CEO of Third Class Inc..... but the fact is some of the hottest ladies you've ever seen have already taken Hurricane Eddy home for a souvenir.... sometimes 3 or 4 have had to share, but point is you were right to start with...... I have done it all.

(Love looks from side to side as if paranoid..... then talks in a whisper.)

And Mr. G-u-n-n-s, I would keep that talk about you being a *legend* on the low-low..... I hear there's a guy around here that gets a real hard-on by beating up the *so called* legends of the CSWA.


What's my name?

(FADEIN: GUNS is sitting in his San Antonio ranch.)

GUNS: Let's get a few things straight, Edward. Number one, you think YOU did ME a favor bringing me back here? Seems to me you were a half second away from crying for your mommy until I got you out of that torture rack. I didn't expect much from you, Eddy...but a "thank you, Mr. GUNS" wouldn't be out of order. (Smiles.) But to be perfectly honest, it's more fun this way.

Number Two, your friend Troy may be hooked on more drugs than he's got healthy fingers, but it's pretty clear that you're not exactly hooked on phonics. I'll spell it out for you. G-U-N-S...all capitals...because GUNS doesn't do anything small. I make a big splash with my mouth and I back it up with the Strongest Arms in the World.

Number Three, I don't care about how many rat groupies you've taken back to the motel or how many attractive women you've had fantasies about, and I certainly don't care how many so-called legends you've beaten. For one thing, you name 'em, I've beaten 'em...from Adler to Hornet to Randalls to Windhamssss plural. On the other hand, Eddy... you haven't done it all. (Smirks.)

You've never beaten me.

And you never will.


the EX-QUEEN of FW~!
Jan 1, 2000
Greensboro USA
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-02 AT 00:58 AM (EDT)](Joey Melton stands in front of a standard CSWA backdrop, his hair in a pony tail, heavily greased back, cutting a promo for CS Saturday Morning.)

JOEY MELTON: “(laughing) Eddy you think I’m hiding my age, refusing to turn the ol’ clock in order to keep a little respect? Interesting. I guess its up to conspiracy theorists to decide. It’s not a foreign idea though Hollywood actresses have done it for decades. Take Sandra Bullock for example, she’s been 33 since Speed came out. But you know what, if you saw her tomorrow cruising by that swell yacht of yours, you’d still dock and attempt to show her hope floats.

I’ll give you credit in one area Love you have balls. Anyone who willingly admits they’re from South Carolina has big ones. So you’re South Carolina’s finest, boy I bet that’s a chore huh. Being the best thing going for that state isn’t an honor, I hate to tell ya. But when the choice is between a former CSWA World Champion and Carowinds, a broken down hick funhouse you have to go with the lesser of the two evils, right? How many times after you won the belt did you take it back to the land Mickey forgot, with it slung over your shoulder, stepping back and forth over the borderline? “Whoa the World title is in North Carolina, now South, dudddde.” Obviously if you were half as smart as you say you are, you’d have enough sense to lie and say you were from someplace like Idaho. I could respect that.

That’s really why it doesn’t surprise me that your speed is county fairs. Eddy Love always goes home with the teddy bear, that’s sweet kid. For those scoring at home, if you read between the lines it says, “Eddy Love always goes home with a tetnis shot and a two dollar trailer park whore.” If dressing it up and calling it a ‘teddy bear’ helps push the demons, i.e. a need for cleaner bed sheets, away at night I’m all for it. But what you need to realize Love is I’m not bringing the Country Bear Jamboree to ringside with me. The game here isn’t throw a ring on a bucket, it’s beat the finest the City That Never Sleeps has to offer, Joey Melton.

I’m supposed to be impressed with the legend killer? So you brought back wrestling’s greatest bus driver and stuffed Eli’s head in a trash bag. That’s cute. Being from South Carolina you boys know a lot about hoods and trash bags dontcha? I can see it now, the actual meeting of Sweet Melissa and Eddy Love. She had to pick the one who had enough sense to poke eyeholes through the bag didn’t she? You score again.

And speaking of scoring bumpkin, if Merritt won’t take my ten million for a title shot I’ll throw $5 of that Melissa’s way. I’d prefer not to know her origins, but she’s tight either way. At least pre-Melton she is. I know it’s not flattering telling a woman you’ll buy her, being from the big city has taught me that, but let’s be honest here, it won’t be the first time Melissa has been paid for. Not a bad deal I’d say. $5 for being put through another table, only this time when she’s left the scene you’ll know where she’s scampered off to.

Truthfully I really can’t tell if we’ve danced in the ring before, cause the last three years are just a blur. I’ll say this though Betty Ford is a hell of a woman. I’m on the straight and arrow acting like a good boy for now. Clarity, sobriety brings clarity and with it the general pissy mood I’m in for being tossed in the corner by Merritt. “Hey pull his string fans and he spouts off five different historic quotes.” “I’m Joey Melton the first CSWA Champion.” “I’m Joey Melton the greatest IC champ ever” Bu-Blah Bu-blah. Here’s a new one bumpkin, “I’m Joey Melton I kicked Georgie Porgie’s ass and took Sweet Melissa for a ride.”

You’re a world champ, world tag too. Perfect, that should be good for a VISA commercial ten years from now. But don’t flatter yourself thinking you earned it. You may have beaten a drunken, watered down version of yours truly, or even a Windham or two, but the bulk of your work was done against a Vizzack and a giant preacher. Hall of famers for sure. You got pushed to the heavens under Merritt’s new world order, the CSWA’s version of “And the Band Played On.” Well, the conductor is back Love and he’s looking to tune your ass up.

As I expected Merritt has said nothing in response, so it looks like I’ve got time to kill while I rattle his cage. If you can drag yourself away from the MayBerry Go-round, I’ve got an open contract with a big line marked “Sign name here.”

Do you need a pen?"


League Member
Feb 5, 2004
South Carolina
OORP: I shoulda stayed after Mark, at least I'm not smart enough to know when I get Eddy's ass burned in RP by him.



the EX-QUEEN of FW~!
Jan 1, 2000
Greensboro USA
"MayBerry Go-Round" was really the final touch wasn't it? :)

Mark's reply will be coming shortly. Somewhere between UNC's next victory and when Chad finishes the card.

New poll.....which will happen first?

Somebody find Jon"Gum balls"Katz so he can set the new over/under.



Jan 1, 1970
(KATZ chewin' on some gum, wearin' a green see through visor hat)

KATZ: "2/17. Duke/Maryland side bets can be included. Except for Schmid. I don't even wanna hear it."

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